HomeMy WebLinkAbout14003 w 1- 2 C'--' 3 4 CD C3 5 C �i 6 r- 7 C) 8 a i 12 13 14 15 guest011 - GL L a l°� 1975 u!Y 6 PM J 23 TREC.oROS &cry,? ORDI i'1/� wV C TV 0 KING COUNTY, v Spj. Ai, ORDINAjXi CE of the City of :ent, annexin s to the City certain lands contiguous thereto. �,dr1TEREAS, in accordance with RCW 35.13 of the LaWS of the tate of T1ashington, the owners of not less than seventy-five (75) er cent in value, according to the assessed valuation for :general axat=i_on, of certain lands situated in :ing County, ?ashi_ng ton, and ore particularly described hereinafter in this Ordinance, filed ith the Ci-tv Council of the Citv of i:ent their petition in writin? o have annexed to said Citv the said described land, and 'iFj-E .;::,AS, in accordance with RC? 35.13 of the Laws of the tate of ,7ashin-ton, various proceedings were had, including public earings and including the convening and approval of a Board of evi-ew as required by 71C`J 35.13 of the Taws of the State of Wash- n?ton, and 16 1,"11IEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of 17 .Cent that said Petition meets the requirements specified bN7 law, 18 that procedures from the filing- with the City of ,Cent by the 19 kquisite number of property owners of their notice of intention to 20 ommence annexation proceedings to and including the consideration < 21 the passage of this Ordinance, meet with the requirements specified 22 Dv law and the lands sought to be annexed are contiguous to the 23 i.tv of Kent and have not heretofore been incoraorated in or as a 24 .ity or Town, 25OI-7, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KYNT DO 26 )RDAI d AS FOLLO;,iS : 27 Section 1. That there shall be annexed to the City of 28 Cent the following described land, situated in the County of King, 29 30 31 tate of Washington, to -wit: That portion of the SW 1/4 of the SG,,', 1/4 in Section 10, I'.ap. 22 -d, Lange 4;,G.�.�1. described as follows: Beginning at the 1/16 corner on the S line of Said Section; being the true point of beginning of )f 9 _roperty within tele City of hent is property herein described; thence 1 010313411 10 1 along said subdivision line 1017.40 ft; -thence 11 was annexed and which was contracted S 8805210511 tial 527 ft; thence S 004713011 1""1 175.32 12 2 ft.; thence S 26110110" E 2.20.44 ft; thence S 13 Section 3. That upon the 0147130" TR 200 ft; thence S 88048130" TI 430 ft. 14 3 to the E line of i4ilitary 'goad; thence S 0047130" 16 said property shall become a part of til along said E line 445.60 ft. to the S line of 16 4 said section; thence H, 88038120" E along said S except as otherwise provided by law. 1ved �. line 872.30 ft. to the true point of beginning. .D 6 19 force upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by Also known as Lots 13 thru 16 and 25 thru 34 law. 6 Richard's Grandview Acre Tracts unrecorded. 7 Section 2. That the property hereby annexed shall be 8 ssessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as other 9 _roperty within tele City of hent is assessed and taxed, to pay for 10 any outstanding general indebtedness of the City to which the area 11 was annexed and which was contracted prior to or in existence at 12 the effective date of the annexation. 13 Section 3. That upon the day of 14 1966 the annexation of said property shall become effective, and 16 said property shall become a part of the City of Kent, subject to 16 all of -the City Laws and Ordinances then and thereafter in effect, 17 except as otherwise provided by law. 1ved �. 18 Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 19 force upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by 20 law. 21 ---- '' 22 ' aUITO�N, T."ayor Attest: 23 24 �r E ENS ' CIty Cl r}c 26 Appr as to form: 26 1ved �. EREI I? , City Attorney 27JOH', 28 Passed the 7 day of LJ�Z , 1966. Camay 29Approved the/ of , 1966. Published the_. -L {� day of i' rf� 1966. 30 _ , 31 -2-