HomeMy WebLinkAbout1550I ' �'0 ORDINANCE NO. /-�J /' AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the condemnation of right of way and easements in, over and upon certain land necessary for the improvement of James Street in the City of Kent, and providing further for the payment for said right of way easements. The City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, do ordain as fol %ows: Section 1: That the City Attorney for the City of Kent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and/or institute and prosecute to determination in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in the County of King, an action in the name of the City of Kent for condemnation and acquisition of right of way and easements in, over and upon the following described land, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, for the purpose of obtaining the necessary property and property rights for the improvement of James Street in the City of Kent, to -wit: PARCEL, T-1. (BAPTIST CHURCH OF KENT) That portion of Lot 7, Vacated Block 4, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 58 and 59, records of King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: The West 3.5 feet of the South 57.5 feet and the South 7 feet of said Lot 7 and that part of said Lot 7 lying South and West of a curved line having a radius of 45.5 feet and points of tangency on the above described 3.5 and 7 foot lines. PARCELS T-2 and T -2-C (UNION FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION - ECHTERNKAMP) Commence at the Southeast corner of said Lot 8; thence Northerly alon the East line of said Lot 8, 7.00 feet; thence Westerly para lel to the South line of said Lot 8, 25.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence Westerly parallel to said South line to the West line of said Lot 8; thence Southerly along said West line to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence Easterly along said South line to the Southeast corner of said Lot 8; thence Northerly along East line of said Lot 8, 30.00 feet; thence South- westerly to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 8 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: That portion of Lot 8, Vacated Block 4, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, page 58, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: - 1 - Commence at the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot 8, 7 feet; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Lot 8, 18 feet to the true point of beginning; thence Northerly parallel to said West line 15 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said South line 23 feet; thence Southerly parallel to said West line 15 feet; thence Westerly parallel to said South line 23 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCELS T-3 and T -3-C (HACERUP) That portion of Lot 7, Vacated Block 5, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, page 58, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of said Lot 7; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot 7, 7.00 feet; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Lot 7, 25.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to the East line of said Lot 7; thence Southerly along the said East line to the Southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence Westerly along said South line to the Southwest corner of said Lot 7; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot 7, 30.00 feet; thence Southeasterly to the true point of beginning. ALSO the South 7.00 feet of the West 112.38 feet of that portion of the Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 13; thence North 33 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West 422.22 feet; thence North 213.6 feet; thence East 422.22 feet' to a point on the East line of said Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 which is 220 feet North of the true point of beginning, EXCEPT portion thereof, if any, lying within the Plat of Kenthurst, according to plat reoorded thereof in Volume 57 of Plats, page 58, records of King County, Washington and EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5933106. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 25 FEET OF THE .SOUTH 32 FEET OF THE FAST 30 FEET OF SAID LOT 7; ALSO that portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described line; EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public r ight••of-way : Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 32 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 27 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line descrip- tion. PARCEL "A" The West 112.38 feet of that portion of the Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 13; thence North 33 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West 422.22 feet; thence North 213.6 feet; thence East 422.22 feet to a point on the East line of said Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 which is 220 feet North of the true point of beginning; EXCEPT portion thereof, if any, lying within the Plat of Kenthurst, according to plat recorded thereof in Volume 57 of plats, page 58, records of King County, Washington and EXCEPT &at portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5933106. - 2 " PARCEL T-4 and T -4-C (BOREK) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" Which is 7.00 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point on the South line of said Parcel "A" which is 150.00 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner thereof, and the terminus of said described line. PA RCEL "A" Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East WiM., in King County, Washington; thence West 422.220 feet; thence North 246.6 feet.; thence East 422.220 feet to a point on the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, which is 253 feet North of the Point of beginning; thence South 253 feet to the point of beginning, EXCEPT portion thereof, if any, lying within the Plat of Kenthurst, according to plat recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, page 58, in King County, Washington, and EXCEPT the South33 feet thereof, conveyed to the City of Kent for street purposes, and EXCEPT the West 112.38 feet thereof and EXCEFT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5933106. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE AFOREDESCRIBED PARCEL "A" LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE; EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public R/W: Beginning at point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 12 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence South- easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 7 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, as measured at right angles thereto, and the terminus of said described line. PARCELS T�5 and T -5-C (THORSLAND) That portion of Lot 1, Block 7, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 58 and 59; tecords of King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: The West 3.5 feet of the Northerly 52.5 feet and the North 7 feet of said Lot 1 and that part of said Lot 1 lying North and West of a curved line having a radius of 45.5 feet and points of tangency on the above described 3.5 and 7 foot lines. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTHERLY 12 FEET OF SAID LOT 1. PARCELS T-6 and T -6-C (DAVIS) The Northerly 7 feet of Lot 2, Bloc1 .7, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 58 and 59, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTHERLY 12 DEET AND THE SOUTHERLY 22 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 34 feet of said Lot 2. - 3 - PARCELS T-7 and T -7-C (POWERS) The Northerly 7 feet of Lot 3, Block 7, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 58 and 59, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTHERLY 12 FEET AND THE WESTERLY 22 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 36 FEET OF THE SOUTHERLY 20 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 32 FEET OF SAID LOT 3. PARCELS T-8 and T -8-C (SCHINDELDECKER) The Northerly 7 feet of Lot 4, Block 7, Kenthust Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 58 and 59, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTHERLY 12 FEET AND THE EASTERLY 22 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 75 FEET OF THE SOUTHERLY 20 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 32 FEET OF SA ID LOT 4. PARCELS T-9 and T -9-C (WINGERT) That portion of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Strain's Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 65 of Plats, page 93, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Commence at the Northwest corner of said Lot 6; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 6, 7.00 feet, to the true point of beginning; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Lot 6 to the East line of said Lot 6; thence Northeasterly to the Northeast corner of said Lot 3, and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTHERLY 12 FEET OF SAID LOT 6 OF STRAIN'S ADDITION TO KENT. PARCELS T-10, T -10-S and T -10-C (NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of a line which is parallel to, and 33 feet Southerly of, as measured at right angles to, the North line of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., EXCEPT any existing public right-of- way. PARCEL "A" That portion of the Northeast a of the Worthwest a of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying West of Seattle -Tacoma Interurban Railway Right-of-way, EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within Lincoln Avenue on the West and Shinn Street on the South, and EXCEPT that portion thereof con- veyed to the City of Kent by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5487430, and EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 6004472. TOGETHER WITH SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL TO, AND 40 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 FAST, W.M., EXCEPT THEREFROM ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. 4 - TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON SAID PARCEL "All LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL TO, AND 50 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 FAST, W.M., EXCEPT THEREFROM ANY EXISTING EASEMENT OR PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -JAY. PARCEL T -10B -P (PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of a line which is parallel to, and 50 feet Northerly of, as measured at right angles to, the South line of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way: PARCEL "A" A strip of land 100 feet in width, being 50 feet in width on each side of the center line of the definite location of the Seattle - Tacoma Interurban Railway across the Southeast 4 of the Southwest a of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.V. in King County, Washington, said centerline of said strip being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South boundary line of Section 13, said Township and Range, 829 feet West from the quarter section corner between Sections 13 and 24; thence North 0°11' West 1330.1 feet to the intersection with the North boundary line of the Southeast 4 of. the Southwest 4 of said Section 13, said point of intersection being 475 feet from the Northwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of the Southwest 4 of said Section 13; ALSO a tract of land in Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing on the South line of Section 13, Toinship 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, at the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by Samuel D. Mc :'Millin to Thomas K. McMillin by deed dated October 23, 1885, recorded in Volume 36 of deeds, page 528, in King County, Washington; said point of beginning being 59 rods West of the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of said Section 13; running thence North along the West line of said tract of land conveyed by Samuel D. McMillin to said Thomas K. McMillin by the deed aforementioned 80 rods to the Northwest corner of said tract of land conveyed by aforementioned deed; thence East along the North line of the tract of land so conveyed aforementioned, 80 feet, more or less,to the West line of the strip of land condemned and appropriated by the second party Seattle -Tacoma Interurban Railway (now Puget Sound Electric Railway), by decree of the Superior Court of King County, Washington, in Cause No. 33023, said decree of appro- priation being dated September 17, 1901, and recorded in the office of the County Auditor of King County, Washington, in Volume 290 of deeds, at page 178; thence Southerly along the West Vire~ of said strip of land so appropriated to the second party, 80 rods, more or less, to the South line of said Section 13; thence West along the South line of said Section 13, 69 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington for Primary State Highway by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 6043010. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTHERLY 550 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 25 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 100 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". - 5 - PARCEL T -10C -P (CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL & PACIFIC R.R.CO. -• OREGON - WASHINGTON RAILROAD AND NAVIGATION CO.) