HomeMy WebLinkAbout1455K� CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 1337; specifying and adopting a system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the sewage collection and disposal system of the City with which has been combined the system and plant for garbage and refuse collection and disposal of the City; declaring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be; converting Local Improvement District No. 250 of the City to Utility Local Improvement District No. 1; authorizing the issuance and sale of sewer revenue bonds in the principal sum of not to exceed $1,750,000 to provide the funds necessary to carry out that system or plan; creating a special fund to provide for the payment of the sewer revenue bonds; creating a sewer construction fund; and author- izing the issuance of interest-bearing warrants drawn upon the "Sewer Construction Fund, 19 67 , " pending the sale of such revenue bonds. WHEREAS, on April 18, 1966, the City Council of the City of Kent passed Ordinance No. 1337 ordering the construction and installation of sanitary sewer lines together with pumping stations and necessary appurtenances in the North section of the City, commonly referred to as the "North Sewer System, " and established Local Improvement District No. 250 in which such improvement was to be constructed and installed, and no ordinance has been adopted approving and confirming the final assessment of such local improvement district; and WHEREAS, on May 24, 1966, the City of Kent received an offer of grant from the Economic Development Administration offering to pay not to exceed $2, 759, 000 of the cost of the construction of the aforesaid improvement which offer was accepted by the City on June 2, 1966; and WHEREAS, on May 18, 19 67 , the City executed a contract with the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (Metro) whereby Metro agreed to pay a portion of the cost of construction of certain sewer lines within the "North Sewer System" and to pay a portion of the cost of construction of certain other sewer lines within the City, and whereby the location of certain sewer lines within the "North Sewer System" were agreed to be changed, which changes do not substantially alter or affect the improvement or purposes thereof ordered to be constructed and installed by Ordinance No. 1337; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 28, chapter 52, Laws of 1967 of the State of Washington, the City desires to convert Local Improvement District No. 250 into a Utility Local Improvement District; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1337 of the City is amended to read as follows: The construction and installation is hereby ordered of the sanitary sewer lines and pumping stations together with necessary manholes, highway crossings and appurtenances commonly referred to as the "North Sewer System, " after giving effect to certain sewer line deletions as ordered by the City Council, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached to this amendatory ordinance and by this reference made a part hereof and incorporated herein, which exhibit describes the place of commencement and ending of the improvement and the routes along which the improvement is to be constructed and specifies the structures or works necessary thereto and forming a part thereof. The City Council reserves the right, prior to and/or during the construction of such improvement to make reasonable modifications or changes therein, such as changes in size and location of pipelines and pumping stations, where such modifications or changes do not substantially alter or affect the improvement or the purposes thereof. All of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the maps, plans and specifications for the improvement now prepared and to be prepared by Hill & Ingman, consulting engineers to the City, which are hereby adopted. - 2 - Section 2. The City of Kent hereby specifies and adopts a system or plan for making additions to and betterments and extensions of the existing sewage collection and disposal system of the City with which has been combined pursuant to Ordinance No. 1338, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on April 18, 1966, the system and plant for garbage and refuse collection and disposal of the City ( which combined systems are hereinafter referred to as the "system of sewerage of the City") , which system or plan shall consist of the improvements described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The City may modify the details of the foregoing system or plan where such modifications do not substantially alter the purposes of that system or plan. Section 3. The life of the foregoing additions and betterments and extensions is hereby declared to be at least thirty ( 30) years. Section 4. The estimated cost of the acquisition and construc- tion and installation of the