HomeMy WebLinkAbout13321 2 3 4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE NO.'33 �• An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, establishing a City Utilities Department under {�1 the supervision of. the Kent Municipal Accountant, requiring said Municipal Accountant to supervise pal follows: and control all utility charges, collections and assessment for the City. of Kent and requiring a daily disbursal and accounting to the City Treasurer for any and all funds received in said- .department; repealing and amending and creating certain Ordinances pertaining to water and sewer connection fees,garbage fees, arrearage charges, billing rates and procedures. The City Council of the City of Kent do ordain as Section 1. There is hereby created a City.of Kent Municipal Utilities Department for the purpose of handling, charging and billing for collection of all City of Kent municipal utility. revenues and assessments. Section 2. The Kent Municipal Accountant shall be in charge :of the Kent Municipal Utilities.Department and shall account for and deposit with the City Treasurer, on a daily basis (Saturdays, ,Sundays and legal holidays excepted.) all funds received by said department Se'c'tion 3. Kent City Ordinance No. 9.2.08 (Ordinance 680 s: 1937) is hereby repealed. Section 4. Application: All application for the use of water shall be madeto the Utilities Department. : Such applica tions shall be made by the owner or authorized agent of. the property- to which the property is to.be furnished; said applicati: n shall state fully and truly the purposes for which the water may be required. and must agree to conform to the rules and regulation thereof that may be made .and established from time totime as conditions for the use of water. Section 5. Kent :City Ordinance 9.2.16 (Ordinance 680 4 a amended by Ordinance 1034: 1959) is hereby repealed. Section 6. Water bills when due: All bills for water, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 whether by fixed rate or meter rate, are due and payable on the first day of a month for the two months preceding at the office of the Utilities Department without notice to the consumer and if not paid on or before the tenth: of the month: when due said bills shall become delinquent and the Municipal Accountant shall, if in his judgment the same is necessary, to enforce payment :of said bill, cause a shut-off of service from the premises effected by such .delinquency and a.fee.of Three Dollars ($3.00) shall be . charged.for such :shut -,off and a further fee of Three .Dollars {$3.00) shall be charged for reconnecting after such shut-off and shall be .added to any am.ount,found delinquent :in said account: provided, however, that when the tenth of the month occurs on Sunday or a legal holiday, billsmay be.paid on the next :suc- ceeding business day without :penalty. The Municipal Accountant may in his discretion divide water accounts. in such a manner that part thereof shall be .payable on the first: day of an odd numbered month for the preceding two months and part thereof on the;first day of an even numbered month for the preceding two months. Section 7., Kent City. Ordinance. 9.2.36 (a) (b) (c) (d) (0-1131 s 1 --May 21, 1962; Prior 0.897 s 1, as amended by. 0.1034-.-1959) is hereby repealed. .,P-t'.ion 8. INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION CHARGES 'INSIDE CITY LIMITS: (a.) Any property owner within .the City Limits: applying for water service .shall pay a service material and connection charge. Thls..charge will include the .cost of connection and laying of pipe from the City water main to..the.pro.perty line .of the property to which service is desired, or at a distance of 60 -feet from the main toward such property Tine, whichever is shorter. The minimum charge. so established is as follows $125.00 for. each 5/8 x 3/4 inch connection; ,-2- 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26 27 28 29 30 31 $1.50.00 for each 3/4 inch :connection; $175.00 for each 1 inch connection; $360.00 for each 1 1/2 inch connection; $50-0.00 for each. 2 inch connection. On any connection over two. (2) inches the minimum charge shall be the actual cost of the meter and installation, plus 2.5 In the .event .a smaller meter is installed then: the size of the service deduction difference of meter. costs will be made from the change of that size service All service material ('including water meter) will remain the property of the City. If tap ,is changed to one of larger size, the cost and expense of such .change must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. If it becomes necessary during the installation of said conned— tion to. break and replace .either concrete: or blacktop paving, then in each such instance an additional charge shall be made to cover. .the cost of such .repair. Section 9. Ordinance 9.2.40 (a.) (b) (c) (9.897 s 2, as amended by 0.1034--1959) is hereby repealed. gpntinn `10. INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION CHARGES OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS: Any property owner outside the City -Limits applying for water service shall pay a service, material and connection charge. This charge will include the costs: of connection and meter. The minimum charge so: established is as follows: $2.00.00, ,for. each 5/8 x. 3/4.inch connection; $2.25.00 for each 3/4 inch connection; $2.62.50 'for each.l inch connection; $540.00 for each 1 1/2 inch connection; $750.00 for. each.2 