HomeMy WebLinkAbout1438y's RE0Ei LED By 2 1 gD ORDINANCE NO. 1�with a minimum of one pick -.up per: w.e.ek." is hereby amended to. readi 14 +' `as follows: "Portable Container. Pick --ups, for containers of 10 15 '7 `jcubic yard capacity., or over: $.60 .per cubic, yard..per load with 16 �t 17 jj'�a minimum of one pick-up per week" . 'Section 2. Section 4 of Ordinance 13.34: 1966 (codified. 18 I11 - ' 19 115.4.30) which reads as follow"s "Billing :Provisions. for Premises 20 ltVa.cant More .Than One Month.. Whenever.any .person shall determine 21 rto: leave: his premises. vacant for a period of more than one month 'and thus :shall not needgarbage collection service during said 22 `period, he may cancel garbage collection and .se.rvi:cef.ees therefor 23: 24 ,for said vacated: premises. by giving written notice :at least 25 �kthirty `(3:0) days 'prior :to. said vacancy to. the Kent Municipal 26 Accountant,,.and in the written notice the :person shall state. the N 27 ,per iod of said vacancy and th.e street address of the premises; 'provided, however, if the written notice is not received. by the 28 'o 29 30 31 32 Kent Municipal Accountant before the next regular billing ;period for garbage collection services, said premises (and the owneror ipoccupant thereof) shall :be charged for garbage collection services 4 AN ORDINANCE of the City: of Kent,: 2 Washington amending Section: 2 (d) (1.0') of ' Ordinance. 13.34 .perta1ning .to pick-up charges for portable garbage. containers ;' amending 0 a Seat:ion 4 .of Ordinance 1334 .to. eliminate the :30day notice: provision set forth therein and to the Cityt adding a new.section s garbage . collection ordinances providing for th.e leas - i ing to private. parties by the City. of Kent :of 6garbage containers and authorizing industries to. use,. at their own, expense,,. ,stationary 7 compaction garbage co.nta.iner. equipment.. 8 I! THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF. KENT, WASHINGTON, DO 'ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 10 IV Section 1. Section 2 (d.) (1.0) of. Ordinance: 13..34; 11 �,111966 (codified. 5.4.36 (d.) (10)) which reads as, follows.: 12 , "Porta.ble Container Pick-ups: $.60 per. cubic :yard,, ,per. load, 13 'i 4 1�with a minimum of one pick -.up per: w.e.ek." is hereby amended to. readi 14 +' `as follows: "Portable Container. Pick --ups, for containers of 10 15 '7 `jcubic yard capacity., or over: $.60 .per cubic, yard..per load with 16 �t 17 jj'�a minimum of one pick-up per week" . 'Section 2. Section 4 of Ordinance 13.34: 1966 (codified. 18 I11 - ' 19 115.4.30) which reads as follow"s "Billing :Provisions. for Premises 20 ltVa.cant More .Than One Month.. Whenever.any .person shall determine 21 rto: leave: his premises. vacant for a period of more than one month 'and thus :shall not needgarbage collection service during said 22 `period, he may cancel garbage collection and .se.rvi:cef.ees therefor 23: 24 ,for said vacated: premises. by giving written notice :at least 25 �kthirty `(3:0) days 'prior :to. said vacancy to. the Kent Municipal 26 Accountant,,.and in the written notice the :person shall state. the N 27 ,per iod of said vacancy and th.e street address of the premises; 'provided, however, if the written notice is not received. by the 28 'o 29 30 31 32 Kent Municipal Accountant before the next regular billing ;period for garbage collection services, said premises (and the owneror ipoccupant thereof) shall :be charged for garbage collection services 4 i it ;for said period; and provided, further, that if the period of said `ivacancy terminates during a billing ;period, said premises (and the11 1 16wner or ,occupant thereof) shall be charged a garbage collection 2 e for said billing period." is hereby amended to read as follows:` 3 ��"Billing Provisions for Premises Vacant More Than One Month. 4� phenever any person shwa determine to leave his premises vacant . -5 or a period of more than one month and thus shall not need 6 ' arbage collection service during said period, he may cancel: 7arbage. collection and service fees therefor for said vacated F a 8 j�remises by giving written notice of said vacancy to the .Kent s 'r 9 34unicipal Accountant and in the written notice .the .person shall 10 !state the period of said vacancy and the street address of the 11 remises; provided, however, if the written notice is not received 12 by the Kent Municipal Accountant before the next regular billing 13 period for garbage collection service, said premises (and the owner 14 r occupant thereof) shall be charged for garbage collection 15 servi:ce.s for said period; and provided, further., that if the period �F 16 1�of said vacancy.terminates during a billing period, said premises ,I 17 4(and the ow.ner.or occupant :thereof) shall be charged the garbage 18 ?Icoll ecti.:on fee for said billing." 19 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 Section 3. There is herewith added to the Garbage. :ollection Ordinances codified in Chapter 5.4 of the Kent City. finances the following provisions: "Kent City garbage containers nay be leased to private parties at a rental rate of $7.50 per Dubic yard per month. Industries desiring to use stationary :!ompact:ion garbage container equipment must furnish their own. ptationary compactor units." Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be 27 J�n force, five days from and after its passage, approval and 28 3 29 1t 30 31; F i; 32 1i licati.on as provided by law. , Mayor _2_ Attest:. a, 2 s, , City C,iVk 3 R 4 ,approved as to form: 5'. 5 6 1d E E T , City Attorney 7 !Passed the'' �'� r �� day of L.-�1-mss _� ..nl� _ , 19,67 . $ Approved the day of %�L A.� moi' , 1967 Published the% T-A�' day of ��� ✓ 1967. 10 11 °� 12 13 1 is 14 15 s 16 17 I� 18 19 20 21 22 d 23 24' 25 s I 26 f f 27 E 26 s yC 29 s+ 30 31,E 32 -3-