HomeMy WebLinkAbout1484ORDIN ANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN L'�ND AS RIGHT OF .JAY, TOGETHER WITH CONSTRUCTION EiSEMENTS, SLOPE EASEMENTS, DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND UTILITY EASEMENTS IN, OVER, AND UPON CERTAIN LANDS NECESSARY IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF SOUTH 212TH STREET 'WITHIN KENT, WASHINGTON AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT FOR SAID LANDS AND EASEMENTS The City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1: That the City attorney for the City of Kent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and/or institute and prosecute to determination in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in the County of Kine;, an action in the name of the City of Kent for condemnation and acquisition of right of way, construction easements, slope easements, drainage easements and utility easements in, over and upon the following described land, situated in Y ink; :'ounty, Washington for the purpose of obtaining the necessary property and v,;zGty iij-its for the improvement of South 212th Street within the City of Kent, to -4r .i t: Parcel 1 (Montgomery) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and North 30 ft. and 45 ft. respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of S. 212th St. (County Road No. 22), and which lies West of a line extended Northerly at right angles from the center line of S. 212th St. at a roint which is Easterly 905 ft., measured along said center line, from the center line of 68th t?ve. South ( West Valley Road). Also that portion of said Parcel ".=`` which lies between lines which are parallel with and North 30 ft. and 40 ft., respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of S. 212th St. (County Road No. 22), and which lies East of a line extended Northerly at right angles from the center line of S. 212th St. at a point which is Easterly 905 ft. measured along said center line from the center line of 6Qth . ve. South (':lest Valley Road). Also that portion of said Parcel "A' which lies between lines which are parallel with and North 40 ft. and 50 ft., respectively, measured at right angles from the center line of South 212th St. (County Road No. 22), and lies East of a line parallel with and Westerly 10 ft. measured at ri.Iht angles, from the Easterly line of said Parcel 1 . Also a temporary easement for construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and North 45 ft. and 90 ft., respectively, measured at right angles from the center line of S. 212th St. (County Road No. 22), and lies `;Jest of a line extended Northerly at right angles from the center line of S. 212th St, at a point which is Easterly 665 ft.,measured along said centerline from the center line of 68th Ive. South ( :lest Valley Road). Also a temporary easement for construction purposes over that portion of said parcel. .11 ,rhich lies between lines which are parallel :with and North. 40 ft, and 7i, ft. respectively, measured at nicht an -les, from the center line of S. 212th St. (County Read D1 22) and lies E- st of a Mne parallel with and 'lesterl.y 25 ft., measured at right ark les , fror the Easterly line- of said Parcel. Parcel The NT",,y of the NUJ of Section 12, Township 2.2 North, Range 4 East J.M.. in King County, 'Iagl ingtnn., !yin;; North of the ?forth line ;f County Road No. 22. (O'Bri 'n Road) and East of the a s t 1 i n loeccndnry Stara; 1?4.:;hwA" 110. 5M-, EXCEPT the South 6 6.96 n., of �� , f yet of t"I" rst 625 feet then -of. Parcel 2 (!Cent Schon! District) That norti.nn of tl-jn followi.no described Parcel "1:." which lies between 1Ines which are parallel rwith and North 30 feet and - feet rNspectively, measured .at ri-"ht angles, from the centerline of South 212th `'t. (County Road No. 22). lso that portion of said Parcel 'A` described a,s follows Beginning .at the intersection of a line which is parallel with and asterly 50 feet, measured at right angles, from the center- line of secondary state highway No. 2-M and a line which i.s parallel with and northerly 50 feet, measured at right angles, from the centerline of South 212th Street ( County Road No. 22); thence north-rly parallel with the centerline of said state highway a distance of 15 feet; thence southeasterly to a point on said line parallel with the center line of South 212th Street which i -s easterly 15 feet_ from the point of beginning, thence westerly '15 fect to the point of beginning. ,.iso a temporary easement for road construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel `A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and North 50 feet and 90 feet, respectivel.,, measured at right angles, from the centerline of S. 212th Street (County Road No. 22), and lies East of a line extended Northerly at right angles from the centerline of S. 212th Street at a point which is Easterly 385 feet, measured along said centerline from the centerline of 68th ,'eve. South (West valley Road). PARCEL "A" The South 696.96 feet of the ;Jest 625.00 feet of the portion of the MV,- of the NW'k of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East '1.Pi. , in King County, Washington, lying North of the North line of County Road M.-. 22 (O'Brien Road) and East of, the 'ast line of Secondary State Highway- No. 5M; EXCEPT that portion deeded to the State of Washington for highway purposes by deed recorded April 5, 1966, under auditor's file No. 6010244. -2- Parcel 3 (Dodobara) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 feet and 70 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the centerline of South 212th Street ( County Road No. 22), and which lies West of a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 1100 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th Avenue South (West Valley Road). Also that portion of said Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 feet and 95 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22), and which lies East of a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 2<_), at a point which is Easterly 1100 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th Avenue youth (,lest Valley Rcad). Also a permanent slope easement for road construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel "A" which lies within the following described tract: Beginning at a point which is 70 