above-described additions and betterments to the system of sewerage of the City is hereby fixed as near as may be at the sum of $6,413,000 for the improvements described in Exhibit "A" and $272,000 for the improvements described in Exhibit "B". Section 5. Subject to the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance, the cost of the system or plan for additions to and betterments and extensions of the sewerage system of the City adopted by this ordinance shall be met and defrayed from any funds which the City may have for such purpose, including any moneys received from the Economic Development Administration and the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, as aforesaid, and by the issuance and sale of sewer revenue bonds of the City in the sum of not to exceed $1,750, 000 par value. The bonds shall be issued at such times and in such amounts or series as the City Council shall hereafter determine and shall contain such covenants and interest rates as the City Council shall hereafter approve. The bonds shall be payable from the gross - 3 - revenues received from charges for sanitary sewage disposal service, from charges for garbage collection and disposal service, and from the receipt of payments of assessments levied in Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 created by this ordinance. Such assessments shall be for the sole purpose of payment into the special revenue bond redemption fund hereinafter created for the payment of the revenue bonds authorized by this ordinance. Section 6. Pursuant to the provision of section 28, chapter 53, Laws of 1967 of the State of Washington, Local Improvement District No. 250 of the City, created by and described in Ordinance No. 1337, is hereby converted to a utility local improvement district to be known as "Utility Local Improvement District No. 1. " The improvement to be constructed and installed under and within Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 shall be that improvement described in section 1 of Ordinance No. 1337 as amended by section 1 of this ordinance. Section 7. Not to exceed $1,700,000 of the cost and expense of the improvement within Utility Local Improvement District No. 1, including as a part thereof, but not limited to, all cost items specified in RCW 35.44.020, shall be borne by and assessed against property specially benefited by such improvement included in Utility Local Improvement District No. 1, embracing as near as may be all property specially benefited by such improvement, and as for trunk sewers including as nearly as possible all of the territory which can be drained through the sewers and sub -sewers connected thereto as provided in RCW 35.43.040. In distributing assessments in the case of trunk sewers, there shall be levied against the property lying between the termini of the improvement and back to the middle of the block or 300 feet, whichever is the lesser, along the marginal lines of the area improved such amounts as would represent the reasonable cost of a local sewer and its appurtenances suited to the requirements of the property, and the remainder of the cost and expense of the improvement shall be distributed over and assessed against all of the property within the boundaries - 4 - of the District. With respect to any sewer lines to be constructed and easements across private property as a part of such sewer system improve- ment assessments for special benefits conferred by the improvement shall be the same as if such sewers were constructed in a public street. The City shall also add to the assessment of each parcel $150.00 for each side sewer stub installed to serve that parcel. The amount of the cost and expense of the improvement to be assessed shall be reduced by the amount of the grant from the Economic Development Administration of the United States Department of Commerce to be received for such improvement and any moneys paid to the City by the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle to pay the cost of construction of such improvement pursuant to the contract entered into by the City and the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, dated May 18, 1967. Section 8. The special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property within Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 shall be payable in twenty equal annual installments with interest at a rate to be hereafter affixed by ordinance not exceeding 6% per annum. In the case of default in the payment of any assessment when the same shall become due there shall be added interest at a rate to be hereafter affixed by ordinance of not to exceed 6% per annum, and a penalty of 5% which shall also be collected. Section 9. The City shall issue one or more series of sewer revenue bonds at such times as the City Council shall deem advisable. The sewer revenue bonds shall be entitled "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1967, " with series designations following, if issued in series. Such bonds shall bear interest at an effective rate not to exceed 6% per annum, payable semiannually and shall be numbered from 1 upward consecutively within each series as issued. The bonds shall be issued in such series, shall be in such denomination and form, shall bear such date or dates and interest rate or rates, shall be payable at such place or places, shall mature serially in accordance with such schedule beginning not earlier one year after date of - 5 - issuance and ending not later than (30) years thereafter, or shall be term bonds, shall have such option of payment prior to maturity, shall guarantee such coverage and collection of rates, shall provide for such additional funds and accounts, and shall contain and be subject to such provisions or covenants as shall be hereafter provided by ordinance. The bonds shall be sold in such manner as the City Council of the City shall deem to be in the best interest of the City. Section 10. The gross revenues and benefits to be derived from the operation and maintenance of the system of sewerage of the City and the additions thereto and extensions and betterments thereof herein provided at the rates to be charged for sanitary sewage disposal service and garbage and refuse collection and disposal service on the entire system of sewerage of the City will in the judgment of the City Council be more than sufficient to meet all expenses of operation and maintenance thereof and to permit the setting aside into a special fund out of the gross revenues of the system of sewerage of the City, in addition to the special assessments to be levied and collected in Utility Local Improvement District No. 1, of sufficient amounts to pay the interest on the "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1967," herein authorized to be issued and on the presently outstanding "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1954, " dated April 1, 1954, "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 195 6, " dated October 1, 195 6, "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 195 9, " dated June 1, 195 9, and the "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1966," dated May 1, 1966, as such interest becomes due and payable and to pay and redeem all of those bonds at maturity. The sewer revenue bonds herein authorized to be issued and sold shall be payable solely out of the special fund herein created and shall be a valid claim of the owner thereof only as against such special fund and the amount of the revenues of the system of sewerage and the special assessments pledged to such special fund and shall not be a general obligation of the City. Section 11. There is created and established in the office of the Treasurer of the City of Kent a special fund to be known as the "Sewer Revenue Bond Fund, 1967, " which fund is to be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the sewer revenue bonds herein authorized to be issued and sold and any additional sewer revenue bonds which may be hereafter issued on a parity of lien therewith under such terms and conditions as the City Council may prescribe. From and after the date thereof and so long thereafter as bonds are outstanding against such fund, the City Treasurer shall set aside and pay into that fund out of the gross revenues of the system of sewerage now belonging to or which may hereafter be belonging to the City including all additions to and extensions and betterments of that system at any time made, a fixed amount without regard to the fixed proportion, namely, an amount in addition to any special assessments levied and collected in Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 and in any utility local improvement district hereafter created the assessments in which will be payable into that special fund, which will be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on all bonds payable out of that special fund as they respectively become due and to create such surplus and reserve, if any, that may hereafter be prescribed by ordinance. The gross revenues from the system of sewerage of the City and any special assessments levied within Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 are hereby pledged to such payment and the sewer revenue bonds herein author- zied and any future parity bonds shall constitute a charge or lien upon such revenues and special assessments prior and superior to any other charges whatsoever excluding charges for maintenance and operation, except that the charge or lien upon such revenues for such bonds shall be subordinate and inferior to the prior charge or lien upon such gross revenues for the presently outstanding "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1954, " "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1956, " "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1959, " and