HomeMy WebLinkAbout1045ORDINANCE NO. REPEALED PEALS An ordinance of the City of Kent amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8'701 as amended by Ordinance No. 886, as amended by Section / 9.� 1 of Ordinance No . 02, relating to charges for services rendered in the removal of garbage, refuse or swill. / E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT as follows: SECTION 1. That Section_1 of Ordinance 8'70, passed on the Q 21st day of December, 1053, and approved on the 22nd day of UDecember, 1;53, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 888, passed on the 4th day of October, 1y54, and approved on the 5th day of October, 1y 4, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinanee.962, passed on the 16th day of September,lj57 and approved on the 1(th day of September, ly5' be and the same is hereby amended to zm d is follows: "Section 1. That the following schedule and classification be and it is hereby adopted as a basis of classification and a schedule of charges to be paid to and collected by the City of Kent for services rendered by the City for the collet tion and removal of garbage, refuse and swill, from residence business firms, and commercial enterprises: (a) For the purposes of this ordinance a duplex shall be considered as a two-family dwelling under one roof, an apartment house as more than two family dwellings under one roof; each single family dwelling, each family dwelling in a duplex, each family dwelling in an apartment, each cabin in a cabin camp, motel or auto court and each trailer in a trailer court, shall be considered a residential unit. (b) Collections of garbage, refuse and swill from single family homes and residential units in duplexs shall be made once each week and charged at the rate of $1.50 per month for two cans per week, per residentia unit. If more than two cans per week per unit are collected, the charge shall be that provided in para- graph (d) hereinafter set forth. (c) Collections of garbage,refuse and swill from apart- ments, cabin camps, auto courts, motels and trailer courts shall be made once each week and charged at the rate specified in paragraph (d) hereinafter set forth; provided that in any event the minimum charge shall be based on one can per residential unit per week. (d) Collections of garbage, refuse and swill from any on establishment shall, except where herein otherwise specifically provided, be made once each week at the following rates: (1) 30 garbage cans, or more, or five cubic yar or more bulk loads per week $24.00 per mont (2) Not less than 23 or more than 29 garbage car Mer week, or 3-�/4 cubic yards or more, but ess than 5 cubic yards bulk load per week, $20.00 per month. s , (;3) Not less than 16 or more than 22 garbage cans per week, or 22 cubic yards or more, but less than 3-3/4 cubic yards bulk load per week, $lb.00 per month. (4) Not less than y nor more than 15 garbage cans per week or lz cubic yards or more, but less than 22 cubic yards bulk load per week,$10.00 per month. (5) Not less than 6 or more than 8 garbage cans per week, or 1 cubic yard or more, but less than 1 cubic yards bulk load jer week, $6.D0 per month. (6) Not less than 3 or more than five () gar- bage cans per week, or 2 cubic yard or more but less than 1 cubic yard bulk load per week, $4.00 per month. (7) Collection of less than 3 garbage cans per week or less than z cubic yard bulk load per week, $1.50 per month. (e) If more than one pickup per week is required, the charges herein set forth shall be multiplied by the number of such weekly pickups. (f) Extra service and special collection may be made upon request through the office of the City Clerk and the charge for such extra service or special collection shall be made at the rate of $1o.00 per hour. {g) These rates shall be effective on and after the collection and billing period commencing September 21 1959, and ending October 20, 1959. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Att Approved as orney Passed the 21st day of September, 19�. Approved the 22nd day of September, 1959 Published the 23rd day of September, 19"'. 2.