feet Southerly, measured along a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street ( County R.ad No. 22), at a point which is E,sterly 700 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th Avenue South ( West Valley Road); thence Southerly along said extended line 5 feet; thence Southeasterly to a point which is 95 feet Southerly, measured along a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street ( County Road No. 2.2), at a point which is Easterly 1100 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th :avenue South ( Uest Valley R>ad); thence Northerly along said extended line 25 feet; thence Westerly parallel with the centerline of South 212th Street ( County Road No. 22), to the point of beginning. Also a permanent drainage easement over a strip of land 10 feet in width (measured at right angles) which adjoins and lies south of the South line and its Easterly prolongation, of the above described permanent elope easement. P:IRCEL °'A l' That portion of the N� of the SWof the NWk of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 ast, ,4.M., in King County, Washington lying South of the South line of O'Brien Road, EXCEPT the West 876.73 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the following described tract: Beginning onthe South marginal line of the County Road where it is intersected by the East Boundary line of said N2 of the SW',; of the NWk of said Section 12; thence running West 210 feet 9 inches; thence South 163 feet 7 inches; thence East 210 feet 9 inches; thence North 163 feet 7 inches to the point of beginning, and EXCEPT any portion thereof, lying within South 212th Street. Parcel 4 (Mickie Dodobara) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 feet and 70 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22); EXCEPT that portion thereof which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 5C feet and 70 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the center- line of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22), and lies priest of a line extended Southerly from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 395 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th Avenue South (',Jest Valley Road.) Also a permanent slope easement for road construction purposes over that oorti.on of said Parcel which lies within the following described tract: Beginning at a point which is 70 feat Southerly, measured along a. line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22), at a point which isEasterly 700 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th avenue South (?Iest Valley Road); thence Southerly 1.1on said extended line 5 feet; thence Southeast_�r.ly to a paint which is 95 feet Southerly, measured along a line extended .Southerly at right angles from the centerline of S;uth 212th Street ( County Road No. 22) , at a point whi.c}i .Ls Easterly 1,10;1 feet, measured along; said centerline, from the centerline of 6("'th venue South (,dost Valey Road) ; thence Northerly along, said extended line 25 feet; thence `;desterl.y parallel. with the centerline of South 2_12th .)tl-eot ( County Road No. 22) to the point of be`,inni.n . !so a l;errnanent slope easement for road construction pur-poses over that ,;ortion of said Parcel whi.c'- lies between lines which are South 51 -fent and 70 feet, respectively, mpasored it ri-ht an,-Ies, froril tho enterl�i.ne of South 212th Street ( County RadNo. 22) and. lies ,:eMt of a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of. S uth 212t1h street ( County R,.ad W. 22) at a. point which is Easterly 395 feet, measured along =aid centerline from the centr,rline of firth :`.venue south ('.lest Valley R.oad). lso a permanent drainage easci-ent over that portion of said Parcel ". �.,ithin a strip of land 10 feet in width, measured. at right angles, which adjoins and lies North of the fA.Iowin described line; Beginninr, at a point which is Southerly r,0 feet, measured aloe; a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerli.nc of S uth 212th street (County Road N„. 22), at a point which is Easterly 31.:5 -feet, 't'easured along; said center line, from the centerline of 6,-'ti,. i1venue South. (;Nest Valley Road) thence Easterly parallel. with the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road N:. 22) to an intersection with the Aesterly ;ro- lon ation of a line which is parallel with and Southerly lv feet, ueasU. _'0d at richt angles, frorl the Sc,utherly line of the above described nermanent slope (�asecnent; thence Easterly along said parallel linos t) tho E.:ste>rly line of said Parcel . and the terminus of said described line. FARCEM A That portion of the '•,lest :)76.73 feet of the Nlz� of the J',Iy of the NT'Vof ecti<)n 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, ti.M. in Kin-, County, .,lashington, l.y:i_n , South of the South line of C” Brien Road and East of E.st line of Mate Highway; EXCEPT the followinv described tract: B•.gi.nnin; at th:> ittersection of the east line -4- of State Highway between Section 11 and Section 12, said Township and R nge, with the South line of County Road No. 22 leading West from the Town of O'Brien in sai.d Section 12; thence South along East line of State Highway 165 feet; thence East 165 feet; thence North 165 feet to the South line of said County Road No. 22; thence Westerly along said South line of County Road to point of be -inning. Parcel 5 (Anderson) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and North 30 ft. and 40 ft. respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of S. 212th St.