HomeMy WebLinkAbout1618e 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1t49 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to, regulating and licensing outdoor 3 musical entertainments, amusements, and assemblies.; establishing licensing procedures therefor; and 4 prescribing offenses and penalties. 5 WHEREAS, it appears necessary for the. protection, health 6 and welfare of the Citizens of the City of Kent in regard to. 7 outdoor musical entertainments, amusements and assemblies (herein - 8 after referred to as assemblies) catering to the general public, 9 that certain rules and regulations be established; and 10 WHEREAS, there is a danger to the people attending or tak- 11 ing part in the gathering if proper sanitary, police and other 12 health .and safety measures are not adequately provided for, the 13 Kent City Council hereby finds and declares that it is necessary 14 to pass under the police power of the City of Kent, an Ordinance 15 to regulate and license the holding.of such outdoor musical 16 assemblies. 17 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, 18 WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 18 Section 1. Basic Clause - License Required. It shall be. 20 unlawful for any person, persons, corporation, organization, 21 landowner, or lessor to allow, encourage, organize, promote, 22 conduct, permit or cause to be advertised an entertainment, 23 amusement, or assembly of persons wherein the primary purpose will 24 be the. presentation of outdoor, live or recorded musical entertain - 25 ment which said person, persons, or corporation, organization,, 26 landowner or lessor believes or has reason to believe will attract 27 250 or more persons and where a charge or contribution is required 28 for admission unless a valid City of Kent permit has been obtained 29 for the operation of said assembly. Provided, however, that said 30 assembly may be advertised by. the sponsors and/or organizers there - 31 of after application for such permit has been made. 32 -1- I Section 2. Application - Permit. Written application 2 for outdoor musical amusements, entertainments or assembly permits 3 shall be made to the City Clerk of the City of Kent forty, (40) 4 days or more prior to the date upon which such assembly is 5 scheduled to be held. Written notice of approval or disapproval 6 of said application shall be given to the applicants no later 7 than fifteen (15) days after the application has been filed. 8 Permits shall not be denied providing the conditions enumerating 9 in Section 5 of this Ordinance are met by the applicant. 10 Provided, that no permit may be granted to anyone who has been 11 convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude. i2 Provided, further, that each application shall be :accompanied by 13 the fingerprints and a 3" x 5" photograph to each and every per - 14 son having any proprietary interest .in said licensed activity. 15 The City -Clerk shall be empowered to obtain adequate photographs 16 of all persons having any proprietary interest.. 17 Sec i'oft 3. Fee. Th.e basic fee required shall be. One 18 Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each event. No permit shall be: 19 granted for a period of more than one (1) day expiring at mid - 20 night of that day and no permit shall be granted for consecutive 21 days at the same location. Said basic permit fee shall be retain - 22 ed by. the City of Kent whether a permit be granted, denied or 23 withdrawn. 24 Section 4. Submission of Plans for Approval - Approving 25 Agencies. Whenever approval by a governmental agency other than 26 the City of Kent is required hereunder,. the applicant for such 27 approval shall be required to cooperate fully with .such agencies 28 to insure'.that full review of the proposals may be accomplished 29 by the agencies within the fifteen (15) day time limit set out 30 in Section 2 above. When any type of physical facility is 31 required or subject to approval hereunder, preliminary approval 32 -2-. I may be granted based upon specific plans proposed and submitted 2 by the applicant. All such facilities shall be :in existence five 3 (5.) or more days before the event for which an application is 4 ;submitted and shall be subject to inspection by the approving 5 :iagencies or departments. Should the actual facility or construc 6 .!tion fail to meet with the standards approved in the proposed plans, 7 such preliminary approval may be withdrawn and any and all permits 8 granted subject to such approval may be withdrawn. 9 Section 5. Conditions: Condition #1: Location. 10 No permit for an outdoor musical assembly shall be granted unless 11 said.assembly is to be held in those areas of the. City of Kent 12 which have been zoned for parks and recreational purposes, provid- 13 ed, however, that a permit may be granted for other areas if a 14 .zoning variance has been granted in advance by the City Council of 15 th.e. City of Kent for such location. 16 Condition #2: Sanitary Facilities. No permit shall be 17 granted unless the applicants obtain the written approval of the 18 Health Officer of the. .City of Kent,: indicating that the. .applicants', 19 for said permit have complied with the health requirements of 20 'the .City of Kent for like or similar facilities. Said approval 21 shall indicate :the type and adequacy of water supply to be provided, 22 the: type and adequacy of toilet, waste collection and washing 23 facilities to be provided, and if there is to be .food served on 24 the premises, the type and adequacy of food preparation and food 25 service facilities to be provided. 