HomeMy WebLinkAbout1483AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE NO. % q_D 119 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, establishing a sick leave policy and procedure for all non -civil service employees of the City of Kent, Washington THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN Section 1. Each full-time City employee who has completed six (6) months continuous service with the City of Kent shall be entitled to not more than six (6) days of sick leave; any full-time employee of the City of Kent who has completed one (1) year continuous service with the City of Kent shall be entitled to a period of not more than twelve (12) days of sick leave and an additional period of six (6) days shall be granted to each full-time emp- loyee for each additional six (6) months of continuous service with the City, but any such accumulated period of sick leave shall in no event exceed sixty (60) days. Section 2. In addition to the foregoing, each employee on the payroll, except those currently under Civil Service regulations, on January 1, 1967, will be credited with five (5) days of accumulated sick leave for each year of service prior to January 1, 1967, not to exceed sixty (60) days. When the continuity of service is broken and the employee is subsequently re -hired, no accumulation of prior service will be carried over. Section 3. Any full-time employee who is on sick leave for a period of two (2) days, or less, as above specified, shall prior to being en- titled to compensation therefore submit a "sick leave compensation request" to the head of his department for approval. The City of Kent shall make available such request forms, or cards, to the employee, which form or card shall among others give the time the employee was off duty, the reason for being absent from work and a request for compensation of the time lost. Such form or card request- ing sick leave compensation shall be submitted to the head of the department of the employee at the earliest possible date, and shall then be transmitted to the City Clerk. - 1 - Section 4. Any full-time employee who is on sick leave, as above specified, for a period of three (3) days or longer shall, prior to being entitled to any compensation therefore, furnish without delay a report from a qualified doctor which shall contain a diagnosis of the sickness whenever possible, and in addition to such doctor's report, the employee shall furnish and submit unto the head of his department a "sick leave compensation request" as provided for in Section 2 of this Ordinance. "Qualified doctor' shall mean a duly lic- ensed doctor of medicine. Section 5. In any case in which an employee shall be entitled to benefits or payments under the Workments Compensation Act or similar legis- lation of the State of Washington, or any other governmental unit, the City of Kent shall only pay the difference between the benefits and payments received by such employee and the regular rate of compensation of such employee would have received from the City of Kent if he would have been able to work. The foregoing payment or contribution of the City of Kent shall be limited to a period of time such employee had accumulated sick leave as hereinabove specified. Section 6. A "Full-time employee" of the City of Kent is defined as one who is employed at least thirty-five (35) hours a week by the City of Kent. Section 7. Sick leave benefits, as provided for in this Ordi- nance, are to be used only in the event of absence due to the following causes: (1) Illness of employee; (2) Illness or death in the immediate family requiring the employee's presence. 'Immediate family" shall be limited to the employee's spouse, children, Mother, Father, Mother-in-law, or Father-in-law, brother or sister; (3) Medical or dental appointments which can be scheduled only during working hours. Section 8. Sick leave benefit payments as defined in this Ordinance will be at the employee's salary in effect at the time of his absence. Section 9. 4o employee shall be paid for any unused, accrued sick leave. Section 10. Any employee found to have abused the sick leave privileges by falsification or misrepresentation may thereupon be subject to dismissal at the discretion of the Mayor. Section 11. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provide b law. ALEX THORNTON, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, City Clerk Approved as to form: JOAN B. BEREITER, City Attorney PASSED the /b day of , 1967 APPROVED the -7i of , 1967 PUBLISHED the of C , 1967 - 3 -