*at a Point which is Easterly 1400 ft., measured along said center line, from the center- line of 68th Ave. South (iwest Valley Road) . *( County Road No. 22 ) and which lies West of a line �yl fRd�g Northerly at right angles from the center line of S. Also that portion of. said Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and North 40 ft. and 50 ft., respectively, measured at right an -les from the center line of S. 212th St. (County Road No. 22), and lies C7est of a line parallel with and Easterly 10 fr. measured at right angles, from the ;tiest line of. said Parcel "r'". Also a temporary easement for construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel. with and North 40 ft. and 70 ft., respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of S. 212th St. (County Road No. 22), and lies Fest of a line parallel with and Easterly 25 ft., Treasured at right angles, from the gesterly line of said Parcel Also a temporary easement for driveway construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel "A'which lies within a strip of land 20 ft in width, the center line of which being described as follows; Beginning at the intersection of the youth line of said Parcel "A" with a line extended Northerly at right angles from the center line of 5.212th St. (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 1504 ft., measured along said centerline, from the center line of 68th Avenue South ('nest Valley Road): thence Northerly along said extended line 50 ft. to the terminus of the center line of said Easement . PAur.Ft. ;A` That portion of the NE4 of the NW4 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, 'tdashington, lying West of the Puget Sound Electric Railway right of way, EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within S uth 212th Street. (O'Brien- Des Moines Highway). Parcel 6 (Padua "A'`) That portion of the following described Paccel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 feet and 95 feet, respectively, measured at right angles from the center line of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22). Also a permanent slope easement for road construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel "A'` which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 95 feet and 108 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22), and lies E:--rst of a line extended Southerly at right -5- angles from the center line of Road No. 22) at a point which along; said center line, from t South (West Valley Road.) South 212th Street (County s Easterly 1275 feet, measured e center line of 68th Avenue Also a permanent drainage easement over that portion of said Parcel "a" within a strip of land 10 feet in width, measured at right an( -les,, which adjoins and lies South of the following described line: Beginning at a point which is Southerly 95 feet measured along a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 1,100 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th Avenue South ( West Valley Road); thence Southeasterly to a point which is Southerly 108 feet, measured along a line extended Southerly at right angles from the center- line of South 212th Street ( County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 1275 feet, measured along said centerline, from the centerline of 68th :,ve. South ((lest Valley Road); thence Easterly parallel with the centerline. of South 212th Street ( County Road No. 22) to the East line of said Parcel "A". P'-RCEL ' A' That portion of the SWI,- of the NW -14 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range G East, W.M., in icing County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South marginal line of the Frank McLellan Road No. 22 where it is intersected by the East line of the N2 of said SW4 of the NW4; running thence Nest 210 feet 9 .inches; thence 'South 163 feet 7 inches; thence East 210 feet 9 inches; thence North 163 feet 7 inches to the point of beginning. Parcel 7 (Padua "B") That portion of the following described Parcel. "A"which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 feet and 95 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22). Also a permanent slope easement for road construction purposes over that Portion of said Parcel "A" which lies between lines wll-iich are parallel with and South 95 feet and 108 feet respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of ;.; uth 212th Street (County Road Nc 22). Also a permanent drainage easement over that portion of said Parcel "A." which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 108 feet and 11`� feet respectively, measured at right angles, from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road :4o. 22). PARCEL I'A" The west 435 feet of the;E 4 of the NW4, EXCEPT the North 100 feet of the 3ast 77.5 feet; EXCEPT that portion thereof condemned in Kin'- County Superior Court Cause No. 32912, for Drainage. Ditch #1, and EXCEPT THAT portion lying �:,i thin th-- South 212th :,treet (County R..oa,71 �1 2"); :11 in .section 12, Township 22 North, Range in King County, 'idashingtnn. -6- Parcel (Graystone) That )ortion of the followin ; (loscribed Parcel. ''A" which lies between lines which are par_all l with and North 3') ft. and 50 ft. resp"ctively, measured at ri. ht angles, from the centerline of South 212th:-t. (County Road No. 22), and lies between lines extended Northerly at right ankles froir the renter line of S. ?12th St., at paints .ah:`_ch are masterly 23`6 ft. and 2416 ft., resp-cti.v'l.;r, mea u,, ^1 along .said ceptor 1. i.n^, from tlhe center line of 6`.'t17 ve. (de t Valley Road. ;also a to n,,po--arc, easement fo constriction purposes ever that porti-on of ,.;3,c3 Parcel which lies between lines which are parallel ­i.t,, anri North 301 ft. and `?0 ft., respectively, J!, shred at ;r i. -ht an les, fr,-•m the cep1--er line, of South 212th St. (Co+'nty Road No. 29), an(i lies hetSlTeen Eines-xtended Ni-)Yth^C1)r rpt 7-:,Y:t cent(,.r line of S. 212th St., at pouts which. are Ua�r rl, ? 76 ft. an:d .2!;26 ft., r spoctiv<}ly, ^•nasGred -i1on; sale) ent_.- ?:'-nc, from th'^ center line of 6nth'_v�'. S. (';<;c t Valley Road). Also a permanent slope easement f�:r road construction purposes over that :orti.on of said Parcel '_'. which lies Southerly of tri, following described lin Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Parcel which is Easterly 40 ft., rneasured along said Southerly line, from the So�ithwesterly corner theraof; thence Northerly 10 ft., measured at :,'7. hr. angles from saicl southerly line, to the t-.1-"=e point of be;i_nni_n­: thence Southeasterly to a point on said Southerly line Uh;.ch is Easterly 50 ft., `as.ired along said Southerly line, from the. sou tlhvester ly corner of sai:i. Parcel, and the terminus of said described ]-in(,. PARCEL ' A'' That portion of the NE's of the NW'; of Section 12, Twp. 22 North, Ran -e. 4 East ;,'.M. , in King County, tdashinoton, lyi.no East of the Chicago, Milvaukee and St. Pail Railroad right-of-way; EXCEPT the East 2019 ft. of the South 20'' ft. thereof; EXCEPT drainage ditch right-of-way, and EXCEPT County Road ( South 212th Street); and EXCEPT the following