HomeMy WebLinkAbout1023ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Kent creating the office of City Purchasing Agent, providing for his appointment by the Mayor and confirmation by the Council and providing for the fixing of the compensation for said officer. j WHEREAS, t is for the bes.t..ih.terests 6f tMbI= 4 the office of City Purchasing Agent. 11 of the great increase in its activities,to create the office of b ;iCity Purchasing Agent and provide for the appointment and com- 8 ipensation thereof, now, therefore, 7 ' the Mayor and the appointment shall take effect upon the date BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Kent as 8 set by the Mayor, upon confirmation of: -:the appointment by the 14 ,follows: 9 City Council. 15 Section 1. That there shill be and there is hereby created 10 3. That compensation for the Office of the City 18 22 made by the City shall be made through the City Purchasing Agent, under such rules and regulations for purchasing procedures as may 23 ;be adopted from time to time by the City Council and filed 24 :with the City Clerk. 25 28 Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication, as 27 provided by law. 28 29al ayor M, 31 Att Appro)�oyEm-et�rsont�B�cherCitv as City Crerk 3$ Passed April 1959 , A ty. ;Approved Apr4,1959 ;Published Aprils 1959, the office of City Purchasing Agent. 11 Section 2. The City Purchasing Agent shall be appointed by 1$ ' the Mayor and the appointment shall take effect upon the date 13 set by the Mayor, upon confirmation of: -:the appointment by the 14 City Council. 15 Section 3. That compensation for the Office of the City 18 Purchasing Agent shall be such as may be fixed by the City Council, 17 ;at the time of adopting the budget for each year, and payment 18 thereof shall be made in such monthly or otherperiodical times as 19 the council may direct. 20 Section 4. All purchases of services, materials and supplies 21 22 made by the City shall be made through the City Purchasing Agent, under such rules and regulations for purchasing procedures as may 23 ;be adopted from time to time by the City Council and filed 24 :with the City Clerk. 25 28 Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication, as 27 provided by law. 28 29al ayor M, 31 Att Appro)�oyEm-et�rsont�B�cherCitv as City Crerk 3$ Passed April 1959 , A ty. ;Approved Apr4,1959 ;Published Aprils 1959,