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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1267l� 2 i 3� i 4' 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. 7 An Ordinance of the City of Kent ordering the improvement of Van de Vanter Avenue and Van de Vanter Avenue extended from Chicago Street South to the Green River and on Chicago Street from Van de Vanter Avenue to Crest Avenue and on Crest Avenue from Chicago Street to ilerllock Street within the City of Kent, Glashington, by the installa- tion of trunk storm sewer lines and necessary appurtenances thereto, all in accordance with Resolution No. 532 of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington; establishing an enlarged Local Improvement District No. 248; providing the method of assessments in said enlarged District; providing that payments be made in part by special assessments upon the property in said enlarged District, payable by the mode of"payment by bonds" and providing for the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District warrants redeem- able in cash and Local Improvement District bonds. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 532, adopted the 8th day C f September, 1964, the City Council of the City of Kent, k1ash- ington, declared its intention of improving all of the property contained within that certain real property, located in the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, and which is more particularly described in Section i of this Ordinance by the installation of trunk storm sewer lines, the size of each which is hereafter indicated, along certain public streets which are hereafter set forth in Section -�_ of this Ordinance and dHEREAS, the City's Enineers have caused an estimate to be made of the costs and expenses of said proposed improvement: and have certified said estimate to the City Council together with all papers and information in their possession touching; the proposed improvement, a description of the boundaries of the enlarged District, a statement of what portion of the costs and expense of the improvement should be borne by the property within the proposed District, a statement in detail of the local im- provement assessments outstanding or unpaid against the property in the proposed enlarged District and a statement of the aggragat( actual valuation of the real estate, including twenty-five percenl Be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (250) of the actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed enlarged District according to the valuation last placed upon it for the purpose of general taxation; and WHEREAS, said estimate is accompanied by a diagram of the proposed improvements showing; thereon the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property which will be specially bene- fitted by the proposed improvement, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense thereof to be borne by each lot, tract and parcel of land or other property, and WHEREAS, due notice of the hearing upon said Resolution No. 532 was given in the manner provided by law, and said hearing was held by the City Council on October 5, 1964, and all written protests filed with the City Council on or before said date were duly considered and all persons appearing at said 'nearing were heard, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the best interests of the City that said improvement as hereinafter described be carried out and that a Local Improvement District be created in connection therewith, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. That the following described real property located in the City of Kent, County of King, State of %Tashington, to -wit: (See Pages 3 and 4 hereof) -2- Section 1. Continued °r# :c�gi.ra�ai ;t the a tc the soutb lime 'cif 50Ction 19, 'ic°s?nclhirp 22 I<c. �.th, F'zr age 5 rest W0140 alit the wast .ins 3 of �Ova:mmont Lot 4 0? G&+.d and tha naollm line of S.W. R'.2seall Djj,c, r;n. 42 i3 f3`":?2"3" in �+'i?!2"' 4a4Y2�tri•7aclz3•E�c�.cni wastc,;).y along the said, GOLIth 7 jne to its intense 'ti.on 8 �� 1507.25 ft. Vil�vt TOY 02' and parallel to the jgest 1xn,.1, cat nai.d 5. +fyoverarme 2 t T'a'i 4; Theme Northr..'r ly along said- parallel line to t'ho southw tit corner oIf Lo'4 10 caf ClarkO Va3.3.ey View t+c1cli tion ar-cording to ''Pl4t t110reof as recordC5 in Vol— 54, raqo Re-corcls of ring County, 11a,cfeington "11:enca Northerly along the West I`ne Of said T-ot ?0 t 9 the teat corner t7jjorL�o whilch is also a Poillt On €ba Fouth nar ging eat MMACIn 9treatI Thenite FortharlY t3C8 ®sF3 rlr.L DSI St:: �'t°l+� to the .rxP.kl2t�1�tt corner of ldat 1, cald plat 00 C1-a—Z .'3 bail�� vi tea;. one or€:nerly ala�ac the 6�e t .line of �3ai �d . Zat 1 to the Ncwthwest c-ornar vil,w2reol-, uftich is a point on t�z€� �outhor�y t��'a gine of Carter �t�eew; :hence Northwesterly across Carter Stveat to the i.nte: c+�ctiea�i ref the .� rt iy �F��;i thcreof wit) tbO Southerly ��.�:�:rasics� 4 t" co:zte r - line of Bioclk 21 of Wasbington beat-; al "5mprav�emen�,t Company* s ab, Hill Addition to 'sl91` E a�:f':: I.iR s'`r.: '�3 Gd."�d' ': o k i. i.ndb Si i) i�w C4�"`2 C�'�.