HomeMy WebLinkAbout1494nL 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN. ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington creating the. office of City 4 Administrator, establishing the methods of appointing and removing said officer, establish - 5 }'; ing the duties, powers and salary for said office. 6 �`,TNE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, ',WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 7 Section 1. There is hereby created the position of Kent 8 City. Administrator, who shall be and act as the administrative ands 9 .'executive supervisor of the City government of the City of Kent, ' 10 :,!Washington under the authority. and direction of the Mayor. The 11 ,position may be filled by appointment of the Mayor, subject to 12 the confirmation of a majority of the members of the Kent City. 13 "Council and the City Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of 14 the Mayor. 15Section 2. The City Administrator shall assist the Mayor 16in the performance of his duties and shall do all things required 17 al of him by the Mayor or the City Council to assist in the 18administrat ion of the business of the City government; and shall 19 ,.oversee. and supervise the various city departments as directed to 20 do so by the Mayor; and shall assist in thecoordination and 21liaison of the city business between the City. Council and the 22 various City officers and the City departments. 23 Section 3. Before entering upon the duties of his office' 24 11 the City Administrator shall take the official oath for the 25 ';! support of the. government and the faithful performance of his 26 �!! duties and shall execute. and file with the City Clerk a bond in 27s favor of the City in such sum as may be fixed by motion of the i 28 F City Council. 29 Section 4. The City Administrator need not be a resident!. 30 He shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to. confirmation of a 31 majority of the members of the City Council solely on the basis 32 9 1 of his executive and administrative qualifications with special 2 reference to: lis.education, actual experience in, and knowledge of 3 i accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office and I. 4 ';the field of municipal administration and finance. 5 Section 5. Subject to the provisions of Section 2 6 #'above, the general powers and duties of the City Administrator 7 go shall be: (a) To have general supervision over the administrative i 9 � affairs of the City; 10 (b) To attend all meetings of the City Council and such T 11 ? other meetings as may be suggested by the Mayor; 12 (c) To recommend for adoption by the Mayor and Council 13 !!:such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient; 14 (d) To prepare and submit to the Mayor and City Council 15 isuch reports as may be required by that body or as he may deem it 16 advisable to. submit; i 17 j (e.) In cooperation with .the City Clerk, City Treasurer, 18 N and Municipal Accountant, to: keep the Mayor and City Council fully I 19 !!advised, of the financial condition of the City and its future need, 20 and toassist in the preparation and submi,%ionto the Mayor and 21 City Council a tentative budget for the fiscal year. 22 (f) To investigate: all complaints in relation to matters i 23 concerning the administration of theovernment of the Cit and inj g Y 24regard to the :service maintained by public utilities in the City, 25 and to see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by 26 g{ the City are faithfully observed, 27 (g) To make, compile and file with the City Clerk a 28 complete inventory of the property, r(al and personal, owned or i 29�' leased by the City and file amended inventories thereof at least 1; 30?, semi=-annually as to stock, supplies and equipment,. and at least 31 annually as to other properties. 32 -2- yy3� Nf Y. �j 1 2 3 4 5 Section 6. No person elected to membership on the City Council shall subsequent to such election, be eligible for the appointment of City Adninistrator until one year has elapsed 'following the expiration of the last term for which he was elected« Section 7. The salary of the :City Administrator shall be'; 6 ;that as. established in the annual budget of the City. of Kent. P, 7 Section 8. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause 8 or phralse of this ordinance, or if its application to any person 9 ;.or circumstances is held invalid, such decision or decisions shall .j 10 .!not effect the validity -of the remaining portions of this 11 ;Ordinance or the application thereof to other persons or circum - 12 ;stances. Section 9. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 14 ;force five days from and after its passage, approval and publica- i 15 tion, as provided by law. C 16 17 ALEX THORNTON, 7ayor c 19 Attest: 20 21 {� MARIE JENOIN, City 'Clerk Approved as to form: 22 23 ! J Pd E R, City. ttorney 24 j Passed the r` day of 1967. 25 ;j Approved.th� day of , 1967. (f Published the day of , 1967. 26y I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No..?` 4( , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and 27 approve y the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 2329 arae en e , ity erk 30 i; 31 3- 32 F'. p f 4