HomeMy WebLinkAbout1447ti Vol, 4930 PAGE 206 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ' V,71537 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE relating to planning and zoning for land use and development in the City of Kent .and zoning pursuant to. Kent .City Ordinance No. 1071, as amended,certain land annexed to the City of. Kent as unzoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District)zone and R-4.(Multi.ple Dwelling Zoning District) zone. WHEREAS, certain land hereinafter described was annexed to the. City of Kent, unzoned, and WHEREAS, as required by Kent City. Ordinance No. 1071, as amended, the City.Council of the City of Kent, Washington, fter referral to.and study by the Planning Commission of the City f. Kent, recommended that said land be zoned as hereinafter set h, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent did upon the lst day of May, 1967, hold a public hearing on said ecommendation insofar as they related to said certain land, aid public hearing being held after proper notice thereof, NOW, BEFORE, OLLOWS: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS Section 1. The following described land situated in the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, and esently unzoned, more particularly described as follows: That portion of the N 1/2 of Sec. 29, Twp. 22 N, Range 5 E., W.M. described as follows: Beginn at' the SE corner of the SW 1/4. of the!l/4 in said section, being the true point of beginning of property herein described; thence W along the S line of said subdivision to. the E line of 108th Ave. S.E. (Tim Cronin Road); thence N along said E line to. the.N line of the SW 1/4 .of the NE 1/4.thence W along the N line of said subdivision and the N line of the SE 1/4. of the. NW 1/4 .of said Sec 60 ft.. to the W line of said road; thence N along :the W line of said road to-th-e S line of SSH W516 (Kent Kangley Road); thence SEly along the S line of said SSH- 6 to .the E line of the.W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of said section; thence Salong said E line of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 in said'Sec. to the true point of beginning. -1- voA9 0 P -AGE 20 7 ISG 1 EXCEPT that portion lying in 108th SE AND EXCEPT that .portion of tracts 1 and 2 in the unrecorded 2 plat .of past of Sec 29, Twp. 22 N, Range' 5 E., W.M. described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said tract l being the true point of beginning of ist described parce ; thence :S 0235144"1 E, 618 ft; thence N 87024116" E, 437.92 ft; thence N. 4 02035144" W 376.70 ft to.the SEly margin of Kent 5 Black Diamond Highway. Thence NWly 500 ft along said SEly margin to the true point of beginning. 6 ALSO beginnig at the true point of beginning of above descr bed 1st parcel; thence S' 02°35"44'r 7 ft E, 618 ft;: thence S 871241.1.6" W, 190 ft more or less to the .E line of the Plat of Parsons 8 Addition, recorded under. Vol.' 58 of Plats, page 22; thence N along said E line .460 ft more or less 9 to a point of in:tersecti:on with a line that is 150 ft S of, and measured at right angles: to said 10 highway in lst described parcel;'thence NWly parallel with said highway to E line of108th. 11 Ave.. SE (Tim Cronin Road); thence N along said E line of said road to the Sly margin of said highway in lst described parce '; thence .SEly along 12 said highway margin 350 ft more or less to the true 13 point of beginning, (Parcel Three):, 14 s hereby zoned as R-3 (Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) zone. 15 That portion of. Tracts 1 and 2 in the unrecorded part of Sec. 29, Twp. 22 N, Range 5 E., W.M. 16 described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said tract 1 being the true' :point of beginning 17 of lst .described parcel; thence S 02035'44" E, 618 ft; thence. N 87°24116" E, ,43.7.,92. ft; thence 1S N 02"35'44 W, 376.70 ft to -the SEly margin of Kent Black Diamond Highway; thence NWly 500 ft 19 along said SEly margin to the true point of beginning (Parcel One). ALSO beginning at the 20 true point of beginning of above described lst parcel; thence. S 02035'44." E, 618 ft; thence 21 S 87024'16" W, 190 ft more or less to the E line of the Plat of Parsons Addition recorded under Vol 58 of Plats, page;22,King County, Washington; 22 thence N along said'E line 460 ft more or less 23 to a point of intersection with a line that is 150 ft S of, and measured at right angles_ to 24 sa.d highway in lst described parcel; thence NWly parallelwith said highway to E line of 108th Ave.. SE Z5 (Tim Cronin Road) thence Nalong said E line of said road to the Sly margin of said highway i,n 1st 26 described parcel; thence SEly along said highway margin 350 ft more or less to the true point of 27 beginning. (Parcel Two), 28 is hereby zoned as R-4 .(Multiple Dwelling Zoning District) zone. 29 Section 2. The City Engineer of the City of Kent be 30 and he .is hereby authorized and directed. to sdicate upon the 31 comprehensive.planning map of the City of Kent or upon an addendum 32 thereto:, the zoning of said property as provided for in Section 1 -2- voL.9Q PAGE 28 r•� 1:., ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 22 f tijis: Ordinance..:.. :1 Section 3. That upon said amendment being shown upon the omP rehensive .planning map of theC.ity of Kent or upon an addendum hereto:, the .copy of said map or addendum shall be filed with the. .ounty.Auditor .of. King County, Washington, :and the. City Clerk of :he City. of Kent be Iand she is hereby authorized and directed to. record this Ordinance with .the County Auditor of King County and )ay the, f iling, :f ee theref or Section 4.. This ordinance shall take. effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided. by law. L ay or Attest: Y Approved as to. form: U• ity ttorney s- -6�Y l H 7 .` Passed the % day of 1967. Approved the C--- , day of � . Published the day of 1967.. I hereby certify that this is a true .copy of Ordinance No. /'t_ ( passed.by. the City Council of the City of Kent and app- roved by'the Mayor of the City.of Kent as hereon indicated. L - (SEAL)Cit�yl�ek Filed for Re�15111I/ 19 Request o-� .• MORRIS, County uditor