HomeMy WebLinkAbout1173I e i ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Kent amending O Section 10.3.02, 10.5.35, 10.5.45, 10.6.02 and 10.6.2 and amending Chapter 10.10 by adding thereto a new section 26, all of the zoning h ordinance of the City of Kent, being Ordinance No. 1071. 4 WHEREAS, upon study and recommendation of the Planning Commis - 5 ion(of the City of Kent, as provided in Section 10.16.01 of 6 rdinance No. 1071 of the City of Kent, certain amendments to the 7 ,ext of said Ordinance No. 1071 were proposed; and 8 WHEREAS, in compliance with said Section 10.16.01 of Ordinance �� 9 F o. 1071, public hearing was had upon said proposed textual changes; i b n the 21st day of January, 1963, after proper public notice of 10 `said hearing, now, therefore, i 11 THE a= COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN as follows: 12 E. I Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1071 of the City of Kent I 13 � entitled "An Ordinance relating to planning and zoning for land 14 !se and development in the City of Kent, to be known as 'Zoning 15 I rdinance of the City of Kent'; creating uniform districts in which 16 17 +compatible uses are allowed; prescribing standards for each dis- ;rict; prescribing density controh;prescribing procedures and 18 ttandards for granting conditional exceptions; prescribing proce- 19 ! 'ures and conditions for granting variances in hardship cases; 20 i, roviding off-street parking; providing procedures for administratio 21 22 appeal, amendments and enforcement; providing for penalties; and re- pealing ordinance No. 784", passed by the City Council of the City 23 i f Kent on the 19th day of September, 1960, and approved by the 24, ayor on the 20th day of September, 1960, be and it is hereby 25 mended in the following :particulars, to -wit: 26 (a) Section 10.3'.02, specific definitions, be and it is 27 11(a) amended by changing the definition of lot to read as follows: 28 i "Lot. A parcel of land under one ownership used or capable of being used under the regulations of this ordinance, inclu- 29 ding both the building -Cite and all required yards and other open spaces, and having frontage upon a street or alley, or 30 private easement." 31 (b) Section 10.5.35 is amended to read as follows: I 1) 1 �! 2 E 3 4 ,I 5 6'jj i! 7 8 9 i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 "10.5.35 R4 ZONING DISTRICT -DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions of the R4 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum height of buildings: 3 stories but not to exceed 40 ft.; w (2) Minimum area of lot: R1- One single family detached dwellinc structure - 6000 square feet. R2- One two -family attached dwelling structure -7000 square feet. R4- 1500 square feet per dwell- ing unit for first four dwell- ing units; 1000 square feet per unit for each dwelling unit in excess of the first four. (3) Minimum depth of oot: 90 feet. j (4) Minimum width of lot: 50 feet. 7 (5 ) Maximum percent of lot coverage: 60;0. (6) Minimum front yard depth: 15 feet. (7) Minimum side yard width: 5 feet, except when abutting an SR, Rl, or R2 Zoning District, then 10 feet shall be required. (8) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner j lot: 10 ft. (9) Additional side yard required per story when in excess of two stories: 2 feet. (10) Minimum rear yard required: 20 feet. (c) Section 10.5.45 be and it is hereby amended to read as i' llows : "10.5.45 R5 ZONING DISTRICT -DENSITY PROVISIONS. Density provisions of the R5 Zoning District are as follows: (1) Maximum height of buildings: 3 stories but not to exceed i 40 ft.; (2) Minimum area of lot: One single family detached dwelling structure -5000 square feet. One two-family attached dwelling structure - 6000 square feet. Multiple dwelling structures - 1000 square feet for each dwell- ing unit for the first four dwelling units; 800 square feet for each dwelling unit in excess of the first four. (3) Minimum depth of lot: 100 feet. (4) Minimum width of lot: 100 feet. (5) Maximum percent of lot coverage: 60%. (6) Minimum front yard depth: 15 feet. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (7) Minimum side yard width: 5 feet except when abutting an SR, R1, or R2 Zoning District, then 10 feet shall be iequired. (8) Minimum side yard width along flanking street of corner lot: 10 ft. (9) Additional side yard required per story when in excess of 2 stories; 2 feet." (d) Section 10.0.02 be and it is hereby amended to read as 'ollows: "10.6.02 Cl ZONING DISTRICT - PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. The principal uses permitted outright in the Cl Zoning District are as follows: ( (1) Retail stores, shops, services and business activities 1 serving primarily the residents of the surrounding neighborhood, supplying the necessary daily conve- nience goods for households, such as: groceries; meats, dairy products; drugs; confectionery, cleaning - laundry (pick-up only) and self-service laundries; clinics; variety; florists; barbershop; beauty shop; retail baker (all merchandise to be sold on the premises); ice dispensary; sporting goods; super- market. uper- market. (2) Uses permitted outright or as conditional exceptions in Residential Districts R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5. (3) Any other similar uses which in the judgment of the Planning Commission are compatible to the neighborhood'.' (e) Section 10.6.2 be and it is hereby amended to read as ollows: 1110.6.2 C2 ZONING DISTRICT PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED OUTRIGHT. The principal uses permitted outright in the C2 Zoning District are the uses as specified in the C1 District, and sales, service or business establishments necessary to supply the retail needs of residents in an area such as described in Section 10.6.1 such as, but not limited to, the following uses: (1) Hardware; drygoods; apparel; interior decorating; appliance center, photographic studio; home appliance; furniture. (2) Cafe and catering establishment; tavern; theater; gift, music, radio, T.V.shops; bank, business or professional offices; insurance or real estate offices; undertaking establishments. (3) Garage (minor auto repair, but no service stations); refrigerated locker; shoe repair; book store; fruit and vegetable markets; bakery, self-service laundry; printing establishments. (4) Bus and railway depots; taxi stands; and similar trans- portation facilities, but not includidg railroad yards, bus garages or storage yars, and similar operating facilities. (5) Hotels, motels and similar facilities offering accomo- dations on a transient tenancy basis, but not including mobile home or trailer courts. 3• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (6) Uses permitted outright or as conditional exceptions in R2, R3, R4 and R5 Districts, provided that they are locate so as to serve as transition uses between business and more restrictive residential uses." d by (f )That Chapter 10ae0be and ominated1Sectionhereby lUm25aeEasemenadding hereto a new section o read as follows: "Section 10.10.26. EASEMENTS. Dwelling units may be permitted upon land fronting on private easements giving access to public streets or alleys provided that said easement shall have a minimum width of 20 feet and shall serve no more than 3 dwelling units." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 'ive (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication !s by law provided. �t Mayor assed February 4, 1963 pproved February 5, 1963 ublished February 6, 1963. 4.