£�Cf" to Plat th�ercor 1 ` .�. c.o.. r:° .n v as . 5, o 7 Rocord y of King Counity. gr.ta�:ai�aq. ton; C y °s"'`�1on-e llar :ho^rly along the said Somthemly 0.�t:'=:&'��:�L`?3 �85�� the cer�t��- li�±e ofid34:W°=�: 2l a�� cca.c�'of �1 l3 said platw:ola, �; ? , to its 3.�?ters'�•'•cti cn, u th th3 Caro -D .OT y e:c::c .�:> moi= the %S r 1:�53c . no nce rmstnr� .y alow t•bo acid �7 :er3 ttCFe .t9? " and vh�. £?e t t li. ho oz said Lot 9 t :3 eiaa ��o�'�.�'E+�caat COT'1's s °�:b��� tof ts$`��.c' �. ,, �3 'p int ria `'lln TQx j G.? Gti 'JaSa fle ��zi�l�;�: d��JGaiat'i3; ��'�nCQ �;i?� r'i:, ° �i L�i9 C'e:li�Q?� �.� @! i�;gl'lt�.<'� L ?JQ.3ia�iS 7 Cz::I Q ���"r. h ci.�.R9b'V c'ante"�".�.? CI'� Q� ��'�i C�� �ii�9?`.'�.� � Nr"',wao to the i1c� }; 0r`;?.V 4l.":'t�:nsi-'�'fn 0s' ' nc UTM—"th .�.7 Snf; �>�, �3�.t�c`i� 1k"c'A,al, is !V,,01) U -11 k csnc� �� t r ltd alonq said westerly ontel'u--si cn cif 1.70rLh line of Lot 23 zind t�'� €: t• t?a IJne 4f said iia: 2:3 to tjia oo. .h� c>f;'". ��C'�ts9% t�f�:"C£3s7t '?fence Easterly ac = ; theall .cy o2said Si.oc's .19 to the 2To�:tVr36st corner of Lot G', Bald BlOcIi 193 Thenco »r ;� .y ,�.c�rig the N4rt?i l ini^ of va .503 Lot � to the �T�thcaa�' Corner th x:� :O o"b �,�'i?� x.53 a. �roo nt on the Cv'0G Qat. a1'Y Tlar 9,U' Of dik.c•.PZt�Q� !�'Yi�"?9se�R. ' i;.CQ tea Eti.?2 �(f c :"2:C� 9I3 �'®tll^5; �3clo ; o�Vf33i1�?r3 ;rJ ��It': �t�'3'i:�'.�.�' �L'��:Gj� °l �� ���� x t �►4� ac�„� ��?,,:�, !:'P�l.f'S4 is a -!. o a point. on tha 4 of Lot 1; "dim? to bent (''In ,",i.Tx .ftcw xezor c,5 to C.3 Milla:s; s uor*��9'�en view) ac^c���.s.g:� g to plat thorooi: �.ecordi .d 1.11 Vol., 4.14, ;?rzge � , 'P -C!"07,0 3 Of F-ing t Thane yor. herly along the NOStOXIL t margin OZ said iii: 7 tea tha gosZtir- , Section 1. Continued.- I'L no of Lots J,V and 1 Tnnn= alvlg r of Two of cald aq DW 4 z1ong sanWil'y lily WSW 'f sald 3o1.V";T1 11� r:1 . Jr K Aid Lct, is WO feel to the Ecuthorat, V, 0, 2-nd Wdithch accord, corner of Lot 1, 570sk Ot- Nscardnd in val.dq Pilo 7 rzn=03KQ'q County, ing to plan 10 top swagheas1. too 4041h Who .,Of sstd Lot cornw thencol; MCC% ..,.[>.e.: L. x ra V fect 4.0 ,.'t,5usAxwest nc Bloc% 1 of SAC plat *w1viO in alsd the corner lot millers NaTtucrn 2nd Addition; thMacth e line OQUId 11,1M. V�enca NWOM MOM -to scid ALWAYS. Maktherh sive of Sa3t loop, T1.-ence BaStellY QW9 W MOrth: ''ns OQ the "ha a line ZG4 Met Nenterly ps VAMIR pa,d Pan,jjQj1 linj tplity . aggizi the ant OV010A Of 4 AS a VOW :TQrse sister. -IT slany said, MAW,, Voyin to 100,tahm: a 1w 131.3 Met vesfmly of 1/4 no Wd section ScUtocrlY VOW say Wo -1Z OWN sycolon is AM& allo a! to COMM Us - W: 1(_j 2 W the North, t cy an at foe AMIx.ent"m with ape OentgAins.01 Fri IPIQ Strenti. Ito intsr-' Thswe U01MUFAM the Vent"If O"W's M -- ' unction witb A sh,y,s n,xty• along ths to Dl,och 21 hall jjw! no Yvon Will WCA1.1>1 aidV loq?b line J and the 110S Z.,ot, thoon—V "is the westlim WNW! Claim N0.10: Th unwe to{,l b^'j';r �.`4 t"'r., i .. . '+. �.E.v a' � chi?v ot, it OQ too 'V�Ssall 0. C. to Th 10i at WQ 1 2 3, 4 5 g� 7� I 81 9 10 13 1 i 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 9 28 29 30 31 32 be improved by the installation of trunk storm sewer lines the size of each of which is hereafter indicated along with necessary appurtenances thereto along the following public streets within the City of Kent, to -wit: On From To Size Crest Avenue Hemlock Street Laurel Street 15 -inch Crest Avenue Laurel Street Chicago Street 18 -inch Chicago Street Crest Avenue Van de Vanter 21 -inch Avenue Van de Vanter Chicago Street Walnut Street 24 -inch Avenue Van de Vanter Walnut Street So. 258th St. 18 -inch Avenue, Extended (Titus Pit Rd.) Easement So. 258th St. Green River 24 -.inch (Titus Pit Rd.) and by doing such other work as may be necessary in connection thereto, all in accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared by the City's Engineers and as approved by the City Council. Section 2. That there is hereby created and established an enlarged. Local Improvement District to be known and called "Local Improvement District No. 248" which District shall be composed of and shall include the property hereinabove in Section 1 of this Ordinance described, all within the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington. Section 3. The nature of the improvement provided for herein is such that the special benefits conferred upon the pro- perty in the enlarged Local Improvement District herein created are not fairly reflected by the use of the zone -and -termini method of assessment therefor, and it is hereby provided and ordered that the assessments shall be made against the property of the enlarged District in accordance with the special benefits it will derive from the improvement, without regard to the zone - and -termini method provided by statute. -5- 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ?.5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 4. The nature of the improvement provided for herein is such that the special benefits resulting therefrom extend beyond the boundaries of all the property to be included in this District which lies between the termini of