HomeMy WebLinkAbout1142nc� P\�"��;', t, _ � w �.. 'f �' � ` �_ ���� � r- �,� , -, � - �-- __ 7 ..�- +" F`v" 4 .i, ';� Y ! ,- -.. 1 _ '3 � iw�Aoun aio+c � ^��"' "�"" . , .,' k _ � { x F ..Y"�' 1 j C .. �� I � fir,\ ! � 1 A l\) - � � T 1 - \� �\" - I _O "- _ 1 �: � r ,.� - __ 7 ..�- +" F`v" 4 .i, ';� Y ! ,- -.. 1 _ '3 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO._1_1-42-- AUGUST2 1.962 HILL & INGMAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS SEATTLE, WASHINGTON r t 4 i nx i CODS i DUCT) OU 5 i ANDARUS _ Fis CITY OF VLNT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE 1w. 1142 AUGUST, 1962 A AS AMENDED BY ORUINAnCL NO. 1332 AS REPEALED BY URDINANCE NO. 1775 ' AS NIENULU BY URU I NAUCE NO. 1320 G ATTE14TI011: 014HEIVOLVELOPLIZ OBTAIN THE FOLLOWING FORIMS FROH PROPERTY HANAGEHENT: 1. EXTI-161011 AGRELI.101'r 2. ENGIMIRING AGRLEHEW 3. CASH BOND 4. PERF UMINICE U014D 5. WARRAHTY AGRLUIEwr 6. BII-L OF SALE 7. LASLHENT FORTIS (WILN APPLICABLE) 1� L. ALOUIT D. ROSELLINI GOVERNOR 1` BERNARD BUCOVL. ...D.. D.P.". DIRECTOR tl'�)L i.'1tC L1L �.l lllil �J lli�tllll ADDRESS REPLY TO OFFICE OF ORIGIN Seattle Re;;ional Office August 7, 1963 OLYMPIA OFFICE GENLRAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6EATTLE OFFICE SMITH TOWER The llunorable t',ayor and ;ic"Ibers of the City Council City Hail (Kent, Washington „ Subject: Cc,nstruction Standards, City of Kent - Ordinance ir`l142 `. Atte►ution: Clcu W. Sherwooc'•. City Engineer Gentlemen: Specificatioas for the above noted CunsL-ructioli Standards �• received in til,s office July 24, 1963, have been reviewed and, iu accordance wiL'a Chapters .54 and .92 of the codified Rules and Rr.;;ulations of the State :;pard of ]lealth and the State Depurtment of Health are 'k>creby approved. Very truly yours, bLI"':ARD 1,UCOVE, M.D. , State Director of Health �','-, BB -SC cc: State Pollution Control COMI. " King County Health Dept. OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF KENT, AUGUST, 1962 I MAYS Alex Thornton City Council Gertrude Bovell Carl Pozzi Dave Durand Robert Matthews Dave Mooney ToO Stral,n Larry Woodworth Former Members In 1962 Neil Shaffer Phyllis MaurltsGii Arthur Hartiaub ------------------------ Charles Bridges Clerk Glen Sherwood Emerson Thatcher Englneer Attorney 0 a ORDINANCE N0. 1142 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KENT CREATIVE AND PROVIDING CONSTRUCTION STAN- DARDS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO DEVELOEERS; DEFINING TERMS;- PROVIDING INFORMATION ON ANNEXATION TO THE CITY, ON CONSTRUCTION FINANCING AND PROCEDURES; PROVID- ING FOR CONNECTION FEES TO CITY UTILITIES SYSTEMS AND THE TIME OF PAYMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR ENGINEERING REQUIREMENLS, FEES, AND TIME OF PAYMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO EXTEND CITY UTILITIES SYSTEMS, FOR ENGINEERING AGREEMENTS, FOR BONDS, EASEMENTS, BILLS OF SALE, AND GENERA -L GUARANTY A14D WARRANTY ON SUCH EXTENSIONS; PROVIDING GENLRAL CONDITIONS,FOR CONSTRUCTION BY DEVELOPERS, INCLUDING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, SCOPE OF WORK, CONTROL OF WORK, CONTROL OF MATERIALS AND LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC; PROVIDING GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS; PROVIDING STANDARD DETAILS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT as follows: 1 ' C 0 N T E 11 T S 1 PART 1 — 114STRUCTIONS TO DEVELOPERS Page No, + Section A — Information for Developers I I. Introduction I 2. Annexation to the City I 2.1 — Petition Method I 2.2 — Election Method 2 2.3 — Resolution by the City •,. 2 ' 3. Construction financing 2 3.1 — Financing by Developer j 3 i 3.2 — Financing by Local Improvement District 3 4. Procedure 3 4.1 — Preliminary 4 ' 4.2 —Before Starting Construction 4 4.3 — After Construction Complete & Before I City has Accepted Work 4 4.4 — Before Connection to the System 4 Section 8 — Connection Fees 5 I. Introduction 5 2. Connection Fees 5 f. 2.1 — Sanitary Sewer System 5 i 2.2 — Water System 5 2.3 — Storm Sewer System i 6 2.4 — Street System ; 6 3. Time of Payment 6 ` 3.1 — Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees 6 Page 140. 3.2 - Water System Connection Fees 6 Section C -, l:ng.inceri.ng 7 1. Introduction 7 2. Engineering by Developer 7 3. Engineering by the City 8 4. ENGINEERING FEES = 9 4.l - Desil;n 4.1. - flan Checking y 4.3 - field Staking 9 4.4 - Inspection 9 4.5 - Combination oC Projects 10 S. 'Time of 11aym011t 5.I - Design FCC 10 5.2 - Plan Checking 11 5.3 - field Staking 11 5.4 - 1NSPF.CTION FIA: 11 Section D - Application for Pcimiss:ion to Extend the Utility System 12 Sect ion E - Enl;.inecrinl, !11 rccmcnt 14 27 Section B - Bonds 3. Performance Bond 27 3. Cash Bond 27 20 Section G - L•asement Section 11 - Bill of Sale 22 Section J - General t,u;uantcc r; Wjirranty 25 PART II - GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR M4STRUCTION BY DEVELOPERS Pag, Section A - Definitions and Terms I. City 26 2. Engineer 26 3. Consulting Engineer 26 4.. .. l.nspector 26 t 5.- Developer I 26. I 6. Work 26 Section B - General Regulrements 27 I. Qualification 27 2, Familiarity with Laws « Ordinances 27 3, Performance Bond and Cash Bond 27 4. Developer's Insurance 27 2.1 - Compensatlon Insurance 28 2.2 - Public Liability.& Property Damage i Insurance 28 i 2.3 - Indemnify Owner from Loss I 29 Section C - Scope of Work 30 I. Intent of Contract 30 2. Additional Instructions 30 3. Waste Sites 30 4. Cleanup 31 Section D - Control of Work 32 I. Authority of Engineer 32- 2. Authority and Duties of Inspectors 32- I Paqe No. 3. Cooperation by Developer 33 4. Conformity with Plans & Specifications 33 5. Removal of Defective or Unauthorized Work 34 6. Protection of Public & Private Utill'ties 35 7. Damage to Existing Improvements & Utllltles 35 B. Inspection by Engineer 36 9.- ,. Defective Work 36 10. Final Inspection 36 Section E - Control of Materials ` 38 I. Source of Supply & Quality of Materials 38 t 2. Samples and Tests 38 3. Storage of Materials 39 4. Defective Materials 39 Section F - Le-al_Relations & Responsibllitles to i ; the Public 40 1. Municipal Regulations & State Laws (; 40 2. Accident Prevention i 40 3. Protection of Workmen & Property 40 4. Labor 41 5. Permits & Licenses i 41 6. Royalltles & Patents 41 7. Use of Promises 42 8.. Confine Operations Within Rights of Way & , Easements. 42 9. Safeguards 42 10. Sanitary Provisions ii. Use & Occupancy Prior to Completion of Contract 12. Personal Liability of Public Officials Section G — Prosecution and Progress I. Construction Schedule 2. Suspension of Work 3. Developer Organization, Superintendence & Equipment PART III — GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Section A — Sanitary Sewers 1. Pipe 1.1 — Concrete Pipe 1.2 — Clay Pipe 1.3 — Asbestos—Cement Pipe '2. Pipe Joints 3. Pipe Bedding 4. Manholes, Frames & Covers 5. Lampholes 6. Testing 6.1 — Infiltration Test 6.2 — ExfIItratIon Test 6.3 — Permissible Infiltration or Exflltration 7. Location Section B — Storm Drains I . Pipe 2. Pipe Joints Page No. 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 46 46 46 46 I, 46 i 46 46 46 47 47 47 l 47 48 46 49 49 49 Page No. 3. Catch Basins & Inlut Castings 49 4. Location & Design I 49 Section C - Water Mains 50 I . Pipe 50 2. Fittings 50 3. Gate Valves 50 4. Valve Boxes 50 5. Valve Marker Posts (' 50 6. Hydrants ► 51 7. Auxiliary Valves 51 B. Fire Hydrant Guard Posts 51 9. Cover Over Pipelines 52 10. Water Works Testing 52 II. Sterilization 53 12.. Location 53 Section D - Streot Improvemonts 54 I. Typical Sections 54 ' 1.1 - Gravel Streets 54 1.2 - Paved Residential Streets 54 1.3 - Paved Arterial Streets 54 2. Concrete Driveway, Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter 54 3. Asphaltic Concrete 54. 4. Sub -Base Materlal 55 5, Base Course Material 55 i 6. Monuments 55 PART IV - STANDARD DETAILS PART V - EFFECTIVE DATE 56 I PART I - INSTRUC'IIONS TO DEVELOP11.6) SECTION A - I NF01M1Af1TI ON FOR DEVE! OPERS 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this guide is to advise developers, builders, contractors and all other Interested persons as to the general re— quirements and construction standards of the City of Kent, King County, Washington. These general requirements and standards apply to all new developments that involve an extension or connection.to the City's present sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water lines ori' ', other utilities and street improvements. 2. ANNEXATION TO THE CITY f 1 , If the property under consideration for development Is located outside the existing boundaries of the City of Kent, the following procedures are required If consideration is given to annex to the City. i 2.1 Petition Method The petition by property owners method of annexation re- quires that the owners of not loss.than 10% in value, according1to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property .for which annexation Is petitioned, must notify the City Council of i their tntentlon to commence the proceedings. The Council, then, must set a date not later than 60 days after the filing of the i request for a meeting with the initiating parties to determine whether the City will accept the proposed annexation, and whether It will require the assumption of exleting city or town Indebted— ness. If It does so require it, this must appear In the Minutes of the Council and the Annexation Petition must be to drawn as to clearly Indicate this fact. After the hearing and the deter— . , mination with the respect to taxation, if the Council approves, a 1 rt petition may then be prepared or;,' circulated, and must be signed by the owners.of not less than 7:Z In value, according to the assessed valuation for general iixation of the property for which the annexation Is petitioned. If the petition meets all require—. ment, the Mayor then calls for a review by the review board. Upon receiving the review board's recoutnondation, the City Council then proceeds to annex the area. 2.2 Election Method A petition for annexation of an area by election shall be.submltted to the City CounclI The:pot It)on shatI contain the signatures of 20 per cent of the number of registered voters that voted in the last election. The Coupcll then decides If it will accept the annexation and whether it will require the assumption of Indebtedness. If acceptable by the City, the petition Is filed ' 1 with the County Coinnissioners calling for an election. Within'ten days, the review board is called by the Mayor for approval. Ani election is then held to determine if thearea should be annexed. ,2.3 Resolution by the City This method is similar to the election method, except the City Council establishes the_boundarles of the annexation by a resolution. A board of review and an election are held simllar'to that described In Paragraph 2.2. 3. CONSTRUCTION FINANCING It is the policy of the City of Kent that the cost of cop- struction of all development Improvements be borne by the owner! M of the property bonofItfed. The :ity will provide, insofar as possible, the sewage treatment f cilitlos, water supply and trans- mission system. Thoro are two metholfs by which the Improvements may be Installed. 3.1 Financing by Developer In this type of program, the Developer furnishes and Installs the required facilities to serve the property under development...All the costs involved are paid by the Developer, and the system -is constructed In accordance with the requirements of the City. 3.2 Financing by Local Improvement District If the Developer desires, a local improvement district ' [nay be formed that will include the property to be developed. he property that is benefitted by the Improvement pays the entire lost of said Improvement through assessments. The assessments may be paid over a period of five to ten years with interest, or be paid up in full at any time. An L. I. D. may be Initiated by a p3tl;lon signed' 'by the owners, as shown by the records of the County Auditors of property aggregating a majorlty either of th lineal frontage upon the Improvement or of the area within the proposed improve- ment district or by resolution of.the City Council. After the local improvement district Is formed, the City will hold hearings, cah for and award construction bids, and aell bonds to finance the•1 - r Irnprovernents. The cost of an L. 1. D., however, may not exceed�thq actual value of the reel property within the district, except i6 the case of sanitary sewers necessary for public health. i 4. PROCEDURE The following at Ops are necessary when planning an extension 3 of the City of Kent's sewer, wal•r�or street system. 