HomeMy WebLinkAbout1126ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Kent providing for the flUrpridation of the water supply of said City.. WHEREAS, it has been recommended by the Washin6ton State Health Department that flocride be added to the water supply of the City of Kent, and, WHEREAS, the local healtli officer has reported to the City of Kent his opinion that the addition of flUaride to the water supply of the City of Kent is In the public interest of the citizens of the City, now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT as follows: Section 1. That a source of fld-oride ion approved by the State of Washington Department of Health be added to the water supply of the City of Kent under the rules and regulations of the Wash- in6ton State Board of Health, such addition to be administered in a manner approved by the State Director of Public Health. Section 2. That the water department of the City of Kent, upon consultation with the City Engineer and with the City Health Officer, be hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications and to -proceed as soon as may be and upon the budgeting of funds therefor with the work necessary to accomplish the 1--luri-)os-- specified in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. '-;'hat there shall be, includid annually in the budget of the water department of the City of Kent and beginning with 11 co) the budget for the year 1903, an amount necessary to carry on the program of flUeridation of the City's water supply as p .--ovid for in Section 1 hereof. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force fi days from and after its passage, approval and ;publication as by law provided. A t t u: -- rk yor Approved as to form: r 7 City Attcrn y - Passed the 7th day of May, 1932 Approved the '(th day of May, 1;32 Published the 9th day of May, 19�D2. 0