HomeMy WebLinkAbout101Grdinance Number 10;.-t. An ardlimic:e granting to, the Northern t1natfic Rmilw" "pany tl a right to lay.msa.intain and operate a: spur trach across First Street in Yesler"s Fi"t Addition to, the Towir of Kent.Kinr Cmunty, Washinet(m. BE IT ORDAINED by the Gsuncil of the lgwn of Dent:R5 folaows:- FiC'€'1i0N i. That the Northern Pacific Rntlway Cxrmpany,fts successors or ass.igns,is hereby authorized to construct,maintain and rnpernte a sfn;-le line of rvilrund track,to, be operated by stea+a.„withr all necessary appliances pertaining thereto,upan,ovrer, alo,nR' and aarOss First Street in Yesler's First Addition to Kenton the line and route designated as fallawg: Beg?innina at a poirnt in the Ya,st line of Block four,Yesler "s Additiou to) Kdnt,a distance of one hundred. azid six ('IUO)) feet nortIT- erly from the southeast corner of said blaak;thence running- north- easterly an a ccurve rnf uniform, radius of 201-d feet across said First Street a distance of sixty-three (rd3P feet to the westerly line df the right of way of the Narthern t'aaific Railway, Oo- A CT ONS 2 -This a+rdinance shtall remain in force sa lrnnjr as tyre afa�resaid track shall be mmintained and operated. by the said Northern Pacific Railway Company.+ts guacessors cm arssimns. aecstion . That the taps of the ties of said sidetrack shall be at the established grade at the center of sR i d First Street; Said Company shall,immediate"ly on laying said: sidetr across said First Street construct a crrrssiing- thereon of planks of such thickness that their, upper surfaces shall be even with the�to•ps of the rails on said side- tr ak;and said, amssirim shall extend the fulls width of said street and shall: have easy app-rmaches constructed in such manner and at such axl angle as shall be s.atisfaetorr to the officers of saki Town havinst cantral o)f its streets and ;hall be Dept in repair- by said wmp-any at t t s rnwn exp ens e . ,gFC.T10,. 4.. TtZz s o,rdi:nanae shall t alae effect and be in force from, and after its passage and publicatiO.n. Passed by the Council trrfs and day c>f April.19W, Appraved by me this � , day rnf April,l%WU,. .. .... T` Attest...�. ....