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of a line which is parallel to, and 50 feet Northerly of, as measured at right angles to, the South line of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way: PARCEL "A" A strip of land 100 feet in width, extending over and across the Southeast 4 of this Southwest 4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, from the South line to the North line of said subdivision which strip lies East of and parallel to and contiguous with the right-of-way of the Puget Sound Electric Railway Co., (now Puget Sound Power and Light Company) in King County, Washington. PARCEL T-1011-2 (rUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO. AND CHICAGOt MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD CO.) That portion of the following described Parcels "A" and "S" lying Northerly of a line which is parallel to, and 50 feet Southerly of, as measured at right angles to, the North line of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way: PARCEL "A" That portion of the Northeast 4 of the Northwest 4 of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: A strip of land 100 feet wide, being 50 feet in width on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Section 24, distance 829 feet West of the North quarter corner thereof; thence South 0011' East a distance of 1300 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of Shinn Street as now established and the terminus of said line. PARCEL "B" A strip of land 305 feet in width in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying North of Shinn Street and East of the Seattle -Tacoma Interurban Railway as established in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 2629432, EXCEPT the following described parcels: That portion of the 1vovtheast 4 of the Northwest 4 of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said subdivision; thence North 89°48'20" West along the North line of said Section 24, a distance of 477.53 feet more or less to the Easterly boundary of grantor's right-of-way and the point of beginning; thence South 0024'40" East along said right-of-way a distance of 979.75 feet; thence North 53°30'20" West a distance of 50.72 feet; thence North 43021'40' West a distance of 50 feet; thence North 39°13100" West a distance of 50 feet; thence North 32036129" West a distance of 45.83 feet; thence North 8°50102 " West a distance of 345.44 feet; thence North 0°28110" West a distance of 494.15 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 24; thence South 8904812911 East along the North line of said Section 24 a distance of 181.50 feet to the true point of beginning, and EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to City of Kent for alley under Auditor's File No. 4512994. - 6 - PARCELS T-11, T -11-S, and T -11-C (HOWARD) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line; Commence at the Northeast corner of said Parcel "A"; thence Southerly along the East line of said Parcel "A" 50 feet to the true point of beginning; thence Northwesterly to a point which is 451 feet Westerly of said East line and 33 feet Southerly of said North line; thence Westerly parallel to said North line to the West line of said Parcel "A" and the terminus of said line description. PA RC EL "A" a) That portion of the Northeast a of the Northwest 4 of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said sub- division; thence North 89°48120" West along the North line of said Section 24, a distance of 477.53 feet to the East line of the Chicago - Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Companys right-of-way; thence South 0024.40" East along said East line 520.71 feet; thence South 89046155" East 478.82 feet to the East line of said subdivision; thence North 0°331111" West along the East line 520.50 feet to the point of beginning; ALSO b) Commencing at the Northeast corner of said subdivision; thence North 89048120" West along the North line of said Section 24, a distance of 477.53 feet, more or less, to the East boundary of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way and the true point of beg,nning; thence South 0°24.40" East along said Easterly boundary a distance of 979. 75 feet; thence North 53°30.20" West a distance of 50.72 feet; thence North 43°21'40" West a distance of 50.00 feet; thence North 39°13100" West a distance of 50.00 feet; thence North 32036'29" West a distance of 45.83 feet; thence North 8050.02" West a distance of 345.44 feet; thence North 0028110" West a distance of 495.15 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 24; thence South 89°48120" East along the North line of said Section 24, a distance of 181.50 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT therefrom any existing public right-of-way. TOGETHER WITH A SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE, EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: Commence at the Northeast corner of said Parcel "A"; thence Southerly along the East line of said Parcel "A" 55 feet to the true point of beginning; thence Northwesterly to a point which is 451 feet Westerly of said East line and 40 feet Southerly of said North line; thence Westerly parallel to said North line to the West line of said Parcel "A" and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE WEST 40 FEET OF THE EAST 295 FEET OF SUBSECTION (a) of SAID PARCEL "A" LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL TO, AND 55 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST a OF THE NORTHWEST a OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M.: EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY EXISTING EASEMENT OR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. PARCELS T-12, T -12-S and T -12-C (WILLIAM WALLACE CORPORATION) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly and Easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North-South centerline of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., which is 50 feet `Southerly from the North a corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to said North line to a point which is Westeily 62 feet from the Westerly - 7 - margin of 4th Avenue North measured at right angles thereto; thence Southeasterly to point which is 90 feet Southerly of said North line and 22 feet Westerly of said Westerly margin of 4th Avenue North measured at right angles thereto; thence Southerly parallel to said Westerly margin of 4th Avenue North 110 feet; thence South- easterly to a point which is 580 feet Southerly of said North line and 7 feet Westerly of said Westerly margin; thence Southerly parallel to said Westerly margin to the South line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" That portion of the North J of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the North 4 corner of said Section; thence East along the North line of said Section, 351.78 feet to the Northerly production of the centerline of 4th Avenue in the City of Kent; thence South 0°161100" West along said production, 522.00 feet to a point called point "A"" for reference purposes; thence continuing South 0016'00' West along said Northerly production, 520 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Spur track right-of-way; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said spur track right-of-way, 820 feet, more or less, to the East line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence North 0°24140" West along said right-of-way line 461 feet, more or less, to a line bearing North 89°46155" West from said point "A""; thence South 89046155" East 470 feet, more or less, to the North and South centerline of said Section 24; thence North along said centerline 522 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the North 33 feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Kent for road by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 4560985. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF THE NORTH 65 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A"; ALSO THE NORTH 250 FEET OF THE SOUTH 280 FEET OF THE WEST 15 FEET OF THE EAST 22 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". TOGETHER WITH A SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THE NORTHERLY 55 FEET OF SAID PA RCEL "A PARCELS T-13, T -13-S, and T -13-C (KORRY MANUFACTURING COMPANY) The South 32 feet of the East 12 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southeast 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying East of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company right-of-way, EXCEPT the South 33 feet thereof for street purposes, conveyed to the City of Kent under deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5660747, and EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington for Primary State Highway No. 5, by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5944140. TOGETHER WITH SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 12 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A"" LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE; EXCEPTING therefrom any existing easement or public tight of way: - 8 - Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 22 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Parcel "A" to a point which is 35 feet Westerly from the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence Northeasterly to a point on said East line which is 45 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCELS T -13A, T -13A -S and T -13A -C (SANDWICK-Brown) That portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Sandwicks Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 59 of Plats, page 81, Records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning on the South line of said Lot 1, which is 15 feet from the Southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence Westerly along said South line to said Southwest corner; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot 1, 20 feet; thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTHERLY 2 FEET OF SAID LOT 1. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 5 FEET OF THE SOUTHERLY 7 FEET OF THE WESTERLY EASTERLY 36 FEET OF SAID LOT 1. PARCELS T -13B -S and T -13'B -C (SANDWICK-BROWN) UPON THE NORTHERLY 10 FEET OF THE A slope easement upon the Southerly 2 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, Sandwick's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Vol. 59 of Plats, Page 81, Records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NORTH 15 FEET OF THE SOUTH 17 FEET OF THE EAST 15 FEET OF THE WEST 23 FEET THEREOF: ALSO THE NORTH 5 FEET OF THE SOUTH 7 FEET OF THE EAST 9 FEET OF THE WEST 43 FEET THEREOF: ALSO THE NORTH 20 FEET OF THE SOUTH 22 FEET OF THE WEST 12 FEET OF THE EAST 22 FEET THEREOF. PARCELS T -13C -S and T -13C -C (SANDWICK) A slope easement upon the Southerly 2 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, Sandwick's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 59 of Plats, Page 81, Records of King County, Washington TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 3 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NORTH 5 FEET OF THE SOUTH 7 FEET OF THE WEST 7 FEET OF THE EAST 24 FEET THEREOF: ALSO THE NORTH 16 FEET OF THE SOUTH 18 FEET OF THE WEST 13 FEET OF THE EAST 17 FEET THEREOF. PARCELS T-14, T -14-S and T -14-C (RODARME) That portion of Lot 4, Block 2, Sandwick's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Vol. 59 of Plats, Page 81, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly and Easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 4 which is 62 feet Westerly from the Southeast corner thereof; thence North- easterly to a point which is 40 feet Northerly from said South line, and 22 feet Westerly from the East line of said Lot 4, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Northerly parallel to said East line to the North line of said Lot 4, and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH A SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTHERLY 2 FEET OF SAID LOT 4. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE WEST 5 FEET OF THE EAST 27 FEET OF THE 9 SOUTH 22 FEET OF THE NORTH 27 FEET OF SAID LOT 4. PARCEL T=15, (SANDWICK) That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Sandwick's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 59 of Plats, Page 81, Records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 1, which is 47 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner of Lot 1; thence Westerly along said South line to said Southwest corner; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot 1, 45 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said South line 2 feet; thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning. PARCEL. T=16, (THE BORDEN COMPANY) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" lying Northerly and Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Parcel "B", which is 7 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Northerly parallel to the West line of said Parcels "A" 8 "B" to a point which is 57 feet Southerly from the North line of said Parcel "A", thence Northeasterly to a point which is Easterly of said West line 47 feet and Southerly of said North line 17 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line, 418 feet; thence Northerly parallel to said West line 10 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line to the East line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" That portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4;. thence West along the North line thereof to a point in a line parallel with and distant 30 feet West, measured at right angles from the East line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, said parallel line being a Northerly production of the West line of. First Avenue North; thence South 00013130" West along said produced West line to a point distant 33 feet South, measured at right angles, from the North line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, said point being the intersection of the West line of First Avenue North and the South line of James (Winner) Street, andthe point of beginning; thence continuing South 00113'30" West along said West line a distance of 280 feet; thence South 89°58'30" West a distance of 899. 