4.1 Preliminary Meet with the City Engineer to discuss the proposed Improvement program. Complete on application for Permission to Extend the City of Kent's Utility System. Pay the engineering doposit fee, If required. Provide the City Engineer with a final plat and topographical map of the area to be served. 4.2 Before Startinn Conslruction Complete the Engineering Agreement. a. If project is designed by Developer's engineor, pay plan.checking deposit, have the plans checked and pay plan checking co is less deposit. b. If project is designed by City, pay engineerl g design fee .less deposit. c. Obtain State Pollution Control Commission and Health Department approval. d. Submit performance and cash bond for approvaF.� e. Submit right-of-way easements or deeds for approval. 4.3 After Construction Complete and B!fore City has Accepted Work. Pay all engineering and inspection costs in full. ` i Submit Utilities bill of sale for approval. Submit one year contractor guarantee form for approval. ' 4.4 Before Connection to the System Complete Application and Sewer Permit and pay sewer connection' charges. Complete Application for Water and pay water connection charges, 4 SECTION 13 - C(A"IL.CTIONd FEES 1. 1 N tIZUUUCT I ON Utility connection fees are to be paid to the City of Kent, in accordance with the applicable ordinances and requirements in effect. The amount of those charges and time of payment are as outlined i.n the following description: 2. CONNECTION FEES 2.1 - Sanitary Sewer System A connection charge for sewer In place of $70.00 p sl.nglo fa ly rosidential lot or $150.00 per acre Is m for all property to servo within the City. These char are $ 125. 00 per single family rest entlai lot or $200. per acre for property not within the City. A hook-up charge In lieu o ab:essment of $2.50 per 100 square feet Is made If connecll Is possible an existing sewer. •This made o I f tho ro art involved s not boon assessed charge Is d n p p y for the sowe to which It Is connected. AA I de sewer permit fee of $10.00 per lot is charged r each de sewer installed within the City. 2.2 - Nater System A water In place charge of $50.00 per lot or $100.00 per acre Is made for all property to be served within the Clay. These charges are $100.00 per lot or $200.00 per acre If the property to be served Is not wlthln the City. A water.maln installation charge of $2.00 per foot of lot frontage is made.if connection is required to an existing water main within the City. This charge Is $2.50 per foot of lot front- age if the property Is not within the City. 5 1 A service connection to math .hargo Is made of $100.00 per 314" water meter within the City. or $150.00 per 3/4" water main not within the City. 2.3 — Storm Sewer System (NoIconnection charge at present) 2.4 — Street Sys!em (No Extension charge at present) 3. T 11 E OF PAYMENT 3.•1 _ Saril t ary Sewer- Connection Fees i The connection charge Is payable In full at the time of making the Application and Sewer Permit for the lot or property The hook—up charge In lieu of assessment is payable in full'at the time of making the Application and Sewer Permit. The side sevvor permit fee Is payable at: the time of making the Application and Sewer Permit. ' i 3.2 _'Water System Connection Fees 1. The water in place charge Is payable in full of the time of making the Application for Water for the lot or property. The water main installation charge is payable at the time 0 1 i making the Application for Water. This charge may be deferred for payment in four quarter—annual installmehts, with Interest at five (5) percent per annurn on the unpaid balance. The service connection to main charge Is payable In full atithe time of making the Application for Water. 6 r 1; SECTION C — ENGINEERING I. INTRODUCTION The engineering services required for the proposed improve— ments may bn done by either an engineer retained by the Developer or by the City.of Kent Engineering'Department. All engineering work done by the City shall be paid for by the Developer. 2. ENGINEERING BY DEVELOPER The Developer may retain an engineer to prepare design plans and specifications on street, sewer and water main extensions fQr- submittal to the City for checking and approval. The design must be -prepared by a registered professional engineer licensed to , practice In the State of Washington. The Design shall be approved by the City, and must meet all City requirements as to sheet size, title blccks, scale, and drawing standards. See Drawing -No. A-1 for these standards. The design plans and specifications, when submitted to the City Engineer, must be complete in all respects, designed In accordance with cbnstructlon standards of the City, and comply with all City regulations and ordinances. Throe sets of plans and specifications are to be submitted, and the City Engineer will return one set with the corrections noted thereon. After the plans have been approved, i a set of reproducible tracings shall be turned in to the City fqr 1 their use. The fee for chocking design plans shall be In accord— once with Paragraph 4.2. i It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to obtain the State Pollution Control Commission and Health Department approval after approval of the pians and specifications by the City. No construction work may be started until the plans are approved by. 7 both the City and the State regul-+tory agencies. All survey work and field strking necessary for construction of the Improvements shall be done by the Developer's Engineer. , , Should the proposed Improvement Involve z sewage pumping ; station, force main, water pumping statlon,istorage reservoir or other general facility, the City must do this Engineering work, and prepare plans and specifications with the cost being paid by the Developer. 3. ENGINEERING BY THE CITY Should the Developer desire, the: engineering design work• " on extensions will be done by the City, and paid for by the Devel— open. All design work, however, on pumping stations, storage ; reservoirs and general facilities must be done by the City. If the improvement Is designed by the City, the approvals from the State Pollution Control Commission and Health Department will be obtained by the City. Field staking for construction of work designed by the City wilt be done at the request of the Developer. The Developer, however, shall furnish the Survey Control and monument locations. The fee for field staking shall be in accordance with Paragraph 4.4. 1 The Inspection of all construction of improvements will b;e made by the City during the progress of the work. This shall apply whether the Developer's engineer or the City Engineer has designed the extensions. A 'NV W, 4. ENGINEERING FEES 4.1 - Design t For all facilities designed by the City the fee shall be as follows: a.i.Sanitary Sewers - $0.40 per lineal foot of sewer pipe installed. b. Storm Sewers - 30.30 per lineal foot of sewer pipe Installed. C. Water Mains - $0.30 per lineal foot of water pipe installed. d. Streets, Curbs and Gutters - $1.00 per center- line foot of street constructed. e. Sidewalks - $0.15 per foot of sidewalk constructed. f. Pumping Stations, Storage Reservoirs, and other general facilities -- The actual number of man hours required at the rate of $10.00 per hour of engineering and $7.00 per hour of drafting. 4.2 - Plan Checking For all facilities designed by the Developer's Engineer and submitted for checking, the cost of checking shall be computed by the:actual number of man hours required at the rate of $10.00 per hour. The minimum plan checking fee is 350.00. 4.3 - Field Staking For all field staking work required for construction' the cost shall be computed by the actual number of man hours required at a rate of $7.00 per hour. 4.4 - Inspection The inspection fee for all Improvements under cor- structlon shall be computed as follows: a. Sanitary Sewers - $0.25 per lineal foot of sewer; pipe Installed, Incl. Side Sewers. i I b. Storm Sewers — $0.13 per lineal foot of sewer pipe Installed, incl. c:itch basin piping. c. Water Mains — $0.15 per lineal foot of water pipe installed. I d. Streets, Curbs and Gutters — $0.25 per centerline (foot of street constructed. e. Sidewalks — $0.05 per foot of sidewalk constructed. f. Pumping Stations, Storage Reservoirs, and other General Facilities — The actual number of man hours required at the rate of $10.00 per hour of engineering and $7.00 per hour of inspectors time. 4.5 — Combination of Projects When all the improvements for a specific project are designed and/or inspected and adjustment in the total engineering costs will be made as follows: a. Design — The engineering fee shall be determined by.the actual number of man hours required at the rate of $10.00 per hour of engineering and $7.00 per man hour of surveying and drafting. In no case shall the toal fee exceed that computed In Paragraph 4.1. b. Inspection - The inspection fee shall be determined by'the actual number of man hours required at the rate of $10.00 per hour of engineering and $7.00 per hour of Inspection time. In no case shall the total fee exceed that computed in Paragraph 4.4.: 5. TIME OF PAYV&JT � 5.1 — Deslgn Fee The engineering design fee in accordance with Paragraph 4.1 shall be paid li, two Installments. The first payment shall,bo e`misa deposit of $300.00, and Is due upon making application for Pup mission sion to Extend the City of Kent's Utility System. The final, 1 payment Is due when the design Is completed,and is computed as outlined above less the deposit amount. Should the total cost I?e' i less than the deposit, the balance will be refunded. ; 10 5.2 — 1'Inn Checking The plan checking fee 6hall be paid In two installments. The minimum $50.00 fee shall be p,ild at the time of submitting the plans to the City Engineer for checking. The additional plan. checking cost, if any, in accordance with Paragraph 4.2, shall be paid after plans have been checked and approved. 5.3 — Field Staking The field staking fee shall be paid monthly as the work progresses, I_n.accordence with Paragraph 4.3. 51.4'— inspection Fee The Inspection fee shall be paid monthly as the work progesses, in accordance with Paragraph 4.4. All engineering and inspection fees must be paid before final acceptance of the work by the City. "1 1 C. �! .