HomeMy WebLinkAbout100ORDINANCE NO -L - - - . An ordinance grant ine a f ranchi se for a sewer pipe to the pacific: Coast Condensed Milk Ca. BE IT URD*jNj�:D by the Conanoil of the Town of F'entt Section 1. That there is hereby eranted to the Yacif icx hast Condensed *ilii, ak cma rporat ion. tine right and pr i v i l eKe to 1 ay , const react and op erRt e throuRh the alley running throa.Lurh block four end throeugh the street lying- north of and adjacent to, said block four and also black seven of Yesler"s First Addition to the Town of Dent,such sever pipes as may be necessary to conduct the sewaee from its c&ndensed milk f actary ssi tuat ed. on lot one, block four of Yesl er' s First Addit ton tot.to the Town of Dent.. Seation 2. That said. pipes shall be placed entitely ander ground, and laid in such manner as to cause no damage to the street or valley or private property or public. health;, and if said amVemy in the op,erratiall oaf its factory,or• in the disposal of its sewage,shall create a nu;sance within or adjacent to the limits of the Town of Kent, or if s -Ad sewage shall became dangerm-is to public health,or in any ? anner offensive to the wmeart or sense of the pwblic,or shRll dwnas�e,or %V threaten to darnege. any person. in person or pmpertyr, and said cao"Wany shall fail within ten days after notice to Any officer airs agent thereof to abate such rami sana.e,ar Rd just or prevent snob damaa e,tigen the ri'sthts and privoleees Rranted said aampany by this ordinance shall at once cease. Section a It is also expressly understood that this *ranahise Is not transferable tar any other campany or corporation than saki Peatfic; Coast Condensed Milk Comtpany,by; either va.launtary or involuntary transfer. Sectio,n 4. That this franchise and prtvileT;e is Kiven and Mranted o,n the further express coridition that It shall continue in force only so long as the said company shall operate its said factory Rs a condensed milk factory and whenever -Raid company shall close Its factory and abandon its business,then the rights and priveleges by this ordinance granted shall cease and determine. Sect&o,n 5• This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage approval and ptrblicF.tttia.n. q t W Passed this . _ dry ar,f � � l9'�00- �4pproved thi s . _ . _ day of - 190 KttestY _ ..: _ ' �_ ( �.MnydTr of the Town of Kent. (7 ork of the Towii of Kent. I Y I . C. Clark, Cl erly of the Town of rent , do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance i s to - �e-ate Y - y of ordinance No. entitled, "An ordinance Brant tnV a franchise for a sewer pipe to the Pacific Gust. Condensed ill k Oom any" as the swore Ras passed by the council, on the -3 day of(A 1900 and approved on the 3 day of� 1900 Clerk anf the Town anf Kent. Published 19001.