described portion thereof: Starting at the concrete monument 301 ft. north of the center line of O'Brien Road (South 212th Street, Kent), and 53 feet ;past from the center line of the C.M. & St. P. R.R. Mair. Line, going Horth 1001'22' East a distance of 425.51_ feet, to concrete monument; thence ;Vest a distance of 10.00 feet, to concrete monument; thence North 1°01'22'East, a distance of 29.49 feet; thence South 88058'38" East, a distance of 207.10 ft. to a point on the clearance line, which is 5.00 feet from the 4 -inch water pipe line; thence South 2802S' East along this 5 -foot clearance line a distance of 26.33 feet; thence South 1'01'22" ;lest a distance of 443.40 ft. to a point approximately 30 ft. from the center line of O'Brien Road; thence N. 850s5'3E West a distance of 217.15 feet to the starting point. Parcel 9 (Doncicers) All of the following described Parcel "A" PARCEL 'A'' That portion of the SE4 of the Nl44 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 Past, W.M., In Kin; County, ;aashington, described as follows: -7- Beginning at a point 30 feet South and 627.02 feet West of the Northeast corner of said SE4 of the NWS; which point is 60 feet East of a 60 foot lot deeded to James Meehan by deed recorded July 1, 1904, in Volume 333 of Deeds, page 489, under auditor's file No. 302433; thence South 100 feet; thence West60 feet; thence North 100 feet parallel to the East line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company right of way line; thence East 60 feet to the point of begin-ing; EXCEPT that portion thereof condemned in King County Superior Court Cause No. 32912 for Drainage District No. 1. Parcel 10 (Pollock) That portion of the following described Parcel "A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 feet and 110 feet respectively measured at right angles, from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22), and lies ';Jest of a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Esterly 2,475 feet, measured along said center line, from the centerline of 68th ;,venue South ( '.Jest Valley Road). Also that portion of said Parcel "A'; which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 feet and 90 feet respectively_, measured at right ar_les, from the center line of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) and lies EASt of a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of ;youth 212th Street (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 2,475 feet, measured along said center line, from the center line of 68th Avenue South ( .Jest Valley Road). Also a permanent drainage easement over that portion of said Parcel "A" within a strip of land 10 feet in width, measured at right angles, which adjoins and lies north of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the East line of the West 60 feet of said Parcel '".." which is Southerly 120 feet, measured along a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22); thence E"rsterly parallel with said centerline to a point which is Southerly 120 feet, measured along a line extended Southerly at right angles from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) at a point which is E sterly 2,475 feet, measured alone; said centerline, from the centerline of 68th Avenue South ( `,Jest Valley Road); thence Northeasterly to a point on the East line of said Parcel "i`" which is Southerly 100 feet, measured at right angles, from. the centerline of South 212th Street ( County Road N 22). PARCEL ` ji' That portion of the SE4 of the NW4 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East ;7.M., in King County, Washington, lying South of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) and East of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company right of way li_ne,''^EXCEPTth e East 15 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under: auditor's file No. 1753454, and EXCEPT that portion thereof condemned for draina,e ditch right of way under. King County Superior Court Cause No. 32912. *EXCEPT the West 60 feet of the North 100 feet thereof, and -8- Parcel 11 (Nutter) That portion of the followin- described Parcel '`:°i which lies between liras which are parallel. with and South 30 feet and 95 feet respectively, measured at r ght angles, from the centerline of South 212th Sn eet ( County Road No. 22). PARCEL A The fast 77.5 feet of the -vest 435 feet of the North Iii; feet of the 5Eµ of the N1 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 Last ;d.M., in King County, "vvashi.ngton, EXCEPT the East 5 feet thereof. Parcel 12 (Puget Sound P-wer & Li -ht Co.) sement over that portion of the permanent road and utility ea following described property which lies between lines which are parallel with and Southerly 30 feet and 55 feet respectively, from the centerline of South. 212th Street (County Road No. 22), to -wit: The 100 foot right-of-way of the Pins et Sonnd Power & Light Coripany thr.ou;i the cast 1,2 of the NW 1 4 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Ran- e 4 E-st, `r .At., in KIA, Ccunty, Jashington; EXCEFT r)ortion condeL,,ned by King County Drainage District No. 1, in King County Superior Court Cause No. 321>12. Parcel 13 ( Pu„e.t Sound Power & Light Company) That portion of the followinu described Parcel A which lies between line which are parallel with rnd South 30 feet and S_'• feet respectively, measured at right aag'les, from the centerline of Soutr .121:h 'treet (Counts, Roar No. 22) . P,? RC' L A The East 50 feet of the .-..st 77.5 feet of the West 435 feet of tlhe North 111 f,aet -)f the ;>:' of the NrO-' (,f Section 12, Tocanshfp 22 North, Rar_�c 11 East ;l.:" i.n Fin- County, :lashing ton. Parcel 14 (Mille,) A temporary si-,,ent f. - drivc',7iv constr,-,,rtion turposes over that Dortion of the following doscr'i.bed Parcel. A which lips with"n .a stri_n o'F Ian:! 17 ft. in w:;lt:h, hili-.' centeriinn I -f 1J1 ;, h as fcllm,: S: B,�-i.nning at the intersection of the ;south line of sa i.,l Parcel wit -l. a line ,.xtendod Northerly at right angles from the centerline of S. 212th St. (County ttoad No. 22) at a point which is i:ast.e:ly 2622. ft., ';h-asuCed alon- saj_''. .'int';" line, from the c"ri: e 1'_n of 68th ',,vt'. South ('west Valley R,_)ad) ; thence Northerly alone: said e: tr rr ,,d 1ing 51 ft. t -o the terminus of the canter ling c f P .RCL i.. The E-st 194._`, feet of the South 2- feet of the NE4 of the r'14 of i :cri.on 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, ':w.M., in Mn,,; County, `:vas 3')in ton, '?XCEFT the East 1 �) feet the �e of , and EXCEPT County Road (South 212th Stroet). Parcel 1' (BenaCoya ) That portion of the f:Jlowing described Parcel A which lies between lines which ate parallel .pith and Northerly 31' ft. and 6C)' ft. resnectitcl.y, rncasur.