HomeMy WebLinkAbout1043ORDINANCE NO. 3 An Ordinance of the City of Kent approving a plat of portions of land in said City under the name REEVES ADDITION TO KENT Whereas, William M. Reeves and La Vore H. Reeves, his wife, rd F. Pike and Hazel L. Pike, his wife, and Ernest L. Bozeman nd Florence F. Boseman, his wife, and Robert�Brown Sr., individual4y nd as administrator of the estate of Agnes Brown, deceased, and bert Brown Jr. and Edward J. Brown, sole heirs of said Agnes , deceased, have submitted to the City a proposed plat of the lowing described land in said City: The north half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 18, township 22 north, Range 5 east W.M.; less the east 165 feet thereof;,a less the South 83 feet of the west 165 feet thereof; and less roads of record, and the said matter coming on for hearing on the 17th day of ugust, 1959, pursuant to notice thereof, duly posted in ftT form nd manner and for the time requi3ed by law; the City Council after consideration thereof finds that said plat conforms to all equirements, that due provision has been mdde for all streets and lleys and for other public necessities and conveniences; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN S follows: Section 1. That said plat of REEVES ADDITION be and it is ereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and irected to have approval thereof duly inscribed thereon under heir proper official signatues and with the seal of said City. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ive (5) days after its passage rovided. Attest City Clerk ARa0ved as to form: ssed August 17th, 1959 roved August 18th, 1959 ished August 19, 1959• ion, as by lav rney