52 feet to the East line of Fourth Avenue North; then - 10 - North along said East line a distance of 280 feet to the South line of James (Winner) Street; thence East along said South line to the point of beginning. PARCEL "B" Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence West along the North line thereof to a point in a line parallel with and distant 30 feet West, measured at right angles, from the East line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, said parallel line being the West line of First Avenue North; thence South 00013130" West along said West line, a distance of 548.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 00013'30" West along said West line, a distance of 214.45 feet; thence Southwesterly and Westerly on a curve to the right, radius 265.44 feet, which curve is not tangent to said West line, a distance of 203.73 feet to a point of tangency in a line, herein- after called Line "A", which bears South 89058'30" West from a point in said West line South 00013130" West a distance of 289.58 feet from the true point of beginning, said point of tangency being distant 183.73 feet Westerly, measured along said Line "A" from said West line; thence South 89058'30" West, a distance of 226.9 feet; thence on a curve to the right radius 742.00 feet, a distance of 221.77 feet; thence North 72053130" West, a distance of 108.40 feet to a point of curve; thence on a curve to the left, radius 787.00 feet, a distance of 169.14 feet, more or less, to a point in the East line of Fourth Avenue North, distant 97.38 feet North, measured along said East line, from said Line "A"; thence North 000.13130" East along said East line of Fourth Avenue North, a distance of 427.20 feet; thence North 89058130" East, parallel with said Line "A:, a distance of 440.964 feet to a point in the center line of the ten -foot right of way easement for a sewer pipe line heretofore granted to the City of Kent; thence Southerly along said center line to a point in a line parallel with and distant 289.58 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Line "r. , which point is South 8905'8'30" West a distance of 457.522 feet from the true point of beginning; thence North 89058130" East, a distance of 457.522 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH A SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL"A: LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT, ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL":A", WHICH IS 22 FEET SOUTHERLY FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF: THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL TO SAID NORTH LINE 465 FEET: THENCE NORTHERLY PARALLEL TO SAID WEST LINE 5 FEET: THENCE EASTERLY.PARALLEL TO SAID NORTH LINE TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL "A", AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDrLINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL "A", WHICH IS 32 FEET SOUTHERLY FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF: THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL TO SAID NORTH LINE 465 FEET: THENCE NORTHERLY PARALLEL TO SAID WEST LINE 10 FEET: THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL TO SAID NORTH LINE TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL "A", AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION. PARCELS 'T-17', T -17-S,' 'T -1'7-C ( GENTRY) The Southerly 3 feet of the following described Parcel A; PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said subdivision which is 136.90 feet Westerly from the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly parallel to the Easterly line of said subdivision 30 feet to the Westerly production of the Northerly line of Winner Street in the City of Kent; thence Westerly along said produced North- erly line a distance of 84 feet; thence Northerly parallel to the Easterly line of said subdivision 110 feet; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of the production of said Winner Street, a distance of 84 feet; thence Southerly a distance of 110 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH A SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTHERLY.5 FEET .OF SAID PARCEL "All. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NORTH 5 FEET, OF THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF THE WEST 9 FEET OF THE EAST 57 FEET THEREOF: THE NORTH 12 FEET OF THE SOUTH 17 FEET OF THE WEST 19 FEET OF THE EAST 37 FEET THEREOF: THE NORTH 15 FEET OF THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE EAST 18 FEET THEREOF. PARCELS T-18 and T -18-S (BALL) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of said Parcel "A"; thence Northerly along the East line of said Parcel "A". 3feet; .thence Westerly parallelto. the South line of said Parcel "A" 12 feet to the true point of beginning; thence Westerly parallel to aaid South line to the West line of said Parcel "A"'thence Southerly along said West line to the Southwest corner of said Parcel "A"; thence Easterly along said South line to the Southeast corner of said Parcel "A"; thence Northerly along said East line 18 feet; thence Southeasterly to the true point of beginning. parcel"A" The South 90 feet of the following described property: I- t 1/4 of That portion of the West I/2 of the Sout wes the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, described as follows: - 12 Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of the Easterly 20.00 feet of said subdivision with the Northerly line of the Southerly 30.00 feet thereof; thence Westerly parallel with the Southerly line of said subdivision, 116.90 feet; thence North 150.00 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the Southerly line of said subdivision 116.90 feet to the Westerly line of the Easterly 20.00 feet of said subdivision; thence Southerly along said Westerly line 150.00 feet to the point ofbeginning. TOGETHER WITH A SLOPE EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTHERLY 5 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "All. PARCELS T-19 and T -19-C (HOWARD) That portion of Lot 16, Block 4, North Park Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in: Volume 18 of Plats, page 10, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 16 which is 30 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 20 feet Easterly of said West line and 3 feet Northerly of the South line of said Lot 16 measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel with said South line to the East line of said Lot 16,and the terminus of said described line. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 20 FEET OF THE SOUTH 23 FEET OF THE EAST 21 FEET OF THE WEST 72 FEET OF SAID LOT 16. PARCELS 'T-20 and T -2'0-C (OSTLER) That portion of Lot 15, Block 4, North Park Addition tc the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, page 10, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 15 which is 10 feet Westerly from the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northeasterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 15 which is 15 feet Northerly from said Southeast corner and the terminus of said described line. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 5 -FEET OF THE WEST 9 FEET OF THE EAST 60 FEET OF SAID LOT 15. PARCELS T-21 and T -21-C (SHOFF) That portion of Lot 16, Block 3, North Park Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, page 10, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 16, which is 10 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point on the South line of said Lot 16 which is 10 feet Easterly from said Southwest corner, and the terminus of said described line. TOGETHERWITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON - 13 - that portion of said Lot 16 .described as follows: The South 5 feet of the East 10 feet of the West 39 feet thereof; the South 25 feet of the East 20 feet of the West 69 feet thereof; the South 5 feet of the East 5 feet of the West 74 feet thereof. PARCELS 'T-22 and T -22-C (NELSON -MOORS -SMITH) That portion of Lot 15, Block 3, North Park Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, page 10, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 15 which is 5 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point which is 10 feet Westerly of the East line of said Lot 15 and 7 feet Northerly of the South line of said Lot 15 when measured at right angles thereto; thence Nottheasterly to a point on said East line which is 10 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE EAST 65 FEET OF THE WEST 97 FEET OF SAID LOT 15. PARCEL T -22A (NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY) The Southerly 26 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL "A" Westerly 166 feet of the following land in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1A of Secticn 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. Beginning at a point on the angle formed by the intersection of the Northerly line of James Street and the Westerly line of Central Avenue in the Town of Kent; running thence due West to Easterly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway; thence Northerly along said line of said right-of-way 491 feet; thence due East to Westerly line of Central Avenue aforesaid; thence South along said Westerly line of Central Avenue aforesaid to point of beginning. PARCEL'T-22B-P (NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY) A PERMANENT EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL "A" LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 325 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Parcel "A" 10 feet; thence Northerly parallel to said West line to a point which is 55 feet Southerly of said North line; - 14 thence Northeasterly to a point which is 35 feet Easterly of said West line and 20 feet Southerly of said North line; thence Easterly parallel to said North line, to the East line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "All That portion of the North 350.00 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying West of a strip of land 100.00 feet in width lying within said Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, over which an easement for Railroad purposes was granted to Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company, by instrument recorded October 14,1852, in Volume 24 of Deeds, Page 413, under Auditor's File No. 1401. PARCEL T -22C -P (TITUS) A PERMANENT EASEMENT UPON THE NORTHERLY 20 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL "A": PARCEL "A" The North 350.00 feet of that portion of a strip of land 100.00 feet in width lying within the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, over which an easement for Railroad purposes was granted to Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company, by instrument recorded in October 14, 1882, in Volume.24 of Deeds, page 413, under Auditor's File No. 1401. PARCEL 'T -2"2'D -P (KING) A PERMANENT EASEMENT UPON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: The South 60 feet of that portion of a strip of land 100.00 feet in width lying within the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, over which an easement for railroad purposes was granted to Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company, by instrument recorded October 14, 1882, in Volume 24 of Deeds, page 414, under Auditor's File No. 1402. PARCELS T-23 and T -23-C (BOBACK) That portion of the following described Parcel "A,, lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 21 feet Northerly along said West line from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 15 feet West of the East line of said Parcel "A" and 11 feet North of the South line of said Parcel "A" when measured at right angles thereto; thence Northeasterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 40 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said described line. - 15 - PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of North Central Avenue with the North line of James Street in the Town of Kent, and running thence Westerly along the North line of said James Street: to the East line of the tract of land deeded to E. G. Sill on October 20, 1934, by deed recorded in Volume 1604 of deeds, page 377, under Auditor's File No. 2825534, records of King County, Washington; thence North along said Sill Tract 125 feet; thence East parallel with said James Street to. the West line of said North Central Avenue; thence South along said West line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 35 FEET OF THE EAST 30 FEET OF THE WEST 126 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A" . PARCELS T-24 and T -2'4-C (THE STATE OF WASHINGTON) The Northerly 13.5 feet of Lot 1, Block 2, Cross Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, page 9, Records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE EAST 20 FEET OF THE WEST 35 FEET OF SAID LOT 1. PARCELS T-25 and 'T -2`5-C (STANDARD OIL CO.) That portion of Lots 41 and 42, Block 2, Cross Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, Page 9, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 42, which is 18.5 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point which is 30 feet Westerly of the East line of said Lot 42, and 23.5 feet Southerly of the North line of said Lot 42, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Southeasterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 41 which is 20.5 feet South- erly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said described line. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LOTS 41 and 42 LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 41; thence Southeasterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 41 which is 10 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof. - 16 - PARCELS T�26 and T-26�C (NELSON - TEXACO, INC.) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described 1 ine : Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A", which is 45 feet Northerly of the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 32 feet Easterly of said West line and 10 feet Northerly of said South line when measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel with said South line of said Parcel "A" to the East line thereof, and the terminus of said described line. PARCEL "A" That portinn of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast a of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of North line of James Street and the East line of Central Avenue as shown on the plat of Walmsley's Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 45 of Plats, page 15, in King County, Washiigon; thence North 0024'20" East along said East line 100 feet; thence South 89*37*40" East parallel with said North line 100 feet; thence South 0024120" West parallel with said East line 100 feet to the North line of James Street; thence North 89*37'4u" Weat along said North line 100 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE SAID PARCEL "A" LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way. Beginning at a point nn the West line of said Parcel "A", which is 45 feet Northerly of the Southwdst corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 32 feet Easterly of said West line and 20 feet Northerly of said South line when measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel with said South line of said Parcel "A" to the East line thereof, and the terminus of said described line. PARCELS T-27 and T• -27-C (CAMPBELL - BANKS) The Southerly 10 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southeast a of the Southeast 4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of James Street and the East line of Central Avenue, as shown on Walmsley's Addition to the City of Kent, according b plat recorded in Volume 45 of plats, page 15, in King County, Was*gton; thence South 89037140" East along said North line 100.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 89*37140" East along said North line 78.55 feet; thence North 0*24120" East parallel with the East line of said Central Avenue 100.00 feet; thence North 89*37.40" West parallel with the North line of said James Street 78.55 feet; thence South 0*2020" West 100.00 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The North 5 feet of the South 15 feet of the East 15 feet of the West 27 feet thereof; The North 10 feet of the South 20 feet, EXCEPT the West 27 feet thereof. -• 17 - PARCELS T-28 and T -•28—C (TETER—JOHNSON) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described 1 ine : Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 10 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Eaterly parallel with the South line of said Parcel "A" to a point which is 17 feet Westerly from the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence Northeasterly to a point which is 3 feet Westerly from said East line and 23 feet Northerly from said South line; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to said East line and the terminus of said described line. PARCEL "A" The East 63.05 feet of the South 122.5 feet of that portion of the Southeast i of the Southeast a of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying North of James Street and West of State Street in the City of Kent. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTHERLY 18 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". PARCELS T-29 and T -29-C (KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 50 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner therof; thence Northeasterly to a point which is 32 feet Easterly of said West line and 10 feet Southerly of the North line of said Parcel "A"; thence Easterly parallel to said North Line to the West line of Block 1 as described in said Parcel "A"; thence Northeasterly to a point which is 200 feet Easterly of said West line of Block 1 and 5 feet Southerly of said North line of Parcel "A"; thence Easterly parallel to said North line to a point which is 12.5 feet Westerly of the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence Southerly parallel to said East line 25 feet; thence East— erly parallel to said North line 12.5 feet to the East line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" All of blocks 1 through 7 inclusive, McMillin's Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 58, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER With portion of vacated State Avenue adjoining and vacated alley in block 5, EXCEPT the North 30 feet of blocks 1, 7 and vacated State Street conveyed to the City of Kent, for street purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's Fele No. 4663582, and EXCEPT the South 15 feet of lots 10 and 11 and of vacated alley in block 5, conveyed to City of Kent for street by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 4804847. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: Beginning at a point on the North, ling of said Parcel :'A" which is 135 feet Eaterly from the Northwest orner thereof; thence Southerly parallel to the West line of said Parcel "A" 20 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line to the West line of Block 1 as described in said Parcel. — 18 — "A"; thence Easterly to a point which is 180 feet Easterly of said West line of Block 1 and 15 feet Southerly of said North line of Parcel "A"; thence Northerly parallel to said West line 15 feet, to said North line, and the terminus of said line description. ALSO that portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Easterly of the following described line; EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way;' Beginning at a point on the North line of said Parcel "A" which is 32.5 feet Westerly from the Northeast corner thereof; thence Southerly parallel to the East line of said Parcel "A" 50 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line 20 feet; thence Southerly parallel to said East line 80 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line 12.5 feet, to said East line, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL T-30 (TETER) That portion of Lot 7, Block 2, Walmsley's Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 45 of Plats, page 15, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 7, which is 25 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence South- easterly to a point which is 20 feet Easterly from said West line and 10 feet Northerly from the South line of said Lot 7 measured at right angles thereto; thence Southeasterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 7 which is 7.43 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL T-31 (HANSEN - ABEYMQ That portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Walmsley's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 45 of Plats, page 15, records of King County, Washington, lying southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 1, which is 7.43 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence South- easterly to a point which is 25 feet West of the East line and 5 feet North of the South line of said Lot 1, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Northeasterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 1, which is 30 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCELS T-32 and T -32-C (PETERSON - MULHALL) That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Walmsley's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 45 of Plats, page 15, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 1, which is 30 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence South- easterly to a point which is 15 feet Easterly of said West line and 10 feet Northerly of the South line of said Lotl, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to a point which is 12.5 feet Westerly of the East line of said Lot 1, thence Northerly parallel to said East line 20 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said South line 12.5 feet , to said East line of Lot 1 and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION - 19 - OF SAID LOT 1 LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Lot 1 which is 15 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner threof; thence Westerly parallel to said North line 32.5 feet; thence Southerly parallel to said East line to the South line of said Lot 1, and the terminus of said line description. PARCELS T-33 and T -33-C (STROUD) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel %t', which is 60 feet Northerly of the South line of the Southwest 4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., thence Easterly parallel with said South line a distance of 12.5 feet; thence Southerly per- pendicular to said South line a distance of 10 feet; thence Southeast- erly to a point which is 120 feet Eaterly of said West line and 6 feet Northerly of said South line, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to the East line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" The West 264.25 feet of the South 330 feet of Government Lot 4, Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT 15 foot strip conveyed to Drainage District No. 1, forright-o£-way for drainage ditch, by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 612351, and EXCEPT the South 30 feet conveyed to the City of Kent for street, by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 2858875. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" LYING WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Parcel "A" which is 32.5 feet Ea3terly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Northerly parallel to the West line of said Parcel "A" 50 feet; thence Westerly parallel to said South line 32.5 feet to the West line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. ALSO the East 50 feet of the West the South 36 feet thereof; ALSO the East 15 feet of the West the South 36 feet thereof; 167 feet of the North 30 feet of 197 feet of the North 30 feet of ALSO the East 10 feet of the West 234 feet of the North 5 feet of the South 11 feet thereof. PARCELS T-35 and T -35-C (LITTLE) The Southerly 6 feet of that portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying West of the Westerly margin of Clark Street as shown on the Plat of Little's Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 53 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington. PARCEL "A" Beginning at the Southwest corner of Government Lot 4, Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence East along the South line of said government lot 38 rods to the Southwest corner of a certain 7 acre tract heretofore conveyed to Elisha Newman, by deed recorded in Volume 409 of Deeds, page 215, records of said county; thence North along the - 20 - West line of said 7 acre tract, 1320 feet, more or less, to the North line of said government Lot; thence West along said North line of said government Lot, 38 rods to the Northwest corner of said government Lot; thence South 1320 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning; EXCEPT the West 264.25 feet of the South 330 feet of said government Lot 4, and EXCEPT portion deeded to Drainage District No. 1 for ditch, and EXCEPT South 30 feet deeded to the City of Kent for street, and EXCEPT portion platted as Little's Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 53 of Plats, page 86, in King County, Washington. PARCELS T-36 and T -36-C (0'BRIEN - MARKER) That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Clark's 2nd Addition to the Town of Kent, according to Plat the mof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 72, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of a line which is 36 feet Southerly of and parallel with the North line of the Northwest 4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 17 FEET OF THE WEST 59 FEET OF SAID LOT 1 lying northerly of a line which is 55 feet Southerly of, and parallel with, the North line of the Northwest 4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way. ALSO that portion of the West 10 feet of the East 15 feet of said Lot 1 lying Northerly of a line which is 40 feet Southerly of, and parallel with, said North line, EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way. PARCEL T-37 (McHUGO - HANSEN) That portion of Lot 12, Block 1, Clark's 2nd Addition to the Town of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 72, records of King County, Washingtoh, lying Northerly of a line which is 36 feet Southerly and parallel with the North line of the Northwest 4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East,W.M. PARCEL T -37A -C (STAPLES) A Permanent Easement upon the following described property: That portion of the East 18 feet of Lot 1, Block 2, Clark's 2nd Addition to the Town of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 72, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of a line which is 55 feet Southerly of, and parallel with, the North line of the Northwest a of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way. PARCEL T-38 (VAN HORN) The Southerly 6 feet of the West 1/2 of Lot 11 and the Southerly 6 feet of Lot 12, Block 2, Little's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 53 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington. PARCELS T-39 and T -39-C (JENKS) The Southerly 6 feet of the East I of Lot 11 and the Southerly 6 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, Little's Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 53 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT upon that portion of said Lot 2 described as follows: - 21 - The North 21 feet of the South '27 feet of the West 6 fed: of the East 20 feet thereof; ALSO the North 26 feet of the South 32 feet of the East 14 feet thereof. PARCELS T-40 and T -40-C (LITTLE) That port ion J Lit 1, 31,)ck 2' Litt lets Acle -it i,->', to the of Ke: --t jccordito PIA thereof recor,1,--,d i Vc) I uln oit p n�;c c o r d s i f f tats, pagc. r i in -QU fit y a S 11 i �i r, t ej t-, lyInj 3 -)ut her I y f the f o I I o,,,, i 10 d � s Cr I lbed {ins;r% at a -,oint in the `ik'cst line ;,f said Lot I which ne'- i fill il- I , t f r,.)m the Southwest corner thereof; l i c s N 11 j r t h c r y �� I - � t h r, c z E a t. t r I y p a r u i t h t h L 3 u u t h I i (I c of s e i ,"" L o t I tca point h I c h is s t r I y I`_' feet 9r u r. the past i i nz N1jrth- � of Lot I vn�,surccl at Qfj r IS ther,�,tu; the nc�" . t k7 r I y to aPjint on thL ruct I i lie of said t I v., h i f-' h is -;C feet Nort her I y frost, t hz Souihea st t cor n, -r then` of enc' tht termi nus :) -,,-: 1-1 ;11- scr ib I i ITi I 2,%-7h '!