-ed at right an - les, from the center_ line of South 212th St. (County Road No. 22), and which lies st of a line extended N.rtherl.y at ri;ht angles fr,m the center line of South 21.-t`I St. (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 4,10(` ft. measured al -n_ said center line, frorr, the center line of ticthve.. South, ('.vest Valley Road). J,—) that portion of said Parcel e, described as f Alows: Be inning at a point on t},.ti E:: st line of said parcel which is Northerly 3 ft. from the Sc:uthe ,st cornet thereof ; thence ''•resterl-v 4C ft. along a line whi,�h is parallel with the Sout:I line of s id parcel; thence N.,rtheasterly to a point which is Northerly 5 ft. measured at ri-ht an;les, from the South line of said parcel., and. 14esterly 12 ft, measured at r.; -I. -,ht an -les, from the East line of said Parcel; thence Northeasterly to n point on said 'East l.i.ne which is Northerly 65., from the point of beginning: thence Southe'ly alon- said ::ast line 65 ft. to the point of beginni.n3. Iso that portion of said Parcel A which lies Southerly of the followin; described line: Be inning at a point on the ;Jesterly line ofsaid parcel which is Northerly 52 ft., measured at right angles from the center line of 'south 212th St. (County Road N_. 22); thence E sterly to a point which i:, Northerly 6(., ft., measured along a line extended Northerly at right angles from the center line of South 2.12th St. (County Rad No. 22) at a point which is asterl�' 4L.: feet., measured along said center line, from the center line of 6Sth ve. South ( ;vest Valley Road). ,.lso a permanent slope easemont for road construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel A . described as fol lovas : Beginning at a point on the East line of said Parcel which is Northerly 3G ft. from the Southeast corner theze:f; thence Westerly 4C ft. parallel with the South linee of said parcel tc, the true point of be-i_nni.ng; thence Northeasterly to a p�-Jnt which is Northerly 5i ft., measured at right angles fr m the South line of said Parcel, and '.westerly 12 ft., measured at right angles, from the East line of said Parcel; thence. Northeasterly to a point on said East line which is N rtherly �,5 ft. from the °outheast corner of said Parcel; thence Southwesterly t the true: point of hegi nnin;;. P :RCEL That portion of the Nk of the NEk of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range L East, ':a.M., in King County,Washington, described as follows: -10- Be -inning at the Southwest corner of the SE4 of the SE4 of Section 1, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, rr.M., in King County, Washington; thence South 83014'25 East along the North line of said N2 a distance of 40 ft.; thence South 0°55`22" West 14'kj ft. thence South 88004`38` Last 1262.10 ft. to the Westerly line of 84th .-.ve. South (East Valley Highway); thence Southerly along said 4est line to the North line of South 212th Street; thence Westerly along said Northerly line to the Easterly line of the Northern Pacific Railway right of way; thence Northerly along said Easterly line tc the North line of said N2 ; thence South 038014'25' East to the point of beginninb. Farcel 16 (Northern Pacific Railway Company) :i permanent road and utility easement over that portion of the following described propertywhich lies between lines which are parallel with and Northerly 3. feet and 54 feet respectively from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22), and that Porti. n of the following described property lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Westerly margin of the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way which is Southerly 85 feet from the centerline of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) measured at right angles thereto; thence Northeasterly te a point on the Easterly margin of said right-of-way which is Southerly 83 feet from the centerline of said South 212th Street, measured at right angles thereto; and the terminus of said described line, EXCEPT the Northerly 3 feet thereof, to -wit: The 100 foot right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company through the ;.'est 112 of the NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, ;J.M., in King County.. Washington. Parcel 17 (Nc:rthern Pacific) That portion of the following described Parcel "A,' which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 ft, and 60 ft. respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of South 212th St. (County Road N.•. 22), and lies West of a line extended Southerly at right angles from the center line of South 212th St. at a po4-nt which is Easterly 4125 ft., measured along said center line, from the center line of 68th ive. South ( ?Nest Valley Road). Also that portion of said Parcel A" which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 301 ft. and 55 ft., respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of South 212th St. (County Road No. 22) and lies E st of a line extended southerly at right angles from the center line of South 212th St., at a point which is Easterly 4125 ft., measured along said center line, from the center line of 68th .eve. South ( West Valley Road) and lies West of a line extended Southerly at right angles from the center line of South 212th St., at a point which is Easterly 480t; ft., measured along said center line, from the center line of 68th .::ve. South (West Valley Road). also that portion of said Parcel "A' which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 ft. and 50 ft. respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of South 212th St. (County Road No. 22) and lies East of a line extended Southerly at right -11- angles from the center line of South 212th St. at a point which is Easterly 480.E ft., measured along said centerline from the centerline of 68th z1ve. South (West Valley Road.) -also that portion of said Parcel ''A` which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 