the improve- ment,abutting upon, adjacent, vicinal, or proximate to the streets avenues, lanes, alleys, boulevards, park drives, parkways, public places or squares proposed to be improved to a distance of ninety (90) feet back from the marginal lines thereof or to the center line of the blocks facing or abutting thereon, whichever is greater. (In the case of unplatted property, the distance back shall be the same as in the platted property immediately adjacent thereto.) Therefore, Local Improvement District NO. 248 created herein is herewith declared and ordered to be an enlarged Local Improvement District. Section 5. The estimated total cost of the installation of said trunk storm sewer lines with necessary appurtenances thereto is $68,856.52. of that amounts the City of Kent shall bear approximately $299850-00, or approximately 43.35% thereof. Furthers of said total amounts approximately $8,066.72, or approximately 11.72%, shall be assessed against and charged to the real property lying between the termini of the proposed improvement and extending back from the marginal lines thereof to the middle of the block (or ninety feet back) on each side. Finally, of said total amount, approximately $30,939.80s or approximately 44.93%, shall be assessed against and charged to the remainder of the real property of this enlarged Local Im- provement District. Section 6. Local Improvement District warrants shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of the improvements herein ordered to be assessed, such warrants to be payable out of the "Local Improvement Fund of District No. 24811 hereinafter created, to bear interest from the date thereof at a rate to be I M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 221 i 23 24 25 26 27 i 28 29 30 31 32 hereafter fixed by Ordinance not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum and to be redeemed in cash and/or by Local Improvement !District bonds herein authorized to be issued, said interest bearing warrants to be hereinafter referred to as "Revenue Warrants Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be hereafter fixed by Ordinance, not exceeding six per cent (60) per annum, shall be payable on or before twelve (12) years from the date of issuance, !the life of the improvement ordered being not less than twelve years, and shall be issued in exchange for and in redemption of any and all revenue warrants issued hereunder and not redeemed in cash within a period not to exceed sixty (60) days after the first publication by the City Treasurer of notice that the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 248 is in his hands for collection. The bonds shall be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property within said District, payable in ten (10) equal annual installments with interest at a rate to be hereafter fixed by Ordinance not exceeding; six per cent (60) per annum, under the mode of "payment by bonds," as defined by law and the Ordinances of the City of Kent In the case of default in the payment of any assessment when the same shall become due, there shall be added interest at a rate to jbe hereafter fixed by Ordinance not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum and a penalty of 6% which shall also be collected. The exact form, amount, date, interest rate and denominations of said {warrants and bonds shall be hereafter fixed by Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Kent. Said warrants and bonds shall be sold in such manner as the City Council of the City of Kent shall hereafter determine. Section 7. All the work necessary to be done in con- nection with the making of said improvement shall be done by and made by contract upon competitive bids, and the City shall have and reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The call for -7- iI is 1 2 3 4 5 8 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 yids for work authorized pursuant to this Ordinance shall include a statement that payment for said work will be made in cash warrant drawn upon the "Local Improvement Funds, District No. 248," Section 8. There is hereby created and established in the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Kent, for Local Improvement District No. 248, a special fund to be known and designated as "Local Improvement Fund, District No. 248," into which fund shall be deposited the monies to be contributed to pay the costs of construction of said improvements and all costs in- cidental thereto, the proceeds from the sale of revenue warrants drawn against said fund which may be issued and sold by the City Cand collections pertaining to assessments, and against which fund shall be issued cash warrants to the contractor or contractors in payment for the work to be done by them in connection with said improvement, and against which fund cash warrants shall be issued in payment of all other items of expense in connection with said improvement. Section 9. This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. -Mayor At t�,--.s t City er < Approved. as to form:� City Attorney Passed: S -q, day of CDS-,�E, 1964 Approved: day of , 1964 Published: (�L� `ti day of_.<n: , 1964 WE