26 Condition #3: Fire`Prevention'standards No permit 27 'shall be granted hereunder unless the applicant has shown the 28 Fire Chief. of the City of Kent has approved fire protection devices 29 !and equipment available at such .assembly. Fire prevention standards 30 'shall be as set out in the: 'Ordinances of the City of Kent relating 31 to fire protection and standards of said City of Kent. 32 -3_ I Condition #4: Cush Bond and Indemnification. No permit 2 'shall be issued hereunder unless the applicant has on deposit with 3 the City of Kent a cash bond in the amount as set.out below to save 4 and protect the streets, pavements, bridges., road signs and other 5 property in the City of Kent from any and all damage that may be 6 caused by vehicles, employees, or participants in such outdoor 7 musical assembly and to be used, if necessary, to.restore the 8 ground where such assembly is held to a sanitary condition and pay 8 all charges and losses of the City for damages to the .streets, 10 pavements, bridges and other property. Further, any extraordinary 11 law enforcement costs incurred by: the City of Kent which are the. 12 result of said activity shall be met by said cash bond. The amount 13 of such cash bond shall be: determined as follows: 14 For gatherings of 0 to 10,000 persons, a $5,000.00 cash bond; 15 For gatherings of 10,000 to 20,000 persons, a cash bond of $7,5.00..00; 18 For gatherings of 20,.0.00. to 30,0,00.persons,.a cash bond of $10,00.0; 17 And a cash bond shall be raised in increments. of $2,500.00 for each additional 10,000 persons expected. 16 wNe V 18 / � The deposit or its balance to be returned wd+h .the City. Clerk a�•U` / ,,,,,-'*the City.of Kent certifies to the Kent City. Treasurer that no 20 (damage has been done or that the cost of making the above mentioned 21 repairs was less than the cash bond amount and that the balance 22 .;.thereof should be -returned. Further, the :sponsors shall be: requir- 23 ed to furnish evidence of a liability insurance policy providing for 24 a minimum of $100,000.00. bodily injury coverage .per person; 25 26 $300,.000.00 bodily injury coverage per occurrence and $100,000.00. 'property damage covering, naming the City of Kent as an additional 27 Insured. 28 Condition' #'5:Public Safety.. No permit shall be granted 28 30 hereunder unless the applicant obtained the written approval of the Kent Police Department indicating that the .following conditions 31 32 have been complied with by the applicant. That adequate traffic -4- I control and crowd protection policing have been contracted for or 2 otherwise provided by the applicant. That traffic control and crowd 3 control personnel shall be licensed merchant patrolmen or named 4 persons meeting the Police Department's requirements for becoming 5 'patrolmen. That there .shall be '.provided one traffic control 6 person for each 400. persons expected or reasonably to be expected 7 to be in attendance at any time :during the event. Further, .that 8 there :shall be provided one .crowd control person for each :400per- 8 sons expected or reasonably expected to be in attandance .at any 10 time during the event. Provided, that if at any time during said 11 event.the size of the crowd exceeds by twenty percent (2.0.%) the: 12 number of persons represented by the sponsors to be expected to 13 be in attendance the Kent Police Department shall have :the dis 14 cretion to require the sponsor to limit further admissions. Any 15 person with more than a ten percent (1.0%) proprietary interest .in 16 said event shall be required to be in attendance .at said activity 17 and shall be responsible for insuring that no person shall be 18 ,allowed to remain on the premises if said person is violating State 18 '.or City Laws Any such person having a duty to remove law 20 violators who wilfully fail to do so shall be deemed to be. an 21 aider or abettor of such violation. 22 Condition #6 Parking Facilities Application for a 23 permit hereunder shall be accompanied by a scale drawing showing 24 'adequate parking facilities have been made available within or 25 adjacent to the location for which the permit is requested. Such 26� � parking facilities shall provide parking space for vehicle for 27 every four persons expected or reasonably: to be expected. Adequate 28 ingress and egress shall be provided to or from such parking area 29 to facilitate the mov ement of any vehicle at any time :to or from 30 the parking area. Provided, that if any non -adjacent parking 31 facilities beiapproved, busses shall be used to transport the 32 -5- I public to said event on a no -charge basis. 2 Section 6. Hours of. Operation. No outdoor musical 3 'assembly shall be conducted in the City Limits of the. City of Kent' 4 during the hours of 12:01 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Provided that no 5 license shall be issued for more than one 24-hour period ending 6 at midnight. The participants shall be required to -have -cleared 7 the licensed area and its immediate environs no later than 1:00 8 A.M. of the day following the licensed event. 8 Section 7. Penalties: Any person who shall violate 10 or fail to comply with .any provision of this Ordinance, who shall, 11 having obtained a permit hereunder, wilfully fail to continue to 12 comply with the. terms and conditions hereunder, or who shall 13 counsel, aid or abet such a violation or failure to comply, shall 14 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 15 Section 8. Failure to Comply. Compliance with .the . 16 terms and conditions of this Ordinance .shall constitute the 17 minimum health, sanitation andsafety provisions and failure to 16 comply with the terms and conditions shall constitute a public 18 nuisanceand the sponsors of said .event shall be subject to. all 20 'criminal and civil remedies as such. 21 Section 9. Sever.abi.lity. If any -provision of this 22 Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances is 23 '.held invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance, or the. application 24 of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected. 25 Section 10. This Ordinance shall take effect and be 26 in force five (5) days from and after its passage,..approval and 27 28 'publication as provided by law. 28 30 ALE THORN.TON, MAYOR Attest: 31 32 MARIE JEN City Clerk -6- 1 Approved as to fo 2 JOHN B. EREITER, City Attorney 3 PASSED. the` 7 day of November, 1969. 4 APPROVED. the _day of November, .1969. 5 PUBLISHED the day of November,.1969. 6 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance 7 No.jt5,2 , passed by the City Council of the City. of Kent and appi!oved by the Mayor of the City.of Kent as hereon indic ated. 8- %� (SEAL) 8 MARIE SEN, City Clerk 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 -7- 31 32