HomeMy WebLinkAbout15An OFIMNOoR jx4serlbing the mer and UmS tem a4vertining for bl s for publia work. 84 IT ORUAI" ,D BY IM1,; OF Tli.W T04N OF YIWT,*, Seatiou 1. a ONIMACTS FOR 4.ITY 01;V& MATEMAL IN OXOSSRS $1000 In the creations Improvement and repair of public buildings and -:mrka, in all street and sever works and In furnishing any supplies when the expenditures required for the same exceeds the aum of ono hundred dollars, the same s1tall be done by oontriot and shall be let to Ve 1*VGSt responsible bidder, Section 20 JeQBIJC:330N OF PHOP0.81,W. All proposals for vie letting of oontraoss or for bids upon oontraets shall be 'idvorftsed ones, in a weekly newspaper printed within the oor-,_'orate limits of said 'own of Xeat, or posted in three conspicuous plaoos within said limits of least five days before the lest Ling Of such Q0A- traots, and no contruot shall be awarded unless such AQU09 ban been giveri. 660tion 30 This Urdinauos shall take effoot and be In force from and sifter its passage and -1)Wlicutlon. .koproved, OMO_ 302