HomeMy WebLinkAbout14601 v / ��,�r NANCE N 0 2 ;I AN ORDINANCE of .the :City. of Kent, Washing- ton, amending Kent .Ordinance 3.75, sub -section 3 �', 3, as aaaended (Codified. as; Ordinance..9.6.12) to reflect new .sewer rates: and charges: for ., the users of. the.Kent .Sanitary Sewer .System, and adding a new section to. Chapter .9.6 of the .Codified Ordinances. of the :City. of 1s(7,rle Kent, allowing th.eKent Municipal Accountant to make adjustment for sanitary :sewer charges. ` in certain prescribed instances. 7'i THE CITY.COUN.CIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO 8 9 10 11 '' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ;i 19 fl 20 20 21 °1 I 22 23 p 425 24- 25 26 ,i 27, 28 29 30 1. 31 32 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Kent .City Ordinance .875, Section 31 as amended -.by Ordinance No. 96.1, as amended by Ordinance 1035 and Ordinance :10531 as amended. by Ordinance. 127`3,; November 2, 1964,: as amended: by. Ordinance 13.3.2, Section 21, 1966 (C.odified. as :Kent Ordinance .9.6.12), which reads as, follows 119.6.12 SCHEDULE OF CHARGES. Ratesand charges for sewage. service furnished or available; for use shall be paid by the recipient ',of said serviceand shall be as follows: "(a) Within the City. Limits. and within th-e area therein lying West 'of .the Green River:. and served. 'or to be :served. by the: new facility as provided. for in Plan and System Ordinance No. 1022- "I. Res'id'ential 'Sewage -Service., Four Dollars ($.4...0 0 ), or. eacli single family; provi:ded.. that where a part of the. premises served. are used for a separate family,: or, families, and no rental for said use is char.g.ed or paid no additional charge shall .be made for the extra. family, or families. It .shall be presumed. that rentals are being charged: or paid. The. owner. of. th.epremises shall file with the. Treasurer. of the City an Affidavit to prove::otherwi,se. "(b.) Within the :City other. than.the.area described. in Sub -Section (a.) above:: "I. Residential Sewage :Serv:ite.: Three. Dollars ($3_00) foreach single- amity; provided. that where part ;of the premises::serve:d. are used; for a separate..family, or families 'and no rental for said use is charged or paid, no additional charge shall be made for the :extra; family, ;or, families:. It shall be presumed. that rentals are being charged or paid. Th.e owner: of the premis'es:shall file with .the: Treasurer .of the City an Affidavit toprove ot.herwi.se.: -1- 1 "(c) Industrial Sewer service within the City. An amount equal to ninety percent or the amount c arged 2 the recipient for water furnished to the recipient of service, during the same period for which charges 3 made for sewer service; provided, however, that in any event, there shall be a minimum charge of not 4 less than residential sewage service charge as pro- vided in Sub -Sections (a)' and (b) above, depending 5 upon the location of the industries. 6 " (d) Commercial Sewage Service within the City. An amount equal to the amounts charged the recipient 7 for water furnished to the recipient of service during the same period for which charges made for 8 sewer service multiplied by a factor of 1.20; provided, however, that wherever more than one 9 commercial recipient is served by one water connec- tion, the minimum charge shall be a sum equal to. 10 Two Dollars and fifty cents ($.2.50) multiplied by the number of commercial recipients served or having 11 service available. 12 "(e) Apartment, rooming house, motel, trailer court sewage service within the City. The aforementioned shall 13 be charged the same rate as the residential rate in the same areas for the first unit, plus one-half the regular 14 residential rate in the same area for each additional unit, whether occupied, or not. 15 "(f) Residential sewage service without the City. 16 Four Dollars and i ty cents 4.50 or eaEN e family; provided that where part of the premises served 17 are used for separate family, or families and no rental for said use is charged or paid, no additional charge 18 shall be made for the extra family, or families. It shall be presumed that rentals are being charged or paid. 19 The owner of the premises shall file with the Treasurer of the City an Affidavit to prove otherwise. 20 "(g) Industrial commercial apartment, rooming house, 21 motel, or trailer court sewage service without the s.ty. Shall be charged at the same rate that are c arge i e 22 services within the City, as provided hereinabove, plus 23 fifty per cent. "(h) No double charge. Where more than one of the 24 rates in this Section provided apply, only the higher of the two rates shall be changed." 