-�;d ?. McC v.jghan (Ay- j •:J Kcrnt AITLI(:ATPNJ "nx 310 l f• Ut 11FAMISS1UN •1•U fi niNn Tllli Ur1LITY SYSTEM CITY OF KFAI!' Ile undersigned hereby makes application for an extension of the utility system on the following; described property which is situated side the. corpora Le 1 imus _►>f Said City, in ling County, Washington, to -wit: n- 1. ;l.e);a 1 nese r i 1)1 i un of Trope rt.y: 2. Ilescr.ipt-Lug or Improvements and Approximate Length: Sahi.Lary Sewer --- Lineal meet Storm Newer Lineal beet Water Mains Lineal feet StrevS, Curbs A taut tiers Lineal feet Sidewalks Lineal beet General facilitivs 3. Connection Charges: Sewer connection and water charges are due and payable in full at time of making application for sv<<er hermit and water service. (SHE PAGE: TWU) 12 I:XTI NI) I'III: I1•I II.I I') :i1SI'I:P1 I'AGIi TWO I, Gnl;inc•crinf;: Ail Engineering and Inspection i'vc w i 1 l he pa i.d to. the ,City OF Dent in accordance with fart 1, I11Struct.ion5 to llevelopet's, Section C. If design wort: by the City is required, a deposit of $ is Irryahle in full with this application. In Considorati.on of, tho to extend the City of Kcnt's Utility System, t herellt. promise mid al;rcc to conform to all Ordinances and Rules of the Ci tX' of I:cnl , :11111 1 h:rt. I hereby al;rt•c to pay a Il of the expense of said extension, c.onnectiun charges and cnginccring fees as required. UItiiJI:IZ 131' ADDRESS: All PROV1:D: 19 (SIA: PAGE TIM) NIAIL Mr-caughal- 1,(a n FNG I I: F 1z I NGd F F H F W I, Ke, CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, IVA SI I I NGTON KING The milers i),.11c(I Jlcj-(.,j)v requests that tile. City of Kent, in King County, Nash ingtun, by its City Fligineer, its (:misii1tiilg Lnginccrs, or both, perform the cligilicering ;111(1 inspection work in connection with Application No. for pci-naissi-on Lo Ext0lid HIC Utility SYStC111. The does hel-cb), agrev to pay 1'm--t,1iWiLh,,to-t-hC City of Kent - for Said service:: at the I-ollowilig rate sk-licLitile, to-wi.t:. 1. I)esilpii I_if deSh�ncd by Ci Ly) Total ,e For Fll)" i neer i ng will be kiscd on the actmil city costs. Said costs, which include equipment, ren Lal , shall he per the attached rates. this application Amount (tile al't cr design, but hel'01-c c0liStill)ct-loll: 2. J'j;lll. (:Iij-CCKilllF (11' d(.!Sij,1llCL1 1)), Devel.oper) (:jjcc11i,jg wi I I he based oil tile actual Ci.1--y cost" per the attadled rates. LL -SS $50.00 millilillull 1*cv to he paid at Lhe tillic of., silhillitting pi'llis 50.00 Amomit dtie of approv.,11 of plans, bw- bef'orc construct -1-011 $ (SIA: PAGE TIM) I.':i; INI1 ..R I NG At;H1]".r•1F.NT PAGE 'I WO 3. Ficicl Staking; Total charge for Field Staking; will he based on the actual ritzy conis. Said costs, which include equip- ment rental, shall be per the attached rates. $ (Payable upon monthly billing) 4. Construct ion lns 1ccLion Total rhal o for Construction Inspection will he 4a;,rel on the nct"at city costs. Said costs, 'Uhich include equipment rental, shall hr her the attached rates. $ lIle" rlllh _IIIti�1Cl'Lio Total charge ror Englnrrring Inspect ion will be based on the actual city costs, Said -costs, which include equipment rental, shall be per the attached rates. Total lnspvc't ion lee (Payable "pun monthly hi l ling) p BY: ADDRESS: DATHD: 1 J APPROVED: 1 1(1 CITY link; INFER /CIG == "rnnM c I l Y OF I n, ISI'1DL1'lL11 1977 IIUl1RLl' Itt1'I'li SCHEDULE (S1113.JLC'f "1'0 CIRNGE) Baa IN'_ CTZ IUIi 'f l'I 1.1. ()It Slatb' I(:li IIUURLY RAII: Director of Public 11orks $17.09. jlssisUrnt City I:nl;inccr 13.43 office Flag i neer 11 .74 .Junior 1:111; i neer 10.56 Property I•Lcnager 11.06 Property 'Title Awi1yst 8.70 Traffic I:nl; incer 12.24 Assistant. Traffic Enl; i neer 11.02 Tra rfic Spec is l ist 9.56 Land Survc)•or 12.17 'Three -Plan. SUrvey Crew 26.30 Construction Inspector 9.42 Secretary 7.45 CiLy Vehicles 1.15 Electronic Uistar!cc Pleasuring UCVI.Cc 20.00 Honvoc Computor 10.00 Survey Slakes .10 Plonumcnts, Cascs fr IJ.(Is COST Iron Pipe, Rebar, lite. COST 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this -instrument under their several seals this= ay of _ , ., the name and corporate seal of e xch corporate party hereto af:_ixed� and these presents duly signed by its undersigned repre- aentative pursuant to authority of its governing body. TITLE: -7110 IjJITNESSES: BY: TITLE: PRINCIPAL ATTEST: (If Corporation) BY:. TITLE: SURETY Corporate Seal: ADDRESS Corporate Seal: CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the C,)r�Doration named as Principal in the within Bond: that who signed the said Bond on behalf of clic Principal was of -said Corporation; that I _,now his signature thereto is genuine, and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation authority of its governing body. By: Secretary or Assistant Secretary 17 6., CAST{ "OND CITY OF' KENT_ KING COUNTY._ V,ASIII NGTON Gerald Q. McCaughan Coy y of Kent P. O. Cox 310 . Kcnl, WA 93031 MIEREAS, the undersigned, as a developer, made and entered into a certain contract with a contractor, by name ► dated , 19 , for _ work in connection with the developer's project in— County of King, State of Washington and WHERE Z, the developer has a.permit from the City of Kent to construct and install certain installations upon certain roads and rights-of-way of the City of Kent, all of which construction and installation is covered by and within the developer's contract with the contractor; and VAIEREASr, it has been agreed by the undersigned developer and the City of Kent that a corporate surety company performance bond.. wilt be required, of the undersigned developer and that he also will cruse to be deposited with the City of Kent the sum of Five - hundred ($500.00) Dollars in cash to insure that all work compiles with the City requirements; and MIEREAS, the City of Kent requires to be set down in vatting the terms, conditions, and agreements with relation to said $500.00 cash deposit; NOW THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed as follows: I. That the said developer and/or his contractor has deposited with the City of Kent, $500.00,.recelpt whereof is hereby acknowledge by the City of Kent. 2. That If the said developer and/or his contractor shall well truly and faithfully perform all of the provisions and ful- fill all of the undertal(Ings, covenants, terms, conditions and agrooments of said permit or permits issued by the City of Kent, during the period of the original contract and any extensions thereof, that may be granted by the devel- oper, with or without notice to the City of Kent, and during the life of any guaranty required under the said contract, or by said permit or permits, and shall also Well a and truly perform and fulfill all of the undertakings, covenants, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract or permit that may hereafter be made, then and in that event the said moneys deposited with the City of Kent under the terms hereof shall be released to the said developer. 3. If, however', the said developer shall fail to perform all .of the undertakings, covenants, terms, and condltlona and agreements of sold contract and of said permit or permits issued theron, or any extensions or modifications thereof, or if the terms of any guaranty that may be required by the terms of said contract or permit or permits shall not be met, then and In that event the City of Kent shall be and it Is hereby authorized, without obligation to the said developer, to apply sold money, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to make necessary payments or to employ and pay the necessary pet -sons and buy the necessary materials to complete the work provided for In said contract, or to make said work comply to the terms of any guaranty provid— ed in sold contract, and to the terms of said permit or permits, and upon said completion and/or the making of said work to comply vrith the terms of such guaranty and of such permit or permits, deliver to the deveioper, after de— duction by the salol City of necessary expenses in connect— ion With the application of the fund to said work, the overplus, if any. 4. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City of Kent from taking such other measure or -measures as It may or might have to require that the work done under the permit Issued by it comply with said permit. IN WITNESS MIEREOF THE said doveloper has hereunto set his hand this day of , 19 I Ee All -AIL TO: , Gerald B. McCaughan City of Kent s[c n ,)tjc7 P- O. box 310 E n s E; F it T Kent, WA 98031 THIS INSINUM NT made this day of , 19 , by and between and r lila wife, hereinafter call "Grantors", and CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee": WITNESSESSETN: That'sald Grantors for and in conslderi4tion of the sum.of•,-• $1.00 to them In hand paid by the said Grantee, and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee a right—of—way or easemont for with necessary appurtenances over, through, across and upon the following described property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: 'The said Grantee shall have the right without prior inV l— tutlon of suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be necessary, to enter upon said property for the purpose of constructing, repairing, altering or reconstructing said , or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligation or Ilbability therefor; provided that such constructing, repairing, altering or reconstructing of said shall be accomplished In such a manner that the private Improvements existing In this right—of—way shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or In the event that they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be 70 replaced In as good a condiIIon -s they were Immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall retain 1 -he right to use the surface of said easement so long as said use does not interfere with the install— ation and maintenance of the and so long as no permanent buildings or structures are erected on sold easement. This casement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the Grantor's successors, heirs and assigns.— STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY of KING ) 1, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this day of 19 personally appeared before me known to be the individual(s) descrlbod In and who executed the i foregoing Instrurnent and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public In and for the State of Washington residing at 2i : A"CIA "i tt MAIL TO: Gerald B. McCaughan ;hl.t; Cily of Kent P. O. Box 310 C7 -'1'Y u{ t:t:t4'r Kent, WA 98031 K.1 1.G COUNTY, 1.ASIUNG'rw: , KNOW .ALL MEN DY THESE PRESENTS, that for a valuable consideration, , Grantor, does hereby grant, bargain, and soli to the CITY OF KENT, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, municipal corporation, the Grantee, the following described improvemonts situated in King County, WAshington: WATIiR MAINS ON FROM ON SP.ti�'E7t 1._[111:5 FROM TOO 110 SIZE SIZE Including approximately lineal.feet of !� Pipe, 1 To have and to hold th;; same to the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby coveliants that it is the lawful .owner of said property; that the same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and material have - been paid; that it leas the vlght to sell the same as afore-: said; that; it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. 'I'he 1}1.11 of Sa I i, is (-;) (-.n in consideration of the agree- meat of_ Lhe Gi,arntce, for if ;elf, its successors and assigns to incorporate said util itics in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. This Hill of Sale is r,i.ven and accepted pursuant to Ordinance No. of the City of Kent, King County, Wash- iugton. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tlie undersigned has caused this insLrumenL to be executed by its proper officers and i.ts. corporate seal to be affixed this day of P 19 BY BY . S'L'ATE' OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On th:LS clay of , 19 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary L'rrblic in and for the State of ljasliinl;ton, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared a r►cl to me known to be the and of CORPORATION,- THE Corporation that execuLed Lhe foregoing instrument, and .acknowledged the oa!A inc;LrumenL to bo tho freo and volun- Lary r►cL and dond of tilr.ld corl1ortrLlorr, for tiro utiaii and 21 Irurposes ther•r-lrr mentioned, and on oath stated that they were r►utlrorized to exocute t.►►o said ir►strument arid that tiro seal affixed is the cot-porate seal of said corporation.. 11-TTNESS my hand and of. ficial seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. 