HomeMy WebLinkAbout15231 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, declaring an emergency, making appro- 3 vriations and providing, for the issuance of a warrant for payment of the City of Kent's 4 sewer assessments in the amount of $32 ,945.46 under City of Kent U. L.I.D. No. 1. b 6 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO 7 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 8 Section 1. That in order to pay for the assessments 9 against property owned and controlled by the City of Kent under 10 U. L. I . D. No. 1, it is necessary to appropriate funds therefor at 11 this time which have not been budgeted for in the Budget of the 12 City of Kent for the fiscal year 1968. 1.3 Section 2. That this action is necessary to enable the 14 City to avoid payment of interest on said assessments and the 15 breakdown of said assessments by number and department is as 16 follows: 17 Assessment Number Department Amounts 18 No. 264 Street $664. 81 19 No .195 Current Expense 363.29 20 No. 273 Current Expense 88.18_ 451.47 No. 247 Sewer 17$805.04 21 No. 248 Sewer 12,193.25 29,998.29 22 No. 328 Park 494.91 23 No. 354 Park 302 .80 2 No. 371 Park 613.71 1 No. 377 Park 419• 11830. 89 25 GRAVID TOTAL -SEWER $ 32 $945. 46 ASSESSMENT U.L.I.D. 26 NO. 1 27 Section 3. That an emergency exists due to the situa.- 28 tion as set forth in Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance which 2s could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of the prepar 30 ation of the budget for the year 1968 and,therefore, there is at 31 this time as necessary to sustain the proper operation, efficiency 32 and protection of the Citizens of the City of Kent for the balance -1- 1 of fiscal year 1968 an emergency appropriation is herewith made of 2 $32,945.46 for the payment of the assessments against property 3 owned by the City of Kent under Kent U.L.I.D. No. 1. Such emergency 4 warrants to bear interest at the rate of a maximum of 6% per annum 5 from the date of issuance until paid. 6 Section 4. This Ordinance shall not be voted on until 7 at least one (1) week has elapsed after its introduction and for 8 passage shall require the vote of one (1) more than the majority 9 of all members of the Kent City Council and be approved by the 10 Mayor. 11 Section 5. Any taxpayer may appear at the meeting at 12 which time this emergency Ordinance is voted upon and be heard for 13 or against the adoption thereof. 14 Section 6. This Ordinance shall be voted upon at the 15 regular meeting of the Kent City Council in the Council Chambers 16 of the Kent City Hall at 8:00 O'Clock P.M., Monday, August 5, 1968 17 and a copy of this Ordinance shall be published in the official 18 city newspaper once prior to said date as notice of said meeting 19 and proposed action. 20 Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in force after the 21 public hearing thereon and after the passage and approval thereof 22 as set forth in the preceding sections of this Ordinance and after 23 its final publication and. approval, '-4s,,provided by law. 24 25 ALEX—THORNTn- ' MAYOR Attest: 27 MART ISE ; C T_ JERK , 28 Approved as to form: TY ATTORNEY ..;TOM B. BTREITER9 CI 29 INTRODUCED the 15th day of July, 1968. 196 8. 30 FIRST PUBLICATION, the day of , APPROVED the day o74•� • 31 FINAL PUBLICA�'� the 4_ y�of i < c<---`� , 1968. 32 I hereby certify that this is a ' true and correct copy of r"� ' passed d by the City Council of the City of Ordinance No. >.�� P Kent and approve 3TC _the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon �-�- ( SEAL) indicated.y-%�z-