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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1034ORDINANCE N0, l O An Ordinance of the City of Kent fixing, regulating and controlling the use and price of water supplied by the City of Kent, and connections to the sppply thereof, and amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 680, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No.ce 701, and amending Section 5 (a) o. 680, as added by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 713, and amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 897, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 966, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 974, and amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 897 as amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 966, as amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 974, and amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 914. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. That Section4 of Ordinance No. 680, passed Septem- ber 20, 1937 and approved September 21, 1937, as amended by Sec- tion 1 of Ordinance No. 701, passed November 6th, 1939 and approve November 7th, 1939, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows "Section 4. Water bills, when due. All bills for water, whether by fixed rate or meter rate, are due and payable on the lst day of a month for the two months preceding, at the office of the City Treasurer, without notice to the consumer, and if not paid on or before the 12th of month when due, said bills shall become delinquent and the City Treasurer shall, if in his judgment the same is necessary to enforce payment of said bill, cause a cut-off of the service f rom the ll bpremises d effected by such delinquency, and a fee of 50¢ for such cut-off, and a further fee of 50¢ shall be charged for reconnecting after such cut-off, and shall be added to any amount found delinquent in said account; provided, however, that when the 12th of the month occurs on Sunday or a legal holiday bills may be paid on the next succeeding business day without penalty. The City Treasurer may, in his discretion divide water accounts in such a manner that part thereof shall be payable on the 1st day of an odd numbered month for the preceding two months, and pert thereof on the 1st day of an even numbered month for the preceding two months."' Section 2. That Section 5(a) of Ordinance No. 680, passed September 20, 1937 and approved September 21, 1937, as added by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 713, passed June 2, 1941 and approved June 3, 1941, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 5(a) Connection of additional premises. When additional families or premises are connected to one service connection from the City mains, such premises shall be charged the minimum rate multiplied by the number of families or premises served by such connection. The minimum charge and charges for water used in excess of the minimum amounts shall be made against the person and property to whom the service connection from the City mains was originally made; provided, an however, that this section shall not apply y premises occupied as a duplex, apartment house, hotel, tourist camp's or other multiple unit dwelling; provided further that this shall not prohibit the installation of separate meters for each apartment or dwelling lbeingsuch mademultiple theunit paymentioisthe upon the proper application 1. proper fees. The City will contract with only one of the several parties (exce t wYere separate meters are installed for each service unit and on his failure to pay, or the failure of any person supplied with water from such service connection to abide by the regulations, the supply Of will be discontinued until all said charges are paid and the regulations complied with; provided further, that where part of the premises served are used for a separate family or families and no rental for said use is charged or paid, no additional charge shall be made for the extra family or families. It shall be presumed that rentals are being charged or paid and the owner shall file with the Treasurer of the City an affidavit to prove otherwise." Section 3. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 897, passed on March 21, 1955, and approved March 22, 1955, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 966, passed December 2, 1957, and approved December 3, 1957, as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 974, passed March 3, 1958 and approved March 4, 1958, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Installation and connection charges inside city limits. (a) Any property owner within the city limits applying for water service shall pay a service, material and connection charge. This charge will include the cost of the connection and laying of pipe from the city water main to the property line of the property to which service is desired or a distance of 60 feet from the main towards such property line, whichever is shorter. The minimum charge so established is as follows: 100.00 for each 5/8 x 3/4 connection 200.00 for each 1" connection 300.00 for each 1"connection 535.00 for each 211 connection. These rates shall apply to all connections and shall be in addition to the charges hereinafter set forth in paragraph (b) and (c) when applicable. Service charges for larger than 2" shall be based on the actual cost of such connection. In the event a smaller meter is installed than the size of the service, a deduction in the difference of meter cost will be made from the charge of that size service. All service material will remain the property of the city. If the tap is changed to one of larger size, the cost and expense of such change must be paid before larger size tap is installed. If it becomes necessary, during the installation of said connection, to break and replace either concrete or blacktop paving, then in each instance an additional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair. (b) In addition to reimburse the city for water in place in reservoirs, storage tanks and oversize mains, the owner of property connecting to a nl&ia, if said property has not pre- vious to the effective date of this section contributed to the cost of construction of an approved main, shall be required to pay a sum based on a factor of $100.00 per acre, except tha the charge under this section for each single family residence shall in any event be $50.00. If the parcel of property to be connected is 1/2 acre or less, the sum to be paid for such par cel shall be $50.00. If more than 1/2 acre but less than 1 acr the sum to be paid for such parcel shall be $100.00. Each additional acre or portion thereof connected shall be charged the same basis. P. (c) If the parcel to be connected abuts on an existing main and such connection can be made without installation of any six inch or larger main, and such abutting property has not previously been assessed for a main and has not previously con- tributed its proportionate share of construction costs for a main, then the owner of such property may be connected to such abutting main upon the payment of a special additional connec- tion charge equal to $2.00 