HomeMy WebLinkAbout1261f� 4 OADINAY"C::: JO. lf� 1 AN 0ZDIhrIItiCS relatin6- to pLanning and rezoning 2 for Land use and development in the City of Kent and rezoning a portion of certain land originally 3 zoned by the City by Ordinance No. 1071, as amended, as C-1 01,e ighborhood Business District) 4 tone to -3 (General Commercial District) Zone 5 ;TiILREAS, certain land was originally zoned by the City g of Kent by Ordinance No. L071, as amended, entitled "Zoning 7 Ordinance for the City of ;went, Washinl-'ton'l, passed by the 8 City Council on the 15th day of CS'eptember, L960; and 9 11'iH-i'1.1%.i11,S, the effective date of the zoning of said 10 certain land by said Ordinance Z:o. 1071 and the effective 11 date of said Ordinance No. L07L itself was the 3rd day of 12 October, 1960; and 13 REAS, as required by Section 10.16.020 of Ordinance 14 No. 1071, as amended, the City Council, after referral to 15 and study by the planning Commission of the City of 1-ent, 16 recommended that said Land be rezoned from C-1 (Neighbor- 17 hood Business District) gone to C-3 (General Commercial Dis- 18 trict) Zone; and 19 VHEREAS, thereafter the City Council of the City of 20 I ?k 11 vs f Kent did, upon the-6t4z day of , 1964, hold a public hear- 21 ins on said recommendation insofar as they related to said 22 certain land, said public hearing being held after proper 23 notice thereof; now, therefore, 24 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THZ CITY OF PENT DO OZDAIN 25 as follows: 26 Section 1. The following described Land situated in 27 the City of Kent, County of :.in,-1-, State of 1ashington, and 28 presently zoned as C-1 (Neighborhood Business District) Zone 29 and more particularly described as follows: 30 31 32 1 1 2 3i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VOL' :j PACE t. , That portion of the northwest quarter of t le southwest quarter of Section 15, Township 22 North, lane 4 East of the ,;Iillamette Meridian described as: oiimencing at the quarter corner of the northwest cor zer of said subdivision of Section 15 and running then -,e north 0801812011 east along the north line thereo'- 875.OLt to an intersection with the easterly line Df the 0ld I•ilitary Road as now revised; thence south 2614412011 east aLong said easterly line of road 446.)9' to the true point of beginninL; continuing thence south 2604412011 east along said easterLy line of road 406.471 to a point of curvature therein; thence aLong the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 1176.281, a distance of 220.45* to an intersection with the east line of said subdivision of Section 15; thence north 015614511 west along said east line 575.59 feet; thence south 8301812011 west 253.651 to the true point of be -inning; That portion of the northwest quarter of the so west quarter of Section 15, Township 22 North, 2a 4 mast of the ". iUamette Meridian described as fo peas: Beginning at the northwest corner of sa' subdivision, -)hich corner is the east quarter of s d Section L5, and runnin- thence north 33°1812011 ast, aLonG the northerly line of said subdivi.s' 875.01 feet to an intersection with the easterl margin of Old IiiLitary I;oad as now revised; *hent south 261441201} east, along said easterly atar�i_n 643 11 to the true point of be- inninV of the tract '_ere in described; thence contin- uin-south 26°441201 east, aloe; said easterly margin 209.551t to point f curve; thence aLon� the arc of a curve to the *,-,:ht having a radius of L176.23", a distant of `?2 x.451 an intersection with the easterly line of said div _sion; thence north 015at451! -est, aLon said sterlyline to a point from which the true point of ginning bears south 3311812011 west; thence south C?9 12011 west `" j �., ( also ?_:Bogan as a port ion of Tract 13 of I ichardl s l y- 'ine !acres, an unrecorded ".Lat) Situate in the County of Mate of -:',shin ton, '' ii4 �, parcel of Land i_di� - u to a ooi_nt be and it is hereby rezoned to C-3 (GeneraL ':oramercial District) :'one . Section 2. The. "it`y',n--ineer of the Jity of •'-ent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to indicate upon the Comprehensive 'lannin� i.'ap of the City of'Kent, or upon an addendum thereto, the zoning; of said pro--)erty as provided for in Section 1 of this Ordinance. Section 3. That upon said amendment beinv sho,_,n upon the Comprehensive .i-,Lannin­6 '.:ap of the City of •:ent , or upon an addendum thereto, the copy of said map or addendum shall be filed with the County Auditor of 1'_i_n" ;ounty, :das'ain�ton, to , VOL 45)*85 2 3 4 5 e; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and the,-oitv Clerk of the City of rent be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record this Ordinance with the County `iuditor of County. Sect -ion 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force 121-ve (5) days from and after its -)assage, al:)Droval and ,)ublicat-on as --rov4ded by law. 7 jAYOR ALE"L' THORNTON I 2\ttest: Approved as to form: JOV. B -E-RE ITE-'-" I City Attorney "0! -_ 3"D the ay of u--ust, L964. - I SS L:, & X-1 C, A10 V - ED t I i e day of _,.`.u,-,-ust, 1954. LED the day oft , 1964. Filed for Avco d C444-1, ) ig (1/ �01 . - Request of AL- R013ERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor