HomeMy WebLinkAbout12091 2 u.. 3 4 5 6 7 8I 9 10 11 12 13 14 1$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Kent approving and accepting a Deed for public street purposes. The City Council of the City of Kent do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a certain Deed of the Puget Sound Power 6 Light Company, made and executed on the 8th day of -August, 1963, conveying certain land therein described for public street purposes, be, and it is hereby, approved and accepted for public street purposes. Section 2. That the land in said Deed described in King County, Washington, to -wit: Beginning at the intersection of C.M.St.P.8P RR Co's main line, and the South line of the SWI/49 Sec.13, T22N, R4E, W.M., said point being 725.28 feet west of the Southeast corner of said SW 1/4, and run thence N880 24148"W, along said South line of the SW 1/4, 57 feet to the West line of C.M.St.P.&P RR Co's right of way through the SW 1/4, Sec. 13, T22N9 R4E, W.M., said point being the true point of beginning for this des- cription; thence continuing N88024148"W, 169 feet to the West line of Puget Sound Power 8 Light Company's SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Se right of way, through the 13; thence northerly along the said West right of way line to a point 33 feet northerly at right angles to the South line of aforesaid SW 1/4; thence SS8°241'48"E, 169.27 feet, more or less, to aforesaidWest Line12"W, of C.M.St.P.6P. RR Co's right of way; thence along said West line, 33 feet, to the true point of beginning. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of C.M.St.P.6P. RR Co's main line, and the North line of the NW 1/4, Sec. 249 T22N9 R4E, W.M., said point being 725.28 feet west of the Northeast corner of the NW 1/40 Sec. 24, and run thence N88°24'48"W, along said North line of the NW 1/4, 57.6 feet to the West tlin the said C.M.St.P.6P. RR Co's right of way, through NW 1/4, said point being the true point of beginning for this description; thence continuing N88024148"W, 100 feet to the West line of Puget Sound Power 8 Light Company's right of way through the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Sec. 249 also known as the Seattle -Tacoma Interurban right of way; thence S00059112"W, along said West line, 33 feet; thence S88°24'48"E, 100 feet to the West line of C.M.St.P6P. RR Co's right of way; thence N00059'12"E, 33 feet, to the true point of beginning; shall be, and it is hereby, added to and becomes a part of Section 3. It is understood that the land described r�. VaL �A PAGE"' I 1 in Section 2 hereof is a portion of the right of way for certain 2 transmission and/or distribution lines of the grantor, the Puget 3 Sound Power and Light Company, which right of way and electric to U1 4 lines are used by the grantor in its business as an electric pub - 5 lic service company, and said parcel of land is hereby conveyed g to the City of Kent solely for the establishment and maintenance 7 of a public highway. As a part of the consideration of this 8 transaction, it is understood that the facilities of the Puget 9 Sound Power and Light Company shall be permitted to remain along 10 and across the right of way of said highway, and should it become 11 necessary in_the future to alter or relocate any of said facilities 12 from within the right of way herein conveyed, by order of the City 13 of Kent, all costs for such alterations or relocations shall be 14 borne by the City of Kent. 15 Section 4. That upon the passage, approval and publicatior le in due and regular form of this Ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby 17 directed to cause the Ordinance to be recorded, together with 18 said Deed in the office of the County Auditor of King County, and 19 pay the recording fee therefor. 20 Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 21 force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub - 22 lication as by law proPi 23 ex TForntong Mayor 24 At 25 f ar es ri ges City Clerk 27 Approved as to form: _...___ oB Bereiter, City Attorney 28 Passed the. , day of , 1963. 29 _ Approved the'.,'day of 1963. 30 Published the _day of 31 32 riled for Record RegUA51 Of ROBERT A. MORKS, County Au&Qr