the "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1966. " Section 12. The City Council and corporate authorities of the City of Kent hereby declare that in creating "Sewer Revenue Bond Fund, -7- 1967," and fixing the amounts to be paid into it as set forth in this ordinance, they have exercised due regard to the cost of the operation and maintenance of the system of sewerage of the City and the debt service requirements of the outstanding "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1954, " "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1956, " "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1959, " and "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1966. " The City has not bound or obligated itself and will not bind and obligate itself to set aside and pay into such special fund a greater amount or proportion of revenues of the system of sewerage than in the judgment of the City Council will be available over and above such costs and maintenance and operation and debt service requirements of those outstanding bonds. No portion of the revenues of the system of sewerage of the City has been previously pledged for any indebtedness other than the outstanding "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1954, " "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1956, " "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 19S9, " and "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1966. " Section 13. There is created and established in the office of the Treasurer of the City of Kent a special fund to be known as the "Sewer Construction Fund, 1967. " The proceeds received from the sale of the foregoing "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1967, " shall be deposited in the "Sewer Construction Fund, 19 67 , " of the City and shall be used for the sole purpose of paying the cost of carrying out the additions to and betterments and extensions of the system of sewerage herein authorized and of paying the cost and expenses connected therewith. The City of Kent, through its proper officers and agents shall proceed with the making of those improvements and the calling of bids therefor in the manner provided by law. Pending the sale of the "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1967, " the City may issue interest bearing warrants drawn upon the "Sewer Construction Fund, 1967, " to be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds or from payments from the Economic Development Administration or the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle as aforesaid. Section 14. No property, any portion of which is within the area subject to that portion of the assessment representing the reasonable cost of a local sewer and its appurtenances for those pipelines described in Part II of Exhibit "A" , may connect to those improvements described in Part II of Exhibit "A" unless either that property shall have been subject to such local sewer portion of the assessments on the assessment roll for Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 or the owners of that property shall have paid prior to such connection a charge in lieu of assessment which shall be the equivalent of that local sewer portion of assessments applied to that property. No properties may connect to any improvement described in Exhibit "B" without first having paid a charge in lieu of assessment representing the fair portion of the cost of constructing and installing that improvement applied to that property. Section 15. The provisions of this ordinance shall supercede and repeal any provisions of Ordinance No. 1337 which are inconsistent herewith. PASSED by the City and APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Kent, Washington, at a regular meeting thereQf, this 5th day of June, 1967. M A Y ATTEST: CitiJerk FORM APPROVED: City Attorney CITY OF KENT - L.I.D. No. 250 NORTH SEWER SYSTEM REVISED - EXHIBIT "A" PARTI SEWERS WITHIN L.I.D. No. 250 - SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT May 25, 1967 PIPE SIZE ON FROM TO 27" Easement adj, to 1400' t Wly of Russell Road South 212th Street 64th Ave. South 36" Easement adj. to 64th Ave. South 1400' t Westerly South 212th Street 36" 64th Ave. South South 212th Street 1300' t Southerly of So. 212th St. 36" City of Kent Property erly +212thhSt. &EasementL. Right of- O Co. ofso. Way 36" Easement on P.S.P.. & L. W. Valley Road 1400' t Westerly of West Valley Road Co. Right-of-way 36" Easement adj. to West South 228th Street Easement on P.S.P. & L. Right-of-way Valley Road -West Side 8" Easement adj. to West 300' ± North of South 228th Street 600' f North of South 228th St. Valley Road -East Side 30" Easement adj. to West ;-,;�:.,�1: Cole Street South 228th Street Valley Road -West Side Extended 10" Easement adj. to West 1300' ± North of South 212th Street, Valley Road -East Side South Line Sec. 1-22-4 12" South 212th Street- West Valley Road 64th Ave. South South Side 12" South 212th Street- 64th Avenue South 1900' ± Westerly South Side 27" Easement P.S.P. & L. 700' t West of C.L. 14-22-4 1400' t West of West Valley Road Co. Right -of -Way Sec. 12" Easement 700' ± West of Easement on P.S.P. 600' f Northerly C.L. of Sec. 14-22-4 & L. Co. Right -of- thereof way 24" Easement 700' ± West of Russell Road Easement on P.S.P. C.L. Sec. 14-22-4 & L. Co. Right -of - Way 8" Easement adj. to West South 238th Street 1300' ± South of Valley Road -East Side South 228th St. 72" Easement -80th Ave. So. South 188th Street South 192nd St. 8" Easement -So. 190th St. N.F. Railway. 