HomeMy WebLinkAbout1461Z ORDINANCE NO. / q-611 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, declaring an emergency which creates a 3 threat to - the immediate preservation of order and health of the Citizens of the City 4 of Kent, making appropriations of $150,000.00 and provided of the issuance of warrants in 5 that amount for the payment of Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle sewer surcharges. 6 WHEREAS, the City of Kent, Washington, and the Munici- 7 pality of Metropolitan Seattle, both municipal corporations of 8 the State of Washington, have recently entered into Contract, 9 wherein for good and valuable considerations an agreement was 10 arrived at for sewage disposal and 11 WHEREAS, in said agreement, effective July 1, 1967, the 12 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle will commence to impose a 13 Metro sewer surcharge of Two Dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) 14 per month, per residential customer or residential customer equiva.- 15 lent, and 16 WHEREAS, due to said contract, and due to the recent 17 Federal and State Legislation imposing greater standards on 18 Municipal Sewage Facilities and due to the rapidly expanding 19 industrial base of the City of Kent, there has beencreated an 24 emergency, which threatens the immediate preservation of order and 21 health of the Citizens of the City of Kent, 22 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, 23 WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 24 Section l; That in order to make payments of Two 25 — Dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per month., per residential cust- 26 omer or residential customer equivalent, to the Municipality of 27 Metropolitan Seattle for sewer surcharges, pursuant to a 28 contract recently entered into by the City of Kent and the 29 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, pertaining to sewage disposal, 30 it is necessary to appropriate funds therefor at this time which 31 have not been budgeted for in the Budget of the City of Kent for 32 -1- 1 Fiscal Year 1967. 2 Section 2. That an emergency exists due to the situation 3 set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance, which threatens the 4 immediate preservation of order and health of the Citizens of 5 the City of Kent, which could not have been reasonably foreseen 6 at the time of the preparation of the.Budget for the year 1967; 7 and, therefore, there is at this time as necessary to sustain 8 the proper operation, efficiency, and protection of the Citizens 9 of the City of Kent by the Municipal Sewer Department for the 10 balance of fiscal year 1967 an emergency appropriation herewith 11 made of $150,000.001) for the purpose of paying to the Municipality, 12 of Metropolitan Seattle the sum of Two Dollars and fifty cents 13 ($2-.50) per month, per residential customer, or residential customer 14 equivalent, as a Metro sewer surcharge, and, if necessary, emer- 15 gency warrants shall be issued for said purposes and shall be 16 paid from any monies: on hand in the City Treasury in the fund 17 properly chargeable with such expenditures; provided, further, 18 if at any time there is insufficient money on hand in the fund 19 with which to pay such. emergency warrants, said warrants shall 20 be registered, bearinginterest and be called in the same manner 21 as other City warrants. Any such emergency warrants shall bear 22 interest at the rate of a maximum of six per cent (6%) per annum 23 from the date of issuance until paid. 24 Section 3. It is anticipated that prior to the end 25 of fiscal year 1967, sufficient monies will be collected by the 20 City of. Kent for Metro Sewer surcharges, to reimburse the City 27 Treasurer in the fund which has been charged with such expendi- 28 tures. 29 Section 4. There is herewith declared for reasons 30 recited herein an emergency which threatens the preservation of 31 order and public health of the Citizens of the City of Kent, 32 and, therefore, this Ordinance shall become effective immediately -2- 1 upon its passage and approval by the City Council and the Mayor 2 of the City of Kent, provided that one more than thena.jority of 3 all members of the City Council of the City of Kent vote. in favor 4 of its passage. 5 C/:" /yJ 6 Attest: 7 --- 8 E JENSE , CiTY C, 9 Approved as to form: 10 HN B. BEREITER, CITY.ATTORNEY 11 PASSED theday of June, 1967. 12 APPROVED THEC day of June, 1967 13 -7h: PUBLISHED the-.." cYay of June , 1967. 14 15 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. J 4CA , passed by the City Council of theCity of Kent and 16 approve by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 17 M -A E- ENSEN, CITY --CLERK 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MIE