HomeMy WebLinkAbout14751 ORDINANCE NO._(j 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, repealing Ordinance No. 1442, de- claring an emergency, making appropriations providing for the issuance'of rrantstoand 4 meet construction costs of $104,000.00 buildings and other necessaryfacilit�esor 5 for financing new City Municipal Shops. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO 7 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 8 Section 1. Kent City Ordinance 10Q, approved the 3rd 9 day of April, 1967, is hereby repealed in its entirety. 10 Section 2. That in order to provide Shop Facilities 11 for the various operating departments of the City of Kent and 12 further to meet construction costs of the buildin 13 storage facilities g, along with , parking, fencing, and other necessary fac- 14 ilities associated therewith for the balance of theea 15 y r 1967, it is necessary to appropriate funds therefor at this time which 16 have not been budgeted for in the budget for the City of Kent 17 for fiscal year 1967. Section 3. That an emergency exists due to the situation 19 as set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance, which could not have 20 reasonably been foreseen at the time of the preparation of the 21 budget for the year 1967; and, therefore, there is at this time 22 as necessary to maintain the proper operation and efficiency of 23 th eoperating departments of the City of Kent, for the balance 24 of the fiscal year 19675 emergency appropriations herewith made 25 of $104,000.00, to finance and meet the construction costs of 26 new buildings, along with storage facilities, parking, fencing, 27 and other necessary facilities associated with Shop facilities 28 for the various operating departments of the City of Kent to 29 meet said emergency and that, if necessary, emergency warrants 30 shall be issued for said amount or for such portion thereof as 31 shall be needed, such emergency warrants to bear interest at the 32 -1- 1 rate of a maximum of six per cent (60) per annum from the date 2 of issuance and until paid. 3 Section 4. Said sum of $104,000.00 shall be charged to 4 the various City departments and be taken into consideration in 5 the 1968 budget deliberations as follows: 6 DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION 7 Street $ 31,428.80 8 Water 323240.00 Sewer 18,376.80 9 Parks 11,793.60 Police 4,014.40 10 Engineering 4,014.40 Garbage 2,132.00 11 TOTAL $104,000.00 12 Section 5. This Ordinance shall not be voted upon 13 until at least one (l) week has elapsed after its introduction 14 and for passage shall require the vote of one more than the 15 majority of members of the Kent City Council and be approved by the 16 Mayor. 17 Section 6. Any taxpayer may appear at the meeting at 18 which this emergency Ordinance is vote—d upon and be heard for 19 or against the adoption thereof. 20 Section 7. This Ordinance shall be voted upon at the 21 regular meeting of the Kent City Council in the Council Chambers 22 of the Kent City Hall at 8:00 P.M. O'clock, Tuesday, September 5, 23 1967, and a copy of this Ordinance shall be published in the 24 official City newspaper once prior to said date, as notice of 25 said meeting and proposed action. 26 Section 8. This Ordinance shall be in force after the 27 public hearing on and after the passage and approval thereof as 2:3 set forth in the preceding Sections of this Ordinance and five 29 (5) days after its final passage, approval and publication, as 30 provided by law. 31 32 -2 ALEK THORNTON, MAYOR 2 Attest: 4 MARIE JENS�T, CITY CLERK 5 Approved as to form: JOHN B. BEREITER, CITY ATTORNEY 7 / Introduced the 21st day of August,. 1967. 8 {� First Publication: The day of '`�r.�,' , 1967. 9 Approved the _day of .. T , 967 10 Final Public atlon the da of , 1967. 1.1 12 ,, hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance 13 No. l t/ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent, as hereon indicated. 14 r_ _ .. 15 ----TIE' JE' S N, CITY CLERK 16 17 18 lg 20 21 22 23 24 25 R-9 27 28 29 30 31 -3- 32