HomeMy WebLinkAbout13061 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent repealing Kent City Ordinance No. 9.4.88 (0.-874 .s 22-- 1954); prohibiting the use or maintenance of privy wells, vaults, outhouses and cesspools; requiring sewer connections, with certain alternatives provided for; and setting forth penalties. Section 1. Kent City Ordinance 9.4.88 (0.874 s 22-- 1954) which reads as follows: "9.4.88 PRIVY WELLS OR VAULTS AND CESSPOOLS. PRO- HIBITED. Whenever in the judgment of the City Health Officer the use and maintenance of any privy well or vault or cesspool located upon any premises in the City of Kent is detrimental or dangerous to the life or health and whenever in the judgment of the City Health Officer a septic tank can properly be main- tained upon such premises, it shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to report that fact, in writing, to the City Council. Thereafter, in case the City Council shall determine that the use or maintenance of such privy well or vault or cesspool is detrimental or dangerous to life or health and that a septic tank can successfully be maintained for sewage purposes upon such premises, the City Council may prohibit the use of such privy well or vault or cesspool and may order the same to be dis- infected and filled with fresh earth and may order a septic tank to be constructed upon such premises and suitable plumbing to be installed in any building or structure located upon such premises and such plumbing to be connected with and to drain into said septic tank, such work to be done under the super- vision and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent and to that end the City Council shall direct the Superintendent to notify in writing the owner or occupant of such premises that the use of the privy well or vault or cesspool shall be terminated and said privy well or vault or cesspool must be dis- infected and filled with fresh earth and a septic tank must be constructed upon said premises and suitable plumbing installed in any building or structure located thereon and said plumbing con- nected with and to drain into said septic tank all within the period of twenty (20) days from and after the time when such notice shall be served as hereinafter provided. "Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of cesspools or sumps for the disposition of liquids from floor drains or laundry trays where said fixtures are too low to drain into the sanitary sewer. (0.874 s 22---1954)" is hereby repealed. Section 2. PRIVY WELLS, VAULTS, OUTHOUSES, AND CESS- POOLS. PROHIBITED. Upon the effective date of this Ordinance, -1- 1 1d 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 it shall be illegal for any person to maintain, use, or allow to be used upon any premises within the City Limits of Kent, any privy well, vault,. outhouse or cesspool. Should the Superintenden of Sewers discover that any such prohibited sewer facility is being maintained, used or allowed to be used, he shall forthwith notify the party responsible therefor or the owner of the premises where such facility is located, in writing, that within thirty (30) days from the date on said written notification said re- sponsible party or property owner shall cause said facility to be dismantled and disinfected and filled with fresh earth in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent of Sewers. Sention 3. SEWER CONNECTIONS REQUIRED, ALTERNATIVES. If, in the judgment of the Superintendent of Sewers, a sewer hookup cannot be made to a proper municipal sewer facility as provided by the Ordinances of the City of Kent,.then said Super- intendent of Sewers shall require the establishment of a septic tank facility under the standards and regulations as set forth by the Ordinances of the City of Kent, and of the laws of the State of Washington, provided, however, if, in the judgment of the Superintendent of Sewers, such a septic tank facility hookup cannot be made, then he shall order and supervise the installation construction and maintenance of portable chemical toilets, pur- suant to.the following standards, to -wit:. a. The chemical toilet structure shall be completely enclosed on four sides and top. The door shall be properly fitted and self-closing. The structure shall be sufficientl large to provide adequate space for the user with the outsi dimensions containing a minimum foot of twelve (12) square feet; the smallest dimensional shall be three (3) feet. The walls and ceiling of the toilet structure shall have a rea- sonably smooth surface that is non -porous, non-absorbent and -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 capable of withstanding repeated washings and scrubbings. b Each chemical toilet structure shall be equipped with a water -tight receptacle tank securely mounted within the structure. The design, construction, and installation of the receptacle tank shall be such that maintaining, cleaning, and servicing can be and is accomplished in a sanitary manner. The interior of the receptacle tank shall be fully enclosed, and constructed of a non -corrosive, non- absorbent, non -porous surface material; capable of not being readily punctured. A fifty (50) gallon water level capacity shall be the minimum capacity of the receptacle tank. The receatacle tank must be of sufficient rigidity that at its maximum capacity, it will retain its shape. C. A toilet seat of commercial manufacturer shall be installed so as to:be easily cleaned and centered over the tank opening beneath the seat. The opening beneath the toilet seat shall have a corresponding diameter at .least equal to the dimensions of the toilet seat opening, and shall have no cracks, rough or open edges around this open- ing or in the entire bench. A vent pipe with a minimum cross section area of six and three quarter (6. 3/4). inches shallconnect to the receptacle tank and extend through the roof. All chemical toilet structures intended for male use shall contain a urinal. The urinal shall be made from durabl non -corrosive, impervious material finished with smooth sur- faces and proper slopes, designed and installed so that it is easily cleaned and readily drains. Hose or pipe used to drain the urinal into the receptacle tank shall have a minimum of one :(l) inch inside diameter, securely attached, and be constructed of a non -corrosive, water -tight, easily cleanable material. -3- t, 5 1 a 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 d. A suitable device for holding toilet tissue shall be provided. e. Each chemical toilet structure shall bear in clear, legible manner, the name of the owner. f. The chemical toilet structure and its contents shall be maintained ingood repair at all times. g. The interior of chemical toilets and receptacle tanks shall be cleaned at least once a week while they are in use, and more frequently when necessary to maintain them in a clean, sanitary condition. h. After cleaning, there shall be placed in the re- ceptacle tank a suitable disinfecting or deodorizing chemical solution which effectively controls odor, and of sufficient amount to cover all solids accumulated. i. Toilet tissue shall be available in the .chemical toilet structure at .all times. Section 4. DRAINS, CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of cesspools or sumps for the disposition of liquids from floor drains or laundry trays where said fixtures are too low to drain into the sanitary sewer. 4eetinn 5. PENALTIES. Each violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars '($300.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 6. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Ordinance which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. gant;nn 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 as provided by law. -a�ALEX THORNTON, Mayor Attest: Approved as to form: B. ERE ER, ity Attorney PASSED the C�, day of 1965. APPROVED the.. day of , 1965. PUBLISHED the day of , 1965. -5-