2q Notary Public in and "for" tht,Stitb of Washington, ' residing at • MAIL TO: Gerald a. McCaugl,al: Cily of Kent 1'. O. BOA 310 Kc►►t, WA 98031 SECTI0111 .I GEKLI:AL GUARANTEE AND WARRANTY CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PROJECT: Por a period of One (1) year From tli:e date of 'final acceptance: of the work by the City of Ker►t, all Darts of t In word: shall be gitarar►teed by the Owner to remain in perl-ect worlcint; Order and condition except where abused or neglected by the City, and the Owner shall repair or replace, at his own expense, any work or material that may prove to be cle:£ective duririt, the period of this guar- antec. The Owncr shall obtain warranties from sub -contractor Vinci Suppliers cel.- mratcr-i.ril or equipment where such warranties arespeci f.ic.aJ.1y recluir-•ccl, and shall deliver copies to the City o£ Kent upon completion of the work. OWNER:.. 1 1 ADDRESS: DATE: VI PART 1.1 - GGNERAI. Co llI).TIJOIJ:; FOR CVNSTKUCTION BY DEVELOPERS SIiCTION A DVI NITIONS AND 'T'EMS -T -.- . ;4r +;i� 1. CI'T'Y ,` I' The City of Kent- actin* thvOugh its legally con- stituted officials, officers, or employees. 2. I.:NGINII`I.It The City Engillccr•, including such assistants as are authorized to represcrlt 111m. 3 • CONSUI.TiNG LPdCINGI;K 1 A licensed engineer or an authorized_ member of a licensed consulting firm or organization retained by the Owner for design and supervision of its public works. 4 • 1 NSIIrCT0it The inspector or inspectors of the Owner who are placed Iii supervisioll of ally part of the inspecting or engineering work with authority limited by the particular duties erltrlarz;ted by the Engineer.. 5. DJ;VGLOPI:It The party or lawful agent of the party having an agreement with the City granting permission to extend the utility system. This term shall also include the Developer's contractor, subcontractor, employees, and/or agents. 6. WORK All the work spcicified, indicated, shown or. contem., plated in the contract to construct the improvement, including all alterations, amendments or extensions thereto made by contract change order or other written orders of the Ellginoor, 26 SECTION U - GENWIAL REQUIREMENTS 1. QI;�1LlI'1CA1'IGid ' The Developer's cor►tra..:tor must be qualified by oxPcrioncc, financing and equipment to do the work called for it, the Flans and specifications. 2. I Atli 1.]:11111 7'Y LAWS AND ORDINANCES Tho developer in af9fiunlod to be familiar with all -federal, stato and local laws, orditianccs, and rogula.e tions, which in any matltlor affect thobc engaged or cmployod in the work or the materials or equipntont used In' -the proposod,construction, or which in any way 'affect the conduct of the worn, and no plea of n1'su`dcr6t-and114' will be considered- on account of ignorance thereof. - - 3. PERFORMANCE BOND AND CASH BOND Th e•devoloper shall, baforG construction is started, furnish to the City a ourporate surety bond in the full amount of the contract price conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, and a $500.00 cash. bond. Tile surety must be authorized to do business in the State of Washington anti be satisfactory to the City. The bond must be excqutod on a form contained herein approved by the legal representative of the City, 4. DGVELU17"It'S INSURANCE t k The developer shall Ilot commence work under the con- tract or under any npocial condition until he has obtained all insurance as required under the follolr..= l ing sub -paragraphs, and until such insurances have been approved by the City, nor shall the developer allow any pontractor to commence work on his contract � until all similar insurances required of the eontraetpr have' been obtained and approved. I 27 i 2.1 Comhcns.►tion Insurance The developer shall talc out and maintain during the . life of this contract WorkJli,`11's Compensation Insurance for all of his cml,loyecs employed at the site of the project and, in case any work is sublet the developer shall re u ' p 9 �re the subcontractor similarly to provide Workmen's Compen-+ sation Insurance for all the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the developer. In case any clasp of employees engaged in hazardous work under the contract at the site of the pro- ject is not protected under Worlaaen's Compensation statutes, the developer shall provide, and shall cause each subcon. tractor to provide compensation insurance with a private _ company in an amount equivalent to that provided by the Workmen's Compensation statute for the protection of his employees 'lot otherwise protected. 2.2 Public Liability and 1'roperty Damage Insurance The developer shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract such Public Liability and Property Damage insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by the contract from claims for personal injury,- including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damages, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by himself or by a subcontractor -or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. This insurance shall name the City -and Consulting Engineer as co-insured and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows$ • 0 Public Liability insur::,ice in an amount of not less than $100,000.00 for in.jurics, including accidental death, f to any one person and, subj-•ct to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than $300,000.00 on account of one accident, and Property Damage insurance in an amount not less than 50,000.00. 2.3 lndeninif y Owner from Loss The developer horeby agrees to save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to it or to any third person or property by reason of.any carelessness or negli- gence on.the.part of the developer's contractor, subcon tractors, agents and employees in the performance of the - contract and will, after reasonable notice thereof, defend and pay the expense of defending any suit which may be commenced against the City by any third person alleging injury by reason of such carelessness or negligence,land will pay any judgment which may be obtained against the City in such suit. 29 SIXT11.'N C SCOPE 01. WORK 1. :INTENT OI' CONTRACT The inLeuL of the contract is to prescribe a complete work or improvement which th.e Developer undertakes to do, in full compliance with the provisions and requirements of the contract. The Developer for all or any part shall fur- nish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportations necessary supplies and incidentals required to make each and every item complete as contemplated by the contract. Any deviation from these requirements must be stipulated in the special provisions of the specifications.. 2. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS In the event it is found that the instructions ind- drawings contained in the contract documents are not suf- ficiently clear to permit the Developer to proceed with the work, the Engineer shall, either upon his own initiative or upon the request from the Developer, furnish such additional drawings as may be necessary. Mien such request is made by the Developer, it must be in ample time to permit the pre- paration of the instructions and drawings by the Engineer before the construction of the work covered by them is undertaken. Such additional instructions and drawings shall be consistent with the contract documents and shall have the same force and.effcct as if contained in the contract documents. 3. WASTE SITES The various sections of the Specifications may require three different types of waste sites which are: (1) private property abutting the improvement; (2) waste site designated on -construction plans; and (3) waste sites to be provided by the Developer. 30 In all' -cases, waste si+.es shall be operated in such a manner as to meet safety and health requirements of state, county, and city. Sites, operations, or the result of such -operations, which create a definite nuisance problem, or which result in damage to public or p;-ivate properties will not be permitted. In all cases, waste sites shall be approvod by the City Engineer before use. 4. CLEANUP From time to time or as may be ordered by the Engineer and immediately after completion of the work, the Developer shall at. his own expense clean u.p anti ,remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from the work. Upon completion of the work, the Developer shall remove all his equipment and put the area of the work in a neat and clean condition -and do all other cleaning required to, complete the work in a workmanlike manner, -ready for use and satisfactory to the Engineer. i 31 1. D CONTROL 11• WORK AUTHORITY OF ENGI.NEER, It is understood and agreed by and b(tween the parties hereto that the work included in the contract is to be done to the coinplete satisfaction of the Engineer, or his duly authorized representative, and that the decision of the Engineer as to the true meaning of the contract, plans, specifications and estimates, and as to all questions arising as to proper performanco of the work shall be final. The 1.:Xlgineer shall decide any and all questions which may arise as to tiro quality or acceptability of materials furnished and work performed and as to the rate of progress of:tlic work) and all questions as to acceptable fulfill- ,vent and performance of the contract on the part of the Developer. Noticing contained in tiii.s section or in the contract, shall be construed as requiring the Engineer to direct Ole method or manner of performing any work under this contract, however, the work progress shall be open to -inspection by the Engineer at all times. 2. AU1,110RITY AND DUTIES OF INSPECTORS The Engineer may appoint assistants to inspect all material..s used and all work done. 'Such inspection may extend to any or all parts.-oE tho work and to tho prepara- tion or manufacture of the materials to be used. Tho assistants will not be authorized to revoke, alter, gnlarge or relax the provisions of these specifications. An assistant is placed on the work to keep the Engineer t ' informed as to the progress of the work and the manner in;. which it is being; done; also to call the attention of the Developer to any in[ringements upon plans, or specifications, 32 but failure of the assist";" thei;iagineer to call the attention of the Developer to faulty work or infringements upon the plans or specific. - Lions shall not constitute'accep- tance of said work. An assistant will be authcrized to approve or accept any portion of the work or to issue instructions contrary to the plans and specifications. The assistant will have authority to reject defective matorial and to suspend any work that is being improperly done, subject to the final decision of the'Engineer. The assistant will exercLse such additional authority as may, from time to time, be r especially.delegated to him by the Engineer. 3• COOPERATION BY DEVELOPEIR A set of approved plans, specifications and any special provisions and authorized alterations will be supplied to the Developer and these must be kept available on the job at all tiniest. Tile Developer shall be present either in person or by duly authorized representatives on the site of work continually during its progress. The Developer or his representative shall receive from the Engineer all explanations and directions necessary for the satisfactory prosecution and completion of the work. The Developer shall not cause any unnecessary delay or hindrance to other cont>7actors on adjacent work, but shall be required to ' cooperate with other contractors to the fullest extent. 4 • CONFoitm TY iff-Til PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Tho work shall bo done in strict conformity with the plans and spocificationn and to 'tile exact linos and gradosi and be according to such iiastructions as may be given by the Engineer. The Developer shall protect and preserve in their original position all stakes, points, or marks set for the work. wlicro the Engineer shall consider, such i a 33 stal<cs, points, ox• marks i,-, have been unnecessarily destroyed, Ile nlz►y cause tl e expense of replacing them to be charged to the Dcvclopcx•. 