ft, and 83 ft., respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of Suuth 212th St. (County Road No. 22) and lies within the West 60 ft. of said Parcel A'`, measured at right angles from the Westerly line thereof. _-,lso a permanent slope easement for road construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel ":y'', which lies within the following described tract: Beginning at a point on the Fast line of the west 60 ft of said Parcel "A", measured at right angles from the westerly line thereof, said point being 60 ft. Southerly, measured at right angles; from the center line of South 212th St. (County Road No. 22); thence Southerly along the East line of said 'est 60 ft. to a point which is Southerly 63 ft., measured at right angles from the center line of South 212th St. ( County Road No. 22); thence Easterly t: a point which is 60 ft. Southerly, measured at right angles from the center line of S..uth 212th St. ( County Road No. 22), at a point which is Easterly 3700 ft., measured along said center line from the center line of 68th ..ve. South (West Valley Road); thence Westerly parallel with the center line of South 212th,�t. (County Road No. 22) to the point of heginnl.nb. Aso a permanent drainage easement_ over that portion of said Parcel within a strip of land L. ft. in width, measured at right angles,. which adjoins and lies South of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of said Parcel ".!' which Is Southerly 83 ft., measured at right angles from the center line of South 212th St. (bounty Road No. 22); thence Easterly parallel with said centerline to the fast line of the West 6U ft. of said Parcel'.'.', measured at -ht angles from the G?esterly line thereof; thence Easterly to a point which is Southerly 611ft• measur=ed at right angles fro,, the centerline of South 212th St. (Count'> Roai No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 37'i.. ft. ,-ric-asured alon sal.d center l.i.ne fro>-. the center line. of 68th ,ve. ;cllth OJOst_ Vall:.y Road) : thence Easterly na�-all.ol with the center Line- of South 212th 5t. (Cc,urzt•,, Road N . 22.) to a ,o in.t wbi.r..h is Southi -rl. , 6C ft. . me s;.._i 'd at • ;ht angles fr,)r. TJv- cent^"r Tine of 5 u0i 2120h Vit. ((;;)linty 1�..-1 ;j No. 22) at a, ?ol..nt which is Basted, 4121 ft., ...Easured r^nt^1lin-; fr.". -n rIh:;• C'.a!?tf'r llpn of 68th i.Vc,. 'jGlltl'. Valle - Rnad) -. tbence Fasterl_,' to ., point -which is Snl)therly "S ft., measure,,d it right ;angles from the line of South 212th. St. (Coint; ±lnacl hl.. 22) at a -int hic?( is r steely 422; ft, --asur"d al n; Sal' r "7.t_:^Y 1;n�-., fror' the c-1ti" ILII'' r, �`:tl? :�)`, C"1th ('��st V�al?rT �:o�d} t1_�,nre 'iast:erl parall(­1 with ti-._ cents_ ll.n-e 02 s7F .;ouch 21..2t], `it, (cokint`: 1,1.oad. N... ?) rn a n:it W"Ylr►1 S Southerly 5, ft:.. -'as'> ed at ri hL ars e fr. the center. 1 ine of , out212th it. (Cnunt�� 2 ail No. 22) at a i,cint .,,hick. 5 L -ST nr' ft - "La:yi.li' "1 a.lcri aid C^gin%E't`1 2:',r:;T• t?1: r('ntcr 11 Yt, of C'jt11 South h' t Vally Road): th nce Easterly tc a point which s Souti-lor.lyr "'_ ft., measured .:i ri. ht ancl.--s from the center 1l.ne of South 212th S4. (County R:)ad No. 221 at a -point .;hire l_s E'Isterl.y 4'0) ft lr asvr<,o a',.(,r _ .. d ._�rx_� li;E frog, the center line of t'r; of tl.. (West Vvll, ;y woad) thence asterly p, -21 21 with -12- the center line of South 212th St East line )f said Parcel P .RCEL (County Road No. 22) to the The N'z in width of Tract 11., Kent Five ere Tracts, acco-'dinv to plat recorded in Vol. 1;�, of Plats, Fade 1 , in King County, vlashington; EXCEPT that portion thereof heretofore condemned f:)r Oraina-e District No. 1, .Jest Branch Nc. 1, in King County, Superior Court Cause No. ;2'x-12. Aso a portion of the S`114 of the NE', of Section 12, Townshi,, 22 North, Raniie 4 _'ast `,J.M. , [n King County, '✓?ashington, jes cribed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South line of County Road and East line of Northern Pacific Railroad; thence South on said right of way 12;: feet; thence East 6Cf feet; thence Northerly parallel with said ri-ht of way lin, 120 feet, more or less, to the South line of County Road; thence ;-lest alone said road line 6u feet to beginning; EXCEPT that portion thereof heretofore condemned for. Drainae District No. 1, in Kin- County Superior Court Cause N_ 32912. .LSO the Nz of the SE -I, of the NE4 of Section 12, T wnship 22 North, Range 4 East in Kin- County,-4ashin-t.n, EXCEPT the South 15 feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying Easterly of a line described as follows: Beginning on the North line of said subdivision at a point 256.75 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South parallel with the Easterly line of said subdivision, 118 feet; thence E,st parallel wi.th the North line of said subdivision, 71 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of said subdivision, 223.2i) feet; thence [lest parallel with the North line of said subdivision, 71 feet; thence South parallel with the Fast Line of said subdivison to the South line of the abi.;ve described property. parcel 18 (Thomas) That portion of the following described Parcel ",," which lies between lines which are parallel with and South 30 ft, and 5i ft., respectively, measured at richt angles, from the center line of South 212th :it. (County Road No. 22); ilso that portion of said Parcel `'Adescribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Parcel which is Southerly 20 ft. from the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly 20 ft. along a line which is parallel with the North line of said Parcel; thence Southeasterly to a point on said East line which Is 6outherly 20 ft. from the point of beginning; thence Northerly 2 ft. alon said East line to the Point of Beginning. ,Iso a permanent drainage easement over that portion of said Parcel described as follows: -13- Beginning at a point on the East line of said Parcel which is Southerly 2u ft. from the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along a line parallel with the North line of said Parcel "A'' 20 ft. to the true point of beginning; thence continuing W:,sterly along said parallel line to the ?west line of said Parcel "; thence Southerly along said West line 10 ft.; thence Easterly along, a line parallel with the North line of said