inch connection. . On any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum charge shall:be the actual costs.of themeter installation, plus -3- e 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 87 1/2%. Section 11. Ordinance 9.2.72 (0.680 s 15 -- 1937) is hereby repealed. Section 12. VACANT PREMISES - WATER SUPPLY. Should i be:desired.to discontinue the use ;of water -supply to: vacant premises for a period of not .less than thirty days, notice :in writing must be given to -the Utilities Department;. the water will then be .turned off and a fee of Three Dollars ($.3:00) shall be 'charged for such cut-off; and will be :turned on again on written application at an additional charge of. Three Dollars ($3:00) for such turn -on. No remission of charges will be made for a lesser period than thirty days or without :the said notice.. Section 13. Ordinance 9.2.148 (0.680 s: 29, as amended. by 0.688--1938) is hereby repealed. Section 14. CHARGES WHEN METER OUT. OF ORDER AND FOR TESTING METER. In the event of the meters getting out of order and failing to properly register the amount of water used, the consumer shall be :char.ged.at the average rate of monthly consump- tion as.shown by the meter when in order. When the consumer requests -that the meter be checked.for.errors and upon checking it is found that the meter complies with the requirements of the Laws of the State of Washington in regard to water maters, a charge of Five Dollars '($.5.00) shall be made for a one inch meter. and a change ,of .Ten. Dollars ($10.00) shall be made for a 1 1/2 inch meter or over and this charge shall be added to: the statement of the consumer. If said meter is found to be incorrect,: then no charge..shall be made.for.th.e.said meter check. Section 15. Ordinance 9.4.24:(0.874) s 6--1954). is h 11repealed. Section 16. WHO MAYCONNECT WITH PUBLIC SEWER, SIDE SEWER - CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE.F.EES It :shall be unlawful for -4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 any person to make any opening in any public sewer.or to co:nnect. any private sewer,. or drain therewith,or to lay, repair, alter, or connect any private: drain or sewer in a public street, alley, easement without first having taken out and procured. a license to do so in a manner. hereinafter provided to. be known as a "Side Sewer Contractor's.License." Th.e fee -for such Side Sewer. Contractor's License shall be the sum of Twenty-Five'Dollars ( :2.5.00) and shall entitle the .person to whom such .privilege maybe _issued to. exercise all the rights and privileges mentioned therein for a period of One (1) year, and the fee, for a renewal of such side sewer contractor's.license shall be the :sum of Ten Dollars '($.10.00) and shall entitle th.e licensee named. therein to. all the rights and privileges mentioned in said license for a period of one additional year, and no such license or renewal thereof shall be. issued for longer than the period of one (1) year and no such license shall be issued to.other than a person or in the name of more than one person. Section 117. . Ordinance 9.4.144 (0.,874 s 35--1954) is hereby. repealed. Section 18. FEES FOR INSPECTION. There shall be no charge.for the first inspection, but if by reason of noncompliance. with the provisions of this Ordinance it is necessary ,for the Superintendent of Sewersto cause a second or subsequent inspec- tion to: be made, th.e.person doing the work shall notify the Superintendent ,of Sewers when the work is ready for such .second or subsequent inspection. For each inspection, after the first, a charge of Five.Dollars '($.5.'00), shall be made, which shall be paid by the .person who received the permit under which the work is being performed at, or prior to. the inspection. No permit :shal be issued to any person who is delinquent in the payment of such charges:. All such fees zhall be paid to: the Municipal Accountant I.'E 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 who shall issue receipts.therefor and such.receipts must be filed with the Superintendent of Sewers before any new permits are issued.to a person owing :such .fees. Section 19. Ordinance 9.6.08_ (Ordinance -87& s 2, as amended by. Ordinance 1035.:1959).is hereby repealed.. °Po+'; n„ 20. BILLING. AND PAYMENT OF CHARGES. Charge providedfor by Section 9.6.12 of this Chaptershall be made for all sewage collection service and/or sewage disposal service. furnished or available,for use from the 20th day of June, 1959.. Service: :and charges shall be .on a bi-monthly basis from the: 20th. day of one month toand including the 19th day of the:second month following. All charges shall be billed on the first day of the month, following the two service months pre -ceding and shall be payable :on, or .before the tenth .day of the month in which.the billing is made :and shall be. .delinquent -after that period. All charges shallbe billed to the owner of the .recipient premises or ,to.the person charged for water furnished by the City. for said premises, if other than the owner. The Municipal Accountant may in his discretion divide :sewage,: service :accounts in such a manner that part thereof shall be payable on the .first day of an odd numbered.month;for the preceding two months, and part thereof on the -first .day of an even numbered month :for the preceding two months. Section 21. Kent .City.Ordinance 875 s 3, as 'amended. by Ordinance 961, as amended.by. Ordinance 1035 and Ordinance 1053, as amended. by Ordinance :1273; November 2, 1965,1 codified as 9.6.12:(e.): and (g), which .reads as follows: "9.6.12:(e.) Apartment, rooming house, motel, trailer courtsewage service within the City. An amount equal to 60% of the :amount.:charged the recipient for water. furnished to the recipient of service during the. same period for which charge is made for sewer. service; provided, howev.er., that :in any event there shall be :a minimum charge of'$1.75 multiplied by ..the number of sub -standard units. in any such 1 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 apartment, rooming house, trailer court, or motel, plus a charge of $2.50, multiplied by the number of standard units in said apartment, rooming house, motel, or trailer court." 