HomeMy WebLinkAbout1019VOL31 910 rAGEC 19 5030708 ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Kent annexing to said city certain lands contiguous tiaer•eto WHEREAS, the owners of not less than in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of certain lands situated in King County, Washington, and more particularly in this ordinance hereinafter described, have filed with the City Council of the City of Kent their petition in writing to have annexed to said City said described land, and WHEREAS, the City on the i0ti-i day of March, lyjy, fixed a time and place for public hearing upon said petition, of which hearing due notice was published and posted in the manner and form and for the time required by law, and WHEREAS, upon said 4ublic hearing on the 20th day of April, lyJS, it appeared to the City Council that the said petition meets the requirements specified L)y law, and the laud sought to be annexed is contiguous to the City of Kent, and has not heretofore been incorporated in or as a city or town, NOW, THEREF01HE, TH.L. CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAI as follows: Section 1. That there shall oe annexed to the City of Kent the followins described land situated in the County of King, {State of Washington, to -wit: The southeast quarter o:the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section lu; the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 1`(; and the port least quarter oi' the northeas quarter of the northeast cuarter• of Section ly, all in township 22 north, Range :.), E.W.M. Section 2. That upon the d (4Q` day of the annexation of ti -ie said property onall be effective and the said 1Iproperty shall become a part of the City of Kent, subject to 11 of the City laws and ordinances then and thereafter in effect as otherwise provided by law. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be five (A days after its passage, approval and publication provided. yor Cit clerk Approved as to form• w y pp ' ;'sea 420 �ed 4/22/h9 Approved /26/ acfish ,fi1 iy� /o �,M. __ - piled or Recordi''ne'�• ^ „ 11.2/a - _