-.,T T"! -T I T "ITH T�,MPr-- C FlUT OF THE '3F TH.'-�. �:",-'ST '7 FEJ r!JRTI T I L - P i'-1-1 R 1C -:- L S T I Tilat p>rtivn s th i ty t c c ur, t t t r r C L r f r c r of K i wo v J _rt h,.. FLI I o w ln� line: i, n i r i ! a o h i c h -r �,, 30 t Nc r t 'n - r y f r ci,,� t h.-; t h v,",- s t ur Lz r t i of thence Southeaster I y to a p u, i nt w h I C'1. I i 7 t r f s a id""est 1 i ri c r i i S u r z j t r i f a r, c i� r t a 6 f f N or f h,--, r I y t)f th,-, South I i J-. e i j 1 s t , r I y ural jj-, i'' 'uth 1 Ine, to the a s f r I r, - - PUl,! T' " j� --.' �) '� CT I :1, 'U!, T '-C LET}, -1, - 11 T Hi T 0 ORA! Y I rX�'T� '-4-- IT if P`z"-7 --,T F Ez T ""TH '---T �DF T!i'- S"'TH j,- r-- I - 3F S, I. ID IL U T 12 . tD T— 't C7 Th: S f h _ r !, f- i IF L -D f 11 1 , bp 's '-c k I, '- i I f I '-; ' :' i"id i t 1 I- y f K,-: ,, t c c,,. - r p 16 f t0 r -- crl r .� C L r J r,-, -J �;D 1, Cie L, Jc,r-t; F !� i (-,j U .- u fit Y h i r yt A P C 2 L T 4 2 �Cr 1, AT I (JIN T . L. T I S, t 11, r 1 c ,r 2, r- 1 ,�) c !, I , 1 i I I I _-: 1 5 I'll �'0 n hr.:- r pr r c ;.. r Iur!}4 53 Li F j U nt I r c c -,r s h i - 22 - Of PARCELS T—y + and T—^ — ii�,"ARVICH That port i'.,i of Lot 1, I, Litt le's Addit ion to Ihz 'City of Bent, according tc' Plat thereof recorded 1n V •D'f 1 Idt5, 'a y? nj, r - curJ's Jf .lil Count'y,, '.`:'us`,i Ston Iymy Southerly of the fol to ing JescribetJ 3e nn i ng at a point on the 'r9'cSt 1 i r< �f sa id Lot I , which is ) f'. -,et Northzriy of th,� ;outh'acst cor rer th,�reuf; therncz '�ast�:r i�; ,para I i'..! �t'ith t`1e South I ine cif sa i�' Lot t0 a }�OIrlt h Is sterIy f 't frofa the 5t 1 ir'ii C' sa id Lot 1 i+r<-,asureJ at r ight angles ther':°tu; tIi nc�' t\ortheaste.rly to a p'-) int on sail east I in'z .,hich is ,Alurther ly 13 feet frorn the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of sail s -- s c r i -)c J I ine. Ttr=ETHER \*/ITH A T''EMPORARY Ca4STRUCT ION EASD,4ENT t_,PiN THAT PORTION OF SAIL: LUT i DESCRIBED AS FOLL(Y',S: THE North 10 feet of the South IF feet of the 1:est IS feet thereof; ALSO the North 5 feet of the South 11 flet csr Hic: Cast 10 feet c>f thl, ':.'est 36 feet thereof. FARC`EL T-45 and T -45—C t BLYD—YJUr-�3fP;l That portion of the f,- Ijo,Ning described Parcel "A" lying Norther I y of the f o I low in9 d'. scr !bed I i ne: P,e c;innirt thc: `'est ;ine c>f sai2 Parcel "A" whi ch i s 55 feet Souther I y of the North I i c of the Niert{7 w; st4 S,:ction 19, Township 22 ^!orth Range r East, M., thence NlortheasterI to a ,:,oint vihiCh is 1 i fe.rF rrastcrly of Ih. '' st rr.e f :.alU - arc(?i "A" an,; �5 f'et Sc'utlrerIy -)f th,: ''orth I ine -7f sa ir_` "lorth�^,est 4; th:�nct: Easterly, IDcir:i) Ic vitt`, sa i.; ", rti; I ine, t_, t11 5t { iie of sld Parcr:f "::" ani` f '_ Err: i ir,L,s cf d=_scr ib'_I i'ArC -7L " �n Lots " ar.J �), Block I, Clark ts First AJdit ion to thz Tcwn of fent, accor(-'i;lj to c Icit recorded in Volume 5 of P Iats, pace 62, in K.in, County,''.''ashingtc)n; r~,ND TiVJ port ion of Lot I i n s? _l E I oc!. I, I y i nc Southerly of a I i ne bei inni rid un the G/ester I I i ne of said Lot I at a point 13.23 feet Norti,erly of the Southwest corner there -of, and runnin3 thor.ce --asterly 110 feet, more of less, to a oint un t':ne �ast'zr i k -,f d 1.L -it I, distant 17.; ft "crtherly >f t' _: Southeast ccrrr r t licr e u f . T��ETi-1rR %%',! J, A TEiv11'O?P,RY C 1;ST`'UCTION EASi=P�E1,T UPON THAT PORT IC' OF THE EAST 25 Ft ET C F SAID PARC'=L n�ytr LYI^,r ^aCP,Tt-lE^I_Y f a I it villiicF: is 41 fc:":t SoU,t:)CrIy 0f, ara i)aral lel with, the i,!orth I in�z of the���rthwest of S r of 1,y S,ctrLn 1 , T'.vvns1)i n( �trttl, ?ari v a� , •Iv,. '.''C PTI^i, th,riefruv, .any .:'.1st it public r igtrt—.f—way. ALSO the `' )rth 'e F th lest ft " fF ;:t of Lot 2. as :seri .' i i.: : arc .1� - 23 That port ion ofthe f o I lo'��iro; dcscr i'�ed P::rce I "Ar' lyin3 !`,ortherly of the fc,ll(�,ai -.j d!4:seriL,cJ 1 ir-c: BLginnird t a �7cint �n the `V;: t 1 in_ cf sa id Parcel r►`1rr hich is 35 f t Southerly of tlrc ";crth I ine of the ',orth�w,_st ��f S:�ction 10, Tovnshlp 22 North, range 5 cast, 'V".I ., thenc Tasteriy paral I :I tiitlr saic; N'ortn I ine t�, ;a paint �ti�Iiich is `Yest�_r1y f t frmin t =est I ir;e of sa id Parc;:l ►rf,r►; thcnec: Scr. th,asterIy t� a p int on east 1 ine which is 50 feet C,utherIy fror7 th,. rJcrth lir? �f sa i<:! '`;.rt}� s} w and the t rr.'ir;US 3a r :J . s c r i u:.0 I 1 pl%r C : L "All The "North 7 fc t of Leat 24, all of Lct 25, arid that Porti of Lc,t 2'6 Block 1, CIarl.ts First ride 1tiorr to thy: Town of Kent, accc,ruin3 to plat r".:e.,rdaed ir; VoIume 5 of Plats, page 62, rL,cjr("s c:f King CDurrty, '�laslihitin, I I i :U >out 1) :F a I in: oh ich is poral Icl tc ?n�! C f«et uth cf the Sccticr,I ine: b!-,tv.e.�r7 acct iurts I�� a�;Fa 19, Town s h ip 22 "worth, Range 5, East, n ring County, ash ington. PARCEL S T— "7 a ni' T- -17—GPCSZ; That portion of the folIovdng ,!-scribe; Paccel ....A . IyiIli Southerly f ti7 fc:I Iowi n;, descr 1Lz:d Beg innitic at a point on thy: est I ire: of slid Parcr,l "All hich I i, s "1 "rthe,r,y "9 FcA fror- the Southeast corner ther?uf; thence. Sout11w,eztfrly to a p,:oirt which is 10 feet ~W(--ster I of s id E-3 -t I inc= and 6 fret ^�';)rthurI of the South I ine %f s i Parce l "All measured at r i jht l {c angles thvrest��; thzncc. %,�:sttr ly, ; ur e1 •f:i I h sai "All, e,, It I i�,,- to thJ `F�rest i ir::, ,f sai:� Parc�:l �`� an c! the t<irmi nus of sa id dcscr ib, d I ill,,. PA R C- r, L "All Cz,m,-^=neiii g dt the Southeast corRner of Government Lot 4, Section 18, Township 22 North, arg 5ast, `.:'.P,";., in k ing County, ':'.ashi ngton; thCrcr "est along th : South I i n e of s id 03()vernment Lot 4, 150 feet; thence North 1e.21rr'r.r► `ast ^."I f, oj tthe true point of beginning; th=nc florth l02! 10011 East �t"..41 feet thenev .^worth �n j',)t^,n►► `;'r.st InQ, O� fe"et; thenc% Sc"utl: 1' 21 rn0► Lest QR, feet f the Nor tIt I ine f tyre South 3r) feet of s;; id SJb:l iv i s rC;n; the nc': east { I F`!i't, miry', lir lC s d r,j t' e rth I i ^;- f sa is Stii ^0 f•c �t ts: the true point k:;u :f be;inr:rrg. (Lein] knc-wrn as Lt 1, 81.7ck I, Bou Idronts I st Ac'd it ion to i:er)t, unrecor T OG E T V 11--D, WTTH A T cP,1POR A. Y CSD,' 57 T c,' 'CT 1 OiN E:ASrP,.iLiNT U P u:`. E: r -� 1". r r C R'2. ' ORTI I F cf T T, 1� SaJTH 1 1 r rr_T vF Ti it r_,T F 7-r7T 3F S',i .:',f?Cr1. '►;". 24 P A R rl--1 T-: L T - 4f and T -49-•C ( Plid- kQ fl, That t i on t,f L f \f v'i c c or 7! i ng to plat thcre,:f reckir V Li "I" f t P:�S r y f S t h -' recorcis of Ki jig County, 10ah in t u i f hf o I I o v i no ds c r i L)lire; 3e irr1 i n gI f i d L t I tpaint u N the '::'est the South�Aest c --,r i e r I c s 2() feet l"l\',,)rt [v -,r I y f r o th I t S t 11 cj r L U i Tit W" iCh 5 ands feet f t s r I ,, :, f i f ' :est i f I I ,- Sout fi I i nT! '- . :,s 1�1 ; 0 s u r at right _ %; z s r c t r E)d r El e s -3 i ci feet �' r f the t n t 11h i C 11 .2 et �I' cast ! ir,4 of a ; d L t I as m s u r �,i at r i jht rl;l as7 c r I y t o n -- a i -I I- a s t t 1) c r t or .1c r r t I S OU t h c �J I e ern i ,!l i s - -� I - t . ; d I i doscr ij ion. cc r n, --,r Cher F .4 and tk,�; t r i�-- i n u s f said T T 1"E. P V4 1 T 1, A T E tv, P A P Y T R U"-' T I O' =ASPOI J T F It A T P 'S- T 101, 1 F SAID ('`?T S R I B D AS F 0 L L I feet of file 7 f f North orth f f of the S'-ut" of t17. past 37 fo,,'t tIi r u IF AL 33 the l,:o r f h f South 03 f t J., F . "ARrcL5 T-49 r-,,] T- 4 f I. r c r j r c "All i r iia 4, r r t c r i of s I id P J r C "A" p t 3 int c) rj 4 r f t cu 1, r e '.ort'i i c 1h i s ) )f scct i -,n T oa S h i i:) 2- 2, r f F 5 int which i C h i s e ,, c r I - f I i f sa id 7 a r c c, I Ftnld TC. 8 f t r I y f r, ., Ir d 11-.rf'wcsl T-, 1r,31 ---f ",outherl y -) f the r t � i�: I � �, the t t, , ric(. t r I e t i.j Nor t h I i r h c r in i ,-, u s F su a s t n arc., s (, r n PARCEL "A" 2 B I k 2 C I a r 1. 1 r s I Add it i to thy: T C) W n Vf K c rif accor r c r d c,-] i f V G f Platinu OL, nt h 1 t 17 C E P T that p,.-)rf i(-ri r AL, d i i i� r F 1 1 71 t s t r u c Q r d Li n d n -7 rl G v T �+7- 27 T H —Zr I T 11- -1 It, T LiMPOP ?,z y C UN S T L' T I tl,l l7-ASr-Mlr-'T UPON 17 r.,\ ,, - E L "A" Tl -;AT E-)!-�T101'' OF T11- - t ST I T ��)F SAID PA')1- lrj--1 is F ., e t s u u her I L. y 1 "T7 !NOP, T! -1 L y --'F A L I r 7 f 1-i - (",�o r t hvi s t f prj r E u J r tcr c Secti u r, I Tetirnsit iF 22 lor t I i - "J J-1 cast ,:, I 7� PA P C LF L T - 5 rl)— ( ,% P M S T � C Pl 1') Tfrclt �rt ion i i ndescribed F d r c e 1 "All user i z d I i ne y rlg r e r e f cl I i "All zJ t w 11 i c 1-1 s f t S f n r I o f f r - 25 � f h we s t 4 of ')cc t ic.,r; 1`%, TI vn s li i p t h Range .5 st t C ri c o Caste.rIy pard e worth I i nc -:i F sa id 4'o r t 'i %,. t to a p 3 1 lit Vill i C 11 is 12 f - I S t cI I v F 1 I Z east I in a r c e "Findthznc,, Soufh,,astcrIy to a point on va id East I ine which is 5, feet Southerly of the Niorth lire of s j r f !'.7 (� 5 t and the terminus of sa id descr ibzd I I ne ' 4 j, PARC ) -L "A" Lots 25 dn,2 Block 2, Clark's First Addit ion to the T (-.,, v r c) j c c c r (11 i n 9 t I t recurd:d in Volume o F'I;lts, pa j 62 in K i I I -, C c11 n s 11 it Ci PT that purl' ion thcrclof -onveyed to City -.,f 0 lit by deed recorded d z r A u (-4! i f o r ? s F i I_ r•,1(.. 3^ 1 14 P A P C E L I-) T I d I i J, T- C; L C)J-'-)' LE MA That por t ion of th foI I ov, i I-, � dz, c r i;-�:d Fare d "A" I / i nj, o, u f he r I y -,F the ,v i I-, j 1. s c r ibe i ir;e; 1-� n e q i n In n pointpc)int c, r, st i ir.c u sa id P a r c e "A v�hiciis N�o r r y 45 fart f r c, s'); the South 1 i 11 f the &CU 0 - Range _% ) I he a s t o f c f i :; n I T o v, n s h i p92 r f h cast, flie nce Sout hea st (-,r 1 y f :3 point vi!: ich is 10 f e (- t caster I ,, of sa i I V,'e s t I i ne an, 6 feet �'o r t h r I of the South lire of said Southeast - t h e n r: < Easterly para I le I with theSouth I i rir: (w f z. a i J Sc,uth. a s It 0 the 4 east I i ne ,.)f s i d P a r d< I "A", a terminus (,,f said il I e s c r 1 b e d I i n,, - PARCEL "A" Th�_ South 60 fe%t of the West 1 10 feet of th,. South 167.98 feet c,f the following, 1,3scr ihecl tract; That [.)orf ion of the Southeast -I- of the Southmicst of .4 Section 18 T o w n s h -i p �Nlc, r f h , p a 11 j v1, n K i n 0 C o u n t y a s h 1 nj t u n , I y i n a t h of fames S t r e z t and East of Hize, 1 Street TOCcTH'E-r with an za s erne. n I for al ley j,--irpos,-s cvert tide : S tfeet I or. the South 167.98 feet of t h-- property ad oin1ii sa ;,j p r em i se s on the Fast. 11 TCCETHER V I T H, A T P OP A P Y EA - CONST F, U!C T I ON SEtvl,,-Nff UPON THAT PORT I CAN! OF THE FAST 40 FIE: ET OF (3Ai1r) PARCEL "Alt. LYW3 SOOT I R L Y GF A L I NE \" 1-i I CH 1 56 FEET P43R TI- i- R L Y OF, AND PA R A L L E L TI -"1, T H E s a! T: L i F TH -L SJJ T l --4,`-A S) T ',DUV% P T LE R 0 F L' SECT I Of\: 101 T J f--1 I P 22, 1'," Tiri R A r4-, F 5 E: A S T ' '.1,i. PARCEL T-52 ( t �'i c A L L I ') T [ P ) That port ion of the fol lov,,i nj -Jescr ibzd Parcel "A" y i n g 0 Ij t li, ., r I y of a f r t c r I / C; jral lei with the South I in, the S c, u f h Nv e s t -� of e c t i o n 4 T ovi r, s h i p '?2 'Dr t h , F',a 5 -,t :; t .PA rr"-C E L "A" P .art c, ii f f I i cast of t h o u I hv; est of Sectionn 1 T hia I i e 5 t-- a s t n r, i J-. ; C -) L) ;, I , 10 h, 1 c r i I a I F o 11 1 ; v� — 26 — c ou f 11 ' ,_,rii�r of said ScCtk)n; thnc_ e f) i nC� a t the SL 4 �:;,! q, f t he n c,f Lit 11 1 !or t I 0 30.0`_? IF c ,,t to t11: Porth I i n z dine '3 r c t u n, u P, n t F e n c c cc n t F7 I -'I 'f — I s t 317 f (, e, t fl, c s t 5 -"' - " 0 _r '-, r ,') 0 r c c� f z (11 C ke' JI 7 c-, fast S t I ill--, of !j t ul ;-3 the r c D feet - tIi ri c c 3 cc to the Last 1C f ;z t t h (,., r i c j t In 9 f -- A r t h I i rle c F a mc, s S t r t; I h 7 s I 1 1:1 "1 i s-' 1 r t I it . , `."`.4'2 feet t-) f ! i .,, true pD r! t u ri n i n g . T-`3 ( NA P II (J."IE ', That _-ur i o ci f t'Ic F , 1 1 -, .- i n d . s C r Parc 'I "A" lyirlg r n!: ,111 i C!i i 36 f c r of and para t h !I vic S t t r T .)v,, n s h Ip r f ::scr il.,; P:.r z 'Va s h 1 n U t c n . FARCEL "Alt I S c .1 u f t I That --ort icin. if the t 4 of f ! ,57 �-,uthcasf 4 -4 u t of t ho S c, u t t Set i Townsh ip22 1 17 t :",6 $ h i n -tuig' r t 'j r,, �� '.� " -1 '_' (:, v f, t y ) y i Of --r I v,,r Strc--f .:s (!(>,,';ated in th'l 1 -tut � of t.,.j r 11 %v cfirst i c n t c c r -i to plat I Ino -- County, r e cc) r (Je, I/ in c� I ur ';,a re f P 1 u f S J -)d j C n K i n j n j t o n n r t h- r ' y of a n --:- s S tr,: t d5 CO11 V e yl� (I t t t y Jr Ko n f by dezo(! r,'cor J z d 1i n (2 r Au i t r. I S r'' 1" i n c) u t r I y n F i I ')C3 A A /2 Sovth r i p JI c.r1 t h r I y ria r n of :;.3 i v o r h i vel bears S C) 'i t :1 21`' 5 t r u� if! s f C i.;i r ,., f L .t ' ai t . F J''d r I . , t r;lite t P A ^ C E L 3 T--14 ;j i i<j T - 5 4 - r" ( P C�i` A --SPED "__ P ) T �a t port i r i c:I F tI.,z f I I c r i L J P arced "A" c r I o f 1is6 f t " S o f li r I v f r t h I i n T' f I i e- No r 'n vv e S t par:1! e c t i in i Tovinshi� P'APC F_- 4L I!,I It L n, B '3 s o n s ny s 3 c- c k) r n i=V () I u rn i': C-1 F, o K u j, t a on. T '_-G r-: T !