HomeMy WebLinkAbout13101 2 3 1 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 aRDINANCE NO. � AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, creating and establishing a municipal Park and Recreation Department for the City of Kent, Washington; providing for the powers and duties of such Department; providing for a Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and for certain employees of said Department; providing for the solicitation of funds and acceptance of gifts and bequests for park playgrounds and recreational purposes; prepar- ation of a budget; and repealing all Ordinances in conflict herewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Parks and Recreation Departments, Creation of: For the purpose of providing for the proper maintenance and operation of public parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities belonging to the City of Kent, and to provide for the acquisition of lands, structures and other facilities for the park and recreational program for the City of Kent, there is hereby created and established a Department of said City to be known as the Municipal Park and Recreation Department, hereinafter called "The Department". This Ordinance is enacted in contempla- tion of the enactment of an Ordinance providing for a Park Board which possesses only advisory powers, and this Ordinance, there- fore, is enacted to vest the administration of the park and recreation program in a municipal department. Section 2. Powersand Duties of the Department: The Department shall have all the powers and perform all the duties provided by the laws of the State of Washington relating to parks and recreational facilities in the cities of the third class. The Department shall have the power to conduct any form of recrea- tional or cultural activity that will employ the leisure time of the people in a constructive and wholesome manner and shall have -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 control and supervision of all parks belonging to said City, and may plan, promote, manage and acquire, construct, develop, main- tain and operate either within or without the city limits, park squares, parkways and boulevards, play and recreation grounds, and/or other municipally owned recreation facilities, including community buildings, and improve and ornament the same; enter into any contract in writing, acting independently or in con- juction with the United States, the State of Washington, any county, city or town park district, school district, or any other public organizstions for the purpose of conducting a recreation program or exercising any other power granted by this Ordinance, and exercise censorship over any statutory monuments or works of art presented to the City; provided, that any such contracts will ultimately be subject to ratification and approval by the Kent City Council as provided by law. The Department may also solicit or receive on behalf of the City Council any gifts or bequests of money or other personal property or any donation to be applied, principal or income, for either temporary or permanent uses, for playgrounds, parks or other recreational purposes. Powers of said Department include the authority to grant concessions and privileges herein under such restrictions and for such compensa- tion as it may prescribe, the revenue from which shall be used for park purposes; provided, that no concession or privilege shall be granted for the sale of any intoxicating liquors, beer and/or wine in any public park and that no concession or privilege shall be granted for a period of more than three years unless approved by Ordinance. The Department shall have no power to ac- quire land or property without the approval of the City Council, and any property acquired shall be in the name of the City of Kent. -2- 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section 3. Rules and Regulations. The Department shall have the power to make rules and regulations for the government and management thereof including the power to fix charges for the use of any municipally owned or controlled park or recreation facility; provided, however, that any such charges shall be sub- ject to review and approval by the City Council of the City of Kent. All rules and regulations and use charges, and amendments and changes adopted by the Department, shall be promulgated by one publication in the official newspaper of the City, and a copy thereof shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. These rules and regulations shall have full force and effect from and after the date of said publication. This Ordinance and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto shall be enforced by the police department of the City of Kent. Violation of the rules and regulations so adopted shall be a violation of this Ordinance, Section 4. Appointment, Term and Duties of Superin- tendent and Other Employees. The Mayor shall appoin{ a Super- intendent of Parks and Recreation who shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, and who shall be the best trained and qualified person available therefor, and he shall be the head of the De- partment. The Department shall have charge of the management of the park and playground system and of the appointment and super- vision of qualified employees thereof for the effective adminis- tration, construction and development of the park and recreation system. In addition to the following prescribed powers and duties, the Superintendent shall have such other power and duties as may from time to time be imposed and conferred upon him by law or by Ordinance: A. Administration: (1) Supervises the work of the Recrdatlon and Parks Department in accordance with the general policies established by the Board or other authority. -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (2) Organizes and superintends an efficient administration for the Department. (3) Establishes, reviews and coordinates procedures to the end that maximum service may be provided at reasonable cost. B . Program (1) Develops a broad, diversified program of recreational activities and services to meet the needs of the public. (2) Supervises the organization and conduct of the community recreation program including both those activities under active leadership and others which primarily require provision of space facili- ties and general administrative service. C. Staff : (1) Recruits, selects and recommends the employment of Department personnel. (2) Organizes and assigns and trains Depart- ment personnel; develops and maintains good work relationships among staff members. (3) Establishes and develops a program for continuing use of volunteers in the recreation program. D. Areas and Facilities: (1) Superintends the acquisition, planning, design and construction of recreation and parks facilities under control of the Department. (2) Operates and maintains all areas and facilities under Department control for opti- mum use in support of the community recreation program. (3) Establishes close working relationships with and serves ex officio as consultant on recreation and park matters to public and volun- tary community agencies concerned with city plan- ning, housing, public welfare, education and other subjects closely related to community recreation. E. Planning and Research: (1) Studies and analyzes the effectiveness of the Department's services. (2) Repairs and recommends adoption of long- range and immediate plans to meet community needs for adequate recreation space, facilities, programs and personnel. -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (3) Studies conditions, needs and trends effecting the research and parks requirements of the community. (4) Studies and keeps informed on develop- ments in the recreation and parks field. F. Finance: (1) Directs, controls and accounts for the expenditure of park funds in accordance with budget appropriations. (2) Prepares and justifies budget estimates, work programs and supporting data for the recrea- tion and park functions. (3) Supervises the keeping of complete financial records for the Department. (4) Recommends establishment of necessary fees and charges for various department services and supervises their use. G. Public and Community Relations: (1) Interprets to the public the community recreation program and its philosophy and objec- tives through all suitable means, including the use of volunteers and staff members as well as news media. (2) Promotes the public use of recreation facilities, areas and equipment for group and individual play, recreation and relaxation through a continuing program of public education. (3) Establishes and maintains cooperative planning and working relationships. (4) Organizes, promotes and cooperates with neighborhood or community -wide recreation councils or similar groups identified with recreation and parks. H. Records and Reports: (1) Maintains systematic, complete and adequate records of Department activities and services, personnel and property. (2) Prepares and issues regular and special reports for use by staff or community officials and others and for the information of the community. Section 5. Park Budget: Annually the Park Department shall submit a budget to the governing body of the City on or before the second Monday in August for its approval. -5- 1 Section 6. Penalties: Violation of any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to 3 exceed $300.00, or by imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or 4 by both such fine and imprisonment. 5 Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in full force and 6 effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as 7 provided by law. 8 Section 8. All Ordinances of the City of Kent, Washing - 9 ton, in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. 10 11 12 13 14 Attest: _ 15 � 16 e ,_fjry"j.jj,o Bi3�� 17 Approved as to form: 18 IL a 19 J B. =,CITY ATTOM= 20 21 PASSED the r day of , 1965. 22 APPROVED the day of , 1965. 23 PUBLISHED the day of t 1965. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31