HomeMy WebLinkAbout1323�J ORDINANCE NO. 1323 L �` An>ordina.nce of the City of Kent, Washington amending c�Jl s.l of Kent City Ordinance No. 1214, as amended by s. 1 \� of Kent City Ordinance 1285 to designate new arterial highways. \� 3 THE CITY,COUNCIL of the City of Kent do ordain as follows; \ Section 1. That portion of Kent City Ordinance No. 1285 s.1 -- ' 4 — 5 arch 1, 1963; which reads as follows; 118.14. 08 ARTER7A.L _:HIGHWAYS 6 ESIGNATED. Those streets and part of streets hereinafter in this section 7 escribed are hereby declared to be Arterial Highways for the purpose of this 8 itle; Central.Avenue from North City limits to Willis Street; South Central 9 rom Willis Street to South City limits; Meeker Street from West City limits 10 o East Marginal line of Central Avenue; Smith Street from West Marginal line 11 of Railroad to;.the East City limits; James Street from Northern Pacific Rail- 12 road Company right of way to the East City limits; Willis Street from Secondary 13 State Highway 2-M (West Valley Highway) to Primary State'Highway #5 (South 14 rentral Avenue); South 240th Street from Pacific Highway to City limits; 15 Fourth Avenue South from Saar Street to Crow Street; South 212th Street from 16 ussell Road to Secondary State Highway 2-M (West Valley Highway)." is 17 ihereby amended to read as follows; 18 8. 14. 08 ARTERIAL.HIGHWAYS DESIGNATED. Those streets and 19 art of streets hereinafter in this section described are hereby declared to be 20 Arterial Highways for the purpose of this title; East Valley Highway (84th Ave., rom S. 228th Street to North City limits; Central Avenue from S. 228th 21 S•) fj 22 Street to South City limits; Meeker Street from W::st City limits to State A.venul; 23 Smith Street from Hazel Street to West Valley Highway; Canyon Drive (SSH 5-A) 24 from Hazel Street to East City limits; James Street from SSH 2-M (68th Ave. S) I 25 to East City limits; Willis Street from SSH 2-M (68th Avenue S.) to PSH #5 26 (South Central Ave.); South 240th Street from 30th Avenue South to West City 27 limits; Fourth Avenue from Crow Street to South 228th Street; South 212th Street 28 from Russell Road to East Valley Highway (PSH #5); Pacific Highway from 29+jjfrtrm Kent-Des Moines Road to 400 feet South of South 252nd Street; 30 Military Road from South 268th Street to North City limits; West Valley High- 31 way (SSH 2-M) from South 180th Street to South 277th Street; Gowe Street from 32 Titus Street to West Valley Highway; Titus Street from Gowe Street to Reiten Road. 1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 EM 9 10 11 12 13 I 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Z _s ALEX THORNTONs, MAYOR I A.TTE ST: lar en/sen, APP roved as to form: 6 n ereiter, ity t orney Passed the day of �L C �� _� 1965. Approved the ��? day of !�_c r---_� 1965. Published the day of�z,1965•