HomeMy WebLinkAbout13881 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 608, -8289 ORDINANCE NO. VOL 4844 PACE AN ORDINANCE relating to planning and rezoning for land use and development in the City of Kent and rezoning a portion of certain property originally zoned by the City of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as amended, as M -A (Industrial -Agricultural District)Zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) zone. WHEREAS, certain land was originally zoned by the Cita of Kent by Ordinance No. 1071, as amended, entitled "Zoning Ordinance for the City of Kent, Washington," passed by the Ci Council on the 15th day of September, 1960, and WHEREAS, the effective date of the zoning of said certain land by said Ordinance No. 1071 and the effective date of said Ordinance No. 1071, itself, was the 3rd day of October, 1960, and WHEREAS, as required by Ordinance No. 10715 as amended, the City Council, after referral, study by and a public hearing before the Planning Commission of the City of Kent, wherein it was recommended that said land be rezoned from M -A (Industrial -Agricultural District) zone to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) zone, and WHEREAS, thereafter the City Council of the City of Kent did, upon the 6th day of September, 19662 hold a public hearing on said recommendation insofar as it related to said certain lands, said public hearing being held after proper notice thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following described land situated in the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, and presently zoned as M -A (Industrial -Agricultural District) -1- tvot 4544 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 :333 zone and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of the county road with the sections 14 and 235 township 22 north, range 4 east of the Willamette Meridian in King County, Washington, which point is 3559.9 feet west of the section corner common to sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, in said town- ship and range; thence south 9058' east along the west line of said county road, a distance of 257.95 feet; thence south 200351 east along the west boundary of said road 1918.6 feet; thence south 12031 east along the west boundary line of said road 322.3 feet to a round concrete monument 6 inches in diameter, 2 feet long, set 2 feet in the ground; thence west a distance of 800.6 feet to a point on the north boundary line of Peck Extension County Road, which is the true point of beginning; thence west 699.3 feet; thence south 117.4 feet; thence west 296.13 feet to a point on the right bank of White River marked by a round concrete monument 6 inches in diameter and 2 feet long, set 2 feet in the ground; thence on the same course west 50 feet, more or less, to the water line of the right bank of the White River; thence southwesterly along the water line of White River to its intersection with the north boundary of the Peck Extension County Road; thence northeasterly along the boundry line of said road a distance of 1261 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and 75 feet distance north- westerly when measured at right angles from the centerline and secondary state highway 5-A Green River Vicinity and southwesterly of a line drawn north 26006136" west; as condemned by the State of Washington in Superior Court Cause No. 5078549 is hereby rezoned to C-3 (General Commercial Zoning District) zone. Section 2, The City Engineer of the City of Kent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to indicate upon the Comprehensive Planning Map of the City of Kent or upon an addendum thereto the zoning of said property as provided for in Section 1 of thisOrdinance. Section 3. That upon said amendment being shown upo -2- 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 �S •s 1� wOAM the Comprehensive Planning Map of the City of Kent or upon an addendum thereto, the copy of said map or addendum shall be filed with the County Auditor of King County, Washington, z and the City Clerk of the City of Kent be and she ls.','hereb'y authorized and directed to record this Ordinance with the County Auditor of King County and pay the filing fee therefor. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. F -1 4- , owrm TF -,N,. - , " - Attest: Approved as to form: 'IrIL a, (Z� JO EITER, City Attorney Passed the day of , 1966. Approved the a day of , 1966. Published the day of _ , 1966. X91q.6 ' -a- filed for Record '1910 /�' f{� Request of ROBERT A, M KRIS CCounty Aud!4e