HomeMy WebLinkAbout1593a kq1 0\3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, relating to fire protection, install- ation of hydrants, authorizing contracts and providing penalties for the violation thereof. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following provisions and regulations are adopted as part of the City of Kent's fire prevention program to abate existing fire hazards, to investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of fires, to in- spect potential fire hazards, to controlthe means and adequacy of the construc- tion and safety of buildings in case of fires within commercial, business, industrial, or manufacturing areas and all other places in which numbers of persons work, meet, live, or congregate, as hereinafter more particularly set forth. Section 2. Fire Hydrants in Commercial, Business, Industrial, and Manufacturing Areas. The owner of any building hereafter constructed in the City of Kent, which building or structure is not located or accessible within 165 feet of any fire hydrant and such builling or structure being located or situate in any area zoned and to be used or actually used for any commercial, business, industrial or manufacturing purpose, shall, at his expense, install or cause to have installed, fire hydrant or hydrants, together with the necessary pipes, appurtenances and connections in order to connect and hook on said hydrant or hydrants to the City's existing water supply. Further, the owner of any such building hereafter constructed in the City of Kent, shall cause that building to be placed in such a manner so that no portion of said building shall be more than 300 feet from a fire hydrant. The number and location of such hydrants shall be in accordance with good fire engineering practice and standards, the size, location and construction to comply with the rules and regulations of the "American Insurance Association" formally known as the "National Board of Fire Underwriters", and all of such installations to be duly approved by the Fire Department prior to its acceptance thereof by the City. -1- I Section 2. Fire Hydrants in Other Areas. The owner or party in 2 control of any building hereafter constructed in the City of Kent and which 3 said structure or building is used for school, church, rest home, hospital, or 4 multiple residential apartment (four individual apartment units or more), or 5 any other place orpublic assembly, and wheresoever located, shall, at his exp - 6 ense install or cause to be installed fire hydrant or hydrants unless adequate 7 and sufficient hydrants are located or accessible within 165 feet of any such 8 building or structure. The number, location, size, and type of such hydrant 9 or hydrants to be installed shall be as specified in the above Section 2, 10 . further reference hereby had thereto, and all such installation to be approved 11 by the City Fire Department. 12 Section 4. Fire Hydrants - Special Locations. In addition to the 13 foregoing requirements, additional hydrant or hydrants may be required or 14 separately required in areas which are being utilized for open storage of 15 flammable products, including fhmmable liquids, or other areas of special fire 16 hazards with spacing and floor requirements based on the fire protection 17 required in each instance; the number, size, type, and location of hydrants 18 for the aforesaid purpose shall be as specified in Section 2 above and all 19 of such installations to be subject to the approval of the Fire Department. 20 Section 5. Multiple Uses - Contract. In the event that the 21 installation of any such fire hydrant or hydrants as above set forth, and the 22 connecting system pertaining thereto, should benefit two or more properties, 23 then the owners of such benefited properties shall share the cost of such 24 installation in the proportion of the benefits so derived. Whenever an owner is 25 required to install such fire hydrant or fire hydrants under the provisions of 26 this Ordinance and which installation will benefit other properties not 27 owned or controlled by such owner, then in any such case such owner may apply 28 to the City for an Agreement under the provisions of the "Municipal Water and 29 Sewer Facilities Act", known as Chapter 261 of the Session Laws of 1959, and 30 any such agreement between such owner and the City shall run for a period not 31 to exceed five (5) years and thus permit such owner to recover a portion of the 32 cost of such initial installation from other parties in the event of any -2- I such future hook-up or connection. Such contract shall further provide that 2 the owner of any building or structure subsequently erected shall not be per - 3 mitted, during the term of the aforesaid contract, to make any hook-up or 4 connection to the City's water system or to any such hydrant until such owner 5 has paid his proportionate fair share of the initial cost of such installation 6 as set forth in said contract. Any such agreement entered into between such 7 owner causing such installation and the City shall be filed for record with 8 the King County Auditorls Office and thereupon such filing shall constitute 8 due notice of the terms and requirements therein specified to all other parties. 10 The City further reserves the right, upon approval by the City Council, to 11 participate in the installation of any oversized water line extensions or 12 additional or extra improvements relative to such installations. 13 Section 6. Private Water - Fire Service. Services for fire 14 protection must be detector checked at the expense of the owner and fitted 15 with such fixtures only as are needed for fire protection and must be entirely 16 disconnected from those used for other purposes. See also Section 9.2.152 17 (Kent Ordinance 680, Section 30 - 1927.) 18 Section 7. Whenever any change in the use, occupancy or construc- 19 tion of any premises or purposes as hereinabove defined, requires any increas- 20 ed fire and hydrant protection, the owner, owners, or person in charge of such 21 premises shall proceed promptly toward securing adequate protection and all 22 such installation or changes to be completed, providing for such increased 23 fire protection, prior to the use or occupancy of such facilities. 24 Section 8. Unlawful Conduct. It shall be unlawful for any person, 25 firm, or corporation to own, occupy, or use any building or structure as here - 26 inabove defined in Sections 2, 3 and 4, unless such building or structure is 27 located with m 165 feet of any fire hydrant. 28 Section 9. Violation - Penalties. Any person violating any 29 provision or term of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished 30 by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment 31 for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 32 Section 10. Severability. The invalidity of any article, section, -3- I subsection, provision, clause, or portion hereof, or the invalidity thereof 2 to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder 3 of this Ordinance or the validity of its application to ther persons or circum - 4 stances. 5 Section 11. Any and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in con - 6 flict herewith are hereby repealed. 7 Section 12. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five 8 (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by 9 law. 21- 10 ALEX THORNTON, MAYOR 11 Attest: 13 MARIE JENSEN, City Clerk 14 Approved as to form: 15 -= �- JOHN B. BEREITER, City Attorney PASSED the day of n 1969. '� 17 APPROVED the day of Ck 1969. PUBLISHED the day of 1969. 18 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.%lam 19 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 20 --- - (SEAL) 21 MARIE JE City Jerk 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31