--I F_,r) ', 'I T I i k T P OP A R Y T T I ON --A S r,' JT 'U P Ct Ti S _U T I i 23 F E E. T CF T! i _7 r-,IOR T La I T CF T1-iL EAST F `ALT OF 7) A I D L OT 1 PAP--r-:L "A" I P R OP ' LIPTY; Lots I C of 'j n I j n y i f i �i c c r at r C, r C' n I/,.;u nl? 45 uf 2 Kin Courity njt Lip A — 27 m and T -c5 -C (FIP"T CF THE OF KLA T) The Nlorf her I -v 6 f cti-f of t !Iz r J 1 1 ::scr il.,; P:.r z I V PAP--r-:L "A" I P R OP ' LIPTY; Lots I C of 'j n I j n y i f i �i c c r at r C, r C' n I/,.;u nl? 45 uf 2 Kin Courity njt Lip A — 27 m That pert ion of th-� �dorthwest I :.)f thy: fJorth-ast a of thc: NorthwestSection 19, Township 2'2 North, Rangr "�s ll'{:_ast ",'.tvi. !:i`3<.vr)ty, jsl:ir)tcr, descr is{:_ fc:l1ows; ?F�,ir;r:in; r,n the , ortl;erly I irte. of saic' subrivisi.0n at a point which is North 89` East 42'2 feet f rvm, th;_ �J,::rthvr�?st ce:)rnf?r thzreof, sair! point Lein; tt),-, North,:ast c=�rr.r of said S. >. l;tick:eIsonis Su r,nyside. Addition t Ken#, acerrd– i no Iat recorded in VoIume 15 of Flats, page 23, and runninj thence Sout11 0°13�3F" cast a'on the East rig ^ ��,urr 1�gtt " !,.t 'I i4f' �r f :.t• t-!!s'.n- �1JrtF S 59 ..,'i ins �:: ,: i :; it r.�rt East al�n� th�� S.�uthr'rly fins of paid-'�_'iti��r,, %+t>>1JL=•,i East::rI1 -1— th(! E s1 rl; in cif :aid su}:'ivisior, ; therlce ^,.Iorth(.rIy along s j i t :Ely I inz "46.63 ft to the Northeast corner of sai,J suL<!ivision; thc-nc�':'estI alcn-i f tNort1icrI i in,f cf 2i:' suL ivisi<�n 242.91 feetJr7tir� or leis point c:+f t tinning, ;C' PT the. South --r Iy'D eet and th,,: ^•:<=r t her 1y et therz�of for r )ods. TCCETHF-R '"I TI -I A T Et-1POl'A.:Y CO^!STi UCT IO"I E.ASe t,`!\ff UPON TIHZ SOt:TI-i 15 F+.=ET :DF TIic '102\TH 2 1 F CF THF_ EAST 20 F E eT OF SA I'D L OT I . PARCEL T -5b ( KRONICK ) That portion ol` file followring descriLed Parcel "A" lying i1;artherIy of a Iin�z w111ch is 36 feet Southerly of, and porallel with, the North lire of the Northwest a of Sect ion 19, Ton s h i p 22 North, Range 5 cast, PARCEL t'A" North 125 feet of Lblt 10, Blc•ck 2, City Vi(;w: Add if ion to Kent, a c c o r d i ng to Pl: t rzc.ordcd in Volume 14 of Plats, Pad 50, in Kin:.i Cour•ty, lushin fon ; `E'`EPT that ; orf ion of the Lot i^.d�eedcd t :ity cif IK -rt f:)r str.;st Purposes Ly I nr:.mr :) nt r-cc,r&-A j nd z d%uL i tvr s F i '3r,34Z� i�-I-. PARC'_L T-57 ( 3O(J-IER ) That portion o3'' ttic fol I :, in;, J s c r iLi:c! Parcel "A" lying Souther I of thk: fol I :,,•�i r: d e s c r i IIJ ed I i ne; Bejinnir,g at a paint �i, tIa_ est iinf 'arcl "A" which is 15 feet ''";':rtherI , r 'i 1;2 So0tInw—st or f, r thcrzof; fe tlt�zast�.rly to a ,�oirt v.'hicl) is l" nt easterly of s.; it I ir:e a„d ff.�I rtI)er t l ir) �fi Parrs r'A", as measv+r i::! at r igl)t ar, jl+_s thereto; i the,lce r casterto :a ;nor ;t un th, Fa r i 't;,rt ,;I)ici) Ir_ t ;-Norther y fl -0111 thy: SOUI c -I rn'r themf, te�rmint1�i � said ! i a-, dcscrIpt ion. tiR, r L tt�.�tt I That pc+rt1on c)f the `�:;,:tllcast of the 0utheast ;� of the South l s 4 f S, ct ion I "', T ',';;ns;ai 2 " or I1,, Ra,:y 5 C+. + ”' i tot: ! i ng East Jof mast .,.P,";., i;, .ir,,�-�r;t,", ..�.� ii�.� � A1vo d Street as s I i w o i i It lut ;f i;lar10w s First t�eldlt .?n t Kc:nt, 0--ct,.+rdinj tJ plat recorded iii Volum44 of Plats ; 1 j'� h, in i':i ?j ?Jnty, .a s' CC:, '.'eSt cf �Wds !k'crIs it L)n tti) K'-iit +7cct.,r "ln � t0 p1:.1t rt�i;t r.a `et '�olUl?iL « C;r '1at5 nr In �J r y 1 n r , i ,, ' , . i r, r; f , aslll .. jtt�f,, ",�rt1t :'f th Uti) ?0 r; sof cf sa id ,deet ion •xnc; S,.kuth of a I in� eainnino at ci point on the lJest I int. J f of ,' 1 a u t h sai !''gal=�:r*s :�:ait, �n '��7i:.h is fthe Southeast corner cf Loi I, P1+ick 2 of or)`,71 10ti saifa ;t.lrIowe, s A dit ion and running thtence. >utn I. t r s '� ° r C �� t i) "� -. c] $ l , (�1 i' �J f v d 1 `� �-1 I v +_%r `�-+ J t r <; t 17 ..28– fAPC�L T -c70 (uI That port i on of L,A I , "!a 1 ker's A -Id it 1 on tc, K c n t , ac(:orc!— in; tc r I r t thereof recur iec1 in VoIur1,-, 3 of Plats, pa; e ^5, rccorris of r i n County '-!asn, lyinc Southerly r,f f1",7 f:,I Iov,in3 (t,:scrib`JJ,I it . F,cginr;in; at a v)o1nf r. t1��: '::' st ling r.; said Lot {, wh iz', i s 1" -1r,-_ t P,'orfher 1 of th,� Sout, c.st corner thereof; thence :ast�,rl',� to a E�<>int oil � i.:..` '_ast I ir,�� ,lrlci� is 7 f e c f rth r I ti, S :uthcast c, rner thereof, arid' t ' it �� � �' r iil i n U S f', f sv i i1 i 1 _ � �1 j� t PAPCFi T—F9 ('),, 1!i L',, �,, Tr I n r I y 6 f of tscribed F:;rcI "A" . PARC;:'_ "A The st 1 of L<:; 7, Block I t, Ic%v A d d I t ion to K c rit, according to Plat roc -)rdcJ ire Volurr2 I,? of Platb, page `0, in Ki no County, Wdshi ngton, EXCEPT thc� Ntorth 30 feet thercof anti :_;;C:PT thy. i=ast Cher^.cf. PARCEL T-60 and T-60-1_- ( P EAR`.:DN) The Norther I ' fi.et of the foI Iuviin; d-7scr iced Parc,I ttAtt� F; -,PC L. ttAtt Cast of the ','lest ,1 of Lot 7, Block 4 City View Add it i c n to lent, according to plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 50, in King County, °ashington; E'XCFPT the North 3^ feet cenv(;ryed to City of Ken(, for street by instrument rzeorded under Auditor Is F {e No. 3734462, TCGETHER (TH TEN1PCI'ARY CO`!STC:UCT[Or� EA S'_ UPOfd THE S,--IJT'-1 26 F' ET OF THE 1,4KD4T; __3 2) F=ET OF Ti;E CST 310 FLEI "=T OF T -I` CAST 3S FE? T PARCriL 'tA" PARCEL T-61 ("ALrAT I — CH I "IF 'C31NSTPUCT I ON, I NC. Th,, JNorIhzr1y '_`i fe,:t :f the f u I Ic)wing described Parc vl ",-%": The last of Lot 71 Rk-Jck 1,1 Ci i , Vie,., Addi t ion to Ken , aer_ordino to p I a t reeoroj(r'.I in VoIwm I1, cf Plats, page ~ , In I in; r �unt'�', '. aSf11 1 tC)n, ._v PT th2 Ivrth _,0 {t:;'_t t th,��reof convc:�/ i; c; City v." Kent, by instrurn�znt r.c,>rd4'_G under ;'Iludiforls File No. E01"'7677. — 29 — PARCELS T-62 and T«62* -C (LAZZARINI ) The Northerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL "A" Tract A, The West 110 feet of Lot 8, Block 4, City View Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 50, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the North 30 feet thereof for road, ALSO Tract C, The South 60 feet of Lot 8, Block 4, City View Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 50, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the West 110 feet thereof and EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof for road. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE NORTH 36 FEET OF THE EAST 25 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". TRACT "A". PARCEL T-63 (TIPPET) That portion of the following described Paccel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Parcel "A" to a point which is 10 feet Westerly of the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence South- easterly to a point on said East line which is 15 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" Lot 8, Block 4, City View Addition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 14 of Platt, Page 50, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the West 110 feet thereof and EXCEPT the South 60 feet thereof and EXCEPT the North 30 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof. PARCELS T-64 and T -64-C (WILBANKS) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 10 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeaster- ly to a point which is 10 feet Easterly from said West line and 6 feet Northerly from the South line of said Parcel VA", as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to the East line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southeast 4 of the Southeast 4 of the Southwest 4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying South of Clements Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington, and lying East of the East line of the Southerly production of Hilltop Avenue as shown on said plat; EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Kent for street by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 3034462. TOGETHER WITH A =MRARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 15 FEET OF THE SOUTH 21 FEET OF THE WEST 15 FEET OF THE FAST 25 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A".�' ,? 7 30 — PARCEL 'T-65 (STREET - PAGE) That portion of the following described Parcel "A11 lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning .at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 6 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Parcel "A" to a point which is 150 feet Westerly of the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence Northeasterly to a point on said East line which is 12 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said subdivision; thence North 20 rods; thence East 40 rods; thence South 20 rods; thence West 40 rods; tb the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying East of the following described line: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said subdivision; thence South 89013132" West 255 feet; thence North 1007156" East 250.02 feet; thence North 89013`32" East 120 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of said subdivision to the North line of said subdivision and the terminus of said line. PARCEL T-66 and T-- 6`6 - C (PAGE) The Southerly 12 feet of the following described Parcel "Ail. PARCEL "A" That portion of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said subdivision and thence South 89013132" West along the South line of said subdivision 135.01 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 89013132" West along said line 120 feet; thence North l°071 5611 East parallel to the East line of said subdivision 140.02 feet; thence North 8901313211 East 120 feet; thence South 1007'56" West 140.02 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; LESS the South 30 feet thereof as right-of-way for South 240th Street. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 25 FEET OF THE SOUTH 37 FEET OF THE WEST 23 FEET OF THE EAST 33 FEET OF SAID PARCEL 11A", ALSO THE NORTH 25 FEET OF THE SOUTH 37 FEET OF THE WEST 25 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A" PARCEL T-67 ( STREET -PAGE) That portion of the following described Parcel A lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "AT1 which is 12 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence - 31 - Easterly parallel to the South line of said Parcel "A" to a point which is 30 feet Westerly of the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence Northeasterly to a point on said East line which is 45 feet from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. ,PARCEL "A" That portion of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said subdivision and thence South 89013132" West 135.01 feet; thence North 1007'56" East parallel to the East line of said subdivision 140.02 feet; thence East parallel to the South line to the East line of said subdivision to a point which bears North from the true point of beginning; thence South to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the East 15 feet thereof for 94th Avenue South and EXCEPT the South 30 feet for South 240th Street. PARCEL T-68 and T 6'8-C (NOVAK) The Northerly 6 feet of Lot 1, the Stella H. Fox Addition, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 51 of Plats, Page 30, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 21 feet of the NORTH 27 FEET OF THE WEST 17 FEET OF THE EAST 24 FEET OF SAID LOT 1. PARCEL T-69 and T*69-C (BENSON) The Northerly 6 feet of Lot 2, the Stella H. Fox Addition, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 51 of Plats, Page 30, records of King County, Washington TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 23 FEET OF THE NORTH 29 FEET OF THE WEST 20 FEET OF THE EAST 27 FEET OF SAID LOT 2. 32 - PARCELS T-70 and T -70-C (LAKIN) That portion of Lot 3, the Stella H. Fox Addition, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volum 51 of Plats, Page 30, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described 1 ine : Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 3 which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 3 which is 9 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof; and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 35 FEET OF THE WEST 15 PUT OF THE EAST 21 FEET OF SAID LOT 3. PARCELS T-71 and T -71-C (STODDARD) That portion of Lot 4, the Stella H. Fox Addition, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 51 of Plate, Page 30, Records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 4 which is 9 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point onthe East line of said Lot 4 which is 12 feet South- erly from the Northeast corner thereof and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 33 FEET OF THE EAST 23 FEET OF SAID LOT 4. PARCELS T-72 and T-72mC (HOFFMAN) The North 12 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL @'A rr Lot 5, the Stella H. Fox Addition, according to the plat recorded in Volum 51 of Plats, page 30, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the East 85.46 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:` The South 25 feet of the North 37 feet of the East 5 feet thereof; ALSO the South 15 feet of the North 27 feet of the West 19 feet of the East 24 feet thereof; PARCELS T -72A and T--72A--C (HOFFMAN - KNAAK) That portion of the East 85.46 feet of Lot 5, the Stella H. Fox Addition, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volum 51 of Plats, page 30, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said East 85.96 feet of Lot 5, which is 12 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Lot 5, to a point which is 10 feet Westerly of the East line of Lot 5; thence Southeasterly to a point on said East line which is 18 feet South- erly from the Northeast corner thereof and the terminus of said line description.. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 85.46 FEET OF SAID LOT 5, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The South 25 feet of the North 37 feet of the West 15 feet thereof. - 33 - d PARCELS T-73 and T -73-C (WILLIAMS) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described line, EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A1l which is 105 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to. the South line of said Parcel "A" 5 feet; thence Southerly parallel to said West line 32 feet;. thence Southeasterly to a point which is 20 feet Easterly of said West line and 42 feet Northerly of said South line, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to the East line of said Parcel "A" and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "All The South 105.feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the East 508 feet (as measured along the South line) thereof, and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within 94th Avenue South. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 25 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL "A", LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS 54 FEET NORTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. PARCELS T--74 and T -74-C (HEIRS OF ANDREW RUNE, DECEASED) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of a line which is 42 feet Northerly of, and parallel with, the Southerly line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way: PARCEL "A" The South 330 feet of the West 132 feet of the East 528 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/41, Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the West 20 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 13 FEET OF THE WEST 61 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A" LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS 57 FEET NORTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL WITH, THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. - 34 - PARCEL T-75 and. T -75-C (RINGDAHL) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A"which is 12 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; Easterly to a point which is 135 feet Easterly of said West line and 6 feet Northerly of the South line of said Parcel "A" as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to a point which is 25 feet Westerly of the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence Northeasterly to a point on said East line which is 35 feet Northerly of the Southeast corner thereof and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 18; thence South 89013132" West 396 feet; thence North 1006121" East parallel with the East line of said Southwest 1/4, 330 feet; thence North 89013'32" East 396 feet to the East line of said Southwest 1/4; thence North 1006121" East to the North .,_line of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section l8; thence North 89°18'18" long said East a North line to. the Northeast corner of said South 1/2; thence South 1004145" West 331.61 feet to the Southeast corner of said South 1/2; thence South 89013'32" West 657.38 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT. the East 15 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof for roads. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The North 40 feet of the South 46 feet of the West 25 feet of the East 489 feet thereof; ALSO the North 20 feet of the South 26 feet of the West 50 feet of the East 389 feet thereof. PARCELS T-76 and T=77 (CALVERT) That portion of Lot 1, Correction Plat of Calvert's Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 64 of Plats, Page 6, Records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 1 which is 30 feet'Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Northeasterly to a point which is 15 feet Easterly of said West line and 12 feet Southerly of the North line of said Lot 1, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said North line to the East line of said Lot 1 and the terminus of said line description; TOGETHER with the Northerly 12 feet of Lot 4, Correction Plat of Calvert's Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 64 of Plats, Page 6, Records of King County, Washington. 35 PARCELS Tb78 and T -78'-C (HAWKINS) That portion of Lot 5, Correction Plat of Calvert's Addition to Kent, according. to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 64 of Plats, Page 6, Records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 5, which is 12 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 5 which is 9.81 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE EAST 21 FEET OF THE WEST 43 FEET OF THE NORTH 26 FEET OF SAID LOT 5. PARCELS T-79 and T -7`9-C (CALVERT - WAKEFIELD) That portion of Lot 6, Correction Plat of Calvert's Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 64 of Plats, Page 6, Records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 6 which is 9'.81 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Lot 6 which is 7.68 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. .TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE EAST 20 FEET OF THE WEST 28 FEET OF THE NORTH 25 FEET OF SAID LOT 6. - 36 - PARCELS T-80 and T+ -80-C (PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO.) That portion of the Following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "Alt which is 7.68 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "Afl, which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof and , the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" Th at portion of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the North- west 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said subdivision; thence North 87025130" East along the Northerly line of said subdivisbn, 350.82 feet; thence South 2034'30" Wast 30 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 2034' 30" East 100 feet; thence North 87'25' 301i East 60 feet; thence North 2034'30" West 100 feet; thence South 87025130" West 60 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE EAST 20 FEET OF THE WEST 40 FEET OF THE NORTH 15 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". PARCELS T-81 and T -81-C (CRANDALL) The Northerly 6 feet of Lot 7, Correction Plat of Calvert's Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 64 of Plats, Page 6, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE NORTH 26 FEET OF THE WEST 22 FEET OF THE EAST 27 FEET OF SAID LOT 7. PARCELS T-82 and T-83 (CALVERT) The Northerly 6 feet of Lot 8, Correction Plat of Calvert's Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 64 of Plats, page 6, records of King County, Washington; together with that portion of Lot 9, Correction Flat of Calvert's Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 64 of Plats, Page 6, records of King County, Washington, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 9 which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Lot 9 to a point which is 20 feet Westerly of the East line of said Lot 9; thence Southeasterly to a point on said East line which is 40 feet South- erly from the Northeast corner thereof and the terminus of said line description. PARCELS T-84 and T -84-C (JOHNSON) That portion of the following described Parcel "A11 lying Northerly of the following described line, EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-wayY Beginnitg at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 70 feet Southerly of the North line of the Northeast a of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence Easterly parallel to said North line 5 feet; thence Northeasterly to a point which is - 97- 36 feet Southerly of said North line and 25 feet Easterly of said West line, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said North line to the East line of said Parcel "A" and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" West 144 feet of the North j of the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT roads. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE WEST 20 FEET OF THE EAST 37 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A" LYING NORTHERLY of a line which is 48 FEET SOUTHERLY OF, AND PARALLEL with, the North line of the Northeast 4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right—of—way. PARCELS T-85 and T -85—C (HOOVER) The Northerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL '•A" The North 172.93 feet of the North y of the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington; 'EXCEPT the West 144 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the East 394.87 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY EASTMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A'• DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The South 13 feet of the North 19 feet of . the East 23 feet of the West 28 feet thereof; ALSO the South 15 feet of the North 21 feet of the East 17 feet of the West 115 feet thereof. PAR(1;ELS T -85A and T-85a—C (CLIFFORD) The Northerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A"; PARCEL "A" The North j of the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4; EXCEPT the North 172.93 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the West 144 feet thereof; an d EXCErT the East 168 feet thereof; and ALSO The South 105 feet of the East 168 feet of the North j of the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4; EXCEPT the East 15 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the North 75 feet of the East 115 feet thereof; and ALSO The North 172.93 feet of the East 394.87 feet of the North i of the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4; EXCEPT the East 168 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the North 30 feet thereof; All in Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The South 15 feet of the North 21 feet of the East 15 feet of the West 60 feet thereof; ALSO the South 15 feet of the North 21 feet of the East 15 feet of the West 137 feet thereof; ALSO the South 15 feet of the North 21 feet of the West 30 feet of the East 37 feet thereof. PARCEL 'T-86 (PUGET SOUND POWER B LIGHT CO.) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Parcel "A" to a point which is 15 feet Westerly of the East line of said Parcel "A"; thence Southeasterly to a point on said East line which is 25 feet Southerly from the North- east corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" The East 168 feet of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 30 feet thereof for road; and EXCEPT the East 15 feet for road, and EXCEPT the South 105 feet thereof. PARCELS T-87 and T -8'7-C (STEPHENS) That portion of Lot 7, Block 2, Fugate Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, page 100,records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 7 which is 10 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 5 feet Easterly of said West line and 6 feet Northerly of the South line of said Lot 7 as'measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to the East line of said Lot 7, and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 20 FEET OF THE SOUTH 26 FEET OF THE EAST 18 FEET OF THE WEST 43 FEET OF SAID LOT 7. PARCELS T-88 and T- 8'8-C The Southerly 6 -feet of Lot 1, Block 2, Fugate Addition to the City of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, page 100, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THEA NORTH 20 FEET OF THE SOUTH 26 FEET OF THE EAST 18 FEET OF THE WEST 51 FEET OF SAID LOT 1. PARCELS T=89 and T -8'9-C (FUGATE - OVERTON) The Southerly 6 feet of Lot 8, Block 1, Fugate Addition to the City of Kent, Washington, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, page 100, records of King County, Washington 39 - 4 TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 8 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The North 15 feet of the South 21 feet of the West 85 feet of the East 95 feet thereof; ALSO the North 24 feet of the South 30 feet of the East 10 feet thereof. PARCELS T-90 and T -9`0-C (HILL) The portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Fugate Addition to the City of Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, page 100, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: .Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 1, which is 20 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Lot 1, 52 feet; thence Southerly parallel to said West line 14 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said South line to a point which is 12 feet Westerly of the East line of said Lot 1; thence Northeasterly to a point on said East line which is 18 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTHERLY 30 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 62 FEET OF SAID LOT 1. PARCELS T-91 and 'T -91-C (KENT MERIDIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT #415) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line, EXCEPTING therefrom any existing public right-of-way: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 52 feet Southerly of the North line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence Northeasterly to a point which is l0 feet Easterly of said West line and 36 feet Southerly of said North line, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly to a point which is 50 feet'Southerly of said North line and 164 feet Westerly of the East line of said Parcel "A", as measured at right angles thereto; thence Southerly parallel to said East line 14 .feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line 52 feet; thence Northerly parallel to said East line 14 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line 77 feet; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 80 feet Southerly of said North line and 20 feet Westerly of said East line, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Southerly parallel to said East line 35 feet; thence Easterly parallel to said North line 20 feet, to the East line of said Parcel "A", and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" The Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the West 30 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: - 40 - The North 70 feet of. the West 33 feet of the East 247 feet: thereof; the North 74 feet of the West 82 feet of the East 184 feet thereof. PARCELS T-92 and T -9`2-C (BRECKENRIDGE) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described liner Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 30 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 15 feet Easterly of said West line and 6 feet Northerly of the South line of said Parcel "A" measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Parcel "A" to the East line thereof and the terminus of said described line. PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said subdivision and running thence North 2017125" East along the West line of said subdivision 120.73 feet;. thence South 8702915511 East 184.36 feet; thence South 2017'2511 West 120.73 feet; thence West along the South line of said subdivision to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof for road and EXCEPT the West 20 feet for road purposes, and EXCEPT the East 75 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 5 FEET OF THE SOUTH 11 FEET OF THE WEST 9 FEET OF THE EAST 39 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". PARCELS T-93 and 'T -9'3-C (SCHUKNECHT) The Southerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL "A" The East 75 feet of the following described property; that portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said subdivision and running thence North 201712511 East along the West line of said subdivision 120.73 feet; thence South 87029'55" East 184.36 feet; thence South 201712511 West 120.73 feet; thence West along the South line of said subdivision to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof for road and less the West 20 feet. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 10 FEET OF THE SOUTH 16 FEET OF THE WEST 25 FEET OF THE EAST 29 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". SLID= PARCELS T-94 and T -94-C (MILLER - CAMPBELL) Th e Southerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A"; PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said subdivision; thence South 2616115" West along the East line of said subdivision 370 feet; thence North 87°29'55" West parallel to the South line of said subdivision 304 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 87029'55" West 150 feet; thence South 1044147" East 170.05 feet; thence North 87029155" West parallel to the South line of said subdivision, 12 feet; thence South 201712511 West parallel to the West line of said subdivision 120.73 feet to the South line of said subdivision; thence South 87029'55" East along the South line of said subdivision, 150.00 feet to a point 304.10 feet West of the Southeast corner of said subdivision; thence North 2016'15" East 290.73 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the South 30 feet. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The North 10 feet of the South 16 feet of the East 20 feet of the West 31 feet thereof; ALSO the North 5 feet of the South 11 feet of the East 10 feet of the West 56 feet thereof. PARCEL T-95 ( MILLER) The Southerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A". PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Soutr west 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: .Beginning at the Northeast corner of said subdivision; thence South 2016115" West, along the East line of said subdivision, 370 feet to the true point of beginning;. thence North 87029'55" West; parallel to the South line of said subdivision, 454 feet, thence South 1044147" East 170.05 feet; thence North 87029'55" West parallel to the South line of said subdivision, 12 feet; thence South 201712511 West, parallel to the West line of said subdivision 120.73 feet to the South line of said subdivision; Thence South 87029155" East, along the South line of said subdivision, 454.10 feet to the East line of said subdivision; thence North 2016'15" East along the East line of said subdivision, 290.73 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof for road and EXCEPT the West 150 feet and EXCEPT the East 100 feet thereof. PARCELS T-97 and 'T- 97 - C ( MAULE ) The Southerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL "Ar' That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: - 42 - Beginning at the Northeast corner of said subdivision; thence South 2'16.15" West along the East line of said subdivision 370 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 87°29155" West parallel to the South line of said subdivision 100 feet; thence South 2°16'15" West, parallel to the East line of said subdivision 290.73 feet to the South line of said subdivision; thence South 87°29155" East along the South line of said subdi*ision 100 feet to the East line of said subdivision; thence North 2'16115" East along the Fast line of said subdivision 290.73 feet to the.true point of beginning. EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof for county road; and EXCEPT the South 50 feet of the West 50 feet. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 25 FEET OF THE SOUTH 31 FEET OF THE REST 13 FEET OF THE EAST 20 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". PARCELS T-98 and T -98-C (ROOS — RENTONITES, INC.) The Southerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A". PARCEL "A" West 30 feet of South 337 feet of the East j of the Southwest of the Southwest a of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington EXCEPT the North 4 feet thereof and EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof for Southeast 240th Street. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 25 FEET OF THE SOUTH 31 FEET OF THE WEST 22 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A"". PARCEL T-99 (ROOS — RENTONITES, INC.,- THE WEFORE COMPANY) That portion of the Following described parcel "A"" lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A"" which is 6 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Parcel "A" 110 feet; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 12 feet Northerly from the Southeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line descr#ion. PARCEL "A" The East 308 feet of the West 338 feet of the South 337 feet of the East j of the Southwest a of the Southwest J of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the North 4 feet thereof and EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof for Southeast 240th Sbmet. PARCEL T-100 (ROOS - RENTONITES, INC.) That portion of the following described,'Parcel "A" lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A•" which is 12 feet Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Parcel "A" 223 feet; thence North- easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A"" which is 28 feet Northerly of, as measured at right angles to, said South line, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A"' The north 407 feet of the South 437 feet of the East j of the — 43 — , ... Southwest a of the Southwest 4 of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the West 338 feet thereof and EXCEPT the South 30 feet thereof lying within southeast 240th Street and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within Secondary State Highway No. 2, as established by deed to the State of Washington recorded under auditor's file No. 6017370. PARCEL T-101 (LAMB) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 35 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence North- easterly to a point which is 15 feet Easterly of said West line and 20 feet Southerly of the North line of said Parcel "A", as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said North line to the East line of said Parcel *'A" and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" The North 150 feet of the West J of Tract 1, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the East 75 feet thereof. PARCELS T-102 and T -102-C (CONNELLY-SCHORTGEN) The Northerly 20 feet of the following described Parcel "A": PARCEL "A" The East 75 feet of the North 150 feet of the West i of Lot 1, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, in King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The South 15 feet of the North 35 feet of the West 25 feet thereof; ALSO the South 15 feet of the North 35 feet of the East 20 feet thereof. PARCELS T-103 and T -103-C (LIND, AS TRUSTEE - WILLIAMSON) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described 1 ine : Beginning at apoint on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 20 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 16.80 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" West 85 feet of the North 135 feet of the East J of Lot 1, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, in King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 30 FEET OF THE FAST 40 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". - 44 PARCELS T-104 and T -104-C (WILLIAMSON) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 16.80 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 14.27 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" East J of Tract 1, R. O. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the West 85 feet of the North 135 feet thereof. :TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 40 FEET OF THE EAST 15 FEET OF THE WEST 25 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". PARCELS T-105 and T -105-C (WILLIAMSON) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 14.27 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence East- erly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description_ PARCEL "A" Lot 2, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Audition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 27, in King County, Wash- ington; EXCEPT the North 135 feet of the East 85 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE NORTH 30 FEET OF THE WEST 22 FEET OF THE FAST 80 FEET OF SAID PARCEL "A". PARCELS T-106 and T -106_C (WILLIAMSON) The Northerly 6 feet of the following described Parcel "A"': PARCEL "A" North 135 feet of the East 85 feet of Lot 2, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts, Addition to Kent, according to Plat recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, in King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE NORTH 26 FEET OF THE EAST 20 FEET OF THE WEST 35 FEET OF SAID PARCEL"A: PARCELS T-107 and T -107-C (PIKE - KOCH) The Northerly 6 feet of the West I of Tract 3, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, records of King County, Washington; EXCEPT the East 84 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OVER THAT PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: -- 45 - Beginning at a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof; thence Southerly along said East line 35 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said Parcel "A" 10 feet; thence Northwesterly to a point which is 6 feet Southerly of said North line and 30 feet Westerly of said East line, as measured at right angles thereto; thence Easterly parallel to said North line 30 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL "A" The West half of Tract 3, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to plat recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the East 84 feet thereof. PARCELS T-108 and T -X108 -C (KUEMPEL - KOCH) The Northerly 6 feet of the East 84 feet of the West j of Tract 3, R. 0. Bmith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, Page 27, records of King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UPON THAT PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL "A" described as follows: Beginning at apoint on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 6 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Southerly along said West line 35 feet; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Parcel "A" 15 feet; thence Northwesterly to the point of beginning. PARCEL "A" The East 84 feet of the West I of tract 3, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, records of King County, Washington. PARCEL T-109 (KOCH) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Parcel "A" which is 8 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "A" which is 20 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner thereof, and the terminus of said line description. PARCEL "A" The East I of tract 3, R. 0. Smith's Orchard Tracts Addition to Kent, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 27, records of King County, Washington. Section 2: That the acquiring of said right-of-way and easements for the purpose herein mentioned is for a public use and necessity. Section 3: Payment for the right of way and easements herein described to be acquired shall be made from Urban Arterial Trust Funds of the State of Washington, assessments against the property specially benefited by the proposed improvement, - 46 - issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the City of Kent, and or from such other funds of the City of Kent as may be available therefor. Section 4: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Kent of its right to decline to take and pay for said right-of-way and or easements after the amount of damages has been ascertained and within the time allowed by law. Section 5: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Alex Thornton, Mayor Attest: Marie Jen �7iy Clerk Approved as to form: �L , ZI1) 1 Jo B. Bereiter, City Attorney r Passed the -day of November, 1968. Approved the ,_� day of November, 1968. Published the /0 day of November, 1968 in the Bent News -Journal. - 47 -