HomeMy WebLinkAbout1281VOL 0� ,(� 1 Aiv 0i\DI!JAiJCE of the City of Kent, washington, �` amending; Sections 10.12.06, 10.16.01, 10.16.02, and 10.16.03 of Ordinance No. 1071 as amended to require public hearings with published notice 3 thereof before the Kent City Planning Commission of proposed rezones, map and textual changes of 4 the City of Kent Zoning; Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1071; September 15, 1960, as amended). 5 6 THE CITY COUidCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT do ordain as 7 follows : 8 Section 1. Section 10.12.06 of Kent Citv Ordinance 9 A o. 1071; September 15, 1960, as amended, and which reads as 10 follows: 11 "Section 10.12.06. PUBLIC AEARING. Except as herein - 12 after provided, whenever a public hearing is required by 13 this title, no less than three notices thereof snail be 14 posted by the City EnEineer in conspicuous places on or 15 adjacent to the tract, lot or other land or building area 16 affected. Written notices shall be mailed to adjacent land 17 owners or their agents or others likely to be affected. 18 Such notices shall state the time and place of such hearing. 19 and the nature of the question to be heard and shall be 20 posted not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date 21 of the hearing. notices shall be sent to the names appear - 22 ing on the tax rolls of all property within a distance of 23 200 feet, streets and alleys excluded, of all property which 24 is the subject of these public nearinEs. notices may also 25 1)e sent to other property owners wilo might be affected. 26 Notices of public hearing; on proposed textual cnan�_es in 27 this title or proposed changes in the comprehensive plan 28 and map of the City snail be published at least two times 29 successively in the City official newspaper prior to the 30 date of hearing, and such notices shall contain the date, 31 time and place of the public nearing together with the 32 text or explanations of the proposed changes. In addition -1- 1� 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 I 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to other required data accompanying the request involving; a public hearing, a check in the amount of $50.1)0, non- refundable and payable to the City, shall be filed to cover costs incurred in connection with the posting and mailing of notices." is amended to read as follows: Section 10.12.06. PUBLIC HEARING. Except as herein- after provided, whenever a public hearing is required by this title, no less than three notices thereof shall be posted by the City Engineer in conspicuous places on or adjacent to the tract, lot or other land or building area affected. Written notices shall be mailed to adjacent land owners or their agents or others likely to be affected. Such notices shall state the time and place of such hearing and the nature of the question to be heard sand shall be posted not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the (date of the hearing. Notices shall be sent to the names appearing on the tax rolls of all property within a distance of 200 feet, streets and alleys excluded, of all property which is the subject �of these public hearings. Notices may also be sent to other pro- 1perty owners who might be affected. Notices of public hearing on proposed textual changes in this title or proposed changes in tine comprehensive plan and map of the City shall be published at least one time in the City official newspaper prior to the date of hearing, and such notices shall contain the date, time and place of the public hearing together with the text or explanations of the proposed changes. In addition to other required data accom- panying the request involving a public hearing, a check in the amount of $50.00, non-refundable and payable to the City, shall The filed to cover costs incurred in connection with the posting and mailing of notices. In the case of proposed rezones and map and textual changes of tie City of rent Zoning Ordinance (Ordi- nance 'vo. 1071; September 15, 1960, as amended) said payment of -2- I v L P41 tj 1� 2! 3� 41 51 611 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 $50.00 shall cover costs incurred in connection with the posting and mailing of notices for both the public hearing for the Kent City Planning Commission and any subsequent public hearing before the Kent City Council. Section 2. Section 10.16.01 of rent City Ordinance No. 1071; September 15, 1960, as amended, and which reads as follows: "Section 10.16.01. MAP CHANGES. The City Council may, i upon proper application, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission or upon its own motion and after public nearing and referral to and report from the Planning Commission, i i change by Ordinance the district boundary lines of zone classifications as shown on the zoning map provided such chane is duly considered in relationship to a comprehensive plan as required by the laws of viasnington:' is amended to read as follows: Section 10.16.01. MAP C1iANGES. The City Council may, upon proper application, upon recommendation of the Planning. Com- mission, or upon its own motion and after proper notice and public nearing; before said Planning Commission, and after receiving the recommendation of said Planning. Cormnission, and after proper notice and public nearing before said City Council, change by ,Ordinance the district boundary lines of zone classifications as i shown on the zoning_ map provided such change is duly considered in relationship to a comprehensive plan as required by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 3. Section 10.16.02 of Kent City Ordinance No. 1071; September 15, 1960, as amended, and which reads as follows: "Section 10.16.02. TEXT ChAkiGES. The City Council may, upon recommendation of the Planning, Commission, or upon its own motion, after public hearing and referral to and report -3- daj �F it from the Planning Commission, amend, delete, su-):)lement 2 or change by Ordinance the regulations herein established 3 j provided such revision conforms to the State Statute." 4 is amended to read as follows: 5 Section 10.16.02. TEXT CHAiiGES. The City Council may, 6 upon recommendation of the Planning Commission or upon its own 7 motion, and after proper notice and public hearing before said 8 Planning Commission, and after receiving the recommendation of 9 said Planning commission, and after proper notice and public 10 hearing before said City Council, amend, delete, supplement or 11 change by Ordinance the regulations herein established provided 12 such A revision conforms to the State Statute. 13 Section 4. Section 10.16-03 of Kent City Ordinance 14 1,jo. 1071; September 15, 1960, as amended, and which reads as 15 follows: 16 "Section 10.16.03. APPLICATION PROCEDURE. An appli- 17 cation for a change of zone classification or district 18 boundary lines subm'itted by the property owner or his 19 authorized representative shall be entered on a form pro - 20 vided for this purpose and filed with the City Clerk at 21 least ten (10) days before a regularly scheduled meeting 22 of the Planning Commission. Said petition shall be accom- 23 panied by a check made payable to the City in the sum of 24 FjjFTY DOLLARS ($50.00), which shall be non-refundable and 25 used to cover costs incurred in connection with posting 26 of the premises, mailing of notices and conducting the 27 hearing as provided in this Ordinance." 28 is amended to read as follows: 29 Section 10.16.03. APPLICATION PROCEDURE. An appli- 30 cation for a change of zone classification or district boundary 31 lines submitted by the property owner or his authorized repre- 32 sentative shall be entered on a form provided for this purpose -4- 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i 15 16 17 18 19 20 21( ")60 and filed with the City Clerk at least twenty-one (21) days before a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. Said petition shall be accompanied by a check made payable to the City in the sum of r'IFTY DOLLARS (550.00), which shall be non- refundable and used to cover costs incurred in connection with posting of the notices, mailing of notices and publication thereof and conducting the hearings before both the Kent City Planning Commission and the Kent City Council as provided in !this Ordinance. 23 24 25 26 27 i 28 29 30 31 32 Section 5. This Ordinance shall take ,effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law, provided, however, the provisions Therein shall not affect any rezones or proposed map and textual changes of the Kent City Zoning Ordinance which have already been applied for as of the date of the passage of this Ordinance and which are presently under consideration by the Kent City Planning (Commission or the Kent City Council. L'THORNTON 14AYOR Attest: CHARLES BRIDGES, CITY CL-' K !,Approved as to form: JOrIT B. BEREITER, CITY ATTORNEY .:—` 1965. Passed the _, day of.�..._ .. L. Approved the r day of +-, ,.,._ , 1965. Published the ' `' 1965. _ day of ���-, � .. -_-_� � for Record RctiUast of ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor f