HomeMy WebLinkAbout1132VoA2.48 . PaOi 60 543S'774 ORDINANCE NO. An Crdinance relating to �,lanning and zonin for land use and d`volopment in the City of Kent, and zoning certain land annexed to the City by Ordinance No. 1124 "Mobile Home Residential (MHR)". WHEREAS, certain land in this ordinance hereinafter described was annexed to the City of Kent by 'Ordinance No. 1124 of the City, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Kent annexing to said City certain lands contiguous thereto", Massed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on the 2nd day of April, 1962, and WHEREAS, the effective date of the annexation made b Ordi- nance No. 1124 was the lith day of April, 1902, and the effective date of the ordinance itself was the 10th day of April, 1962, and WHEREAS, said annexation ordinance was passed and said annexa- tion became effective after the :affective date of Ordinance No. 1071 of the City of Kent known as the "Zoning Ordinance"; and WHEREAS, as required by Section 10.1 .04 of 0-dinance No. 1071, the Pianning Commission of the City of Kent conducted a study and made a report to the City Council of the City of Kent recommen- (ding that certain of the lands annexed by sa=,_d Ordinance No. 11243 land in this ordinance hereinafter described, be zoned Mobile Home Residential (MHR); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent did upon the th day of June, 1962, hold a public hearing upon said recommenda- lltion and proposal to zone the lands hereinafter described; said blic hearing being held after Nroj:er public notice thereof; W, therefore, THE City Council of the City of Kent do ordain as follows: 11 Section 1. That the following described land annexed to the City of Kmt by the terms of 02dinance No. 1124 of said City be and it is hereby zoned 'or Mobile Hume Residential (MHR): That portion of the N 1/2 of the N �-/2 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 21,T22N,R4E,W.M., and of Blk. 18, Interurban Heights Fourth Sections, according to plat recorded in Vol. 1'T of Plats, pL b6, in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of said N 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/2 of the NE 1/4; thence S6904-100" W along the southerly line thereof 2j0.00 ft. to the TPOB; thence NO029100" W i-arallel with the easterly line of said subdivision to the N line of said subdivision; thence W along said N line 400.00 ft.; thence SO029100" E -,ara11el 1. 'VOLOS6 PAGE with the E line of said subdivision to a point 100.001 ft. north 1-f' she S line of said subdivision; thence S0491U01' W parallel wit:: t e ;. line of said subdivision `('7. b� ft. more or less to �h0 easter•a. -°�2' 33 '�v aeon said U sterly Line of State Road No. 1; thence f Cine 101.2�o ft. to the intersection of said easterly line with the S line of said subdivision, from which point the true point of �e�)-CD,innin:- bears N�3y°4y' 00" E; thence N8 04 ' 00" L along said V line 10y4.42 ft. to tYje true point of be�innlno; EXCEPT any :;onion thereof' in said Blk. 1 � that may lie north of the north lin 3f Lot said Blk. 1 L SS the westerly 280.00 ft. r_,ereof (measured along said f,arallel line 100.0 ft. north of south lira of said subdivision) A ND That portion of the N 1/2 Of tile: N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 o:fSec. 21, T22N,R4E,W.M., in King County, Wash_'ngton described as follows: Be"innin; at a point on the N line of said subdivision, Where- said IT line is :i_nters-cted by tree easterly Eine of' State Rd. 'o. 1; thence N8.