HomeMy WebLinkAbout1611r 1 ORDINANCE NO. �j L 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- .._............. . 3 ington repealing Kent City Ordinance 1594 (April, 1969), defining a "Abandoned Motor 4 Vehicle" and prescribing the manner for _. impounding such abandoned motor vehicles 5 and disposal thereof. 6 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO 7 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 8 Section 1. Kent City Ordinance 1594passed the 21st day 9 of April, 1969 is hereby repealed in its entirety. 10 Section 2. This Ordinance is based upon Chapters 46.12 11 and 46.52 and 60.62 of the Laws of the State of Washington and also 12 upon the provisions of Chapter 42 HouseBill No. 69, Extraordinary 13 Session of the 1969 Washington State Legislature. 14 Section 3. An "abandoned vehicle" for the purposes of 15 this Ordinance shall mean any vehicle left within the City Limits 16 of any highway or upon the property of another within the City 17 Limits of the City of Kent without the consent-of the owner of such 18 property for a period of twenty-four (24) hours or longer except 19 that a vehicle shall not be considered abandoned if its owner or 20 operator is unable to remove it from the place whxe it is located 21 and so notifies law enforcement officials and requests assistance. 22 A "abandoned automobile hulk" for the purposes of this chapter shall 23 mean the abandoned remnant or remains of the motor vehicle which is 24 inoperative and cannot be made mechanically operative without the 25 addition of vital parts of mechanisms and the application of a 26 substantial amount of labor to effect repairs. 27 Section 4. The abandonment of any vehicle or automobile 28 hulk shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the last owner 29 of record is responsible for such abandonment and thus liable for 30 any costs incurred in removing, storing and disposing of such 31 motor vehicle or automobilehulk. A registered owner who has 32 -1- I complied with the requirements of Washington State Law in the 2 transfer of ownership of any such vehicle or hulk shall be relieved 3 of liability under this section. 4 Section 5. Any vehicle impounded pursuant to the pro - 5 visions of this Ordinance and left unclaimed for a period of 6 fifteen (15) days shall be deemed to be an abandoned vehicle and at 7 the expiration of such period said vehicle shall be deemed to be in 8 the custody of the Sheriff of King County and the King County 8 Sheriff shall deliver the vehicle to a tow truck operator who 10 shall dispose of such vehicle in the manner provided in Chapter 42 11 House Bill No. 769 of the 1969 Extraordinary Session of the Wash - i2 ,ington State Legislature; provided that if the vehicle is of a 13 model year 10 or more years prior to the calendar year in which 14 such vehicle is stored the Sheriff may be authorized to declare 15 such vehicle is a public nuisance and may dispose of such vehicle 16 without notice of sale and in such case the Director of Motor 17 Vehicles shall issue an appropriate Bill of Sale to the tow truck 18 'operator to dispose of the vehicle as he may determine. 18 Section 6. The Chief of Police of the City of Kent or a 20 police officer designated by him may cause the abatement and re - 21 moval as public nuisances of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or 22 inoperative vehicles or automobile hulks or parts thereof from 23 private property not including highways and the costs of such 24 removal may be assessed against the last registered owner of the 25 vehicle or automobile hulk if the identity of such owner can be 26 determined unless such owner in the transfer of ownership of such 27 ,vehicle or automobile hulk has complied with the laws pertaining 28 thereto of the State of Washington or the costs may be assessed 28 against the owner of the property on which the vehicle is stored 30 ;provided that the following procedures are complied with: 31 (a) Notice of any such abatement or removal of any 32 such uncle shall be given to the last registered owner of record -2- I of such vehicle and the property owner of record that a public 2 hearing may be requested before the governing body of the City of 3 Kent, Washington and that if no hearing is requested the vehicle 4 or automobile hulk will be removed. 5 (b) If thereafter a request for a hearing is received 6 a notice giving the time, location and date of such hearing on the 7 question of abatement and removal of the vehicle or part there of 8 as a public nuisance shall be mailed by certified or registered 8 mail with/die five (5) day return requested to the owner of the 10 land as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and to the 11 last registered and legal owner of record unless the vehicle 12 is in such condition that identification numbers are not available 13 to detemine ownership. 14 (c) The provisions of this Ordinance sha11 not apply to 15 (1) a vehicle or part thereof which is completely enclosed within a 16 building in a lawful manner where it is not visible from the street 17 or other public or private property or (2) a vehicle or part thereof 18 which is stored or parked in a lawful manner on private property 18 in connection with the business of a licensed dismantler, licensed 20 vehicle dealer, fenced according to the provisions of RCW 46.80.130 21 of the Laws of the State of Washington. 22 (d) The owner of the land on which any such vehicle is 23 located may appear in person at the hearing or present a written 24 statement in time for consideration at the hearing and deny 25 responsibility for the presence of the vehicle on the land with his 26 reasons for such denial. If it is determined at the hearing that 27 the vehicle was placed on the land without the consent of the land 28 owner and that he has not subsequently acquiesced in its presence 28 then the City of Kent shall not assess costs of administration or 30 removal of the vehicle against the property on which the vehicle 31 is located or otherwise attempt to collect such costs from the 32 -3- 1 owner. 2 (e) After notice has been given of the intent of the 3 City of Kent to dispose of the vehicle and after a hearing if 4 ',requested has been held the vehicle or part thereof shall be re - 5 moved at the request of the Kent Chief of Police or an officer 6 designated by him and disposed of to a licensed auto wrecker with 7 notice to the Washington State Patrol and the Department of Motor 8 Vehicles that the vehicle has been wrecked. 9 Section 7. Whenever any owner or person having 10 Possession or control of real property finds a vehicle standing 11 upon his property without his consent he is authorized to have 12 such vehicle removed from said property and stored or held for its 13 owner. Any towing firm providing such removal service shall 14 promptly report the fact of the vehicle impound together with the 15 license number, make, year and place of impound of such vehicle 16 to the appropriate law enforcement agency and shall post the 17 authorized charges therefor prominently at its place of business 18 and the charges and costs incurred in the removal of any such 19 vehicle as aforementioned shall be paid by such vehicle's owner 20 and shall be a lien upon said vehicle until paid, said lien may 21 be enforced as otherwise provided by law for the enforcement of 22 towing or storage liens or liens generally. 23 Section8. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 24 force within five (5) days after its passage, approval.and 25 publication as provided by law. 26 27 ALEX THORNTON, Mayor 28 Attest: 29 30�Ro-,.ti2� ,'MARIE JENSE , Fity Clerk 31 32 -4- I Approved as to form: 3 J JOHN BEREITER, City Attorney 4 / 5 g passed this o4 day of 1969. Approved this r— day of 1969. 7 published this / day of 1969. 8 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance 8 No, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon 10 indicated. '= (SEAL) �4 MARIE JENSE City Cle k