HomeMy WebLinkAbout1136CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. lZgZ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, approving and authorizing the execution of a contract with Water District No. 75, King County, Washington, relating to water service and the operation and maintenance of water distribution facilities within the City of Kent.now operated by Water District No. 75 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: The contract between the City and Water District No. 75, King County, Washington, relating to the furnishing of water service and the operation of certain water distribu- tion facilities within the City and the Water District, a t H'a G t f C I t- k copy of which contract - "t_ta4 'e� and by th s reference incorporated in this Ordinance, is approved, and the Mayor of the City is authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City. Upon execution of the contract by the Mayor of the City and the authorized representative. of the Mater District, the contract shall be binding upon the City, and the City Council and the officers of the City are author- ized to execute and carry out all of the contract provisions relating to the City's rights or responsibilities. DATED this )_F -_!�. day of July, 1962, at a regular meeting of the City Council of City. ATTEST• --- yCer For&,pproved: _1 - City=t orney Mayor IN GONSIDERATION OF THE GaVMNTS AND CONDITIONS HEREINA ER 0014TAINED9 EACH OF WHICH ARE CONDITIONED UPON THE OTHER. AND ARE MATERIAL TO EITHER GOVEMENTAL BODIESI OBLIGATIONS TC PERFORM THE TXW4S HEREOF, IT IS AG GELD AS FOLLOWS: 1. Cert The City shall assume the operation and eaaintenw &mere of the Distriet t e facilities and. ,shall furnish mater to all water users within the entire territorial limits of the Water Dis- trict lying east of Primary State Highway No. I (hereinafter re- ferred to as "the freeway") and south and wast of Secondary State Highway No. SA (hereinafter referred to as the "Kent -Yee Moines Road"), and which lis within the Cityes territorial limits. (b) If and when additional areas within the above described area are annexed to the City thea, in that eevent, the City shall assumes the operation and maintenance of the Water Dis- trictis facilities and shall furnish water to all water users within said annexed area. (c) The City shall inuediaately commence to serve the following additions to King County contained within the afore - described aereaa Green Valley Divisions No. 1 and 2, Burkland l s First Additiout Linda Heights Replat, and Skyhill Addition. It is reecognisand that in some instances the City cannot iaaaediateely furnish ester service to all of the water users within the afore - described area or, in the event of annexation, the City may not be able to im adiately furnish water service within the newly annexed areas. In such cases, the hater District will continue to serve such are", to the extent it is practicable and economically feasible, until such time as the City is prepared to serve those areas. (d) The City shall, subject to the provisions herein. after contained, bill and collect all water service charges from water users it serves. The water District shall bill and collect all water service charges from waiter users it serves. -2- AGR.XSIM4M T CITY OE -KEW WATER DISTRICT NO. 95_t KING CSQUMY WKZRFAS, the City of Kent,, hereinafter referred to as the ,,City" baa, over approximately tb* past four years, anneved various and suadry portion$ of 'dater District No. 75, King County, hereinafter referred to as the "Water F)ietri.ct"; sad wmeREAS, the Water District has objected to said samexa- tiaas and has refused to honor the City's demands that the Water District$* facilities within the annexed territories be relic- dished to the City of Kent; and WZRFA89 the foregoing. has resulted in awwrous legal actions between the City and the Water District, two of which aa- ti.qns are still pending before the courts of the State of Washing_ ton, Bred one of which concerns the constitu.tionali.ty of Chap. 248, a and 39 'fie of the State of Washington of 1951; and WZREA89 said litigation heves been extended, complex and costly ,for both governmental bodies and has had an adverse effect upon deveelopmot and persons within the dieputed are"; and ERTA39. to avoid further expense and controversy and to deefiTw the areas of water service by each of the wnicipalities, the City aead the Water District desire to enter into a contract for settlement of the litigation and for water service within the disputed areas; and WRWWAS, said contract is pursuant to the lava of the State of washi.ngtean and the general pavers; of each of said goveexawantal bodies; and WHERFAE, said contract will not adversely affect: tha-_.reveauees necessary to pay the maintenance and operation of the District$* facilities and payment of the Districts obligations; NOW, ERZ- 2. The Water District shall continue to serve all ,areas lying east of the freeway and north of the Tent -Deas MOitaes Road which lie within the territorial limits of the Water District* subject to the following provisions: (a) if at any time within the teras of the five year franchise hereinafter provided for, or any *xtensione or renewals thereof, the City of Kent shall install sewers within the aforedeas» cribed area and within its territorial lusts as 9resently constituted and. as hereinafter extended by annexations, if any, the City shall be en- titled to alao furnish water to such sewer users and shall, in the event the Water District has facilities !within the severed area, asp the operation and maintenance of the said Fater Di.s- trio's facilities. (b) Upon expiration of the rive year frov- chiso bereinsfur provided for, or any extension$ or reheaals thereof* the City will asstmae the oppeeration and ma utonsuce of Water District faci- litiaas lying within the territorial boundaries of both the City and the 'dater District and shall serve the water users within such areae. (c) The City shall, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, bill and collect all water service charges from water users it serves. The Water District shall bill and collect all water service charges from wager users it nerves. (d) it is recognized that upon expiration of the five year franchise hereinafter provided for, or Amy extensions or renewals theroof t the City may not, in all instances, be able to immediately furnish water service to all of the water users within its then territorial boundaries within the above described area. In such event, the Water District will continue to serve such areas:, to the extent it is practicable: and economically feasible, until such time as the City is prepared to serve those ar,e as . 3. The Water District shall serve all water users west of the freeway situated within the territorial limits of both the City and the Water District as said territorial limits are present- ly constituted or as hereinafter extended by annexation to either the City or the Water District for the period of tits fifty (90) year franchise hereinafter provided for. The Watrar ;istrict shall continue to exercise, want of the freeway, all rights, privileges, powers and functions of the District as provided by law an if there had boon no annexation, including but not by way of limitation -3- the right to levy and collect special assessments, adopt aUd carry out the provisions of its comprehensive plan. or amend meats thereto, for a system of improvements, and issue and sell revenue and general obligation bonds within the aforesaid a"^. 4. Notwithstanding arty proviaaians of paragraphs 1 through 3 above, the hater District shall retain title to and exclusive unite of all mains and facilities outside the territorial limits of the City and, in addition, shall maintain title to and ex - elusive use of the folloving described waterline contained within the territorial limits of the City: Commencing at the inter- section of the freeway and the Military Load, thence southerly along the Military Road to South 240th St., thence west along South 240th St. to and across the freeway. Provided, h+ ver, that until such time as than City annexes the entire area contained within Valley Vista, Suburban View and Rancho Linda A4ditions, the getter District shall retain title to and exclusive use of the existing main lying in the Military Road between South 240th St. and South 242 ad St.. 5. The City agrees to grant franchises to the Fater Dis- trict, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, as follows: s (i) A five (5) year franchise for the area described in paragraph 2 above of this agreement. (ii) A fifty (,gyp) year franchise for the area dooeribed in paragraph 3 above of this agreement. Said franchises shall, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, grant to the Water District the exclusive right to serve water to users within said areas, shall provide that the City of Kent shall not serve water to the users within said areas, shall provide that the Water District shall have the right to enter upon and in the streets within said areas for the purposes of installation of water mains and distribution facilities and repair -4- and replacemelat of such facilities, subject to reasotasble re"sty► of the City concornigg safety and street restoration, shall provide that the City will, subject to City Ordinances and reegulaation$ concero- tog the sass, grant to the Water District such permits and *a**- ments as are necessary and reasonable, and shall further provide that the Citi► and Water District will cooperate to impleat the intent and purpose of this agreement and of saidfranchis*s. . The city shall pay from the water fund of the City to the tater District, semi -S arnuallp on or before suns 11-an4 Decomber 1 of each year, ones -half (1/2) of an amount of money determined by the following formula: There shall be determined what percent. a of the total reve�nvies of the Water District dewed from charges for water service during the twelve (12) mouth periods immediately preceding each and every respective date of annexation by the City of Water District territory is repre seatted by the cherstag for water- service within each of the r,**- poettve territories so annexed gthe said 12 %emth periods immediately preceding every respective date of smneexation. The per- centage amounts so determined shall be muitiplied by the debt service requirements for each year Of all then outstanding warier revenue bonds of the Water District, which bonds were also o%itstandi.ng on the respective dates of each and every annex*- ti,ou to the City of those territories within the Water District, as calculated and ascertained on or before the lath day of January of each and every year. The product so determined shall be deemed tbo City's share of the annual debt service require- me eequire- me11ts of the Water District due from territories annexed to the City. For the purpose of the first payment due €3e cetmbee r 1. 