HomeMy WebLinkAbout1562j ORDINANCE N0. 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3 1545 (November, 1968) to correct the legal description of properties zoned therein. 4 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO 5 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 Section 1. Section 1 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1545 7 (November, 1968), which reads as follows: 8 "The following described land situated in the 9 City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, and presently unzoned, more particularly described 10 { as follows: 11 ,, That portion of the. ME 1/4 in"$ed.^ 29, T22N, T R 51 . , W.M. in King County, Washington defined 12 as follow3: 13aginniag at the SE corner of the Plat of East Frill Gardens, Volume 51, Page 77 13 1' of Plats in King County, Washington; thence North along East line of said Plat 23.44 ft. to the 14 ', True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North alonf; maid Fast line to the South margin j 151' of Sr 256th St.; thence . East along -said South I margin 481.40 ft. -thence South 421.60 ft.; thence 16t' Qast 481.40 ft. more or less to the True Point of 17 18 1 6• 0 Peginni.ng. Y"{CTa'T the 'NOrth. ,160 ft ., of'the 21 ]last 220 ft. thoreof, f and F 22 That portion of the NE 1/4 in Section 29, T22 N, R 5E., U. M. in King -,County, Washington defined 23 I as 'follows : 13,gi ening at the NE corner of the, ., Plat of East Hill Gardens, Recorded in Volume S4 51, Page 77 of Plats in King County, Washington, "' «Y =thence East along ;the ,South margin•of� 9E -256th:. I 25 St.'481.40 ft. to the True Point of Beginning; s,thence South to a point which lies 180 ft. North 26 r < of i4nnt-Kangley Hwy; th^nce East 162 ft; thence South to the Dioxth margin of said Iiwy; thence : r= 27 South,2anterly along said margin to the Centerline, of said 1,11' 1/4; th^nce North along said Centerline 28 658.52 ft; thence N 85058113" E to the, Centerline in the 11F 1/4 of the ME 1/4 in said Section; 29 thence North along said Centerline in said NE 1/4 ; of NE 1/4 to the Southmargin of said Street; 30 thence West 90 ft; thence South 132 ft, thence West.., 180 ft; thenc^ North 132 ft; thence West along 31 South marPin of said Street 898.82'ft. more or less; to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT the follow- 32 ollow 32 ing: 'Baginning at the most Southerly point of the above{: described parcel; thence,Northwestaly'along the s North margin of said Hwy.'' 113.41 ft. to, the True. ( Point of 1 aginning; thence continuingalong said t -_,.• ,1 ., -,.Northerly. margin _147, 43., ft. c thence„ North 150 ft. -.;thence East 130 ft; thence' South to;. the.'mrue' Po�rit " c of Beginning. i and 6 That portion of the E'1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the X1/4 in Secti(5n '.29,' r22 N. , ".R5E.', r1,1.M'in' King i County,I<lashi.ngtnn, defized'as, follows: I Beginning at the NF corner of said subdivision; :thence S l,°09t40" E along the` East line of said r' subdivision 200 feet to the, True Point of Beginn- ing of the tract herein described; thence continu-� j ing S 1°09140" E along said East line 117.00 feet;' thence S 89037151" W parallel with the North line, of said subdivision' 402.15 feet; thence N 0009135" E 116.99 feet; thence N 89037131" E 399'46 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof heretofore conv to King County for, road by deed recorded under Auditor's'File No. j y 4,768139. { s hereby -zoned as\R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) zone. 1 is hereby amended to read as follows: 2; "The following described land situated in the City 3 1. of Kent, Councy of King, State of Washington, and presently 4 ` unzoned, more particularly described as follows: 5 That norti.on of the NT 1/4 in Sec. 29, T22ii* in king Co un tv , a �shi_ns ton (1e f ine d PeFinning at he 1zt of ;�v;t Hill Gardens, Volum- 5.1, "W71 77 of flats -i.n 1"ing, County, 1!ashi_n?ton; i.ilence i'orth along Fast line of said Plat 2 3. 44 ft. to the True Point of. Beginning; thenen conti_nui.nf, North alon s- said East line 1.o the : "outh mar ,in of SI; 156 tll St.; thence margin 481.40 f -t. ; thence ,,outll I,%' ft=. ; tarence Idgs-t it8j.:�0 Ut. more or 1, s to .'lle `i'rue T'oi_nt: of Beginning. EXCEPT the North 160 ft. of the East 220 f t. thereof. and That portion of the NE 1/4 in ,section 2`.), T22 N, R 5F., W.M. in King County, Washington defined as follows. Beginning at the NE corner of the Plat of East Hill Gardens, Re -corded in Volume 51, Page 77 of Plats in 1<ing County, trlashington; thence East along the South margin of SF 256th St. 1181. iE O ft. to the True Point of Be gi.nn irr;-. ; thence South -to a point which lies 180 ft. orth of Kent-Kangley Hwy; thence East 162 ft; thence South to the North margin of said Hwy; thence Southeasterly along said margin to the Centerline of said NE 1/4; thence North along said Centerline 658.52 ft; thence N 8505811311 E to the Centerline in the 11E 1/4 of the NE 1/4 in said Section; thence North along said Centerline in said NE 1/�F of NE 1/Il to the Southmargin of said Street; thence West 90 ft; thence South 132 ft; thence hest 180 ft; thence North 132 ft; thence West along South margin of said Street 898.82 ft. more or less to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT the follow- ing: Beginning at the most Southerly point of the above described parcel; thence Northwestcxly along the North margin of said Hwy. 113.41 ft. to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said Northerly margin 147.43 ft.; thence North 150 ft.; thence East 130 ft; thence South to the True Point of Beginning. and That portion of the E 1/2 of the Sr 1/ll of the NE 1/4 in Section 299, T22 N., R51-..0 I-I.M. in King County, Glashington, defined as follows Beginning at the NE corner of said subdivision; thence S 1009140" E along the East line of said subdivision 200 feet to the True Point of Beginn- ing of the tract herein described; thence continu- ing S 100914011 E along said East line 117.00 feet; thence S 89037151" W parallel with the North line of said subdivision 402.15 feet; thence N 0009135" E 116.99 feet; thence N 89037131" 1; 399.46 feet to the True Point of Beginning; rXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof heretofore conv to King County for road by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 4768139. is hereby zoned as R-3 (Multiple I'amily Residential) zone. __2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub 1� lication, as provided by law. i AYOR Leo I; i�Attest: IjMARIE i y clerk !! Approved as to form: ,f i' IB. BEREITERt City Attorney i, Passed the /6 day of December, 1968. ii Approved the 1 �7 day of December, 1968. Published the` -4 day of December, 1968. li Z hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance Npassed by the City Council of the City of Kent and ii approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) City er -3-