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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1160i 3p0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE No. An ordinance of the City of Kent establishing a system for the naming of streets, avenues, ways,drives, boulevards,roads, places, etc. within the City of Kent, providing for certain areas within which prefixes and/or suffixes shall be used with street names, naming certain streets avenues, ways, drives, boulevards, roads, places, etc., within the City of Kent, and providing for the naming of future streets, avenues, ways, drives, boulevards, roads, places, etc., within the City. The CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO -f. ORDAIN as follows: section Section 1. Except as hereinafter provided, in the s e providing for certain street name changes, and except as provided In the section providing for the addition of certain prefixes and/ r suffixes to street names within the City of Kent, all streets, venues, ways, drives, boulevards, roads, places, etc. shall con- tinue to bear and have their present name and/or designation. names of the Section 2. That the/following streets, avenues, ways, drives, oulevards, roddp, places, etc. shall be and they are hereby hanged in accordance with the following list, to -wit: Present Name From To Changed to entral Ave. Willis St. South End Bridges Ave. enwood Ave. Kennebeck Ave. Guiberson St. Kennebeck Ave. hinn St. NPRR Washington Ave. Smith St. inner St. NPRR Washington Ave. James St. ennebeck Ave. Scenic Way Seattle St. Scenic Way tate Ave. Willis St. So. to City Central AVe. 1' Limits orton St. SSH 2-M West to end S.238th St. 5th Ave. So. S.262nd St. S.264th St. 33rd Ave. So. 6th Ave. So. S.263rd St. S.264th St. 34th Ave. So. 0th Ave. So. S.254th St. North to end 42nd Ave. So. 2nd Ave. So. S.252nd St. North to end 43rd Ave. So. Russell Rd. Willis St. S. 258th St. Hawley Rd. 6th Ave. So. So.243rd St. North and South 5th Ave. No. lark St. Kenosia Reiten Rd. Kensington Pl. 5th P1.So. 46th P1.So. North Reith Rd. 3rd Ave. So. Reith Rd. S.253rd St. 44th Ave. So. 1. Section 3. That for the purpose of determining what prefixes 1 nd/or suffixes shall be added to the names of streets, avenues, 2 ays, drives, boulevards, roads, places, etc., within the City of 3 he City shall be and it is hereby divided into areas as follows, 4 to -wit: !nt . 5 orth area 6 3YMW on: the west, by centerline West Valley Hwy.; the south, by south line of S. 228th St. extended; the East, by West line 7 Sec. 17, 8, and 5, T22N, R5E, W.M., 8 lorthwest Area 9 Bounded on: the south, by the North line Sec. 14 and 15, T22N, R.4E, W.M.; the east, by centerline West Valley Highway. 10 est Area 11 Bounded: the south, by the North line of Sec. 25,26 and 27, T22N, 12 R4E, W.M.; on the East, by the easterly line of the Green River, the East line of the West Valley Highway to the South line of 13 S.228th St., the South line So. 228th St. extended West, the West line Sec. 13, T22N, R4E, W.M; the North, by the North line 14 of Sec. 14 and 15, T22N, R4E, W.M. 15 outhwest Area 16 Bounded: on the East, by centerline West Valley Highway; the North, by the North line of Sec. 25, 26, and 27, T22N, R4E, W.M. 17 Louth Area 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bounded on: the East, by the East line of Sec. 30 and 31, T22N, R5E, WM; the North, by the North line of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Sec. 30, T22N, R5E, WM, the West line of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Sec. 30, T22N, R5E, WM, the center line of S. 260th St. and said St. extended West, the northerly line of the Green River, the North line of Sec. 25, T22N, R4E, WM; the West, by the center- line of the West Valley Highway. outheast Area Bounded on: the West, by the East line of Sec. 31 and 30, T22N, R5E, WM;.the North, by the South line of Sec. 20, T22N, R5E, WM. st Area Bounded on: the South, by the South line of Sec. 19 and 20, T22N, R5E,WM; the West, by the West line of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Sec. 19, the center line of Mill Creek, the center line of 94th Ave. So. and 94th Ave. So. extended; the North, by the eenter lin of S. 228th St. extended East; the West line of Sec. 17, T22N, R5E, WM, the North line Sec. 17, T22N, R5E,WM. rthea st Area Bounded on: the South by the North line of Sec. 17, T22N, R5E, WM.; the West, by the West line of Sec. 8 and 5, T22N,R5E.W.M. re Area All of the area included within the City of Kent and not include4 2. ithin the other areas hereinabove described. 1 Section 4. That all streets, avenues, ways, drives, boulevards, 2 oads, places, etc., wilain the core area hereinabove created shall 3 ave, and continue to be designated by, the prefixes and/or suffixes 4 in use at the date of the passage of this ordinance. 5 That all streets, avenues, ways, drives, boulevards, roads, 6 laces, etc., within the City Limits of the City of Kent, and out 7 ide the core area, shall have a prefix on North-South streets, 8 venues, etr., and a duffix on East-West streets, avenues, etc. of 9 ,KNW, KW, KSW,KS,KSE;Igs and KNE, in accordance with the area 10 ithin which said streets, avenues, etc., are located. 11 Section 5. That all streets, avenues, ways, drives, boulevards, 12 oads, places, etc., hereafter created or established within the 13 ity limits of the City of Kent, or becoming a part thereof by 14 nnexation to the City of Kent, shall have in addition to their 15 ames the prefix or suffix, in accordance with the direction said 16 treet, avenue, etc. is located, and in accordance with the area 17 ithin which they are located. 18 Section 6. That all other ordinances or parts of ordinances 19 conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 20 1 Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days 21 efter its passage, approval and publication as by law provided/. 22 Mayor 23 to s t 24 y Clerk 25 Approved4ato form: Lkkh City Attorney 26 27 28 29 30 31 ssed the fir^ —,k /g6, -;L, proved %ww- 6 d. blished },,,,,-- -7tk 3•