5. RE;1•IOVAI. OF DEFECTIVE OR UNAUZ'I101tl_'1.ED WORK Defective work or materials may be condemned by the Engineer any time before the final acceptance of the work. Notice of such condemnation shall be given in writing by the f;ngi.neer. Such condemned work shall be iuunediately removed or di:;poscd of to the satisfaction of the'Efi,iincer. failure or neglect on the part of the E.nginccr to conden►u unsatisfactory material or reject llltc:rior workmanship will :in no way release the Developer,,. I I nor shall it l)c const.r•►.led to mean the acceptance of such work, nor sl►all the final acceptance bar the City from recovering dan►ages in case fraud was practiced, or for defective work resulting frons the Developer's dishonesty. Work dole contrary to or regardless of the instruction of the Engi.r►eer, woric done without lines, grade and/or cross section stakes and grades sholrn on the plans or as given by the Engineer, or any deviation made from the plans and specifications without written authority will be considered unauthorized and at the expense of the Developer, and will not be accepted by the City. Any and all work done may lie order.cd removed and replaced immediate— ly at the Developer's expense. 34 - 6. PRO FECT I ON OF f'UUL I C AND I'J21 JE UTILITIES The Developer shall support yid protect by timber$ or other- wise, all pipes, conduits, poles wires or other apparatus which may be in any way affected by tho work, and do everything to sup- port, sustain, and protect the same, under, over, along or across said work. In case any of sold pipes, conduits, poles, wires, or 1 apparatus should be damaged they shall be repaired by the author- ltles having control of same, and the expense of such repalrs,sholl be charged to.the Developer. 1 - The Developer shall further bu rosponsib'Id for any damage - done to any street or other public property, or to any private property by reason of the breaking of any water pipe, sewer or gas pipe, electric conduit, or other utility by or through his nog- ligence. IN 7. DAVAGE TO EXISTING I MPROVENLIJ t S AiJD UTILITIES The Developor's work shall bo confined to his.premises and he shall not entor upon or place mal orIaIs on other private premises except, by written consent of the individual owners, and shall -save harmless the City from all sults and actions of every kind and description that might result from his use of private property. The Developer shall Inform himself as to the existence and location of any underground utilities and protect the same against damage. =. The Developer shall take adequate precautions to protect ' existing lawns, Ire03 and shrubs outside rights of way, sidewbik, curbs, pavements, utilities, adjoining property, and structurbs and to avoid doulage thereto, and he shall at his own expense pom- 35 pletely repair any damage theret•, caused by his operations to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 8. INSPECTION BY ENGINEER All materials by the Developer shall be subject to the In- spectlon and approval of the Engineer at any time during the pro— gress of the work and until final completion thereof. The mater— lals shall be delivered by the Developer sufficiently in advance of the work to enable the Engineer to make the proper tests and inspections. As soon as materials have been tested and inspected, the Developer shall immediately remove all rejected materials from the work to such place distant therefrom as the Engineer may re— quire, and shall arrange for replacement of rejected materials and things at his own expense. The neglect or failure on the part of the Engineer -to condemn or reject inferior materials or work shall not be construed as an acceptance of the materials or work. The Developer shall furnish, at his own expense, such labor and facilities as may be required to enable the Engineer to make ti a thorough inspection and culling of the materials. 9. DEFECTIVE WORK � The Developer, upon notification by the Engineer and within one (1) year after acceptance thereof by the City, shall remorte or reconstruct, or make good without cost to the City any work which the Engineer may doom to have boon defectively executed. 10. FINAL INSPECTION As soon as practicable after the completion of the entire work, It will be examined thoroughly by the Engineer. The Devel— oper will be notified when the examination is to be made so that he or his representative may be present. When the work is found 36 U to be satisfactory, It will bo a opted and such final acceptance will not be reopened after having once been made, except on evidence of collusion, fraud, or •bvious error. If the Inspection reveals any defects in the works as contem— plated by the specifications, such defects shall be repaired or ur:atisfactory'work be replaced as the Engineer may direct before final acceptance. The cost of all such repairs and replacements shall be borne by the Developer. 37 SI-XI'1t I; C0;111{01, OF I -',TUIUALS 1. SOURCE 01' SUI'I'1..1' A?dD ��U11LI'I'Y OF MATERIALS Promptly after the approval of the contract, the Developer shall notify the Engineer of the proposed tior1I'C:es of supply of all materials to be furnished by frim. At the option of t11e Iingirleer the source of :supply Of each of tine materials shall. be approved by the Engineer before the delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples 01' tine character and quality prescribed shall be ssubmittCd by the Developer or pi .-oduce`r for examination and tests by the L•'nhincer. Only materials conforming to the_ requirements of the specifications and approved .by the Lngincer shall be used in the Ivork. Any of the materials proposed to be used may be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use. if, after trial, it is Found Lhat sources of supply I-Alich have been approved do 'rot furnish a uniform product, or :if the product from any source proves unacceptable at any time,' the Developer shall furbish approved material from other approved sources. No material which, after approval, has in any way become -unfit for use shall be used ire the work. 2. All tests of maL-crialr; furnished by_ the Developer shall be made by the L'ngincer in accordance with conuuonly recognized standards of national organizations, arid such special methods and tests as are in use at the laboratory of the Department -of Ii:ighways or as set forth in the special provisions. . M Field LcsLs of 111aterlals will also bu made by the Engineer wlien deemed necessary and these tests shall be made in. accordance with standard practices of the Depart.- mcnL of llig]'Wayr;. The Developer shall furnish without charge such samples of all ma Lcrialj at; :nay be requested by the Engineer. Mater•ialb slia ll noL be used until they have been approved by ticc Lnginuc:r. Samples will be secured and tested wlictiever necessary to detc,r•mine the quality. . of Llic material. Matcriale; shall be dcliverod on the work in advanco, in sucli quantities ab to afford the Engineer an opportunity to make tests before the materials are to be used. 3. c'TOI:Ac;t; UP MAITRIAL"S All materials intended for use in tl►c work sl►all bo stored by Lhe Developer by means that will prevent damage from uxposurc to tl►r_ cicmec►Ls, from admixture of foreign matec.,ial, or from any other cause. The Engineer will refu:ie to accept, or to sample fox, testing any materials that 'are improperly stored. 4 . t�t;t�1;C'ra vt. � tA•r�:lunl.s All --I,crials not, comfor•miing to the requirements of i the:,e specifications will be rejected by the Engineer, and all ,suck maLerilil.s wheLher• in place or not, shall be i►tumediately removed from tlio rite of the work by the Developer. 39 7 SECTI (, F LI:c;AL RELATJONS AIJD RGSI'(: I_;IBILITY TO Illi; PUBLIC 1. AIUNMI'A1, UC'ULATIONS APID STATE LAWS All municipal ordinances and regulations and Laws of Washiiigton shall be complied with in the performance of all portions of the work. 2. ACCIDENT PREVENTION Precaution shall be exercised at all times by the Developer for the protection of persons, employees and property. The safety provisions of'applicable laws and local building; and construction codes shall be observed. The operations of the Developer for the protection of persons, and for guarding against hazards of machinery and equipment, shall meet the requirements of state ,law and safety regulations as set out in "Safety Standards for Construction" and "Genoral Safety Standards", pub- lished in 1957 and 1958, respectively, and furnished without..charge by the Department of Labor and Industriesp Olympia, Washington. 3. a PROTECTION OF WORKI-ILN AND PROPERTY The Developer shall erect and maintain good anq sufficient guards, barricades and signals at all unsafe places at or near the work, and shall in all cases main- tain safe passageways at all road crossings, crosswalks street intersections, and shall do all other things necessary to prevent accident or'loss of any kind. ' The Developer shall protect'f rom damage all water, sewer, gas and steam or other pipes or conduits, and all hydrants, and all other property that is likely to bocome displaced or damaged by the execution of the work. 40 4. LABOR In order to perform acceptable work, the Developer shall employ work►►►en at all times who.are skilled in ' their respective lines. The Doveloper is restricted in his selection of labor and payment there Cor by certain legal requirements which must; be observed for compliance. with the public policy enunciated in R.C.iv. 49.28. This refers to the eight hour day, payment for overtime, can- cellation of contract for violations, and penalties for violations of provisions therein. The Developer should be tliorou6hly familiar with all provisioris of this and i other statutes that are subsequently noted herein before commencing work on his contract. S• PERMITS AND LICENSES The Developer shall procure all necessary permits, pay for the same, and obtain all official licenses for the construction of the work and for temporary obstruc- tions, inclosure, opening of streets for pipes, walls, etc., ar.isixig from the construction and completion of the work described in the specifications. fie shall be responsible for all violations of the law for any cause in connection with the construction of the work or caused by obstruction of the work or ca4sed by obstructing streets, sidewalks, etc., and he shall give all requisite notices to public authorities. 6. ROYALTIES AND PA'ITENTs The Developer sliall be liable for all suits brought against the City by reason of infringement of patent rights on any material machine or applicance that he may 41 use on the work or incorE,_-rate in the finished job, except where specificall} exempted by the special pro visioils. Unit prices named in the proposal shall include payment of royalties, if any. 7. USE OF PREMISES The Developer shall confine his apparatus, storage l of ,naterials and operation of work to the limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits or direction of the Engineers and shall not unreasonable encumber the premises with his materials. The Developer shall "comply with the Engineer's instructions regarding signs,. advertisements, fires, and smoking. 8. CONPINE OPERATIONS wiyiiii RIGIlTS OF WAYS AND EASEAIENTS Property lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are indicated on the plans and it shall be the Developer's responsibility to confine his construction activities within these limits. Any damage resulting to persons or property encroaching beyond these limits shall be the sole responsibility of the Developer. 9. SAFEGUARDS The Developer shall provide and maintain all neces- sary safeguards such as watchmen, warning.signs, barri- cades, and night lights at- his own expense. Special care shall be exercised to prevent vehicles, pedestrians, and livestock from falling into open trenches or being cth.er• i wise harmed as a result of the work. The Developer shallp in all cases, hold the City harmless for any and all damages resulting from any of his operations. 