HomeMy WebLinkAbout1131ORDINANCE NO. �� f f An ORDINANCE of the City of Kent fixing, regulating and controlling connections to the water supply thereof, by amending Section o1 1. of Ordinance No. 897, as amended. j� THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. That Section 1. of Ordinance No. 897 of the City n� entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Kent fixing and regulating dJ the price of water connections to the water supply of the City, and repealing Section 7. of Ordinance No. 680, as amended by Section 3. of Ordinance No. 688, as amended by Section 1. of Or- dinance No. 724, as amended by Section 1. of Ordinance No. 842," passed and approved 21 March, 1955, as amended by Section 3. of Ordinance No. 1034, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Kent fixing, regulating and controlling the use and price of water supplied by the City of Kent, and connections to the supply there- of, and anend ng Section 4. of Ordinance No. 680, as amended by Section 1. of Ordinance No. 701, and amending Section 5(a) of Ordinance No. 680, as added by Section 1. of Ordinance No. 713, and amending Section 1. of Ordinance No. 987, as amended by Sec- tion 1. of Ordinance No. 966, as amended by Section 1. of Ordinance No. 974, and amending Section 2. of Ordinance No. 897, as amended by Section 2. of Ordinance No. 966, as amended by Section 2. of Ordinance No. 974, and amending Sections 1. and 2. of Ordinance No. 914,"passed on the 15th day of June, 1959, and approved on the 16th day of June, 1959, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: "INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION CHARGES INSIDE CITY LIMITS. (a) Any property owner within the city limits applying for water service shall pay a service, material and connection charge .This charge will include the cost of the connection and laying of pipe from the city water main to the property line of the property to which service is desire or a distance of 60 feet from the main towards such property line, whichever is shorter. The minimum charge so established is as follows: 1100.00 for each 5/8 X 3/4 connection 200.00 for each 1" connection 300.00 for each 12' connection '535.00 for each 2" connection. These rates shall apply to all connections and shall be in addition to the charges hereinafter set forth in subpara- graph (b),(c), and (d), when applicable. Service charges for larger than 24 shall be based on the 1. actual cost of such connection. In the event a smaller i meter is installed than the size of the service, a deduction in the difference of meter cost will be made from the charge of that size service. All service material will remain the property of the city. If the tap is changed to one of larger size, the cost and expense of such change must be paid before the larger sized tap is installed. If it becomes necessary during the installation of said connection, to break and replace either concrete or black top paving, then in each instance an additional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair. (b) In addition, to reim,urse the City for water in place in reservoirs, storage tanks and oversize mains, the owner of property connecting to a main, whether abutting said main or not, if said property has not previous to the effective date of this section contriouted to the cost of construction of an approved main, shall be required to pay a sum based on a factor of $100.00 per acre, except that the charge under this section for each single family residence shall in any event be $;;0.00. If the parcel of property to be connected is 1/2 acre or less, the sum to be paid for such parcel shall be $50.00. If more than 1/2 acre but less than 1 acre, the sum to be paid for such parcel shall be $100.00. Each additional acre or portion thereof connected shall be charged on the same basis. (c) If the parcel to be connected abuts on an existing, main and such connection can be made without installation of any six inch or larger main, and such abutting property has not previously been assessed for a main and has not previously contributed its proportionate share of construction costs for a main, then the owner of such property may be connected to such abutting main upon the payment of a special additional connection charge equal to $2.00 per front foot of the property to be served. This portion of the connection charge may be paid in cash or deferred for payment in 4 quarterly install- ments on a contract form to be provided by the city. Such contract shall permit payment on any quarterly payment date and shall bear interest at per annum until paid. Such contract shall be recorded in the records of the ming County Auditor at the expense of the owner and shall provide that the �iai�.xxxp unpaid portion of the connection charge shall be a lien upon the c;roperty to which said connection is made, superior to all other liens and encumbrances except those for general taxes and special assessments which may be foreclosed in the same manner provided by law for the foreclosure of delinquent local improvement district assessment liens. Said contract shall further provide that in the eventof delinquency in the payment of such connection charge, the water foreman may disconnect the city's water service from and refuse to supply water to the premises in default until said delin- quent payments are paid in full, this remedy to be concurrent with and in addition to the city's right to foreclose said lien as herein provided. (d) In the event the applicant has land that is not abutted by a main, or desires water to serve a portion of this land which has not bSe assessed for, for contributed to c5 bier°ase° ec2ps�gH�t�8n a��_Pj n n°Gvr � Y� ° of i ° i qnnot 2. for a special permit to install an extended service line from the nearest main. The application shall state the location and legal description of the land sought to be served, the location of the nearest main, the name, address and telephone num- ber of the applicant, and such other information as is usually required by the City of applicants for water service. Permission may be granted upon the following conditions: 1. That the applicant obtain all easements which may be necessary for the installation of said service. 2. That each extended service shall be limited to one user. 3. That applicant pay in advance, in addition to the normal connection charge for the size con- nection applied for, an extended service charge of; a, QQ . QQ provided, however, that in the event the use soughth�sm�Tnserve a building in existence at the time from which service was sought was installed, upon a portion of the applicant's land which has not been assessed for or contributed to the cost of said main, he shall not be required to pay such extended service charge until such time as application shall be made to serve the portion of land which has been so assessed or contributed, when the extended service charge so delayed shall be forthwith due and f,sayable to the City. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five () days from and alter its passage, approval and publication, as by law provided. i Atteat y p ,roved as to form: i -- Mayor X p Passed the May 21, 1962 ,Approved the 21st day of May, 1;62 Published the 23rd day of May, i:)u2.