Parcel "A" to a point which is Westerly 55 ft. from the E.ister.ly line of said Parcel "A'`, as measured along said parallel line; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Easterly line of said Parcel "..'' which is Southerly .55 ft. from the N:;rtheast corner thereof; thence Nc:rtherly along said Easterly line to a point which is Scutherly 40 ft. from said Northeast corner; thence Northwesterly to the true point of beginning. Aso a permanent slope easement for road construction purposes over that portion of said Parcel '''A" described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Parcel "A'' which is Southerly 2 ft. from the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along a line parallel with the North line of said Parcel ":'s", 2� ft. to the true point of beginni.ng; thence continuing Westerly along said parallel line to the 'Jest line of said Parcel `J; thence Southerly along said 'West line lit ft.; thence Easterly along a line parallel with the North line of said Parcel 'A" to a point which is Westerly 55 ft., from the. Easterly line of said Parcel "A", as measured along said parallel line; thence Southeasterly to a point on the E:Aster.ly line of said Parcel "'."." which is Southerly 55 ft. from the Northeast corner thereof; thence Northorly along said Easterly line to a point which is S.utherly 40 ft. from said Northeast corner; thence North- westerly to the true point of. beginning. P �RCEL The North 15<: ft. of the East 256.75 ft. of the SE4 of the NE4 of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the east 30 ft. thereof conveyed to King County for road by deed recorded under auditor's file No. 750958; and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within South 212th Street. Parcel 19 (Jorgenson) That portion of the following described Parcel which lies between lines whic are parallel with and South 31,; feet and 85 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of South 212th Street (County Road No. 22) ,lso a permanent drainage easement over that portion of said Parcel _,'" whish lies between lines which are parallel. with nd South 85 feet and 95 feet, respectively, measured at right angles, from the center line of outh 212th Street (County Road No. 2/). P_RCEL All that portion of the SWy of. the NE4 of Section 12, Townshi.p 22 North, Rango 4 lust '•I.M., in King County,-dashington, which lies l -st of the right of .Tay of the Northern Pacific Railroad Cor!pany, South of the County Road (known. as South 212th Street, G'Brien Road, and/or Permanent I1.idhway No. 22) and North. of a line described as follows: -14- Beginning on the East line of said tract 80 feet 'South of the South edge of the. County Road (0'Brin Road, which is the North boundary of said tract) and run at right angles to the Northern Pacific iojiway Company's right of way in a :southwesterly direction to the lest boundary of said tract, EXCEPT road now in existence, and EXCEPT the '.gest 30 feet thereof. Parcel 2" (Ksbayaski) That portion of lots "A", 1, 2 and 3, Block "-,", Town of Van, according to plat recorded in Volume 3of Plats, Page 123, records of King County, 'a.shi_ngton, lying Southerly of the following described Linc}. Beginning at a point on the Hastprly line of said. Lot "w" which is Northerly 24 ft., measured along said 2isterly line, from the South- easterly corner thereof_; thence Hesterly to a point which is N,rthprly 16 ft, measured at right angles, from the Southerly line of said. Lot, and Easterly 17 ft., measurod at right angles, from the Westerly line of said Lot; thence Northerly to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 1 which is Northerly 65 feet, measured along th:. Westerly line of said Block from the Southwesterly corner of said Block, and the terminus of said described line. Parcel 21 (Hogan) n temporary easement for construction purposes over the west 16 feet of the east 17 feet, the west 50 feet of the east 67 feet of the north 20 feet, and the west 16 feet of the east 33 feet of tb— south 24 feet of the north 57 feet, all of the following described Parcel PARri7T. `A' Commencing at a point on the south boundary line of northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East ;n.l`i., in King C unty, Washington, 18G feet :Nast of southwest corner of said northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section; running thence north at right angles to said boundary line 150 feet; thence east parallel to said south boundary line Y feet; thence south 150 feet to sail south boundary line; thence west along said south boundary line 6t feet to point of beginning. --Iso, commencing at a point on the south boundary line of northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 12, T_wnship 22 North, Range 4 East �.M. in King County, yTashinton, 120 feet east of they southwest corner of said northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section; running thence north it right angles to said boundary line 15a feet; thence east parallel to said south boundary line 60 feet; thence south 150 feet to Said south boundary line; and thence west along said south boundary line 60 feet to said point of beginning. Parcel 22 (Kata) The portion of the following described parcel "A" which lies southeasterly of they following described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said parcel "Y which is westerly 13 feet, measured along said south line, from the southeasterly corner thereof; thence northeasterly to a point on the easterly line of said parcel ".'' -15- which is northerly 16 feet, measured along said easterly line, from sail southeasterly corner, and the terminus of said described line. ..Iso a temporar„r easement for construction purposes over a strip of land 2C feet in width, the southerly line of which being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of said Parcel ' which is northerly 130 feet, measured along said easterly line and the southerly prolongation thereof, from the centerlines of South 212th Street ( County Road No. 22)- thence westerly parallel with the northerly line of said par.