25 26 is hereby amended to read as follows: 27 9..6.12 SCHEDULE OF CHARGES. Rates and charges for 28 sewage service furnished or available for use shall be paid by 29 the recipient of said service and shall be as follows: 30 (a) Residential Sewage Service Within the City. 31 Four Dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) for each residential customer 32 or equivalent ($2.00 city charge, plus $2.50 Metro surcharge); -2- 1 provided that where part of the premises served are used for a 2 separate family, or,families, and no rental for said use is 3 charged or paid, no additional charge shall be made for the extra 4 family, or families. It shall be presumed that rentals are being 5 charged or paid. The owner of the premises shall file with the 6 Treasurer of the City an Affidavit to prove otherwise. 7 (b) Industrial Sewage Service Within the City.l An 8 amount equal to forty-five per cent (45.%) of the amount charged 9 a recipient for water furnished to the recipient of service, during 10 the same period for which charge is made for sewer service, plus 1.1 Two Dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per 900 cubic f eet.(or fraction 12 thereof) as a Metro surcharge; provided, however, that in any 13 event there shall be a minimum charge of not .less than the residen- 14 tial sewage service charge as provided in Sub—Section (a) above. 15 (c) Commercial Sewage Service Within the City. An amount 16equal to sixty per cent (6.0%) of the amount charged the recipient 17 for water furnished to the recipient of service, during the same 1a period for which charges made for sewer service; provided, however, 19 that wherever more than one commercial recipient is served by 20 one water connection, an additional charge shall be imposed of 21 a sum equal to. Two Dollars and fifty cents ($.2.50) multiplied by 22 the number of commercial units in excess of one served or having 23 service available; provided, further, there shall be a further 24 charge of Two Dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per 900 cubic feet 25 (or fraction thereof) as a Metro surcharge; and provided, finally, 26 that in any event there shall be a minimum chargeof not less 27 than the residential sewage service charge as provided in Sub - 28 Section (a) above. 29 (d.) Apartment, rooming house, motea,tr:ai er court,_ 30 sewage service within the City. The aforementioned shall be 31 charged the same rate as the residential rate in the same areas 32 for the first .unit,_ plus Two Dollars and fifty cents. ($2.50) for -3- 1 each additional unit, whether occupied or not. 2 (e) Residential Sewage. Service Without the City. 3 Five.Dollars and seventy-five cents '($5.75) ($3..25 City charge, 4 plus $2.50 Metro surcharge). provided that where part of the 5 premises served are used for separate family, or families, and 6 no rental for such usage charged or paid, no additional charge 7 shall be made for the extra family, or families. it snail ue 8 presumed that rentals are being charged or paid. The owner of 9 the premises shall file with the Treasurer of the City an Affida- 10 vit to prove otherwise. 11 (f) Industrial, Commercial, Apartment, Rooming house, 12 Motel, Trailer Court sewage service without the City. Shall be 13 charged at the sameza.te as are charged like services within the 14 City as provided hereinabove, plus fifty per cent .(5.0%). 15 (g.) No double charge. Where more than one of the rates 16 in this Section provided apply, only the higher of the two rates 17 shall be charged. 18 Section 2. There is herewith added to Chapter 9.6 of 19 the .Codified Ordinances of the City of Kent the following Section: 20 An industrial or commerial sewer recipient has the right to request, 21 in writing, to the Kent Municipal Accountant, a review of their 22 sewer charges where in the opinion of said sewer recipient use of 23 water is such that a portion of all water used is lost by evapora- 24 tion, irrigation, sprinkling, or other cause, or is used in manu- 25 factured goods and commodities, and the person in control provides 26 proof thereof and installs a meter, or other measuring device, 27 ',approved by the City Engineer, to enable measurement of the amount 28 of water so used or lost. Should, thereafter, the Kent Municipal 29 Accountant find that such is the case, he shall, after consultation 30 with the Municipality of Metropolitan Seatt.le,.have the discretion 31 to make an equitable adjustment of such sewer recipient's sewer 32 charges, and may impose no charge for sewerage because of water dM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 so used or lost, except in no case will the minimum charge be adjusted or reduced. Section 3. It is herewith .declared that in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of the Citizens of theCity of Kent, an emergency is herewith declared and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after June 20, 1967. A , MAY07 CRO 7-,� r� Attest MARIE JENSE�19,5-`, CITY CLERK Approved as to form: HN B. BE E T R, CITYATTORNEY PASSED the qday of June, 1967. APPROVED the qday of June, 1967. PUBLISHED the ,x' J'-4 'day of June, 1967. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No._LtL�), passed by the City Council of theCity of Kent and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. NSEN, CITY CLERK -5-