HomeMy WebLinkAbout1006ORDINANCE N7. fir° An Ordinance of the City of Kent prohibiting the dillharge of firearms, 1 air guns, sling sho s, or other instruments of similar character, except under permi'." 2 from the City; provid27ng for permit to shoot under certain circumstances; provid- 3 ing penalties for the violation thereof; and repealing Section 11 of Ordinance No. 683 4 of said City. BE IT ORDAINE_jBY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT: 1 I Section 1. Except as hereinafter provided, it -shall be ? unlawful for any person, except an officer of the law in line (� of duty, to discharbe any firearm, air gun, sling shot, or any C� s instrument of similar character, within the City Limits of the 10 City of Kent. 11 Section 2. Any person desiring to shoot game birds within 2 6000 the City Limits of the City of Kent may apply to the City 13 Clerk for a special permit so to do. The application shall 4 �t be in writing, signed by the applicant, shall state applicant's name, age and address, and contain a legal description of the 18 property on 4iich permit to shoot is desired, and the name of the owner thereof. The application shall be accompanied by the 17 18 written consent of the owru, of said property to said shooting, and by suitable proof that the person signing said consent is 19 the owner of such propeicy. 20 The applicant shall pay to the City at the time of such 21 -22 application a fee of $ pp which shall not be refunded, whether or not permit isgranted. 23 24 25 28 27 Upon receipt of such application, supporting data and fee, the City Clerk shall submit the application and supporting data to the police department for approval or disapproval. The police department shall, within five days of submission to it of application, return the same to the City Clerk with its approval or disapproval 28 endorsed thereon. If the application is approved the City Clerk 29 shall thereupon issue a permit to af_,plicant authorizing him to 30 31 32 shoot game birds in the described premises with a shot gun only, for a period of twelve (12) months 1'rom the date of permit. If the police department disapproves of the application no permit shall issue. Any permit issued under the terms hereof may be candled by City, without refund of fee, upon thirty (30) days notice of such 1 cancellation mailed to the holder of such permit at his last 2 known place of address. 3 Section 3. Any person desiring to shoot pests, whether animal 4 or fowl, upon premises owned or leased by him, within the City 5 Limits of the City of Kent, may apply tO the City Clerk for a 7 special permit so to do. a'rle app -Li -cation shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, shall state applicant's name, age and 8 address, and contain a legal description of the property owned or 9 leased b;, him. The application shall be accompanied by suitable 10 proof' that the person applying is the owner or the lessee of the 11 property described. 12 The applicant shall pay to the City at the time of such appli- 13 14 cation a fee of wrath shall not be refunded, whether �— or not said permit is granted. Upon receipt of such application, lb supporting data and fee, the City Clerk shall submit the application 18 k and supporting data to the Police Department for approval or dis- 17 ' approval. The Police Department shall, within five days of sub - 18 mission to it of said application, return the same to the City Clerk, 19 with its approval or disapproval endorsed thereon. If the applica- 20 tion is approved the City Clerk shall thereupon issue a permit to 21 applicant, authorizing him to shoot described pests, on the described 22 premises, with a shot gun only, for a period of twelve (12) months 23 from the date of the permit. If the Police Department disapproves 24 of the application, no permit shall issue. 25 Any permit issued under the terms hereof may be cancelled by 28 the City, without refund of fee, upon thirty (30) days notice of such 27 cancellation mailed to the holder of such permit at his last known 28 place of address. 29 Section 4. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to 30 affect any requirements relating to licenses or permits which may 31 be required by state or federal autri-)cities having jurisdiction in 32 the premises. 2. Section 5. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be 1 punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding One-hundred($100.00 a Dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety(90) 3 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 4assed Section 6. That Section 11 of Ordinance No. 683, p bbe and e October 18, 193(, approved by the Mayor October 19, 1937, the same i5 - ri 7 Section 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 8 five (5) days after, its passage, approval and publication as by 9 law provided. 10 ayor 12 D 13 Attest:/ Y 14 App ved as to form: city Attorney Passed this day of 18 Approved the ��_day of ��L—X9511 17 Published the day of �' �' /`fir ✓ 195V 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 27 28 29 30 31 32