119.6.12 (g) Industrial, commercial, apartment, rooming house, motel, or trailer court sewer service without the City. Commercial, industrial, apartment, rooming house, motel, or trailer court sewer service without the city shall be charged at the same rates as are charged for like services within the city as provided hereinabove. are amended to read as follows: 9.6.12 (e) Apartment, rooming house, motel, trailer court sewage service within the City; the aforementioned shall be charged the same rate as the residential rate in the same areas for the first unit, plus 1/2 the regular resi- dential rate in the same area for each addi- tional unit, whether occupied or not. 9.6.12 (g) Industrial, commercial, apartment, rooming house, motel, or trailer court sewage without the city shall be charged at the same rate as are charged like services within the city as provided hereinabove, plus 50%. Section 22. Sewer connections and service outside the City Limits of the City of Kent shall be permitted by individual contract only, under procedures and forms as provided by the Municipal Accountant of the City of Kent. Section 23. Section b-2 (2.1) (Connection fees, sanit sewer system) Kent City Ordinance 1142, August, 1962, is hereby repealed. Section 24. CONNECTION FEES -- SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. A connection for sewer and place of Seventy -Five Dollars ($75.00) shall be made for each single family residential lot within the City Limits of the City of Kent. A connection charge for sewer in place of One Hundred Twenty -Five Dollars ($125.00) shall be made for each single family residential lot without the City Limits of the City of Kent. A side sewer permit fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per lot shall be charged for each side sewer installed within the City and Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per lot for each side sewer installed outside the City. dAI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section 25 Sewer. service charges will be.due and payable whether.wi:thin or without the City Limits of the City of Kent :and regardless of whether the premises: are vacant :and regardles:s'of whether or not the water.service::is being furnished. to t he.premises Section:26. With reference to all payments for any City_.utility.servi:ces the Municipal Accountant, :at. his discretion may apply on a pro -rata basis any sums paid for any single utilit service or charge. Section: ',27o, Ordinance 5 ..4..32 ( 0.869 s 8, 1953) is hereby repealed. Section 28. CHARGES: FOR GARBAGE .COLLECTION - LI'EN- The City. shall collect the charges.for services rendered here- under from the.:person as heretofore .defined for whom collection serIvice.s. are furnished. The Municipal `Accountant of the City ;of Kent is authorized and directed to: bill such person monthly. All charges for collection services:rendered and billed hereunder :sha . be. payable to. the Municipal Accountant :and if not .paid on or before the..tenth .day of the month following .the month, .for which said services. are :rendered, ,such :charge 'shall be -dome delinquent Upon failure to pay such charges and upon delinquency, the :amount hereof shall become .a lien against :the propertyfor which.the collection .serviceis rendered. Such liens shall be made ,effect:i:ve by filing a notice thereof, .specifying the charges and the :periodoovered.by the. charges and giving legal description of the premise or premises. for which the:service:was rendered. Such liens shall be, :filed with the same official within the time and shall be, foreclosed. within. the time as prescribed. by State law for, filing and foreclos- ing oreclo -ing lien.s,for labor and material. Such liens shall be prior to any and all other liens or encumbrances filed subsequent to. the filing of such lien and shall :be`.subject :to. all general taxes. SO 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 and local improvement :assessments:, whether levied prior or sub- sequent thereto. Secti-on'29.. There is added to Kent Ordinance 5.4.36 (0., 870 1, as amended by 0._104,5-195.9) the following sub -section (h): There is herewith added: A compulsory minimum monthly charge of $1.50 for garbage collection service to. each residence,. business firm or commercial enterprise within the City Limits of the City of Kent, plus .50� for each additional can of garbage collected. Section 30. This Ordinance shall take full force and effect upon its.passage,.approval and publication as provided by law.. A EX N.TON , Mayor Attest: Marie Jense City.Clqrk Approved asto form: Johnjl7Ber.eiter, City Attorney. Pas.sed the day of. `.`. 1966; Approved the Cit c;k day of 1966; Published the V, day of ��.�iT� , 1966