HomeMy WebLinkAbout1533I ORDINANCE N0. %� 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, approving a plat of a portion of land in 3 said City, under the name of "SALT BREEZE". 4 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO 5 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 Section 1. That HOLLIS DERRYBERRY and ODDETTE J. 7 DERRYBERRY, his wife3, have submitted to the City of Kent a proposed 8 plat of the following described land, in said City, and located 9 in the County of King, State of Washington, and more fully describ- 10 ed as follows: 11 This plat of Salt Breeze Addition to the City 12 of Kent embraces the S 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the ,TE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 21, TWP 22 N. , 13 R4E9 w.M., described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the East line of the •14 �E 1/4 of the SW 1/4 in said Section with the North line of said S 1/2 of said North line also 15 being the South line of the plat of Salt Air IIills, recorded in Volume 59 of Plats, pages 395 16 40 and 41, records of King County, Washington; 17 thence North 87044148" West 329.31 feet to the true point of beginning of property herein defined; thence N 8704414811 W along said South line and 1.8 said North line 328.73 feet to the Northerly corner of Lot 135 in Block 89 in said Plat; thence S 10 19 03152" West 180.14 feet along the West line of said subdivision, said West line also being the East 20 line of Lots 13 and 14 in said block of said plat; 2I thence S 87044' 2 9" East 164.52 feet; thence 1\ 10 031401t East 18.01 feet; thence South 87044129" East 22 164.25 feet; thence nT 1003' 06" East 162.16 feet to the true point of beginning. 23 and said matter having come on for hearing pursuant to notice of 24 said hearing duly posted in the form and manner and for the time 25 required by law, the City Council, after due consideration there - 26 of, and after said hearing, held an open Council Meeting on the 27 19th day of August, 1968, finds that said plat conforms to all the 28 legal requirements and that due provision has been made for all 29 streets and alleys and for other public necessities and convenienc- 30 es. 31 Section 2. That said plat of"SALT BREEZE" be, and it is 32 hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorize -1- 1 and directed to have approval thereof fully inscribed thereon under 2 their proper, official signatures with the seal of the City of 3 Kent. 4 Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 5 force five (5) days from and after its Passage, approval and pub - 6 lication, as Provided law. 7 �- `/ � _. ALEX-T71_0_RNTOfl-j,_­MAY OR 8 Attest: 10 i y Clerk 1Z Approved as to form: 12 ., 13 J-OHf3%: .lBFREITER, city Atto ney 14 PASSED the z day of , 1968. 15 APPROVED the day of 1968. 1.6 PUBLISHED the � lday of r, 1968. 17 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance 18 No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and , approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 19 (SEAL) 20 Marie Jensen ty Clerk 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2-