HomeMy WebLinkAbout1391ORDINANCE NO. / -:?12Z AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, amending in part prior Ordinance No. 1333 to include additional real property to be acquired for the purpose of providing road right of way for public access for ingress and egress and the placement of utilities thereon and thereunder. The City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, do ordain as follows SECTION Is Section I of Ordinance No. 1333 of the City of Kent passed February 7, 1966 shall be and it is hereby suended to include, subsequent to the last legal description set forth therein, the following; That Portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 11, township 22, range 4 east, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying northerly of the south 995.28 feet and easterly of a line described as follower Beginning at a point, hereinafter called point "A" for reference purposes, which is 11.88 feet west of a stone set for a northeast corner of the land of Martin Cummings, which said stone is described as being 995.28 feet north and 1320 feet west of the quarter section corner between sections 11 and 12, township 22 north, range 4 east, WM., in King County, Washington; thence west 895.3 feet to the east line of a ditch right of way; thence northeasterly along the east line of said ditch right of way, 359.2 feet to south line of the county road; thence along the said south line of said County Road north 89000' east 285.1 feet; thence south 86045' east 479.5 feet to the True point of beginning of said described line; thence south 298.32 feet to foresaid point "A" and the end of said described line; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying northerly of the south line of the County Road (South 212th Street), situate in King County, State of Washington. SECTION IIs :Except as provided above, said Ordinance of the City of Kent numbered 1333; as previously amended by Ordinance No. 1377 dated September 6, 1966, shall in all other respects remain unchanged and of full force and effect. x- ALZX-THORNTON, Mayor Attest! Approved as to forms ULt;.�^ Ja . Berm ter, City Attorney Passed the day of October, 1966. Approved the day of October, 1966. Published the day of October, 1966.