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HomeMy WebLinkAbout117124 25 26 27 Section 3, Duties of Traffic Violations Bureau. Duties of the 28 raffic Violations Bureau shall include among others the following: 29 (a) It shall accept designated bail from and issue receipts to such violators as are permitted to and desire to forfeit 30 bail. 31 (b) It shall accept designated bail from and issue receipts to all persons who must or wish to be heard in Court, enter the time,of appearance on the Court Docket, and notify the arrest.. officer and witnesses, if any, to be present at the trial. 1. ung ORDINANCE NO. 11-71 An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, ], establishing a Traffic Violations Bureau, defining its duties, providing for the enforce - 2 ment thereof, and providing a penalty for violation. 3 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT as 4 follows: 5 Section 1. Traffic Violations Bureau. There is hereby 6 created and established within the City of Kent, and as a part 7 of the Justice Court of Aukeen District, Washington, a Traffic 8 Violations Bureau to assist the Justice of the Peace with the 9 clerical work of traffic cases. Such Bureau shall be in charge 10 of such person or persons and shall be open at such hours and at 11 such places as the Mayor of the City of Kent, in oonsultation 12 with the Justice of the Peace of Aukeen District, may designate 13 (from time to time. The Mayor of the City of Kent, after consul - 14 ation with the said Justice, may appoint and designate one of 15 he persons employed in such Traffic Violations Bureau as Chief 16 raffic Violations Clerk. 17 Section 2. Posting of Bail With Traffic Violations Bureau; 18 orfeitures. 19 The Justice of the Peace shall designate the specified 20 offenses under the Traffic Ordinances of the City of Kent in respect to which posting of bail may be accepted by the 21 Traffic Violations Bureau, and he may further prescribe by regulation, from time to time, the offenses and the 22 circumstances for which such bail may be forfeited by the person charged with such an offense, or such person 23 may request trial as authorized by law. 24 25 26 27 Section 3, Duties of Traffic Violations Bureau. Duties of the 28 raffic Violations Bureau shall include among others the following: 29 (a) It shall accept designated bail from and issue receipts to such violators as are permitted to and desire to forfeit 30 bail. 31 (b) It shall accept designated bail from and issue receipts to all persons who must or wish to be heard in Court, enter the time,of appearance on the Court Docket, and notify the arrest.. officer and witnesses, if any, to be present at the trial. 1. ung 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (c) It shall keep a proper and complete record of all bail forfeiture in cases wherein any person has been charged with violation of the Traffic Ordinances of the City of Kent, together with a record of the final disposition of all such alleged offenses and violations. (d) It shall issue to individual Police Officers, serially numbered citation forms for the purpose of notifying or citing any person or persons charged with the violation of any traffic ordinances of the City of Kent of the nature of the charge of the date and place of trial thereon; and it shall keep a complete record of all such forms issued, including any forms spoiled or upon which an entry has been made but not issued to an alleged violator. Such citation forms numbered serially in quadruplicate shall be furnished to the Traffic Violations Bureau by the Chief of Police of the City of Kent. (e) All Police Officers and other law Enforcement officers of the City of Kent issuing such a citbton or notice to an alleged offender of any of the Traffle Ordinances of the City of Kent shall deposit a copy of said citation with the Traffic Violations Bureau as soon as practicable. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who or which neglects to answer to the charges set forth in such notice or citation or to post bail therefor as hereinabove provided, shall be guilty of a violation of this Ordinance, regardless of the charges for which the notice was originally issued, and shall upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum not exceeding lone -hundred ($100.00)Dollars. Section 5. Any ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict rewith are hereby repealed. 21 Section 6. This ordinance shll be in full force and effect 22 five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication as 23 provided by law. 24 Mayor 25Attest: City Clerk Approves to for . 26 kwAcf, & Passed the 21st day of January, 1963 27 City orney pproved the 22nd day of January, 1963 28 Published the 23rd day of January, 1963. 29 2. 30 31