HomeMy WebLinkAbout1292e 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 kj, -is 7 4 T 0 1 -all Ordinances the c 0 C I I i of E, -e_ncral, -�ur)lic O`"' itv of X\--nt Z_ 01- L; c -* a C 0- s«1 T)er-.-ianc, t -0 (Cha,)I-21' �)jirsuant cit7l as -�1!­)VIGC;;( 0J . '70. 35.21.500-35 97, La_is1957, 1. itv Cit -,7 Council OF the C- t .; ication 0.�_7 all OrQ!.`,Lna_nces o- --�2neral o-, authorized the codif_ enalty or 1-crfaiture, and�, L c?. T, , lic nature or P uD 1 e t eCI ecn cm..1, nOW D couiica�_ion D �s the Cit . �17 Cler],�, an.6 and a Drinted CCDV the re 0 f i 35.21.500-- Oha-�ter 9 7 0 s o j- D,579 10T)tiol-I O-�-' such codification by 35.21.570, oroviees for the i __,i,�ic;:,tion as the OfIFici,911 in�, such c,,,- -1 enactin�an orJiinance adOT)t r certain )rnce(jural requirements Cod�-_- of s`UcI-I city ,CO and sets therein for Suc' I a ado otion, which requirements have Peen COI:,-.Dlied with, Tf TH-, CL'.i' V Ui— AS 1. IIDLL0`IS: ion ()i-- code. That - the said cO(I-_'i-FJL- Section I. Ad-oot t, -F ?energy --1, ,je C�t�,7 of n t 0 - a cation of the ordinances of L I lic or -)(-,,rranent nature as contained and set :for_ in a printed ,office D_Ff ic,� 0-F t,, City Clerk entitled-_ thereof on file in the 111'ent CitY Code, b" and the sa`e is herebv adopted as the ,ficial Code of the Cit-,�7 o:, Kent, as -)rovide6 for by Chapter 97, 0 Laws of 1957, I35.2i.soo--35.21.570. Section 2. Copies as Droof Of ordinances. As Dro- vi(�e(J -for Jby 35.21.5'-0, cO'j)" S o such Code- in further nmol as ti -Ir' ordinances form shall be receive(! Wit' )ut Cy OF Kent by -all Courts effect of the 4 J .t of Derpnanent and (.enera. anu administrative tribunals off. this State- 'I - 3 Adoption of new T,4j 1,a Feria shall be adopted by the Cit -,7 Council as separate ordinances prior to the inclusion thereof in such codification: Provided� sm prior to the inclusion thereof in such codification: Provided� sm 1 2 3 4 5 ei 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 that any ordinance anendim- the cod 4 fi.ca.tion shall set forth in full the section or sections of the codi::a cation bei,.7r.ended, and this shall constitute �z s I- ficient coT:mlia,Zce with any % statutory requirement that no ordinance nor any section thereof shc.11 be revised or amended unless the neva ordinance sets forth the revised ordinance or aT:lended section in full. Section 4. 'title and citation of code. The codifi- cation hereby aBooted shall be known as the z.ent Cite Code' and may be cited as such. The titles, cha-)ILers and sections as set forth in the codi-ication hereb;T adopted shall be, anC', they hereby are, declared to be trie titles, charters and sections by which the provisionz:, of the '_K:ent Ci_tv Code may be designated ;and cited. Section 5. purpose of catchlines. 1.'he catchlines ap Dearins- in connection with the titles, cha.oters and sections Of the IE'nt �1tV COc_e re T1s�rteCi a.S c�. i_^utter O convenience, and then shall be wholly c.isre .- rdec? by any Derson, officer, Court o,-' other tribunal in construi.n the tPrr s and i)rovisions I of the rent Cite Code. Section 6. Continuation of ordinances. The provisions o the i:ent Cit,r : ocie, i_nso�_ar as thew are substantially the sane -0 ordinances hereto gore ado nt-ed by the (,;t-,7 of ?<:ent , sh,= ll be construed as continuations ther�of and not as nP�,7 enact -dents. Section 7. .eferenc� _:,li to -,endT~ents . henever reference is Fade to any--)ortion o f t_ie Kent Cit,,7 Code, or to ant or�a_ia.'1Co, of the •��i�.T l r i'.=_ret, SlZC i to �.I.11 ar.Pndn:cents anti additions nota or her ea ectlon j. nF'n£'r'1 1�@naltV. vT11 7ci Ot l:'r"v1�_S �t_,aC] r,or c<<11_, c v, CGi'�C i': t � 0 1,tall v:_ol_c3.t ' �.n"J O IL the rovisions of. tie rent Cit- Code shall be de(-� .ped C ui 1t�7 Of c 'J_sCeT'leZnOr, aI?;1, u�On Conviction t,here,07, shall be punished -2- 1i 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 f jby a fine in any su:­� not e`-:ceedln{T three hundred: _ollarS ($300.00) or b17 a_' 7r1San' e7lt F'or a `)e_lliod not es:C:?e .11ninet' Q-_!,73 or �bv Doti `inP and ZT'?7ri3on--i.ent Iii '''." ';13c:P�tlon '.:).i tile (:OUri. Section 9. Sayin'_s cont -i ---,ed _ .n. this orf 1nance or in th!c, ;Fent Cit— C:ccI. e her -,-in shall Le constru as abatln- any action noG? Dendln- under or by vi-tue of- 71.n,,7 �� Y''� `enE Oln?_nCn of thCe 1t'T a :'.?nt ner'ein -r , disccntinuin , ai)atin , r oc ifvin;- ,r aItarin�= any Denalt � accrued or to acc;'ue, or as af]:ectin the liability of ans;7 DerSOn, firm Or CarDOr t1On, Or aS G.]c ZV1n; c n`J Y Z 'ilt o?' the C t tV undor anv ord.lnca,nCe a.' )YOV1S7.On 't17� :i'eOi" ,_n :once at the "_i,t..' o:E--DasSa.-e dor this ordinance. Section 10. Severability. Each title, chapter, section and subdivision of a section a the 1:ent City Code her_?bv adopted, is declared to Ibe indeendent of every other title, chaoter, section (,-)-Sul)c'lvlsion n" sectln 1, :ln C' the V2.11Ci i_tV of c1 nZ� title, chanter, section. or subdivision of a section of the Kent City Code, herein adopted, shall not :i.nvalldc?.te any other title, chanter, section or subdivision of a section the:reo:-. Section 11. leDeal. All or -finances or parts o:- ordinances in conflict With the '_<ent Cite Code adopte6 bs7 this orc�_i_nance, are herei)v reneale6. Section 12. This Ordinance shall take e::`-iect and be in :'Force Fro-,ranCl cl: ter its DaSSa.'%e, approval and, Tnibll_catlon as urovided by lava. Attest: UI: l ) CE c' , C T ± C;lv,i?'< ,'.ur)rovec' as tc IorTn: .__, TI, -,-'1. r, CITY A1TOIJR'Ji cel J 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i 16 17 18 19 li 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ASS:1-,-D the day o 1. ADD.,!,OVT-'D the day 0 the day1965. -4- 1965.