1982, in lieu of the payment representing cane -half (1/2) of a percentage of the revenue band debt ser- vice requirements, the City shall pay that fraction of the percentage amount that the period between the date of this agreement and December It 1962 is a traction of the year of 1962. The same method of pro -rating, as Above, shall be utilised in the case of any future annexations. The previous twelve (12) month revenues from those water users within tine City which continue to receive service from the Water District pursuant to paragraphs I(c) and 2(d) of this contract shall not be counted as revenue from within the annexed territories: for the purpose of determining the City's payments until those water users are served by the City. Ota the first term, - annual payment date Rollowing the commencement Of City service to those users, the percentage amount based soler on the revensu.,s of those users shall be doter - mined separately and prorated from the date of commence- went of the Cityts service to that first semi- annual payment date. 9. Nothing contained herein shall impair the Water Dis- trict's right to collect assessments presently levied against properties within the territorial limits of the city of Kent 'nor impair the Water District's right to make levies against properties within the territorial limits of the Water District for general obligation bonds of the District, nor likewise prevent the City from the exercise of they same authority within the territory to be served by the City under this agreement. 8. In the interim, until the City serves all water users east of the freeway, the City and the Water District shall cooperate in extension and development of the city's and Water District's facilities so that duplicating or overlapping facilities or ser• vice& will be made unnecessary. The Water District agrees not to, directly or indirectly, contest or hinder present or future annexa- tions, if any, to the City. 9. It is recognized that the water facilities contained, within the Capehart Housing Project and the Mike installation east of the freeway are owned. by the Federal government and the Water District is presently serving said areas pursuant to contract with the Federal government. The Water District does hereby assign and transfer said contracts and the right to serve ,said areas to the City and does further agree to cooperate with the City in obtaining Federal approval of such assignment, if necessary. 10. The City shall grant such permits and easements as are reasonably necessary for the Water District to serve, by mains situate east of the freeway, the Water District's water users west of the freeway. 11. Wherever in this agreement is is provided that the City will assume the operation and maintenance of the Water District's facilities, it shall be interpreted to mean that the Vater District shall transfer and convey said facilities to the City and said facilities shall be severed from the Water District. -6- U. This agreement shall be subject to present and future statutes of the State of Washington; provided* however, that this shall not be construed to include J 2 and 3, Chap. 24.8, Laws of the State of Washington of 19x1. 13. This agreement small be effective upon approval here- of by Ordinance of the City and resolution of the Water District and authorized execution hereof, on behalf of each governmental body, by the Mayor of the City and the President of the Bom dof co>maissio"Ors of the Water District. 14. Upon approval, as aforesaid, of this agreement by ordinance and resolution, the City aggrees to withdraw its pre. sently pending lawsuit again t the Water District and the Water District agrees to withdraw its presently pending suit against the city. NXMUTED IN DUPLICATE this 5 day of 1962. A PrX otin- on as -,"FU of , ani Qr and on behalf of the CITY CPP Kw, pursuant to Ordinance Jdo./�1 of the :ity of Kent adopts a a Meeting of the City te heldon the day of 1462. Attests CITY CUR; OT Kent EXECUTED This ............._ day of , 1952. eery y e, ases en a Oat of Water Ceeesmisseioners of Water Dis- trict No. 73, King County, pursuant to ate solut ion No. of the Water District�zn�"g Z'ou'ntY. held on the _..._., day of , 1962. u"Gtdrah _.�_ CHWIFICATION ,I, CHARTS BRIDGES, City Clerk of the City of Kent'. Waehj4gton, certify that the attached Ordinance is a true and correct copy Of Ordilxance NO- /l3 passed by the City Council at a xvgular meeting thSrOOf o and approved by the Mayor on JuIy .9, , 1962, as that Ordinanee appears can the Minute Hook of the City Council. DATED this day of July, 1962. ' r eBA y