HomeMy WebLinkAbout151210� 11 4� 12 13 s 14 3' 15 16 17 i 18 19 3 a 20 21 22 a 23 I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington amending Section 1 of__Or-dir ance .132-1. passed the 20th day of December, 1965 and making it illegal to park vehicles on portions of certain streets within the City of Kent, Washington, and which streets form a part of State of Washington Highway System; directing the City Engineer to obtain the ratification and approval of said actions from the Washington State Highway Commission; ordering the City Traffic Engineer to supervise the placement of appropriate "No Parking" signs on said streets; and imposing penalties and fines for violation of the terms of this Ordinance. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Kent City Ordinance .1329, gassed the 20th day of December, 1965 which reads as follows: "Upon the effective date of this Ordinance it shall be illegal to park motor or other vehicles upon either side of the following streets located within the city limits of theCity of Kent, Wash- ington and which form a part of the Washington State Highway System, to -wit: Smith Street from Central Avenue to Kennebeck Avenue." 9 its hereby amended to read as follows: "Upon the effective date of this Ordinance it shall be jilleg.al to park motor or other vehicles upon the following streets; during the times as indicated, located within the City of Kent city limits, and which form a part of the Washington State Highway) ;System, to -wit: North side of Smith Street from Central Avenue to Kennebeck Avenue; 24 hours per day South side of Smith Street. from Central Avenue to Kennebeck Avenue during the hours of 3 o'clock p.m. to 6 o'clock p.m. Meeker Street from Fourth Avenue West to the Milwaukee tracks; 24 hours per day -1- a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 2. The City Traffic Engineer is herewith ?directed to obtain from the Washington State .Highway Commission "said Commission's approval and ratification of the terms of this Ordinance as required by RCW 47.24.020 of the Laws of the State of Washington. Section 3. Upon the Effective date of this Ordinance, the City's Traffic Engineer shall supervise the placement of app- iropriate "No Parking" signs on said streets. Section 4. Penalties. Violations of the terms of this 'Ordinance shall be those as set forth in Kent City Ordinance 0.848.1952 (Codified as Chapter 8.34 of the Qrdinances. of the City of Kent, Washington). Section 5, Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law, and once a copy of a communication approving the terms hereof, from the Washington State Highway Commission, is filed herewith i of� cs t Kent City Clerk. A EX THORNT'OA, Mayor At--'t�e'}s_t : i ty Clerk Approved as to form: Ci ty Attorney Passed the : day of , 1968. Approved the day of , 1968. Published the day of , 1968. I hereby certify that thi is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and appro�ved by the Mayor of the City of Kent, as hereon indicated. Marie , City Clerk -2- L' C :,TT cEERK War Sir: STATE OF WASHINGTON DANIEL J. EVANS,, Gr,vrFmon WON IN GTO I'll DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS C. G. PRAIIL, oOrr•.CTor, HIGHWAYS-LICENSGS [WILDING OLYMPIA July 17, 1QGU City of Kent, SI? 5i_6 }�roILi.c,it':.n;z nt.,Tn?CT OPP ICt J YO. I A'TI F 9 L rC. rc A ._C W._-. 5211 DurinS its rcGu.l ar moct i nC on Jnly :I.G, 1968, the son I;u HQh',,, Y W .,A •-..; "., 7': iY•O_1 t'-0. UZ•1�..21i:i?CC.' - r, ',_, City Erle, GL�y o!' Kc:n�c adol?�(,csd an T�iC:y 96r•, G, 1.,1.,x,, c:;tabi rhi_nn tile: fo11_oyinS parkins restrictions on ,)alto Rotaw 516: pvohl ) i t m n1.C'm; the no&h ci& of i ;i{ WON T,)i: i.Vr'._:! C.z,Lral Avenu.(3 tinct. Kcnnc:'I.).:c.:, cihl� o:;: inciLcl� 0.:1.1 mile. 3 --hour parking prohibition between the hot ro of 3:00 p.m. and. 6.:00 p.m. daily alonS the south side of SR 516 (Smith Street) between Ccntral Avenue ana Kenncbcck Avenue, a distance of approximately 0.1.1 Milo. 211 -hour pnrh inn prohibition on both sidos of S}t j1.6 "3tr•c�:t) bntwcon till: M,1.lk HOC Y'('.:L.I1,•Oad trvCks and Foi)rth ftven!iI; ,a 6:1.:-ta cc of Cts)pro:. i.m: ia:1.y 0.:1.5 ma IP . JAG:dca cc: T,ir. Gn11.anhcr city C1.c:�''. J 1'i1c 7 � Very truly your,,, C. G. PRAIT.h, 7?.),;. Director of IIi[;h •ro. ,,z By: J. A. GALLAGIEO-1I , P.L. Traffic EnGinecr