42 1 10. SANITARY PROVISIONS ' The Developer shall )rovide and maintain in a neat and sanitary condition such accommodations for the use of Ilia employoce as may be nocossary to comply with tho rcqui.romon.ts acrid rchulationa of the State Department of Health and of other bodies or officers Having jurisdic- tion thereover. Ile shall permit no public nuisance. 11. USE AND OCCUPANCY PRIOR TO comrLETION OF CONTRACT The City reserves the right to use and occupy any portion of this improvement which has been sufficiently completed, but such use and occupancy shall not be' con strued as an acceptance of any portion of the work, and airy claims which the City may have against the Developer shall not be deemed to have been waived by such occupancy. 12. PERSONAL LIABTLITY OF P.UTAIC OFFICIALS Neither the Engineer, any. of his assistants, nor any other officer of the City shall be personally re- sponsible for any liability arising under or growing out of the contract. 43 S1:;C'r1. G I'ROSlicUTION IND PROGRESS 1. CONSTROCTION SC1111DUl..I After award of the contract, the Developer shall immediately prepare arid submit to the Engineer for approval a progress schedule for the completion of the project. 2. SUSPENSION OF WORK When, in the judgment; of the Engineer, unfavorable weather makes it impractical to secure first class resultsp or: other conditions warrant the granting of a suspense ' order, he shall issue to the Developer a written order to suspend work wholly or on any part of the contract. When conditions are again favorable for. prosecution of the work the Engineer shall issue to the Developer a written order to resume the suspended work. Orders to suspend or resume work will not be written for intermit- tent shutdowns due to weather conditions unless the sus- pension of work is to be for an extended period of time. 1,11c Developer shall take every precaution to prevent any dan►age or unreasonable deterioration of the work during the time it is closed dowel. Suspension of the work by the Engineer shall not furnish any grounds for claims by the Developer. 3. DBVI;LOI-ER ORGANIZATION, SUPERINTENDE•'NCE AND I;g_uir r -,NT The Developer shall provide at all times during the progress of the work, comiPetent and necessary superinten- dence.. During the Developer's absence, the superintendent' shall have full authority to execute the orders or direr, tions of the Engincer withuut delay and to promptly sup- ply ouch materials,, tools, plant equipment and labor as may bo required. 44 0 0 All work under the c+-ntract- shall be performed uncler tfio conta.nuous suPel vision of cowpeteiit personnel thoroughly experienced in tlia cl.asM of tivork c;pecified.. ' Incompetent, uiicool>craLive, care less or negligent , employee's or acents shall be forthwith discharged by the Developer upon written rccluest of the Engineer. All machinery and ccli.iipment shall be adequate for the purpose used aril shall be Icept in good workable con- dition and be operated by experienced operators. N 45 PART III GENERAL. :;E I;CI l 1.CATI_UtdS Nota: These General Specifications are for the sole.pur- pose of informing the Developer of City of Kent Standarda• Actual Construction Specifications are to be prepared by the Developer's Engineer or the City of Kent.• SECT10N A - SANITARY SEWERS , 1. PIKE 1.1 Co,icreto Pip � Plain concrete sewor pipe shall conforrp to_ ASTM Specification C-14 (Extra Strength), and reinforced t' concrete pipe shall conform to ASTM Specification C-76. (Type IV rain.) I 1.2 Clay Pipe Clay Sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM Specifica- tion C-200 (Extra Strength). 1.3 Asbestos - Cement Pipe ; I Asbestos - Cement non -pressure sewer pipe shall' conform to Federal Specification SS-P331a, (Class 2400 Min.) ^ i 2.' PIPE' JOINTS .Sewer pipe joints shallbe rubber, and the -specific .brand or type of joint shall be submitted to 'the City. Engineer for approval prior to use, and shall not be. used without written approval. r 3. PIPE B1 DDING ► Sewer Pipe shall be bedded in accordance with Drawing 4. MANEIOLES, FRAMES, & COVERS 1 Manholes, frames and covers shall be constructed in accordance with Drawings C-2-3-4 & 5• 0 46 S. LAMPHOLES Lampholes shall be c-nstructed in accordance with Drawing C-6. 6. TESTING Testing of the completed sewer shall be made -after at least four (4)'fect of backfill has been placed, either by measuremetit of actual infiltration from the section of pipe tested, or by measurement of•exfil- tration , at the option of the City Engineer. 6.1: . I:nCiltration Test The upper end of the sec't'ion of pipe sriall bq temporarily plugged so as to prevent any inflow. All blank wyes, and ends of side sewers Shall' ) he plugged tight. A suitable device for direct- ing flow into a measuring can shall be installed at the lower end of the section. Water shall then be introduced into the trench, if necessary, ) so that the pipe is submerged in water or saturated earth along its entire length, and this condition has become constant. Flow shall then be measured by timing the filling of a container of known volume. 6.2• Exfiltration Test The upper end of the section, and all wye branches and side sewers shall be tightly plugged. All branches from the manhole at the lower end of the section except the pipe section being tested shall be tightly plugged. Water shall then be introduced into the manhole so that the manhole is filled to a suitable mark on the manhole well, and the water level shall be held at this posipion until the rate of addition becomes constant. Then the water level shall be permitted to fall in the manhole for a period of twenty (20) minutes. 7hen 47 ' 1 I J the water steal! be added from a container to•bring the level back cip to the mark, and water added shall be reeordcd. y 6.3 i•ermissible Infiltration or Exfiltration ! Pipe and joints shall sustain a maximum of 0.4 Gru per inch diameter per 100 feet when field tested by actual infiltration conditions.. If cxfiltration testing is required or necessary$ the joints shall perform equally well, except that an allowance of an additional 10 per cent of gallonage shall be permitted for each additional 2 feet bead over a basic lower end of the pipe section being tested. 7- LOCAT] ON See Drawing No. A-2 for the standard loeation;of sewer lines within the right, -of --way. ' - i t y t 48 SL•'CTJ +)N B S'I'OIUI I)RAINS 1. FIFE Concrete pipe for storm drains shall conform to ASTM Specification C-14 (1'xt-ra Strength), and reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to ASTM Specifications C-76.' 2. rII'E JOINTS + Storm drain pipe joints shall be rubber, and the specific brand or type of joint shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to use, and shall not be used without written approval. 3. CATCH BASLNS & INLL''r CASTINGS Catch basins and inlet castings shall be constructed in accordance with Drawings C-7-8-9 & 10.. 4. LOCATION & DESIGN The storm sewer shall be located five (S) feet north or east of roadway centerline as shown on Drawing No. A-2. r The system shall be designed using the following criteria: I. a. Connect catch basins to storm sewer with wyes, or at manholes. b. Curb inlets cnay be used providing they connect to a catch basin. C* Maximum spacing of manholes to be 400 feet, and at changes of grade and alignment. d. Sewers of 12 inch size or larger may be laid on a curve, as approved by.the City Engineer.. 49 l All pipe for water mains shall be cast iron and con- form to Federal Specification WW -r --421b. The class of pipe shall be a minimum of Class 1$0, and be cement lined "Ilalf Thickness." ; 2. FITTINGS Cast iron fittings for use with cast iron pipe shall conform to class of pipe used and be cement.lined "Half Thickness." 3. GATE VALVES ' Unless otherwise specified, all valves shall be gate valves conforming to the latest revisions to AW19A ' standard specifications for gate valves for Ordinary Water Works Service No. C-$00. They shall be iron '• body, bronze mounted, double disc valves with bronze wedging device and or an o -ring stuffing box. All* r valves shall open counter -clockwise, and unless other- wise specified,' shall be a non -rising stem type.equip- ped with standard square stem nuts. Stem nuts shall be identical with the City's existing equipment, and all valves shall be furnished with a box, cover, and marker post. ` 4.. VALVE BOXE Valve boxes and.covers shall be cast iron of a type approved by the Engineer prior to their installation. The lengths shall be suitable for the particular depth of water line. 5- VALVE. MAI.O(EIR POSTS A concroLe vulva 111111 or post shall be furnished and installed as directed, with each gate valve. The j f SU I i •S i concrete marker Dost, ;Ball have a 4" minimum square: section and a minimucI lent,th of 4211, with beveled edges and containiiiy; at least, one (1) 3/8" diameter bar of reinforcing; sf.ecl. Markers shall be placed as directed by the Engineer and set so as to leave 18" exposed above grade. The exposed -portion of the marker posts shall be painted with two (2) coats of white c6n- crete paint, and then the size of the valve (for example, 6" G.V.) and the distance in feet and inches to the valve shall be stenciled with black paint on the face, of the post, using a stencil which will pro- duce -letters two (2) inches high. 6. I IY D IZA N'rs „ Hydrants shall conform to AIVIVA Specification C-502, except; as Herein modified. The hydrants shall be equipped with one (1) Pumper Nozzle, two (2) hose nozzles, pentagon operating nuts, have o -ring stuff- ing box, and open by turning counter -clockwise. Nozzles operating nuts shall be identical with the City's existing equipment. Hydrant valve diameter shall be a minimum of 4" unless otherwise specified;. All nozzles shall be equipped with bronze nipples screwed into the hydrant and locked in place. Depth ~ of clepr cover over the pipe shall be three (3) feet. Suitable lugs for anchor rods shall be provided. Hydrants shall be so -painted to match the City's existing hydrants. All hydrants shall be provided with an auxiliary valve and two (2) guard posts. See Drawing No. B-1 for standard details. 7. AUXILIARY VALVES Auxiliary gate valves shall be flanged or as required. by the type of pipe being used, and be as specified;in Paragraph 3. j . 51 L 8 . rI RL HYDRANT GUARD I ('-,-"TS Concrete fire Hydra►it, guard posts shall be furnished arid installed with i i.i•c Hydrants as directed by the Engineer. The guard hosts shall be made of reinforced concrete, eight (8) inches in diameter, six (6) feet Long, and. buried to a, minimum depth of three (3) feet. Guard hosts shall not be set higher than the top of the fire hydrants, they shall be plumb, and where two posts are used at a hydrant, they shall be set with their tops at the same elevation. The exposed por- tion of the guard posts sliall be painted with,two (2) coats of white concrete paint, approved by the Engineer. 9. COVEIz OVER 1'1.1'I;LI.IJL'S in no case shall less than thirty-six (36) inches of cover be maintained over the pipe. Local variations in around surface shall not control, but the average depth shall be the determining factor. c c Water mains shall be installed so that there is a minimum of 18" cover between the bottom of existing ditches and the top of pipe. 10. WATER WORKS TESTING The mains shall be filled with water and all air removed prior to starting the test. The test shall be accom- the main up to the required pressure;. plished by pumping stop the pump for fifteen (15) minutes, and then pip tl►G main up to the test pressure again. The quantity ` of water required to restore the the pressure shall, be accurately determined by pumping through a positive displacement water meter with a sweep unit hand regcis- tering 1 gallon per revolution, the meter to be approved, by the Engineer. Acceptability of the test will be. determined by two factors: (a) The quantity of water lost from the maid shall not exceed.100 gallons per' • 1 S2 ,r , inch of diameter per ►ile of pipe per day. (b) Thel-e shall not be an apprc-iable or abrupt loss in pressure r (luring; the fifLee" .