80th Ave. South PIPE SIZE 7211 3011 27" 241' 811 8" 1011 1811 1011 18" 12" 811 8" 18'1 18" 8" 811 811 15" 8" 12'1 10'1 8" 24#1 ON Easement -So. 192nd St. South 192nd Street Easement adj. to West Valley Road -West Side Easement adj. to West Valley Road -West Side Easement adj. to West Valley Road -East Side South 206th Street 72nd Ave. South Easement - 1300' ± North of South Line Sec. 1-22-4 72nd Ave. South Easement -South 192nd Street, Easement adj. to East Valley Road -East Side Easement adj. to East Valley Road -East Side Easement adj. to East Valley Road -West Side Easement -80th Ave. So. Easement -So. 196th St. Easement -So. 196th St. Easement -78th Ave. So. South 196th Street 81st Avenue South Easement -So. 198th St. Easement -So. 200th St. Easement adj. to East Valley Road -West Side South 202nd Street South 206th Street -2 - FROM 80th Ave. So. N.P. Railway South 192nd Street TO N.P. Railway West Valley Road South 196th St. South 196th Street 2500' ± South of 196th Street 1700' t South of South 196th Street 76th Avenue So. South 206th St. 72nd Ave. South 700' ± North of South 206th St. East Valley Road 400' t North of South 192nd St. 1000' f South of South 192nd St. South 192nd Street South 196th Street 80th Ave - South 78th Ave. South South 196th St. East Valley Road So. 200th Street 78th Ave. South East Valley Road South 206th St. N.P. Railway 80th Ave. South South 192nd Street 72nd Ave. South 700' ± North of South 206th Street West Side of West Valley Road 1200' f Northerly thereof 80th Ave. South South 192nd Street South 192nd Street 400' f North of South 192nd Street South 192nd Street 81st Ave. South 80th Ave. South South 198th St. 81st Ave. South So. 196th Street 81st Ave. South 81st Ave. South South 200th St. 80th Avenue South 76th Ave. South -3 - PIPE SIZE ON FROM TO 18" Easement -So. 206th St. East Valley Road 80th Ave. South Extended 12" 80th Avgnue South South 206th Street South 208th St. 10" 80th Ave. South South 200th St. South 206th St. 72" 76th Ave. South 1300' ± Southerly South 212th St. of So. 212th St. 421" 76th Ave. South 1300' ± Southerly South 222nd St. of So. 212th St. Extended 30" Easement -76th Avenue 400' t South of South 222nd Ave. Extended South 228th St. Extended ,8" Easement adj. to East 850' f South of South 222nd St. Valley Road -West Side So. 222nd St. 24" Easement adj. to East 800' t North of South 222nd St. Valley Road -West Side So. 222nd St. 24" So. 222nd St. & Easement East Valley Road 76th Ave. South So. 222nd St. Extended 10" South 228th St. 800' ± Easterly of 76th Ave. South N.P. R.R. R/W Extended 30" Easement 76th Ave. So North 4th Avenue Extended 400' f Extended 800' t South of So. 228th South of So. 228th Street Street 30" North 4th Avenue 234th Street 800' t South of Extended a So. 228th Street 30" Novak Lane & Westerly East side of East Valley Freeway Extension on Easement Valley Road 8" Easement adj. to East 1100' ± North of Novak Lane Valley Road -West Side James Street 8" Easement adj. to East 1500' ± North of Novak Lane Valley Road -East Side James Street 151" Easement adj. to East Novak Lane South 228th St. Valley Road -East Side 8" Easement adj. to East South 228th St. Novak Lane Valley Road -West Side 30" Easement along East Novak Lane Extended So. 234th St. edge Valley Freeway .30" South 234th Street East edge Freeway No. 4th Avenue Extended PART II - SEWERS IN L.I.D No. 250 IN NEW LOCATIONS - NO LOCAL SEWER ASSESSMENTS Pipe Size On 72" 76th Ave. South 72" 77th Ave. South 72" So. 212th Street From So. 192nd Street So. 206th Street 77th Ave. South To So. 206th Street So. 212th Street 76th Ave. South EXHIBIT "B" SEWERS OUTSIDE U. L. I. D. No. 1 Pipe Size On From To 30" Easement adj . to West Cole Street Michael Wilson Valley Hiway -West Side Extended Road #332 30" Michael Wilson Road West Valley So. 238th Street #332 Highway 30" So. 238th Street Michael Wilson 60' ± Westerly of Road #332 East line Sec. 14-22-4 30" Easement So. 238th Street South line Sec. 14-22-4 24" Easement Winner Street 60'i- Westerly of 2000'± Westerly Extended East line Southeast corner Sec. 14-22-4 Sec. 14-22-4 24" Easement 2000'± Winner Street 1400' ± Southerly Westerly of East line of Extended Sec. 14-22-4