HomeMy WebLinkAbout1551OADINhNCE NO. :`+n ordinance of the City of Kent, lvashin-ton, directing abandonment of proceedings to acquire certain property for construction of the -)outh 206th Street `dater Reservoir in King County Superior Court Cause No. 69296,3, tarcels 1 and 2-7-1 (Bissett); and directing the payri nt into the registry of the .)uperior Court of King County of cost taxed by the Court in said suit in the sur, -.i of Two Thousand Five Hurdre. Jo? lairs (.$2,500.00) THERE'_'::: rsuant to City of Kent ordinance No. 14?9 passed November: 6, 1967, suit was c.orimenced in the . uperior Court of Kinb County, ,-J-ashington, Cause No. 69296='. to acquire certain property for construction of the proposed 208th Street mater _teservoir, desi.c_;nated ticrein Parcels 1 and 2-7-1 (Bissett); and the market value thereof in the opinion of the appraiser retained by the City of Kent was Y.!enty ;tight Thousand Dollars ($2.-,000.00); and ;lHE'it;.,5 upon conclusion of the condemnation trial in said Cause in the Kin;; County :superior Court, the fury returned a verdict of just compensation in the sum of Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($62,500.00); and WHEREAS pursuant to such verdict the Court in Baia' Cause on the 13th day of May, 1968, signed and entered judgment against the City of Kent in the sum of Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($62,500.00) as payment for the property designated larcels 1 and 2-7-1 (Bissett); and in addition thereto entered an order directing the City of Kent to pay Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) toward Respondents' attorneys' fees, costs and appraisal fees; and e ai.ount of the Court's judgment, construction JHERr.::S r.n view of the J d of the proposed 20dth :street eater Reservoir on the property desi. nated. Parcels 1 and 2-7-1 (Bissett) is not eccirc r. cJ_ y sound; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF TiiS CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HERLBY ORDAIN AS FOLLCdS: -1- SECTION I: Proceedings to acquire certain property for construction of the 0outh 20Sth -trees Nater ResLrvoir in King County Superior Court Cause No. 692968, designated therein Farcels 1 and 2-7-1 (Bissett), be and the same are hereby discontinued and fully abandoned. ;ECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby directed to issue a warrant in the such of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), and through the office of the City Attorney, transmit same to the Clerk of the King County Superior Court in payment of costs taxed akainst the City of Kent by the Court in C.:.use No. 69296;?: by order entered May 13, 1960'. SECTION III: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by lata. Attest: Marie Jensen,i y Clerk Approved as to form: AL :A THORNTON _Mayor ~� Joh B. Bereiter, City .ttorney Fassed the day of November, 1968 Approved the 1 day of November, 1965 Published the day of November, 196: -2-