(J';) minute test period. Gauges used in the _test shat I. be accompanied with satisfac- tory certifications of accuracy from a laboratory i approved by the Engineer. Table of Allowable Nater Loss per 1000 Linear Feet of 1'i pc in 1a -Minute Test Period Pipe Size Water Loss : A►► 0.78 Gallons per 1000' 611 1.18 Gallons per 1000' 8 �► 1.S8 Gallons per..'. 1000 1 1011 1.98 Gallons per YOOb' 1211 2.37 Gallons per 100bI Prior to calling; out the Engineer to witness the pres- surc test, the Developer shall have all equipment com- pletely ready for operation and shall have successfully performed the test to assure himself that the pipe is in a satisfactory condition. 11. STER.11.3,ZAn0N ► Before placing; the lines in service, the Developer shall sterilize them and have a satisfactory report' + and approval of sterilization from the local or state health department on samples collected from represehta- tive points :in the new system. (If a chlorine,resihual is present, the sample must not be collected ip specially treated bottles.) Sterilized sample bottles and/or instructions shall .be obtained by the Developer from tile,, laboratory where the samples will be tested. , Tile Developer shall collect all samples for the bacteriological tests under the direct supervision ► of the Engineer. ► 12. LOCATION See Drawing No. A-2 for the standard location of wafer mains within the right, -of -way. • E c S3 VUt1liNI'S 1. TYPICAL SI,CTIONS , r The followilig, described streets cross sections area required of 11.1 streets to be developed._ , i 1.1 Gravel Strect.:; Refer to Drawi►►g No. D-1 1.2 I'lvcd Resident i 11 Streets Refer to Drawing No. D_1 1.3 Paved Arterial Str,cets Refer to Drawing; No. D=1 2. CONCJZETE J)Itl VEh'AY Sl UI;I�AL1C CUllls & CJTTER I All concrete shall Dave a rninimtun 28 -day strength of 2, SOO psi, and the ccillcrit content shall be not less' {than 5 sacks per cubic yard. � An air -entrained admixture such as Darex ALA, Vinsol ltes:in, or equal shall be added to the concrete at the time of mi.xi.119 in such proportions to provide an air coaitcnt of not less than 3% or more than 6% with the r . manufacturers reconm:cndations • Mix time shall' not exceed 30 minutes or its 'directed by the Engineers. r The contractor shall submit to the City Engineer, for approval, his proposed concrete batch proportioning, the type and quantities of cement, aggregate, water and air -entraining agent per cubic yard. Concrete ` shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer before concrete is furnished. i Refer to Drawing No. D-3 and D-4 for Construction , details. 3. ASI'IIALTIC CONCJtFTE 1 j Asphaltic concrete shall by Type I -1-B, and co#form:to Section 32 of State of Washington, Department of F[igh- ways Standard SI)ecifications, except that the prime coat will not be required. 54 ► i 4 . SUB-IIA:Se HATIJU A1, The sub -base material shall consist of hard, durable, 1 well graded sand and gravel free from clay, topsoil or debris and meeting the following; requirements: ► Passing 3" 100% Itetained 1/4" 40% or more Passing 200 Mesh 5% or less + S. IASL -COORS : MATf;it] AI. Base material should consist of crushed rock or crus)icd gavel mecti_ng the following gradation.. -speci- fication. If' crushed gravel, at least 75% of the sizes retained on a 1/4 incl, sieve should have 2 or more fractured facies. The fines should be non -plastic and the sizes retained on a 1/4 inch sieve should Have a per cert wear as determined by a Los Angeles Rattler Test of not more than 40 after 500 revolutions. Sieve Fercer, to ge by Weight Passing + In 100 65 to 95 1 1 50 to 8S 4 l0 30 to 60 60 5 to 30 200 2 to 5 6. rlor.urlrty rs r Concrete monuments and covers shall be installed to,- grade o;grade just prior to paving in accordance with Drawing No. D-2. . E 55 ' PART V -- EFFFCTIVE, DATE SECTLON A -- 1;FFECTIVE i)ATE. 1. This ordinance shall take ,,ffect and be in force five (5) 1 days after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro— vided. lex Thornton, Mayor Attest: 1 Chas. Bridges s Approved as to form: Emerson B. Thatcher 1 City Attorney 1 Passed the f,1Lh day of n,.��T�st 1962 Approved the '1Uj_.__. day of— A,ru_qt, T 1962 Published' thel r Ljj day of Anrust, 1962 1 i. 56 PAIt•I• I1' S•I ANDARD Dl 1 A 1 LS INDEX A-1 Drawing Standard A-2 SLandard lntcrsect.ion 11-1 Standard Hydrant 13-2 Standard 2" Illow-Off Assembly B-3 Offset Hydrant _ b -n , •[)•[Beal Service Connections 13- S A i r Rc 1 case Va t vc Chamber li-(i.1 Hre Detector Neter Assembly (Vault for 4" Sel'ViCe) 13-0. 2 Fire Detector NcLer Assembly (Vault for G" Scrvice) b-6.3 Fire Detector Neter Assembly (%'ault for 81', 1011 or 12" Service) C-1 14'kiding Standards C-2 Standard N,uthole C-3 SL,Indard 01'01) t,lauholc C-4 Stalldarkl G' Diame-Ler Manhole C -S Spcc.ial Shallow SaniLary NanholC C-6 St midard 24" Manhole Frame F, Cover C -6A Mgnitole Franic F, Locking; Cover C-7 Standard Imupltolc C -g SLandard CatClt Basin Casting Uctai.l C-9 Standard [Irick Catch Basin C - ll) St,111darCl (,atcll 11115111 C-10.1 Cat.C1) IlaStll - 1111 C1 DOLaiIS C-11 Residential 'Side Sewer C -l.'. •1•iulbcr that COT- linst.able l:c 1111LI It ion C-13 'H;mhole Bricks ; Safely SLep Detai l C-14 Pipe Grate C-1 S Trench Dcta i 1 for PVC Sewer Pipe D -1.l Standard Strect Gross Section (Arterial) D-1.2 Standard Strcct Gross Section (Residential Access) 1)-1.3 Standard Strcct Cross Section (Gravelled Road) D-1.4 Standard Alley Cross Section PART IV - STANDARD DETAILS INDEX PAGE TWO D-2 Standard flonnment case I Cover U-3 Standard Driveway with Parking D -A Combined Curb & Gutter D-5 Wheelch;lir Ramp D -G `standard Curb Removal for Drive Return D-7 Street 'lire Planting Ut i 1 i ty Spnbol Standards L -I Light Standard L-2 foundation Detail 0 Gn - of hC�JT WA51f0lr, ICN _L- I�-/- 1111 X2 •J CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON ' DRAWING STANDARD APRIL 1962, STD. DETAIL SCALE: 3/16'1= 111 A-1 A- •1 _ 1 i i • F-1 moil) Lom e 12 0 -1 J. A.' Zz> c CITY OF KENT - WASHINGTON STANDARD INTERS ECT" - I *� I ION MAY 1962 STD. DETAIL, SCALE: 1 20, Q-2 7 , 1 1 -. 1 /. Cor -1c1 -e% b lock wi// bP ,o%ce</ 01-� v� diS tur.be d ,5 r7// ' 7 2. 5tee/ :`ice rods to be Agovi y uh/mss r1�r'/,�c�j�--- coo�`�d rs•.'�`h �s�oho/1` of�`-er %i7S to //0/`/611. III 11v '1: IT 11 -1 (`.l r1 -1T if -- — — — — — — — — — — — Ini ►tll Itll ur - U 1117- '-Till it II !• •1 II I�� I I 111 �I ft— f I TA11 F 1 � Ile rods. -- j 7 dc l „ 6 (7 A- vo/ve nn_ _1111 II - - I wiffl 6 "VD odj;ustable ` valve boy; i ITT II ii- ' 11 11 i1 i �t xco vv�� orad Fi// VV//6 1d "X l8 "X 6 " Coocm>e block.. CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON L. STANDAR D HYDRANT APRIL 1962 STD. DETAIL SCAT E NONE 9- 1 I cover otshc%v17) i II 6 /0'. 5 - 7NMO ll�'2" L o,, --I,. 1*".7ola 1�710 CJP P -101-C I A blocAtl)-g G-5 rc cc-/ -5011 23' from -9' h Im. C, Z -h -'V011017 LI%CVV- 1 � , I i r1�'••i 6d/V. c cp 6olv.. �18- 1201c 0o 2" C -701V ClbOW 2 G01V 171;01J)&. CITY 0F/KENF.. WASHINGTON Is TA, NDA RD, -'2.. .- BL OW - OFF, ASSEUSL Y DATE.' 5-21-62 SCALE*.* NONE: L .1 1. fl F.V.1: fItx B** 2 - ' 2 — -I4 DIA. STEEL TIE RODS PLAN V 1 EW. F�IP•II`-•FI �,IZ/�UT - F1t_1-- -SO rt, Mz WI I YI iI ZMA-V \ VALVE= HOX - �o L=LL-M.)-FLC TAR PA P E'R l/Z CU. YD. 4RAMEl C.I. MAI1a— TLE-Mi -M,l-f"LG� L 6 Cw-FLG-Pr1J -1 IE GODS SIDE VI LW (g -x 113"X 0„ CONC. BLOCi CITY OF KENT INA SNING T ON OFFSET 14YDRAIVr B-3 DATE: 9- 3-G-1- SCALE: MOtv'! I ---Ex1ST, METER —NIEW CURD STOP NEW MAIN— P� E-- lz-- JE Y, 1 -5 T. ST L E L P I P T= is V KID I -w- V- ALNEW CC7UP'l.1NC� - I UbIn JPPL -C -1). ATO V V I C- L'E3 I C) E C) VD PIC) c 5 Q F D L C z \/ I (- L '. E ()?- L-A-11ON Y1115T. ptpv= C -1 -Ty C)V-- KENT WATER 0 E P") -TYPICNL SERVICE CC) t-11 t\j E. C, -T 10 til DkNk-X-- MOMC--., ROD M.D. IDR-WQ3. P— I cql 51 l STANDARD MANHOLE RING AND COVER. SEE DETAIL IN A.P.W.A. NO. 68 EXISTING GRADE ill i I// luHaffIff if- 11-77=--1117T I=1=7ZTlllllll ADJUSTING BRICK (2 COURSES MIN.) PRECAST CONC. 2" STR ELL M -I . 2"APCO HEAVY DUTY - — — -- AIR RELEASE VALVE PEA GRAVEL N0. 145C OR EQUAL ;; .;oma . �o :; • c: rl, ..._ a 4 ' 2" GALV. PIPE �,_2" OHIOBRASS GATE VALVE ( NO.2500 OR EQUAL ( I.) DOUBLE STRAP ��--2"x 3" BRASS NIPPLE SADDLE SMITH BLAIR N0. 3'13- 1888-14 OR EQUAL SECTION / NOTE: I. SADDLE SHALL MEET EXISTING WATER - MAIN SIZE ACCORDINGLY _t I t ------------- cl1,1 Jf �33�1`1 CN(�NCC RINQ O!pr�nTMCNI AIR RELEASE:. VALVE - f CHAMBER" ` ►.o4,:, "o sc.tl ONE, Ell.Go orto---.--. -. I.,1 .0-..--1��_ VAULT FOR 4' SERVICE LOCATION OF PUMPER ASSEM. I" BY-PASS WHEN INSTALLED IN PIT METER (GAW- PIPE Ek- C.I. ELL) .2 CHECK VALVE VAL E__Jt S f------------ 4 FLOW 4" V- 4. t 1" 4"0 S_13Y VALVE (OR P I V. OUTSIDE OF PIT) 4*'DETrCTOR CHECK VALVE PIT INFORMATION CONC. CONDUIT CO. U.V L345G L.A. ( OR EQUAL) 'OUTSIDE DIM'S OF PIT= 4'-O"x 51-0% 6'-091 DEEP WITH 3" WALL. WITH 2'r SQ. MANHOLE 8k HINGED COVER. FIRE DETECTOR METER ASSEMBLY NONE STANDARD D.M.J. D_ EX Df TAIL VAULT FOR 6' SERVICE LOCATION OF PUMPER ASSEM. �I" EjY-PASS WHEN INSTALLED IN PIT METER o'sY l_=} (GAW. PIPE a C.I. ELL) -- I VALVE- \_� ►Jr2"CHECK VALVE t i 6 FLOW Lf " 1 I-4 Gil O.S.BY VALVE (OR PI V. OUTSIDE OF PIT) 1 ( 6 DETECTOR CHECK VALVE PIT INFORMATION: CONC. CONDUIT CO. U.V. 660 L.A. (OR EQUAL) OUTSID E DIMS OF PIT = 4'- 0" - 6'- die, 6-- 0" DEEP WITH 3-1/2" WALL. WITH 2'SQ. M-1 9 HINGED COVER. r If Y ... �. EN•:�f�� 1 w.NV .'W PAR A-1 NI FIRE DETECTOR METER ASSEMBLY D.M J. - s' .NONE , -'ST'ANDARD „ D.E.W. o.r-29-76 - j DETAIL I• ,, ��,,,.. 8-G.2 VAULT FOR 8",10", OR 121` SERVICE I] 1 LOCATION OF PUMPER ASSEM. t IBY-PASS «� �� H `-�-^- WHEN INSTALLED IN PIT METER �� (GAW. PIPE_ a C.I. ELL) -• I11 Or' {s 2"CHECK VALVE VALVE _ -- -8 10 FLOW ,I j 2�� • I .Oft J 2 � --- 8,10, OR 1 - - � U O.S.6Y VALVE (OR KI V. OUTSIDE OF PIT) L DETECTOR CHECK VALVE o' PIT INFORMATION: CONC. CONDUIT CO. U.V. 575 L.A. ( OR EQUAL) OUTSIDE DIMS OF PIT = 4'-8„x 7'-O"x 5-2" DEEP WITH 3" WALL, WITH 2' SQ. Mi B HINGED COVER. CNW�+Ct �4^6_ Of PAR I WNT_ FIRE DETECTOR METER ASSEMBLY ��i<.�•i� �c��t. NONE �~ STANDARD D.E.W. __ DETAIL_— ..._ _ .._._..._ ...•�:� . •�t .t,8 4.3 USE APWA PIPE. BEDDING STD. PLAN N0.62. CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON BEDDING STANDARDS JULY 1960 STD. DETAIL REVISED 10-69 Cl r USE APWA MANHOLE STD. PLAN NO. 34 :.-OR STD. PLAN NO. 35 1 CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD MANHOLE MARCH 1960 STD. DETAIL REVISED 10-69 C2 -. I USE APWA CAST IRON DROP CONNECTION STD. PLAN NO. 43 =� 04 CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD DROP MANHOLE MARCH 1960 STD. _DETAIL REVISED 10-69 C3 U Al. // ri/,"o COO?. ,wee ,-)ee c- 5 cl ==--1 A 11-i I)t- 36" vol-lobk 26" All A0 1770AC. C/ /V.7 0 01 M71.5h 112 5holl he 5 A -.,C-1 of 0 j ha- ,517ollhe r'1V,'-3b&0, /-Oc/c 1112 51 6„o f /-OCA- 112 wet 0/- -50/Z- of 0,0 tl;en 6117 1,5 e M45 172C,12hOIC Or POO 24f ovel. CITY OF KENT- --,,; WASHINGTON ENT- WASHINGTON STANDARD 6' DIA. `MANHOLE 'APRIL 1962 STD. DETAIL SCALE 3/8 C - 4 N CASTING - SEE SEC. 63-2.08 A.P.W.A. STD. SPECS. KENT STD. DETAIL C-6 ADJUSTMENT SEE SEC. 63-3.10 A.P.W.A. STD. SPECS. SAFETY blFPS SEL! KENT STD. DETAIL C-13 —MODIFIED STEP -SEE A.P.W.A STD.' 5' N' A X. n, PLAN NO. 41. CONE -SEE SEC. 63-2.09C A.P.W.A. STD. -SPECS. 6.5 0613 30-.5 Typ. /'__PPECAST SECTION - SEE. :•j SEC. 63-2.098 A.PXA --c 4 El (I 22m) STD. SPECS. A. A TA"I (15Z 4-) 2 . MIN. \\—CHANNEL- SEE SEC. 63-3.11 (152 4-) A.P.W.A. STD. SPECS. CONSTRUCT CHANNEL AND SHELF IN FIELD. CAST -IN-PLACE BASE- SEE SEC. 63-3.03 A.P.W.A. STD. SPECS. fj. Tj i ENG'NEEPINri _0!rrARTWENT SPECIAL SHALLOW SANLTA ANHOLE RN NE STANDARD .,,PLO It Fltf "0 20" 11 ��1 CGA'S5 .