per front foot of the property to be served. This portion of the connection charge may be paid in cash or deferred for payment in 4 quarterly installments on a contract form to be provided by the city. Such contract shall permit payment on any quarterly payment date and shall bear interest at 5% per annum until paid. Such contract shall be recorded in the records of the King County Auditor at the ex- pense of the owner and shall provide that the unpaid portion of the connection charge shall be a lien upon the property to which said connection is made, superior to all other liens and encumbrances except those for general taxes and special assess- ments which may be foreclosed in the same manner provided by law for the foreclosure of delinquent local improvement dis- trict assessment liens. SHid contract shall further provide that in the event of delinquency in the payment of such connection charge, the wate foreman may disconnect the city's water service from and refus to supply water to the premises in default until said delin- quent payments are paid in full, tis remedy to be concurrent with and in addition to the city's right to foreclose said lie as herein provided. " Section 4. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 897, passed March 21, 1955, approved March 22, 1955, as amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 966, passed December 2, 1957 and approved December 3, 1957, as amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 974, passed March 3, 1958, and approved March 4, 1958, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. Installation and connection charges outside of Ci Limits. (a) Any property owner outside the city limits applying fo water service shall pay a service, material and connection charge. This charge will include the cost of connection and meter. The minimum charge so established is as follows: 150.00 for each 5/8 X 3/4 connection 267.00 for each 1" connection 400.00 for each 1" connection 733.00 for each 26 connection. These rates shall apply to all outside of city connections and shall be in addition to the charges set forth in subparag (b) hereof. (b) In addition, to reimburse the City for water in place in existing reservoirs, storage tanks and oversize transmissioi mains, the owner of property connecting to a main, whether abut ting said main or not, shall be required to pay a sum based on a factor of $200.00 per acre, except that the char e under thi; section for each single family residence shall be 100.00 in any event. If the parcel of property is 1/2 acre or less, the sum to be paid for such parcel shall be $100.00. If more than 1/2 acre but less than 1 acre, the sum to be paid for such parcel shall be $200.00. Each additional acre or portion thereof shall be charged on the same basis. 3• the an set to the (c) All installations of mains outside the city shall be sole responsibility of the property owner benefitted thereb d shall be in accordance with standards and specifications forth in the ordinances of tae City of Kent. If the parcel be connected abuts on an existing main installed and owned b City, and connection thereto can be made without installati of any 6" or larger main by the owner owner shall also be required to pay a nection charge of $2.50 per front foot served. This special additional charge deferred for payment in four quarterly of such parcel, then suc special additional con - of the property to be may be paid in cash or installments under contract with the city under the same terms and conditions as are set forth for said front foot charges made against property within the City of Kent." Section 5. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 914, passed December 5, 1955 and approved December 5, 1955, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Meter rates for water within city limits. (a) That the minimum monthly rates for 800 cubic feet, or less, of water, supplied through meters to users (other than water districts, cooperative water companies and similar special users) within that area within the City Limits served or to be served by the West Hill transmission main #1, with pumps, tanks, etc. provided forj"Bhe Plan and System Ordinance No. 1021 of the City of Kent, and lying west of Green River, shall be as follows: Size of Service Less than 1 1" lift 2R 311 4'' 611 8" 10'' 12" Minimum Charge X3.50 5.25 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 43.75 61.25 7$:75 96.25 (b) That the minimum monthly rates for 800 cubic feet, or less, of water supplied through meters to users (other than water districts, cooperative water companies and similar special users) within the City Limits of the City of Kent, except for that area within the City Limits provided for in subparagraph (a) above, shall be as follows: Size of Service Less than 1 ill 1 -Lit 2d 3'' 411 611 811 10" 1211 (c) That all amounts the City of Kent,both in transmission main No. 1 amount of 800 cubic feet at the following rates: Minimum charge 3.00 4.50 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 _37.50 52.50 67.50 82.50 of water supplied to such users within the area served by said West Hill and otherwise, exceeding the minimum in any one month, shall be charged 4. For all amounts from the minimum to 10,000 cubic feet 15¢ per 100 cubic feet For all amounts in excess of 10,000 and up to 40,000 cubic ft. 12¢ per 100 cubic feet For all amounts in excess of 40,000 cubic feet and up to 450,000 cubic feet. For all amounts in excess of 450,000 cubic feet and up to 1 million cubic feet 9¢ per 100 cubic feet 7¢ per 100 cubic feet For all amounts in excess of 1 million cubic feet, 100 per 100 cubic feet." Section 6. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 914, passed December 5, 1955 and approved December 5, 1955, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. Meter rates for water without the City Limits. That the minimum monthly rate for 800 cubic feet, or less, of water supplied through meters to users (except water districts, cooperative water companies and similar special users) outside the City Limits of the City of Kent shall be as follows: Size of S:rvice Less than 1 1" 1 2 3r► 411 ►► 61 , 1 8r► lo" 12" Minimum Charge ' .50 9.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 75.00 105.00 135.00 165.00. That all amounts of water supplied to such users exceeding the minimum of 800 cubic feet in any one month shall be charged at the following rates: For all amounts from the minimum to 10,000 cubic feet For all amounts in excess of 10,000 cubic feet and up to 40,000 cubic feet For all amounts in excess of 40,000 cubic feet and up to 450,000 cubic feet For all amounts from 450,000 cubic feet up to 1 million cubic ft. For all amounts in excess of 1 million cubic feet 23¢ per 1P0 cu.ft 180 per 100 cu.ft 14¢ per 100 cu.ft 11¢ per 100 cu.ft 15¢ per 100 cu.ft Section 7. Effective date of rates. That the minimums, rates and charges set forth herein shall be effective for water used and charges made from and after the 20th day of June, 1959. 5• Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication, as by law provided. Mayor Attest 5 ty Clerk Approved as to form: ity At orney Passed June 15th, 1959 Approved June 16, 1959 Published June 17, 1959. 10