HomeMy WebLinkAbout1140_- _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ,17 18 X19 20 21 22 23 24 ORDINANCE No. /2� An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Wa shirgonj supplementing existing building codes and ordinances and requiring that in addition to usual permits and requirements, whenever a building or structure is proposed to be moved, into or within the City of Kent, requiring repair, rebuilding, alteration or addition, the owner or applicant shall file a performance bond in double the amount of cost estimated by the City Engineer's office, conditioned upon brirgLng the building or structure up to the building code standards, and further conditioned upon completion of the necessary work within six months from date of permit. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. That supplementing any requirements of the buil code and ordinances of the City of Kent, and in addition thereto, whenever any owner or individual desires to move any building or structures into or within the City of Kent, which requires repair, rebuilding, alterations or additions, that in addition to the usual requirements of the building code and ordinances, he shall also file a performance bond in double the amount of the estimated cost of such moving or removal, alterations, repairs, changes, additions, or rebuilding, as estimated by the City Engineer's offi4e, and such performance bond shall be conditioned upon the owner, resident or other individual securing such permit, faithfully bringing the building or structure so moved, and/or altered, up to all standards as required by the building code and ordinances of the City of Kent, and shall further be conditioned upon the owner or applicant completing such work and complying with the building code and ordinances of the City of Kent within six months from the date such permit is granted. Section 2. The requireme&i of this ordinance shall be in addition to all existing requiremagts of tA.e ba ld-ingecode and �g ordinances of ,/ the City of Kent. �/Wvzt) /7• of. Q to) 29 OU Section 3. That for any applicant proposing to move any buildi or structure, into or within the City of Kent, there shall be charged and collected an inspection fee in the amount of $25.00 and upon payment of the fee herein provided for, the City Engineer shall notify the applicant of the date and time of his inspection, which date shall be within fourteen (14) days. Section 4. The applicant shall file with the City Engineer 179/ 1 w 1 2 3 r 4 omplete plans and specifications of the building or structure as t is proposed to be when completed and in place upon its site in he City of Kent. Section 5. No building or structure shall be moved into any ite, unless plans and specifications show that when it is completes, It will comply with City building codes and zoning ordinances applicable to the new site and the surrounding area. Section 6. The necessary moving and building permits required g y this ordinance or any other City ordinance shall be issued by 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 w he City Clerk upon approval by the City Engineer,gr Building nspector in his absence, only after all requirements have been omplied with. ScnfioYa 7. This ordinance shall be in force five (5) days rom and after its passage by the City Council, approval by the ayor and publication according to law. Mayor (Attest: Approved as'to form: Passed Approved _�2 Published — F 9�a :Z- 2.