%C//"'7i5 cry Sxxi_UEf';7 Si��noard 5�2c�:'iCc� ti,•. �s i o -t i IgI fend � I Diarrerer o/7,5emer i WYE 1� 'I J CITY . OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD LAMPHOLE JULY, 1960 STD. DETAIL SCALE NONE C-6 1" -CE iO CLA" 20 LAMPHOLE RING & COVER CAST IRON TO CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. A48-66 CLASS 30. OLYMPIC FOUNDRY #5931 OR EQUAL JOINTS AS SPECIFIED IN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 73/456 PLUG SEALED WITH JOINT AS SPECIFIED IN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ALTERNATEt USE APWA STD PLAN#46 LUu I u GiLVid r ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT i CLEANOUT' . SCALE STANDARD DETAIL ,r rnOvrD --�Irs l:+.'•.n1 10.E NO-S[_=L.—� 7i1 Tim f�i �X V Tl�`F to �l 4'� -1Tr I I �-'- fir► I I� -+-! 24 3 N07F.' i�,�r�� ori C"os�`�rJSJ %rJ CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD CATCH BASIN CASTING SEPT. 1960 SCALE :1 1 V2 11 = II DETAIL STD. ' DETAIL C-8 'I r__ 7i1 Tim f�i �X V Tl�`F to �l 4'� -1Tr I I �-'- fir► I I� -+-! 24 3 N07F.' i�,�r�� ori C"os�`�rJSJ %rJ CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD CATCH BASIN CASTING SEPT. 1960 SCALE :1 1 V2 11 = II DETAIL STD. ' DETAIL C-8 'I N CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD BRICK CATCH BASIN SEPT. 1960 STD. DETAIL SCALE: NONE 1 --'LV 9-47 -5c7CA1- Ile* -1 I I I I or ©AI LAST UNDER CA rCR 9,4 -YIN 70 I-,- "(-) 2.0c,11 -11-1c T-01JAIDP-Y Or -QUAL WAC1611r. 3. Al 7',rpmirA tisr 4t-klA PIAN No. Al '...I- I ...I- ,�7/- V 9-/, CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD PRECAST, CATCH BASIN SEPT. 1960 STD. . [)ETAIA'�' SCALE : i 11= 1 1-0 c - /0 1 r � � PREMOLDED - JOINT FILLER - �D GUTTER A LINE 5'-I" -1' I 1' 6 � II O a �� FLOW PREMOLDED IIlffl�4) O I � I��o. i / it JOINT FILLER � F-2'- 7" 3-01, 3'- 74" A INLET DETAIL 3' - 0" (t-6 so -6" 10 #4-8'-10"(C) 6i2' 6' 8 -- It di .O *14 TIE (B) ;4 , BASIN INLET SECTION A -A (A) # 4 (A) 7y" z POURED IN PLACE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB $ GUTTER. #4 TIE (B) 2 —6" 6" .0 (B) 6" CATCH BASIN - INLET DETAILS sCAIE STANDARD IAT F DETAIL HIE NOG — I CIRCLED NUMBERS REFER TO GENERAL NOTES `�. �✓ .. `gip GENERAL NOTES LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT MUST BE PROVIDED DIMENSIONS A, B, C & D THAT SHOW SIZE & LOCATION OF HOUSE �ON LUT MUST BE K14OWN TO OBTAIN f } PERMIT 1/8 BEND & TEE FOR TESTING 2. CONNECTION TO MAIN STACK 3. RUBBER COUPLING REQUIRED TO PIPE AT HOUSE 4. 30" MIN. DIST. FROM HOUSE 5. 18" MIN. COVER 6. REDUCER 7. 4" DIA. SIDE SEWER TO HOUSE 8. TEST TEE 9. SINGLE CONNECTIONS USE ONLY TEST TEES & REUUCER 10. 6" DIA. SIDE SEWER TO PROPERTY LINE S I D_ES F-RER_2-I U- 1. 4" (11II4. SIZE) SEWER PIPE REQUIRLD ON PROPLRTY 2. 2y MIN. GRADE FALL PER FOOT) 100% MAX. GRADE (12" PER FOOT) 3. JOINTS I.1UST BE MADE 1411-11 RUBBER TYPE GASKLT APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER 4. CONSTRUCTION ON PROPERTY MAY BE DUNE BY OWNER BUT REQUIRES A PERMIT 1 5. SEE GENERAL NOTES i t_~•J NOT TO SCALE C-0 1. NC Nf t111G DC PART MENT RESIDENTIAL SIDE SEWER Ll I VARIES Rouo'" — I Z!-= o", r 6 pAq � i— - T— �� - -- T-- �-----T---- ---- 1 — -� _ ,I – +�h]�X• 1'� L.C..j�— �_ A> 4,r F,�ROUGH CEDAR PLAN F -IPE PEDDIPIC, rrR u � - IL: Pipe 4" x 6 R o U:( •n - COUNV1nT I�>FJ GRAVEL AS trT ROUGH CEDAR SEC 1,10 r,i_ A - A CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON t: TIMBER MAT FOR UNSTABLE FOUNDATION MARCH 23,1971 STD. DETAIL SCALE NONE: C"�z _. . W -- — ' — - - -� 11 I I 1/ z _.� b--. Q. ; l7 nt'6 0. 9" 1 III RADIUS RADIUS � f iCONCRETE MANHOLE BRICK DETAIL .WEIGHT-20 STANDARD MANHOLE SAFETY STEPS NOTES �•q. I. M H. BRICK TO CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. C- 139. .p.. 2. CONCRETE BRICK TO CONFORM TO A. S.T.M. C-55. B 3. M.H. STEP TO BE It -6 REINFORCING BARS BENT TO FORIA SAFETY STEP. RUNGS SHALL BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED AFTER BENDING. I,1 ENOINF(RINQ nFPARTMFNT MANHOLE BRICKS Ir SAFETY STEP DETAIL Lf 4,cjq SCALE — STANDARD "— • ctIlc✓tD DATE DETAIL - I _ "PPQOV(D !Il! NO._ [Irr1w. �71�-- W W _aa n. O� Q d fl w a� wo N �W m d vm N WO Z U fC O_ N Z W �-•- U p Z Q X N U Q w a. N Z N Q C ca W �:.. N Z a. Q W t -- -i LL. Qa - c� � CL -J — Q ox 0- 0 fn x d . w m p _3 -ZF- = d z p O W N O O } p w N = Z -� Z m Q ►-_ (r :E W wN Q °° W p Q z m w0 vi in Q z z=O O fr w p fr w CD Q — �- W . Ld 0 o Q rn z 00 W o D Z p M 1 (%) Q J W W m W p ► 3 tr 1 N Q --1 p i - z m w Z O C3 Q O C,9v'd 'ov ui�,PI f ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT L� PIPE GRATE KV . -__ Al rov,rcr r,o - -- self hi K V_ __ SMff 1-_ Or nf_6'18._7�_� •SID-r•,rn --- - __ ME No 14. UNDISTU GROUND MAXIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 61-3-01 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Cj,:E F -07 TRENCH DETAIL FOR SEWER PIPE 00c, STANDARD C-A7.57t—1 D E TA I L c - LL u - z z 0 z _j cn Z 0 0 < —0 7 �Ia. w 0 L; L) Law -11 ol < LLJ LL ir o U) (L Cf) cr < w<w< cr- 0 ui n. w < m (n 0 > Cj,:E F -07 TRENCH DETAIL FOR SEWER PIPE 00c, STANDARD C-A7.57t—1 D E TA I L c - LL u - O jcn 0 z _j cn Z 0 < —0 7 w 0 L; L) Law zL) IN LLJ < LLJ 0.(J) > ir o U) (L Cf) cr 0 ui cl-- (D cl w w (D W w 1: cr- 0 ui n. < m (n L) Cj,:E F -07 TRENCH DETAIL FOR SEWER PIPE 00c, STANDARD C-A7.57t—1 D E TA I L c - ;. Uet-.516 N VOL UM£ S,000 -VO 000 11P1;l r zz'fn�' 'o =.5o" how. Fo _ 3z' e /ov� 'o / / G,C'o0w OVEP. 'co. W, .71;) C,0011 -1v 2 %p � M/N/MUM , . I • - _ /",4 V/N o . _—_ - ----- - s4 C 11 MiN/M U/y Sf C�lT iE'UN L3�?LLAST Qs f'E [//R60 �. ro. CURB. en , • � BUTTER . CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD STREET CROSS SECTION,'. SCALE NONE ' JULY 1962 STD. DETAIL,,�'!� REVISED 10-69 DLI �; L7F_S/GAN VOL Ull-C ,/500-/0000 VPD C•PO wlN rOR • t0 C,C�4h/N FJ,e 18 � 2 "i9G /".a l/.i1'Cj I . . . ?_ 6 �--1 ,-- - 3 •S� �� fL OSE % ��: / - .76 .-- -- --------• ----- }� --- %- �!/NUS c� /'/T.�UN fa4LLAST 45 P6QU/RLO CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON 1 STANDARD STREET CROSS SECTION SCAL E: NONE JULY 1962 STD. DETAIL REVISED 10-69 D 1.2 ml - 61ell VL LD ii!DAU �L .50 C.E'Ow/v Si v -i'f/NU <- GPU_,WrO .Pock .1 �- �'.iT ,•� UN ;f7�?L /_AST � CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STANDARD STREET: CROSS SECTION SCALE: NONE ti JULY 1962 STD. DETAIL.:;;'�''. REVISED I0-69 D 1.3 I 3 )f jC ENGIN�CMWJ E)r�PAqrMENT F : TANDARD ALLEY STANDARD cs 'SECTION CROSS -_-41�9-01 11 I SCALE 2"A.C.PAVEMENT CLASS "B" IUrtV - - - - D:AI F 54k w T - 0.02./FT o.02'/FT777-[q —=77T- /BANK RIIN GRAVEL CLASS 411CRUSHED TOP COURSE B" AS REQUIRED 5/f3 "MINUS) 3 )f jC ENGIN�CMWJ E)r�PAqrMENT F : TANDARD ALLEY STANDARD cs 'SECTION CROSS -_-41�9-01 11 I SCALE - IUrtV - - - - D:AI F 54k w T - ,I Drill .17 2'• BRASS D15C WIP41NCH �, cRoSs -- -% I pL'�Fl 4' JA" . t I ♦ ' �l,�. 1 �_] 'fat o` '!^ ' S�Fr.l�oll CASA A 1 r_oIICV. i�>iII�IL UY �W'IHINGTIJI I! ANDARD . I 11i�11 ;� III II TI NkLLAST 1 ' I 1Y PI CAL Lt IL ' - tea• .�., . j - 41,' - P L /SIJ 1 U lA E 9 T.' D E TA I.I_• ivi C't.i L \ 1.5 [ X 11 _ W/r /'•'=.1. c C"✓1'_4= 7-0. OF ALl_ S I' P_E-LC'_ E S. , .. P. I. C.'•`= GL_'tvr_'1 w1 w.t i PI AIJD V t'. iA}p'I,We P,i: t-Y/E FI ';1"RCE_t 11J1 L�SEc.'SIUNS. IF 14�I"EY_J1.1 �Rt4•fEk t I VLtJ �oc�`,•. CITY OF' KENT ' k1UllU�-1l'.IJ"�':• VJ�G�1"1 G.�;F.t� c=�•VE=iZ -I'C> FJC- L'l_!\CCt) l:C , WASHINGTON l•�'-V h1C`1,'S e�Ut� &'V'I �1_i' C=C;Illl�i C:t-1 P�T,Ut11�ni21E5 �tJ�Ulvl -IOW IF MOT M ROP.Q WiA'i t.1G��1\1M�t1Y , t_C�Cl.t-EO C,► -1 St �I�1�IVISIC�F1 f50Ut117I{����� , STA N D AR D MONUMENT TC�`•P�L 1>Ll•.c_1'_17 4" /-.F,OVE 5=11_I1�.1--1 : cstz.r>UE. ,>=.xC_.EPT 1� RoAown�r CASE AND COVER-•- MAY, 1961 y- STD. DETAIL SCALE 1 1/2�� = 1' - o" ��2 1� y /vor�s /.•A// 6"cv,-�'ie o7' it4�Y /k 7'0 bd- oil ,oroo�rty /ir�c� o/' �`o cor��,po�d J Tfi,:f- CITY OF KENT t or �s o/%�r�is� dii �cf�o' WASHINGTON STANDARD DRIVEWAY 4 `A// WITH PARKING MARCH, 1960 STD. DETAIL 61 SCALE 3/8' = I- 0' D - 3 c\j fel• 0rl�j � i 7�l �I,rf ,•11c tiL4 Ll J. c f \1I r I P •D. '• r; b' .• •• l) _,, d I a •, , fel• 0rl�j � i 7�l �I,rf ,•11c tiL4 Ll J. CITY OF - KENT WASHINGTON COMBINED' CURB AND GUTTER MARCH, 1960 STD. DETAIL SCALE .3/8/'= 0" O r 4 NOTE: 171MENSIONS ARE SYMMETRICAL ABOUT CL ' gI ' I g" 1 FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT CURB COMPACTED SUBGRADE FACE FOR d' CURB R::5" .. FOR 7"CURB R=121/2 A. RESIDENTIAL- RESIDENTIAL 8, RESIC'EIJfIAL-ARTERIAL L 1;hevIch;Ti.r r.Ir: ; sh:1l I.),' CMIStrllCtCLI in the i EIL wa l 1. l chilli 11 ; ;1t Ill,•;1 l i u:Is Const ruc t i ulI p l :u;:. IIII c I i iul i t I.;ITm;Is SI1.1 I I ill' mc,I SIII'C�l .111 _I 11;1 id I Ell' ;I'� 'V _'I'mi t t.or rct C ii�Iel, aI*'' aIId ;11;1II iorI11do tiu cart lr,ork fll:• LICi1rC::��•LI ��ul'll �:h,I I 1 h:• L'd ;IIld i1:1 id rill' ;17= "t:c III: IIt I:onc rct L• RES. C. ARTERIAL- ARTERIAL CROSSWALK I (UNMARKED) 1 l I _ F CROSSWALK (MARKED) te l�. w ENGINCEPING DEPARTMENT WHEELCHAIR RAMP ;CALE NQNE__ STANDARD •_..FC -El - —_ _ I OAIf _ V1 — _ D I AiZ eorcp,En______._ r.•:.�:•.:..P;_______._____ nLF No —.Q— 1, -FiKD. BY UA I L CY.F'r►1StOU J'>Iu'r f:, Citi_ U3ef> I�n P.L. GoNc.. E'7UR1t- J ASFI4. (OwC RETURN FM.CONIC.RETURN (OPT VV, L) E;;RE.I\Y. LIZ\It� � �vpTlpNAI� . SEE STD DLZAII VRA\AllNG5 D-4 1=011 ;j1'LG S CITY OF K ENS' WASHINGTON STANDARD CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVE RETURN FEB 1963 SCALE : NONE D— 6 STREET TREE AS SPECIFIED. r r _ � COMMERCIAL APPROVED,, TRE -TIES" SIDEWALK 2-2% 2% 8' STAKES SET AT SLIGHT ANGLE PULL UPRIGHT II I 1 1 r BARK MULCH AS SPECIFIED GUT r3 '7 .v .\ TER ROOT `��`)�.. i, BALL )ix 2 -611 -SEE SPECS. FOR PIT SIZE PLANTING MIXTURE AS SPECIFIED. c�9�"d r�U� GSLG'J� CNCi1NFTp�NIj p[pAr4TMFNT STREET TREE PLANTING _ STANDARD t OAT[ DETAIL ! cl IC f0_---_-- FM N0._D=_l_- ArrnOvlo------ - _-- lIT7.1 4 CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON UTILITY SYMBOL STANDARDS- NOV. TANDARDSNOV. 1971 STD. DETAIL QUARTZ R CORNER SECTIOU CORNER ® BENCH MARK .� FIRE HYD. ® WATER METER BOX O NEW MAN -HOLE ' EXISTING MAN -HOLE a CATCH BASIN �- GATE VALVE -o- POWER POLE , TELEPHONE POLE � FENCE - CENTER LINE -- R/W , P/ L --13T---BT-- BURIED TELEPHONE - -G— — — — G-- GAS —ss—._— SANITARY SEWER —SD— —SD-- STORM DRAIN EXISTING _ —w— WATER CULVERT SANITARY SEWER STORM DRAIN SIDE SEWER NEW WATER �..a.�.�.....- CULVERT 4 CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON UTILITY SYMBOL STANDARDS- NOV. TANDARDSNOV. 1971 STD. DETAIL i VARIABLE ROUND TAPERED STEEL OR ALUMINUM POLE. OTHER TYPES REQUIRE CITY OF KENT APPROVAL, m it w J m rc > ]LUMINAIRE AND ARM SHALL CONFORM ' TO CITY OF KENT STANDARDS 1� , HANDHOLE PLACE FUSE CONNECTOR OPPOSITE HANDHOLE GROUNDEC GROUND BUSHING WIRE CONDUIT 215 MI N. SLOPE SHALL BE WARPED AS /REQUIf ED TO BE FLUSH WITH TOP OF TF1 SIDEWALK OR ROADWAY SLOPE UNDISTURBED SOIL ALL MATERIAL AND WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF KENT AND WSHD. SPECIFICATION 1 J u y r tri d'1 J ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT LIGHT STANDARD uiscno scAtt STANDARD CK `- DETAIL KCKED Oaf[ wvoOv[D_.__--. IRE NO._L�I Env Ylrl r } .ANCHOR BOLTS TO MATCH POLE MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION + j� ,III► II �1I4LIIILII LIMIT OF PLASTIC CONDUIT II I I I I I I I WHEN USED �= FACE SOF POLE MIN. FOOTING ! e TILE WITH COVER I OFFSET AS SHOWN TO FACILITATE ACCESS TO CLAMPS CONDUIT 6" MIN. r SIZE AS REQUIRED + 10" NOMINAL 7 ""m owti OTHER CONDUIT AS ' REQUIRED I 6 5/8"X 81 OR IPI X 101 — ° 1! 0!COPPER CLAD SOLID GROUND ROD O0 SQUARE OR ROUND I ' o-- --° BOLT CIRCLE DIAMETER TO MATCH POLE MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION ALL MATERIAL AND WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF KENT STANDARDS _ EN(PNFI.AiNrj DEPARIMENT LIGHTING STANDARD Lr �> FOUNDATION DETAIL NONE_ STANDARD Us1I DETAIL �rrpOvlU—_ NII No. PART V — EFFECTIVE DATE SECTION A — EFFECTIVE DATE 1. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication as by law pra— vided. Alex Thornton, Mayor Attest: Chas. Bridges Approved as to form: Emerson B. Thatcher City Attorney Passed the 6th day of August 1962 Approved the 7th day of August 1962 Published the 15th day of August 1962 56