HomeMy WebLinkAbout1519Ott L ED ORDINANCE NO. KitC`� ..... %, WASH. J0 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, annexing to the City certain lands contiguous thereto. CD Ln 4 WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 35.13 of the Laws of the • 5 State of Washington, the owners of not less than seventy-five 6 percent (750) in value, according to the assessed val-uation for 7general taxation, of certain lands situated in King County, Wash- 8 ington, and more particularly described hereinafter in this 9 Ordinance, filed with the city Council of the City of Kent their i - 1A , 10 petition in writing to have annexed to said City the said described.- 11 land, and 12 WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 35.13 of the Laws of the 13 proceedings were had; and within State of Washington various 14 sixty (60) days of the filing of the notice of intention of said 15 annexation the jurisdiction of the King County Boundary Review 16 Board was not involved, and, therefore, said annexation is deemed 17 by statute to be approved by said Boundary Review Board and 18 further public hearings having been heard as required by lawo and 19 WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of 20 Kent that said petition meets the requirements specified by laws 21 that procedures from the filing with the City of Kent by the 22 requisite number of property owners of their notice of intention 23 to commence annexation proceedings to and including the considera- 24 tion of the passage of this Ordinance, meet with the requirements 25 specified by law and the lands sought to be annexed are contiguous 26 to the City of Kent, and have not heretofore been incorporated in 27 or as a City or Tcwn5 28 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO 29 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 30 Section 1. That there shall be annexed to the City Of 31 Kent the following described land, situated in the County of Kingg 32 -1- \! co O1.0 1. State of Washington, to -wit: That portion of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 23, 2 Twp. 22 N. , Range 4 E, W.M. and of the NE 1/4 3 of Sec. 26, Twp. 22 N, Range 4 E, W.M. , King County, Washington described as follows: 4 Beginning at the NW corner of said SE 1/4 being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of 5 property herein described; thence E along the N line of said SE 1/4 to the W line of the B Thompson D.C. ; thence S along said D.C. line to the N line of County Road #8; thence E 7 and SEly along the N line of said road to the E line of said SE 1/4; thence S along said E g line to the center of Green River; thence Wly, Sly, Wly, Nly and Wly along said center 9 of said river to the W line of said SE 1/4; thence N along said W line to the TRUE POINT 10 OF BEGINNING EXCEPT shore lands adjacent to Tract 43 of Meeker.'s Supplerental Plat First 11. Addition to the 'own of Kent in Vol. 5 of -3 lats, pages 96 and 96 1/2, King County, as described 12 in Ordinance #1002 in City of Kent. 13 Section 2. That the property hereby annexed shall be 14 assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as other 15 property within the City of Kent is assessed and taxed, to pay for 16 any outstanding general indebtedness of the City to which the 17 area w as annexed and which was contracted prior to or in existence 18 at the effective date of this annexation. 19 Section 3. That upon the 20J4 day of J ,,; 'V 20 1968 the annexation of said property will become effective, and said 21 property shall become a part of the City of Kent, subject to all 22 of the City Laws and Ordinances then and thereafter in effect, 23 except as otherwise provided by law. 24 Section 4. Notice is hereby given that as of the 25 effective date of this annexation, all franchises or permits here - 26 tofore granted to any person, firm or corporation by the State o 27 Washington or by the governing body of the annexed territory 26 authorizing or otherwise permitting the operation of any public 29 transportation, garbage collection and/or disposal or other 30 similar public service business or facility within the limits Of 31 the annexed territory are cancelled; that the holder or any such 32 franchises or permits herewith cancelled or any other franchises -2- Attest: 11 12� 13 MARIE JbNO, City Clerk 14 App roved as to form: 15 1 or permits granted by the authorities governing the territory 2 annexed herein upon the effective date of this annexation are here - 3 with granted by the City of Kent a franchise or permit to continue CV 0 4 such business within the annexed territory for a period up to ten 14 CD 110 5 (10) years from the effective date of this annexation. Passed the 1' ' day of , 1968. 6 Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 7 force five (5) days from and after its passage, . approval and 18 8 publication as provided by law. day of , 1968. Published the ALEX THORNTON, Mayor of 1968. 10 Attest: 11 12� 13 MARIE JbNO, City Clerk 14 App roved as to form: 15 ,. R, city Attorney 16B ��.. y' Passed the 1' ' day of , 1968. 17 — — 18 Approved the j r; day of , 1968. Published the day of 1968. 19 _L2 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. I_t5- 4 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicwt 0'd. ISIM