•cel 'f>" to the westerly line thereof and the terminus of said described southerly line. ..lso a temporary easement fc;r construction purposes over that portion of said parcel "ra" described as follows: Beginnin- at the terminus of the above described southerly line of said strip of land 21,. feet in width; thence southerly along the westerly line of said parcel '` 1,* feet: thence easterly parallel with the northerly line of said parcel "A" L= feet; thence northerly parallel with said westerly line 18 feet; thence westerly .1.' feet to the pc.Ant of beginning. P-,RCEL A' Beginning on the south boundary line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 12, township 22 north, range 4 east, W.M., in King County, Washington, 21A, feet east of the southwest corner ofsaid northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said secti.on 12; thence north at right angles with the said boundary line a distance of 15: feet; thence east at right an -les and parallel to and 150 feet distant from the said south boundary line to a point 60 feet westerly from the easterly marginal line of Front Street in the Town of Van; thence southerly parallel to and 60 feet distant from the said easterly marginal line of Front Street to the south boundary of said northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 12; thence west alon„ said south boundary line to the point of beginning. Parcel 23 (Russell) A temporary easement for driveway construction purposes over that portion of the following described Parcel ". which lies within a strip of land 30 ft. in width, the center line of which being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of said Parcel with a line extended Northerly at right angles from the center line of S. 212th St. (County Road No. 22) at a point wl* h is Easterly 2714 ft., measured along said center line, from the center line of 68th .'ven. South ('.?est Valley Road): thence Northerly along said extended line 52 ft. to the terminus of the center line of said easement. P—RCEL ;:A': That portion of the NWS of the NEk of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said subdivision; thence East 5(.60 ft. to the true point of beginnin-; thence North 2G0.;0 ft.; thence East 7G.oO feet; thence South 200.'O ft.; thence West 70.1)'0 ft. to the true point of be3innin3, EXCEPT that portion of said premises lying within South 212th Street. -16- Parcel 24 (Dubuque) A temporary easement for driveway construction purposes over that portion of the following; described Parcel "k" which lies within a strip of land 18 feet in ,7idth, the center line of which being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of said Parcel with a line extended Northerly at right angles from the centerline of. S. 212th St. (County Road No. 22) at a point which is Easterly 2660 ft., measured along said center line, from the center line of 68th ';vcn. South (vJest Valley Road); thence Northerly aloe" said extended line 52 ft. to the terminus of the center line of said easement. PARCEL The West 50 feet of the South 20o feet of the NW of the NE4 0£ Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion of said premises lying within South 212th Street. :also the East 10 ft. of the South 205 ft. of the NE -14 of the NW14 of said :lection; EXCEPT that portion of said premises tying within South 212th Street. Parcel 25 (International Pipe) A permanent slope easement for road construction purpoes over that portion of the following described Parcel which lies Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Parcel which is Westerly 1C) ft. gieasured along said Southerly line, from the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Northeasterly to a point on the Easterly line of said parcel which is Northerly 10 ft., measured along said Easterly line, from said Southeasterly corner and the terminus of said described line. PRCEL `'A` That portion of the NE4 of the NWk of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, Washington, lying East of the Chicago, Milwuakee & St. Paul Railroad right of way; Starting at the concrete monument 30 feet North of the center line of O'Brien Road (South 212th Street, Kent) and 53 feet Fast from the center line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Main Line going North 1.°01'22" East a distance of 425.51 ft. to concrete monument; thonce West a distance of 10.li0 ft. to concrete monument; thence North 1001'22" East a distance of 29.49 feet; theme South 88053'36�' East a distance. of. 207.10 ft. to a point on the clearance line which is 5.00 feet from the 4 inch water pipe line; thence South 23"2'•' East alon- this 5 foot clearance line a distance of 26.33 feet; thence South 1"01'22` .J:st a distance of 443.40 feet to a point approximately 30 feet from the center line of O'Brien Road; thence North 85"55'3 ` t� �i distance of 21.0.15 feet to the starting Point. -17- Parcel 26 (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul) permanent road and utili.t,, easement over that portion of the following ;�.e_cribed property which lies betwean lines which are parallel with and Southerly 31 feet and 95 feet respectively from the c(, trrli.ne of South: 212th :Street (County Road Nr-, 22), to-wl—t : The l!?O foot -i,-,ht of wav of ':he Chic ago-Mi11.aaukee & St, Paul Railway through the `las 1/2 of the Y,! 1/4 of Section 12, Tow&r_ship 22 North, range 4 Vast `.d.M., J.n King County, .tnshington, EXCEPT portion con-iemn^d by K4 -n,- Count; Drri.inage District No. l., in King County ` ope,• i or Court Cause N= 32912. Section 2: Tl, -s,!: the acouirin,, of ai.r': right of way and easements, for the pur;ose herein inenti.oned is for a public u.e and necessity. Section 3: Payment for the ri;ht of Sway and easements herein described to be acluired shall he- made from proceods of a grant from the Econr�mic Development ?.dfii_nistration of the united States Department of Commerce, assessments against the property specially benefitted by the proposed improvements and issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds of the City of Kent. Section 4: N -thing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the. City of Kent of its right to decline to take and pay for said right of way easements after the am)unt of damage has j)ecr ascertained and within th- time allowed by law. S-ction 5: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, ap7aroval and i)ublicgtion as provided by Teta=, :+LEX TIiORNTON, Mayor ;'attest: Marie Jens Ci t. 7r i- , erl<: pved as try f ori -• Jo Bereiter, City :,ttorney Passed the I -k day of October., 1967. <.pproved the 2-2—day of. October, 1 `67 Published the �5-day of October, 1967. -1I?-