°4'' 00" E alone said N line 2 (y. 34 ft. to point of beginning; thence SOO&' ' 00" E i,ar•ailel with E line of said Sum f vis' on 2 4 2 ft. to inter cti on Of a line i)arallel with and -UO.0 f t. N (meas,ireci at �gnt arl2,les) to .,outh line of said subdivision; th nc c`-°4 ' OO L alon` Laic pairallel lin: 120.0 f't.: thence NC' -'2 ' 00 .N oral el with said E, Line of said Sec. it. to north line; hence c8�04 '0G"W along said N line 120.0 ft. to i_�oint of "eginnin~; TOGETHER with an easemelnt fo -oad over the N 2� ='t. of that portion of said �_::bdivisi.on, lyin- east of State Ed. No . 1, EXCEPT t Section 2. That- all of the land in Section 1. of this rdinance described are sit, -,aced within the Cite of Kent, County f King, State of i4a shin` ton . rection 3. That the City Engineer of the City of Kent be nd he is hereby authorized and directed to indicate upon the omprehensive rlanning Map of the City ofKent, or an addendum J 1/ ° '.Ar f r 1,/ to SE � 4 hey i'' 112 O1 th it _,orti 071 of the /2 ot_.. N �� iE 1/4 of !pec. '21,1 T22N,R4E ��u.M., lying easterly of line 4 epi nninu or, the north r•ly lin o� .aid -subdivision at a point 't. atitejt of the intersection .f aid northeY,ly line with the .as erg ine of S'tate Rd. T•o.l, and r,innincr `nenc: S G`2�'00" :parallel with he easter line of Said ru division M L to the south:: _ „ ine t1hereof; EXCEP T~ L -0 --tion th _ sof lying ,a terly of a line be�in- int; on he no-,:th�_�rl,,� ling o� �'aic�--��-cdiv� �lr>n at a point O.OU f't gest rly of tlhe 1\TE con L t,jc ,of nd run yin hence `��° ft.LM L 1_L Wit�"1 the _,a sterly 1 i nt: : said su,,Ddivision 32� _ )4 , � s Vr =, t:rT r'eof. EXCr;rT theS 100 't. there -f. o crv_. �outr,� rl l�.n. /1. ,, ND 1; . of treat portion of the N 1/22 of the N 1%2 of the SL 1�4 oi' th ,Tr✓ 1,/4 of Sec. 21, T22N,R4E,W.I'I.,1ain� easterly of a line eginninL on ti -,e North rl;;, ling, of saki subdivision at a point 31-a9. '4 't. ::,sterly of the in tersect.:_on o ' said northerly line with the e-, -te: y line of State Rd. NO -1, and running thenc_� S0°2j'00"E parallel ith the easterly lin.:: of said subdivision 32J. n ft. 1q//L to the Southerly ling thereof; EXCEPT lortion thereof lyinLz, easterly of a i_ne bei i.nnin on the norithei ly 1 i-.ne, of said subdivision at a point �� 0.00 ft. westerly of the INIE corner t:lereof ,nd running thence 'oo2y'00" E ;�3ra11e1 w th the e stet'ly line f said su.,divisicn ',2�. U4 ft. M�L to tine soutr).erly line thereof.EXCEPT the S 100 ft. hereof. Section 2. That- all of the land in Section 1. of this rdinance described are sit, -,aced within the Cite of Kent, County f King, State of i4a shin` ton . rection 3. That the City Engineer of the City of Kent be nd he is hereby authorized and directed to indicate upon the omprehensive rlanning Map of the City ofKent, or an addendum AA � MUM F13� 11 622 t�er,< to, the zoning of said pro _erty as :rovided for in Secti on 1. A this ordinance . Section 4. `shat uNon said amendment beinLD shown upon the Com- hensive Plannin Map of the City, or an addendum thereto, a copy i of said map or, addendum be filed with the County Auditor of King C unty, Wa shim ton, and. the City Clerk of trie City of Kent be and he ip hereby authorized and directed to -record this ordinance with the unty Auditor of King County. Section ;. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force f Lve (5) days from and after itsassae, approval and pujlication a by law provided. t 1"L� �I Jerk k—.46tad— - pi;roved as to form: City Attorney ssed tree 4th day of June, 1y,_)2 proved the 4th day of June, 1yu2 ,blished the -th day of June, 1�)�02. 3. riled for Record/0/4 Request of lei_ f ROBERT AlMORRIS, County Aud;to,