HomeMy WebLinkAbout13403 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 VOL4794 PAif' 6oV,.;f;689 ORDINANCE N0. 3 An Ordinance..relating to planning and zoning for land use and development in the City of Kent, Washington, and rezoning a portion of certain property originally zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as amended, as M-1 (light industrial) zone to C-3 (general commercial) zone. WHEREAS, certain land was originally zoned by the City of Kent, by Ordinance No. 1071, as amended, and entitled "Zoning Ordinance for the City of Kent, Washington", passed by the City Council on the 15th day of September, 1960, and WHEREAS, the effective: date of the zoning of said certai land by said Ordinance 1071, as amended, and the effective date of said Ordinance 1071, itself, was the 3rd day of October, 1960, and WHEREAS, as required by Ordinance No 1071, as amended, the City Council, afterreferral to the Kent Planning Commission for study and a Public Hearing, whereafter it was recommended that said land be rezoned from M--1 (Light industrial) zone to C-3 (general commercial) zone,.and WHEREAS, thereafter, the City Council of the City of K did upon the 18th day of April, 1966 hold a Public Hearing on said recommendation insofar as it related to -said certain lands, said Public Hearing being held after proper notice thereof, NOW,. THEREFORE,. th.e City Council of. the City of Kent, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The following described land, situatedin the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, and presently zoned as M-1 (light industrial) zone, .and more particu- larly described as follows: Block 9, 272 28 and 29, Supplemental Plat of Meeker's_First Addition to the Town of Kent,. according to plat recorded in volume 5 of plats, page 96, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the east 73 feet of the north 73feet of said block 9, `4. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 470 as mea-sured along the northerly and the easterly lines of said block; and EXCEPT. that portion of the east 240feet of said block -27 .1as measured along the northerly line .thereof, lying northerly of the westerly production of the northerly line of Shinn Street, as said street is delineated on said plat; and EXCEPT that portion of block 28, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said block.28; thence northerly along the east line of said block 28, a distance of 150 feet.; thence westerly parallel with the north line of West Meeker Street. (Kent -Des Moines. Road) a distance of 150.fe.et;. thence sottherly parallel with said est line of block:.282 a distance -of 150 feet to the north line .of We:s.t Meeker Street; thence easterly 150 feet along the north line of West Meeker Street to. the southeast corner -of block .28, the point of beginning, EXCEPT that portion of Blocks,27,.28 and 2'9, Supplemental Plat of Meeker's First Addition to the. Town of Kent, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 96, records of King County, Washington, lying southerly of th.e.weste:rly production of the center line of Shinn Street, as said street is delineated on said plat; EXCEPT the south.149.97 feet :in width of the east 149.97 feet in width thereof; containing 851,722 square feet.. is hereby rezoned to.0-3 _(general commercial) zone Section 2. The City Engineer of the.City of Kent .be land he is hereby authorized and directed to indicate upon the Comprehensive Planning map of the :City of Kent,: or upon an addendum thereto, the rezoning ,of said property, as provided for in Section 1 of this Ordinance.. Section 3. That :upon said amendment being shown upon the Comprehensive .Planning map of the City of Kent, or upon an addendum thereto, the :copy of said map, or addendum, shall be. filed with the County Auditor of King County, Washington, and the City.Cl.erk of the City of Kent :be and she is hereby authorized and directed to record this Ordinance with. the County Auditor of King County and pay the, filing fee therefor. q'Pot-; nn 4. This Ordinance .shall take effect and be in force from and after -its: passage, approval and publication as providedby law. ALEX TH.ORNTON, MAYOR 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a 4794 w 471 Attest z. Marie .Jens , .City: clerk Approved as to.form. . . a"t.� John Bereiter, City. Attorney Passed the day of May, 196.6. Approved the day of May, 1966. .Published .Published the day :of May, 1966 Filed for Reco((// �o- 196 / Request �ja OBERT A. MORRIS, Cou Aud)W